Chapter 44: A uneasy alliance
At the black wolf clans ship we see Y/n in the training room as he trains along side Sky as he wears blind folds around his eyes, coving them as Sky's Mandalorian warriors begin to fire at Y/n which he dodges their bolts by using the force.
He keeps dodging the incoming bolts while Sky watches this until he order his men to stand down which they did. Y/n remove the blind fold while Sky walks over to Y/n and tells him.
Sky: Your progress is doing well. You've learn pretty well.
Y/n: Thanks. I feel I'm getting stronger.
Sky: Indeed but never let your strength blind you. Even though you are powerful in the force there are ways that your enemy will defeat you. You must be aware of your enemy and be aware of anything around you.
Y/n: Of course.
Then Sky's holopad rang out which he pulls it out and answer it and a hologram of Nick appeared.
Nick: (hologram) Sir everyone is ready.
Sky: Right. We'll be right there.
He ends the transmission and he and Y/n leave the training room and walk down the hallway.
Y/n: So what's going on?
Sky: You'll find out once we get to the guild.
Y/n: Must be important.
Sky: Yes. Its very important.
(Sometime later)
The two arrive and they see all the guild members and Sky's Black Wolf clan standing around with a drawing of guilds as Y/n and Sky joins them.
R0-gr: Your just in time. We were just about to discuss.
Y/n: Discuss about what?
Mirajane: Well the imperial forces have been reported being spotted helping out other dark wizards and given them supplies.
Y/n: So they are trying to make some friends.
Apollyon: Must be. They must be gathering as much allies they can so they can get the Cyber Saber.
Y/n: Huh I'm wonderful who is their leader.
Rose: I believe I know. Jason Moff.
Natsu: And who is that?
Paul: He's both an Grand Admiral of the navy and colonel of the army. He's a clever man who is in charge of searching for most rarest and most powerful relics for the Emperor himself. Rumours say that if Darth Vader would have been killed or betrayed the Emperor then he'll take over as the Emperor's second in command. He's second to another Grand Admial name Thrawn.
Happy: Does he use the force?
Paul: No but he is trained to combat jedi or powerful force users and he has a powerful army by his side. He also very good negotiating with people and making even the most powerful and most threatening crime lords to be allies with the empire.
Mirajane: One of their allies is the Oracion Seis.
Y/n: Who are they?
Gray: What i heard they are a powerful guild that only have six members.
Lucy and R0-gr: (shocked) Six members?!
Y/n: And they are powerful?
Gray: Yep.
Sky: That brings up to here. Makarov told me about them and he and the magic Council agree that they must be destroyed.
They turn to Sky with shock.
Nick: Not to question you or anything but according to intel the imperial forces lead by Jason and the Oracrion Seis will be hard to take down. How do we beat them?
Sky: Makarov wants both Fairy Tail and the Black Wolf flan to walk with three guilds. Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale and Cait shelter.
Jeanne: So we're going to be working with other guilds.
Nick: Seems like it.
Natsu: (smirk) We don't need to work with other guilds. In fact I can take them all on by myself.
Erza: Don't be an idiot! This was a request from master Makarov.
Sky: Makarov is speaking with the magic Council but until he returns I'll be taking in charge of this. We need to stop the imperial forces from invading Earthland. With that settled......let's get to work.
Y/n, R0-gr, Gray, Erza, Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Apollyon, Nick and Jeanne as seen inside the fighter/Gunship along with the rest of the Black Wolf clan as they fly towards the meeting point as we cut to them sat down with Natsu looking like he's about to throw up.
Y/n looks over to Lucy and sense her worry.
Y/n: You okay?
Lucy: Sorta. I mean why I'm I here? It's not like I'm as powerful as you all.
Y/n: Your maybe not powerful but your strong. I know you won't give up and if anything happened I'll protect you.
Lucy: Yeah your right. (Smile) Thanks.
R0-gr: Um what about me? I have a feeling I might be scrapped.
Gray: Quite complaining You'll be fine.
R0-gr: That's what every B1 battle droid told me before I was slice and blown up.
Erza: That won't happen on our watch.
R0-gr: Hope so.
Apollyon: So you guys told me I've met Blue Pegasus before?
Gray: Yeah. We met their creepy leader name Bob.
Erza: Gray Master Bob maybe uncomfortable but we need to show respect.
Apollyon: Bob? I remember a Jedi name Bob.
Happy: You don't say?
Apollyon: Yeah he is a interesting guy but nice to talk to. Last time I saw him he was battling Clones at the jedi library along with a few jedi. Hope he survived the purge.
Nick: We're here.
The ship lands and they exit out of the ship and approaches the building which they open the door. Once the door open the candles lit up which they walk in and look around.
Gray: Looks empty.
Lucy: You think we're the first people to be here?
Y/n: No. I can sense them.
Apollyon: Wher-
??? 1: Welcome Fairy Tail.
Then the lights above came on and shine on three figures which they turn to them as they said.
??? 1: We are-
?? 2: Blue Pegasus-
??? 3: Elite crew.
