Chapter 43: Love and Lucky
It was another day at the Fairy Tail guild Hall and we see Y/n getting his breakfast from Mirajane and once he gets it and walks over and noticed Lucy who is looking worried for a bit. He walks over to her ans sat down with her.
Y/n: You okay?
Lucy: Hm y-yeah why do you ask?
Y/n: You look worried about something. Is something wrong?
Lucy looks at the entrance and then back to Y/n and then tells him.
Lucy: Okay this may sound crazy but I think someone is stalking me.
Y/n: Who?
Lucy: That's the thing I don't know. Whenever I'm walking or doing something I can't help but feel that someone is watching me.
Y/n: How long as this been going on?
Lucy: Probably a day. At first it was just in my head but now I feel like someone is really stalking me. I'm kinda worried.
Y/n: Don't worry whoever this creep maybe he has to answer to me.
R0-gr: Or me!
Then R0-gr came up to their table ans sat down across of them which the two look at each other and then Y/n tells R0-gr.
Y/n: R0-gr not to sound like an asshole but you don't fight.
R0-gr: I know but thanks to Natsu's training I've become a excellent fighter.
Lucy: Really? Natsu trained you? How did that turn out?
R0-gr:.........Um he may gone a bit too far but hey if I survive his attacks then I'm totally a fighter.
Y/n: Sure you are.
Lucy: (giggle) Come on by nice.
Y/n: (small smile) Sorry.
They laugh a bit all awhile a cloak figure is seen standing in front of the entrance and then turns and leaves.
(Sometimes later)
Night came and we see the trio walking to Lucy's apartment. Y/n keep an eye on anyone acting suspicious while R0-gr is doing some fighting poses to show he is ready for anything.
Lucy: I don't think no one isn't gonna be scared of you dancing like that.
R0-gr: You maybe right but once I show my fighting to this creep. He or she will be.
Lucy: Why would you think this stalking is a she?
R0-gr: I mean what about that Sherry person you talked about.
Lucy: Okay you have a point. Wait how did you know I was talking about Sherry?
R0-gr: Happy told me.
Lucy: I may starting to think Happy or Natsu is the stalkers. Maybe both of them are.
Y/n: Can't blame you to-
Then Y/n hear something behind them step all three of them walking. He can also sense someone behind him which made Lucy concerned when she sees that he isn't speaking.
Lucy: Y/n?
Y/n: Nothing just keep walking.
They keep walking while the figure behind them gets closer and closer thinking they haven't noticed him. Once close the figure reaches his hand to Lucy when Y/n quickly turn, grab the person by the cloak and slammed him against the wall while R0-gr begins to panic.
R0-gr: (panic) Okay Okay I lied! I was not trained to be a fighter! I was bluffing so they can be scared! Please don't scrap me!
Lucy: Y/n got him R0-gr.
R0-gr: He did? Oh well all apart of my plan.
Lucy: What plan?!
???: Let go of me!
Y/n: Not a chance! Who are you and why-
Y/n and R0-gr: What?!
They look at the figure to see a man with blonde hair and a blonde beard. Once it is confirmed Y/n let's him go while he stood up.
Y/n: Your Lucy's father.
Jude: Indeed. My name is Jude and you must be her lover.
Y/n: Depends. Lucy told us what you did and whatever you do we will stop you.
Jude: I have no power to do that anymore. Or anything at all.
Lucy: What do you mean?
Jude: I've lost everything. After you left my business went down hill and soon I lost everything.
Lucy: (shocked) You serious?! What happened to mums grave?
Jude: Is is relocated to another grave. She is safe.
R0-gr: (whispers) You know what they say, karma comes back.
Jude: Hm?
R0-gr: Nothing!
Y/n: So what will you do now you have nothing?
Jude: I'm thinking start all over again. I'm gonna work at the Love and Lucky bank at the next town over.
Lucy: Then why did you came here?
Jude: I.......I need to borrow some money. Just to get there. Please if you give me some money then that would be fine.
Lucy: Sorry but I don't have enough on me now.
Jude: What?! But you must have money! Your my daughter you can't just-
Y/n: Refuse? Yea she can.
Then Y/n gets in front of Jude who glare at him and tells him.
Y/n: No wonder Lucy ran away from you after her mother's death. All you care about is your damn work and money. Did your wife's death ment nothing to you?!
Jude: (angry) How dare you talk about her you have no-
Y/n: You have no right to come here, stalk Lucy, beg for money and get angry when she refused! Maybe after Lucy left for good you'll change your ways but no....your still the same as what Lucy told me. I don't care your Lucy's father but follow her again and I'll make sure you will not follow her again.
