Chapter 47: Rescue the sky dragon

We see a camp site being made by the group as a small base with Mandalorians coming in and out either by speeders or jetpacks. Within one the tents we see Y/n sitting next to the still poisoned Erza.

Her arm slowly turns purple while she is dealing with extreme pain as Y/n grabs her hand to ensure her that he is still with her.

Y/n: Just stay with me Erza. Please.

Seeing Erza going through so much pain made him worry that she will soon die which he cannot afford as he lower his head.

???: There you are. Everyone is waiting for you.

He glance over to see Carla as he then gets up and make his leave while Carla summons her wings and follow after him.

Y/n: So you have wings like happy. Does all talking cats have wings?

Carla: Still if your concerned about Erza then there is a way to save her. We need to find Wendy....and that blue cat but most importantly Wendy.

Y/n: Because her healing powers can cure Erza?

Carla: Yes but more than that. She's a dragon slayer.

Y/n: What? You didn't tell us.

Carla: I'm not responsible to tell you all that she's a dragon slayer. If anyone, it would be Wendy. But yes, she is a sky dragon slayer and if they captured her then that means they are up to something.

Y/n: If the empire tries to experiment on her then we have a problem.

Carla: What can possibly these so call "Empire" do to her?

Y/n: Something worse.

Then they arrive at a large tent where everyone from Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale and Blue Pegasus. Hibiki and Jura stood in front with Nick and Jeanne as they discuss the plan while Hibiki shows images as Y/n stood next to Apollyon as he ask him.

Apollyon: You alright?

Y/n: Yeah I'm fine.

Apollyon: Hey don't worry. We'll save Happy and Wendy and save Erza.

Y/n: Did Carla told you about Wendy?

Apollyon: Yeah, even Natsu is surprised. Makes you wonder how many they are in the world.

Y/n: Who knows. Hopefully not one that is evil.

Apollyon: That will be devastating.

Y/n: Yeah.

Nick: Thanks to a few scouts we managed to locate what seems like a small outpost. Our plan is to sent a small team to get in and find Wendy and Happy. Natsu, Apollyon, Y/n, you three are with me and Jeanne. Lucy, R0-gr, Carla and Hibiki will stay here while the rest hunt down the members of the Oracion Seis.

Juro: This time we must work together in order to win. If there are any problems, contact us and we'll help.

Natsu: Alright! Let's go!


Y/n, Apollyon, Nick, Jeanne and Natsu travel through the forest to head to the location. While walking Y/n taps Nick on the shoulder which he gets his attention.

Y/n: Just want to say thanks for letting me to tag along.

Nick: I know how Erza is important to you. I can't just let you worry her and two others.

Y/n: Wendy is just a kid. I just don't want her to uo through the trauma that I've been through....but worse.

Nick: That won't happen. We will save her.

Natsu: And Happy as well. They better not harm him!

Jeanne: Any ideas why the Empire and the Oracion Seis wanted Wendy?

Nick: He may want to experiment her. Possibly using her DNA.

Natsu: Yeah what is with this guy? Why is he so interested with DNA and cloning?


Y/n: There's more to him, isn't?

Nick: Yeah. I fail to tell you about his past. You see...he didn't started out as part of the Imperial Navy. He was once a scientist working on a Empires secret project during the rise of the empire. It was called Project: Necromancer.

Y/n: What is that?

Nick: The project involved M-count transfer, spearheaded by Chief scientific Doctor Royce Hemlock. It was their most important project that Emperor Palpatine. According to records, he was just a science working there until the facility he was in was attacked. He copy all the files about the project and left. Sometime later he wants to recreat his own experiment but better than Project Necromancer.

Natsu: How did you get all of this?

Nick: Former scientists, detective clone troopers and Rogue high ranking officers told me about it. Most friendly while others......well not so much.

Apollyon: So what happened to the facility?

Nick: They say the facility was attacked by a batch of detective clones along with a gaint beast. If Wendy is going to be the first test subject of his project then we need to find her and stop them.

Natsu: (angry) And Happy! I'm all fired up to-

Immediately Apollyon cover his mouth and they hide as an Imperial patrols stops in front of them. They watched as Imperial transport deploy Stormtroopers in Mark 2 armor as they spread out.

Nick had an idea and singals them to hide inside the transport.

All apart of Natsu agree, Natsu try to leave but Jeanne grabbed his scarf and drag him inside along with rest. Apollyon heads up to the cockpit and confront the drivers. Before they alart them Apollyon mind tricks them.

Apollyon: You will take us to your output.

Imperial drivers: We will take you to our outpost.

They begin to head off with the stormtroopers watch it go but they didn't seem to mind and keep patrolling.

Natsu immediately gets motion sickness as Y/n gets over to Apollyon and says while looking at the mind trick Imperial drivers.

Y/n: I need to learn how to do that.

