Chapter 48: A new problem

We see an imperial shuttle entering the hanger of the Star destroyer. Once landed the doors open and Y/n, Apollyon, Nick, Jeanne and Carla walk out of the shuttle and look around to see that the hanger is empty.

Y/n: Quiet. Too Quiet.

Apollyon: You think they know we are here?

Nick: Must have.

Carla: We can't be standing around here and do nothing. We have to find Wendy.

Jeanne: Any Happy.

Carla: Right. Wait, where is Natsu?

They look back and sees that Natsu is on the floor due to his motion sickness which Nick sighs.

Nick: Me and Jeanne will stay here and watch Natsu. Apollyon, Y/n and Carla, you three will go amd find Happy and Wendy. We'll group up here once you three have them.

Y/n: Right. Stay safe.

Nick: Same to you three as well.

Y/n, Apollyon and Carla head out to find Wendy and Happy. We cut to them walking down the hallways of the star destroyer.

Apollyon: They may have hold them at the holding cell.

Y/n: Seems like a bad choice to keep a dragon slayer in.

Carla: Unlike Natsu, Wendy doesn't rely on his dragon slayer magic but just his healing. Still we should hurry before something bad would happen to them.

Y/n: Right.

They soon turn a corner only for bolts to be flying which they take cover. At the end od the hall were stormtroopers firing at them. Y/n roll out of cover and retuen fire. Apollyon deploy his light saber and deflected the incoming bolts.

A few were taking out so Y/n charges forward then tackle a few down. He force pushes them back against the wall then pulled out his spear and takes them out.

He swing his spear around, landing strikes and blows at the stormtroopers. One try to shoot him only to not effect him which Y/n turns ans force push him against the wall.

He then took out the last stormtrooper and once all were down Apollyon and Carla approaches Y/n.

Apollyon: Maybe next time save some for me.

Y/n: (smirk) Promise.

Carla: If you boys done chatting, we should get a move on.

Y/n: Right. Let's go.


They arrive at the holding cell and they begin to look around for Wendy and Happy. They split up and they look around for the two. Apollyon and Carla were at another section of the holding cells and they were looking through the cells.

We cut to Y/n at another and he look through the cells. After long minutes he finally found the two. He opens the cell door and walk in. The two were unconscious so Y/n approaches Wendy and gently shake her.

Y/n: Wendy? You okay? Wendy, happy! Wake up!

Happy: (wakes up) Is it fish time? Wait, where the heck I'm I?!

Y/n is relieved Happy is awake then Wendy begins to wake up. Immediately she scream in fear and crawl back so Y/n tells her.

Y/n: Wait! It's okay. It's me.

Wendy: (scared) I'm sorry! I didn't mean to.

Y/n: What?

Wendy looks terrified which angers Y/n for the empire to what they did to her. Then he turn to Happy.

Y/n: What did they do to you two?

Happy: I think it's starting to come back. Wait, I remember now. We were taking to this ship won't believe what they want Wendy to do.

(Flash back)

We find Jason, Hex,  and Imperial commanders at what looks like a test chamber with a captured Wendy and Happy as well as a coffin in the middle of the room.

Imperial commander 1: Why did you bring us here Jason?

Jason: To show you what this little girl is capable of. The planet known as Earthland has magic that is unlike witches or mage. Here is a coffin that contines someone that the Oracion Seis want.

He node to both his stormtroopers to open it. They walk over and they did so. When they open the coffin but Wendy and Happy are shocked to see Jellal inside.

Happy: (shocked) Jellal?!

Wendy: (shocked) No. This can't be possible.

Happy: You know him?

Jason: So you two do know each other? Then you will have no problems to revive him.

Wendy: I'll never do that for you!

Jason: You have no choice. Either you revive him.

He snap his finger and Commander Hex aim his blaster at Happy.

Jason: Or your blue cat friend will be put down.

Wendy: Happy no!

Happy: Don't do this Wendy! I rather die then letting then force you to revive him.

Jason: You have two choices child. The cats life...or revive him. Which will you choose?

Wendy begins to cry however none show any sympathy to her tears. Then she walks over to the coffin of Jellal, looks at him then does what Jason told him.

Happy: Wendy, no.

(Flash back ends)

Y/n is shocked to hear Jellal being revived and why would the Oracion Seis want him. Still he moves those questions aside and turn to Wendy.

Y/n: Wendy.

Wendy: (tears) I'm sorry. I did what they told me and now...we are all going to lose all became of me. I'm sorry.

Y/n: No. None of this isn't your fault. We haven't lost yet. Whatever plans they may have, we will stop this together.

Wendy: (tears) We can?

He gently grab hee shoulder for comfort and tells her.

Y/n: I know we can. I know this is scary for you but you need to be brave. Brave for all of us. Your maybe young but be strong not just for me, but for everyone as well. Can you do that?