Jude doesn't say nothing as the trio leave him be and then he walked away. Short while later they arrived at Lucy's apartment where Lucy is seen sitting on her bed while Y/n came up to her.
Y/n: You okay?
Lucy: Yeah I'm okay.
Y/n: Sorry about earlier. I know he was your father.
Lucy: No its okay.
He then sat down next to her and pulled her over for a hug. Lucy couldn't take it and begin to cry while Y/n keeps hugging her for as long she wanted to while R0-gr is making some good food for Lucy to cheer her up before they head to bed.
(Next day)
It was another day at the guild and we see Y/n having a throwing match with Alzack as the two each take turns and throwing a knives at the target.
A crowd is formed and soon it ended with a tie which surprised everyone. Alzack and Y/n turn and shake hands.
Alzack: (smirk) That was impressive man. Next time I'll won.
Y/n: (smile) We'll see.
Once Alzack left Apollyon came over and tells him.
Apollyon: Hey your armor is all repaired and should be ready to go.
Y/n: Thanks. I feel like I'm walking around naked.
Apollyon: (light chuckle) Is what all Mandalorian think if they are out of their armor a bit too long?
Y/n: Maybe.
Apollyon just shrugged and then walks away. Then Y/n catches something from two guild members that talks about a robbery happen at the Love and Lucky Bank at the next town.
He realised that Jude is there and thinks he could be in trouble. Although he wanted to let him be and have his karma to continue he knows that if Judd dies then Lucy will lose another family.
He gets flashes of his parents deaths appear in his head and he forms a fist and walks off to get his armor. Once he puts on his armor he puts on his helmet and once that is done he walks outside and he flies away to the bank.
(Sometime later)
We see the Love and Lucky bank being blocked by magic Council guards along with a crowd of people as Y/n is seen above looking down. He can sense that the hostages is at the main lobby so he takes a deep breath and then dives down.
Within a second he crashes through the roof of the bank and lands at the main robbery where the hostages and the robbers are at as he slowly stood up.
The robbers is shocked that a Mandalorian came as he stare at them and then once charged towards him but he quickly draws out his blaster pistol and fire a shot at the first robber.
He was sent flying while the rest charge towards him. He swap his blaster to his spear and then he charge forward and he begins to battle them. He clash blades at theirs as he kick a few back and dodges theirs swing.
He lands a punch at another robber and then fire his wrist flamethrower at the other. He tripped the robber to the ground and fire his blaster at the last fee and once the main lobby is clear he walks over to the hostages and frees them.
Once free he leads them outside and once outside the magic Council guards rush in to arrest the robbers while the civilians cheered for their Mandalorian warrior for saving the day.
However he looks around and couldn't find Jude. He walks through the crowd ans searches for Jude but there was no sign for him. He thought he failed but then heard.
???: What happened here?
He turn and to his surprise Jude was there and he looked surprised and then he realised he may have arrive here before him so he could have been safe either way.
Jude: Who are you?
Y/n: It's me. Y/n. I thought you were a trouble so I came to rescue you but.....Guess you arrive here late.
Jude: Yes transportation is expensive now.
Y/n: Yeah. I'll be leaving now.
He walks by Jude and was about to leave when Jude said.
Jude: You and I share the same pain of lost.
Y/n: What?
Jude: I can see that. We both lost something that is precious to us. Tell me what did you lost that is precious to you?
Y/n:.......My parents. I lost them.
Jude:......Lost of a family is awful. I understand your pain. Lucy's mother was the world to me. Both her and Lucy was something I wanted to protect all my life. I wanted to bring them joy and happiness but.....when my wife passed away....I felt that I've lost something in my heart. I was buried to my work just to keep the pain away from me.
Y/n: And Lucy?
Jude: I was a fool. Lucy disbite the lost of her mother still wanted to bring joy to me. Rather than acknowledge or stop and spend time with her.....I pushed her away. I realised that now.
The two stood there not turning to each other as Jude looks up at the banks sign and then tells Y/n.
Jude: Ever wonder why we name her Lucy. It's because of this bank. This used to be our bank and while my wife is pregnant we cone here and she thought of a name. Lucy. Love and Lucy was the reason why we name her Lucy. Which means.....
He then turns to Y/n which he turn his head to him as he said with a smile.
Jude: (smile)Your lucky that to have someone that loves you.
Y/n was silent but node as Jude lifted up his hand to Y/n and he looks at it for a bit and then he take his hand and the two shake on it.
Jude: (smile) Lucy picked a right man to make her happy. Promise me to keep her safe.
Y/n:.......I will sir. Thank you.
Jude smiled and once that he step back and then he flies away as Judd watches him go and then he turn back to the bank and smile once more as he maybe one day he'll visit Lucy and rather ask her about money he'll spend time with her father.
To be continued....................................................
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