??? 1-3: The Trimens!
Then they shown their faces as they one by one introduced themselves.
Hibiki: Hundred Night Hibiki.
Eve: Holy Night Eve.
Ren: Silent Night Ren.
They then did a pose which they stare at them as the room was silent until R0-gr spoke.
R0-gr: So are they suppose to be important or what?
They immediately get hurt by this while Lucy explained.
Lucy: They are famous with in their social weekly and they are pretty attractive to many girls.
R0-gr: they're completely unless.
They get hurt once more while Y/n can't help but smile a little while the three stood up like nothing happened and took Lucy, Erza and Jeanne to a seat.
Hibiki: (smile) May you ladies must be tired. Here have a drink.
Hibiki hands Erza a drink follow by Ren and Eve.
Jeanne: Yeah I feel like I need some assistance here.
Eve: Your voice sounds strong yet beautiful. I wonder how beautiful you must be underneath your helmet.
Jeanne: (thought) I don't know I should be flattered or what.
R0-gr: Are we suppose to stand here and watch this?
Apollyon: Seems so.
???: It seems we have some guests.
They all turn to the top of the stairs to see a figure.
Hibiki: Ichiya sir!
Nick: Guess that means he must be their leader.
Gray: Looks like it.
Ichiya: Erza it has been awhile.
Erza: I-Indeed Ichiya.
Ichiya: No need to be nervous.
Then they get a clear look and they were not suspect Ichiya to be a small guy but his face looked kinds creepy. Although his face is attractive his size isn't much attractive. This made Erza shake which is something she doesn't do as Ichiya made it to the bottom step.
Ichiya: It is great to meet you. Miss Lucy, Miss Erza, Miss Jeanne (turn to the guys) You guys I don't know.
R0-gr: Wow rude much. You do realise we are suppose to be working together.
Gray: Yeah so how's about we do that, understood?
Ichiya: Clear now leave.
Hibiki, Ren and Eve: (bow) Thanks for coming.
Gray: (mad) We have no time of this! Do you four even know how to fight?
Hibiki: (smirk) Wanna see?
Eve: (smirk) We can beat your skeleton friend if you don't believe us.
R0-gr: Skeleton friend? Hey wait a minute that's me! How dare you! I'm a B1 Battle droid who fought in many battles ams survived!
Ren: Then that means your strong.
R0-gr: Exactly I-Wait wait wait! I don't know about that.
Erza: Everyone please calm down.
Then Erza got the chills when Ichiya got behind her and sniffing her which Y/n immediately pick him up by the force and throws him away.
Y/n: The hell are you doing pervert!
Apollyon: Nice.
Ichiya was sent flying towards a door only to be catch and turn to ice which Gray immediately noticed and they are surprised to see Lyon.
Lyon: You dare to attack me with this simple fool.
Gray: (shocked) Lyon?!
Natsu: (smile) Hey you join a guild after all.
R0-gr: Whose he?
Y/n: He's Gray's old friend when they were kids. Lyon separated from Gray and try to awaken Deliora.
R0-gr: Oh.....Well he's more cold then Gray.
He then throws Ichiya away as he hits the ground which upsets Eve, Hibiki and Ren.
Eve: How dare you!
Ren: You and your men need to leave!
???: I suppose ladies are not invited.
Suddenly a carpet came to life and attack Lucy only for Y/n to burn it with his gauntlet flamethrower.
Lucy: Thanks Y/n.
Y/n: No problem but I've recognised that voice.
Lucy: Same.
They turn to see Sherry standing next to Lyon.
Lucy: Sherry.
Y/n: So you too join a guild as well.
Sherry: Indeed. Together our love is stronger than before.
Y/n: I see.
Tensions rise in the room as everyone is ready for a fight but before a brawl would happen someone slammed a staff onto the ground and gets everyone's attention as a bald guy enters the room.
???: That is enough! We are all allies here and we should be working together rather then fighting!
Nick: He's right. Disbite our differences we should be working together rather than fighting each other.
They all soon stand down while Y/n ask Erza.
Y/n: Whose he?
Erza: That's Jura also known as the Iron Rock.
Y/n: Iron Rock.....Nice nickname.
Jura: It seems the member of Cait Shelter hasn't arrived yet.
R0-gr: Don't you mean "members?"
Jura: You all didn't know. They are only bringing in one member from their guild here instead of a group.
Apollyon: One member?
Gray: (shocked) We're suppose to be fighting an army and they're bringing in one member?
Lucy: (shocked) This person must be pretty strong.
Jeanne: Must be. Whoever he or she maybe must be very powerful with-
Suddenly they heard a child yells as they turn to see a little girl as she slowly gets up and dust away as she gets up straight and she introduce herself.
Wendy: Sorry if I'm late. I'm came from the Cair Shelter guild my name is Wendy. It's nice to me you all.
Everyone is caught off guard to see that they sent a child here while Wendy looks a bit nervous while Y/n has a feeling there is something about her that made the Cait Shelter guild to sent her here instead of a group.
To be continued..............................................
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