Apollyon: (smirk) Why? So you can mind trick Lucy to do something naughty.

Y/n: (light chuckle) No and besides, I don't need mind trick cause whatever I say, they just do it.

Apollyon: (smirk) Oh and that's why I came over to see you only to see Lucy, Mirajane, Juvia and Erza in the kitchen with only an apron on them?

Y/n: Come on I was saying that as a joke, I didn't suspect them to do it.

Apollyon: (laughter) Man you are one lucky Mandalorian.

Jeanne and Nick listen to them talk which Jeanne said.

Jeanne: (smirk) You know what funny? Those two used to be enemies but after this curse island adventure, they suddenly became friends.

Nick: (smirk) Well anyone can deserve a change.

Jeanne:......You know. That apron idea isn't so bad, right Nick~?

Nick: Oh don't you do that.

Jeanne: (giggle) You gonna stop me~?

All awhile Natsu felt like hell. Hours later they arrive at the out post which had a landing pad with a shuttle. Once they stopped Y/n knocks out the two drivers and they sneak out.

They look around and they spotted a small tent with a control console so they make their way over. Jeanne drags the unconscious Natsu and once there Nick gets into the console.

Nick: Give me time to get access.

Apollyon: You better hurry.

Jeanne: It doesn't seem that anyone is here.

Nick: Got it!........Well that's just great.

Y/n: What is it?

Nick: Wendy and Happy are being held at Jason's personal star destroyer above the planet.

Jeanne: Why there?

Nick: Not sure but we need to find a way to get up there.

Y/n: Why not we use a shuttle.

Jeanne: Seems like the only option.

Nick: Yeah. Come on.

They race towards the landing pad where the shuttle is there but before they can they hear speeders ans soon Imperial speeders fly out of the forest and immediately stop.

They begin to open fire which they quickly take cover behind some cargo boxes and return fire. Jeanne slaps Natsu many times so he can wake up while they kept firing.

Jeanne: Damn it! We need to get out of here now!

Y/n: On it.

He pulls out his cyber saber and swings it which cost a wave of energy and vapouriz them. Suddenly they felt a huge thud and then another and another.

Then four AT-AT poke their heads out of the forest all around them and they were getting ready to fire.

Nick: Get into the shuttle now!

They race inside with Y/n swinging his cyber saber and slice off one AT-AT by the legs which fell and exploded. Nick and Jeanne take controls and soon the shuttle begins to lift off the landing pad.

Seeing this Y/n leaps on and takes out two other AT-AT eith his Cyber Saber. The last begins to fire which Nick immediately dodges and then fires at the last AT-AT on its head.

It goes down and crashes onto the ground as they soon fly away. Y/n sat down with Natsu and Apollyon as Nick contacts Hibiki.

Nick: Hibiki this is Nick, we found Wendy and Happy, we'll be back with them soon.

Hibiki: (radio) Right but you gonna hurry. Erza isn't so good and Carla is missing.

Nick: What?! Where is she?

Carla: I'm right here.

They turn to see Carla which Nick ask her.

Nick: What are you doing here?!

Carla: I refuse to stay here while Wendy is in trouble. Besides I can't trust you all of rescuing him.

Jeanne: (smirk) And maybe want to save Happy because there is a thing between you two?

Carla: (angry) I have no interest with him!

Nick: Okay! Okay. Just stay with us and don't do anything stupid.

Carla: I can ensure you I will not do anything that will ensure our deaths.

Nick: Good to hear.

They soon leave the planets atmosphere and sees a fleet of Imperials including Jason's flag ship.

Nick: We're approaching the fleet. You guys ready?

Y/n: Yeah. You know it.


Within Jason's Star destroyer we see a room where e see other imperial commanders there sat down and waiting for Jason to come. Soon the doors open ans Jason walked in with two Death Troopers as he enter the room as they all have their eyes set on Jason as he is the first to spoke.

Jason: Gentlemen, I'm glad you all came for this meeting. Please.....take your seat.

They begin to sit down and so does Jason as he sat down and begins the meeting.

Jason: As you all may know that the Imperial Inquisitors was killed by a singal Mandalorian.

Imperial commander 1: They are very useless. We shouldn't have never trusted formoer jedi to complete a singal mission. There was even three that turn traitor and helping out the Mandalorian.

Jason: Indeed along with these group of people known as "wizards."

Imperial commander 3: Wizards you say? So they are not jedi or sith?

Jason: can say.....a witch and a mage. Which is interesting, they have a power with random kinds of things, for example a power of elements like fire, water, earth well as wind. Speaking of wind.

He snap his finger and his commander name Hex comes out with Wendy and Happy.

Wendy has cuffs on her hands while Happy is in a cage, the Imperial commanders looks at her with interests while Wendy feels terrified and hopes that someone will save them.

To be continued..............................................

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