Wendy wipes the tears away then gets up along with Y/n.

Wendy: O-Okay. I will. Sorry.

Y/n: Don't apologise. You have nothing to apologise for. Now, let's get out of here.

Both Happy and Wendy agree and they soon meet up with Apollyon and Carla which Carla hugs Wendy after seeing her alright.

Apollyon: Time to make our escape.

Y/n: Yeah. Let's go.

They race down the halls of the Star destroyer and soon they arrive back at the hanged where they see a battle going on as Nick, Jeanne and Natsu holf off the stormtroopers as best they can.

Y/n and Apollyon cover, Wendy, Happy and Carla as they race towards the shuttle and climb on board.

Nick: Let's get out of here!

They heaf back inside and close the shuttle doors. Once on board the shuttle takes off and leaves the hanger. The stormtroopers only watch as the shuttle returns back to Earthland as soon as possible.


Back on Earthland, Y/n takes Wendy to Erza so she can heal the vemon on Erza. Y/n, Happy, Natsu, R0-gr Carla, Hibiki and Lucy stood outside of the tent and it wasn't long till Wendy came out and tell them the good news.

Wendy: Erza will make it. She just need some rest.

They all breath a sigh of relief and cheered. Y/n kneel down to Wendy and tells her.

Y/n: Thank you Wendy. I know you can do it.

Wendy smiles while R0-gr says

R0-gr: Looks like our luck is on our side.

Suddenly the ground begins to shake then seconds later a massive beam is shot out from the distances. They all turn and see the black amd white beam shooting out.

Happy: Thanks for jinxing us R0-gr.

Hibiki: This can't be good.

Wendy: (shocked) No.....they done it.

Y/n: Done what?

Wendy: (shocked) After I revive Jellal, they said that the Oracion Seis needed him to active Nirvana.

R0-gr: Nirvana? That's doesn't sound plea-WAIT, YOU SAID JELLAL IS ALIVE!!!!????

Lucy: (shocked) How? Wasn't Jellal gone when the tower od heaven was destroyed?

Y/n: Look there is a lot of things we don't know. Right now we need to stop the Oracion Seis as well as the empire from taking control of Nirvana.

Carla: Um guys?

They all turn to Carla looking through the tent so thwy look in and are shocked to see that Erza is gone.

Lucy: Erzais gone?!

Y/n: She must have overheard us and ran off.

R0-gr: She's not the only one. Natsu is gone.

They all turn and Natsu was also gone as well. Wendy blames herself more then Hibiki noticed something and immediately use his magic to knock Wendy out.

Carla: Wendy!

Immediately Y/n charge forward and punches Hibiki in the face and point hid blaster at him.

Y/n: (angry) What the hell are you doing!? You have 3 seconds to explain or I will blow your head!

Hibiki: We have to stay calm before we be consumed with this darkness.

Lucy: What do you mean?

Hibiki: If I'm correct then thsi is only the first stage of Nirvana. When it was first activated, it give off this negative energy. I think this can change our personality and made us aggressive.

Y/n: And you think I will believe that?!

Hibiki: Your acting aggressive yourself.

Y/n realise this and immediately steps back and allow Hibiki to get back up.

Y/n: Still you shouldn't have done that to Wendy. She is a child and she been through long enough.

Hibiki: Sorry but let's focus on the mission in hand.

Lucy: So if someone is close to Nirvana then they will be aggregate or evil?

R0-gr: Oh no, if Natsu and Erza be turned then we have a serious problem in our hands.

Hibiki: Exactly. That's why we have to stop it before it will be to it's next stage.

Y/n: It will be wise if we evacuate everyone in this camp and move it somewhere far away.

Hibiki: Good idea.

Lucy: We need to head out and find Natsu and Erza.

Hibiki: Right. Me, Happy and Lucy will go out. The rest will stay here and move the camp somewhere far from Nirvana. With that settled, let's go.

Y/n: Lucy....stay safe.

Lucy: You to.

She kiss him on the cheek then head off. Nick came up and look at Nirvana then Y/n turns to Nick.

Y/n: We need to move this camp somewhere far away from this area. No time to explain, we need to go now.

Nick: Right.


We see Jason at the bridge looking down at Earthland. Then Commander Hex came up behind him and tells him.

Hex: They escape along with the prisoners sir.

Jason: You sound like that we have lost? Unfortunate for them, we have this.

He then pulls up a vile of Wendy's blood inside that he took while Wendy was unconscious.

Hex: What will you blame to do with it?

Jason: For experiments of course. But I also needed Y/n's DNA. Commander Hex, head down there and get me his blood.

Commander Hex: Yes sir.

He then turn and leaves the bridge while Jason looks at the vile with Wendy's blood as he lend out a sinister smirk as he has plans for Wendy's and soon Y/n's DNA for his experiments.

To be continued.......................................

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