Chapter 40: Unite and fight

It took sometime to convince the Fairy Tail guild members who were still fighting each other to stop the fighting and have them to realise that not only the girls are safe and no longer trapped into stone but the thunder palaces are seen above them. They all regroup at the guild Hall to discuss a plan to stop Laxus and get the empire out of Magnolia.

We then cut to the medical room where we see Y/n laying down on a medical bed and shown to be unconscious with Apollyon, R0-gr, Happy and Lucy standing by him. Soon Nick came in and walks over to the trio.

Nick: How is he?

Apollyon: Okay I can't believe he nearly died.

R0-gr: You think he'll recover?

Lucy: Only time will tell. I just hope he'll be alright.

Happy: What about Natsu and Gajeel?

Nick: They are fighting Laxus at the Twilight order building but there is imperial forces surrounding it. As long they are there, no one can't get close.

Lucy: What's the plan?

Nick: We need a combine might of our clan and Fairy Tail so we can have a chance. Let's meet up with everyone else and discuss a plan.

Apollyon: Right.

They all leave apart of Lucy as she stared at Y/n for a bit and then lend over and kissed him on the cheek.

Lucy: Rest easy Y/ needed it.

She then leaves the room and leaves Y/n to rest while Makarov is seen laying on a bed across from Y/n also resting as well.

(Short while later)

The Fairy Tail guild members and the Black Wolf clan gather as Nick, Jeanne, Apollyon and Erza stood on stage as Nick place down a holopad which a hologram of Sky appeared as Nick addresses the situation.

Nick: Listen up. Laxus and the empire is held up I the middle of town within the Twilight Orge building. That's where Natsu and Gajeel is at not only that but we have the thunder palaces surrounding the whole town and ready to destroy Magnolia.

This shocks everyone as Nick ensures them.

Nick: But do not fear. Sky here has a plan to take them out.

Sky: (hologram) Thank you. I have many droid fighters that can be use to destroy the thunder palaces. These fighters have no pilots meaning if one of the lightning hits one, there will be no deaths. They will destroy the thunder palaces while we make our way to the middle of town and help out Natsu and Gajeel.

R0-gr: Well at least I'm not touching one of those floating things.

Rose: Sounds like a plan.

Nick: We have no time. Once Laxus realises the Thunder Palaces are gone then there is no surprise he'll have another plan to get what he wants. We need to act fast and stop him before it is too late.

Max: Hold on a minute here! Why should we trust you! Do you honestly think we should be working with you ?!

Nick: We have a common enemy.

Max: Well I have my enemies starting with the one who shot me I the back, right Alzack!

Alzack: I'm sorry I shouldn't have done it.

Jet: (angry) "shouldn't have done it." Well that's laughable!

Erza: Calm down everyone!

Mandalorian warrior: Yeah you all are acting like children.

Nick: Stand down!

Wakaba: (angry) What did you call us?!

Macao: (angry) You better watch yourself. We're the best guild ever to be seen.

Mandalorian warrior 2: If that were true. All of you show nothing but childish behaviour and always complaining and fighting among each other. Face it....your nothing but pathetic.

Wakaba: Why you!

Wakaba punched one and a huge argument erupted as everyone is arguing and fighting among each other either to the Black Wolf clan or to the Fairy Tail members to each other.

Nick and Erza tries to calm everyone down but all were not listening. Everyone keeps fighting and arguing to each other when suddenly a blaster fire is heard and everyone stops what they were doing. They all turn to the stage and to everyone's surprise and shock they see Y/n with his blaster pistol aimed at the ceiling.

There was complete silence as Y/n lower his pistol down and then he spoke.

Y/n: You all are idiots. This town and possibly this whole planet is at a threat of a imperial invasion that is going on take away your freedom and now here you all are, fighting and arguing among each other because of a battle that Laxus forced youse all to do. ARE YOU ALL IDIOTS!

Y/n looks down at everyone and then he sighs and goes on to say.

Y/n: I join this guild for sometime and during my time here I realise something that this guild has unlike many other guilds I was in. Youse have each other, youse were like brothers and sisters, youse have true bound but most importantly of all........youse have family. You all see each other as family. True you may hate each other or are rivals but deep down you care for them. I lost what it feels like to be apart of that a long time ago. I was always alone, never have anyone by my side and deep down......I have a deep fear that if I grow attached to anyone......they will die and I'll be left alone once again. But being here regain the thing I have lost and now this town is about to be destroyed and all of you will rather fight each other then working together and stopping it.

He then points t Lucy and R0-gr and says.

Y/n: Lucy join the guild because she wishes to be apart of a family that she lost since her mother died and disbite the incident with the Phantom Lords, you forgave her and still let her stay! R0-gr was a Separatist droid who other battle droids murder my parents, destroyedmy town, kill all of  my friends and brutal torture me. At first I'm never a fan of  R0-gr but you all accepted him in disbite being a droid and after for sometime I let go that hatred and moved on. The past doesn't mean nothing to me.....not anymore. I know you all were force by Laxus to fight each other but youse all are not to be blamed here. It is Laxus. He's the one that trapped the girls into stone, he's the one thrusting Magnolia and the one who betrayed you all! If Laxus really thinks that we are weak then let's proof him wrong! Time to show this asshole not to mess with all of us!

He then pulled out his Kyber saber behind his back that started to glow blue which Sky's sees ans smiles as Y/n rasied the Kyber saber into the air and called out.

Y/n: Black Wolf clan, Fairy Tail will I fight alone or will you all join me?


Wakaba: I'm in!

Cana: (smirk) Same here!

Elfman: A real man joins another real man so I'm in!

Jet, Levy and Droy: Count us in!

They all agree to join the fight and even the Black Wolf clan also joined in as they agree to work with Fairy Tail. Y/n lower his Kyber saber as Erza walks over and place his hand onto his shoulder.

Erza: (smile) Thank you.

Y/n: (smile) No thank you Erza. You were the reason that I joined Fairy Tail. Thank you for bringing me here.

Erza smiles with a node. Then Y/n let out a groan which Nick came over to him.

Nick: You can rest now. We can take over from here.

Y/n: No. Disbite my injuries I rather fight. I want to end this once and for all.

Nick: Your stubborn but no coward.

Sky: (hologram) I'll ready the droid fighters and they'll take down the thunder palaces.

Nick: Right. Meanwhile we'll assault the Twilight Orge.

Sky: (hologram) Right. Be safe you all....and Y/n?

Y/n: Yes?

Sky: (hologram) I'm proud of you. May the force be with you....always.

He ends the transmission and everyone gets ready. Y/n suits up and get his armor on him and then Apollyon walks over with his helmet as Y/n takes it with the two of them smiling as Y/n puts on his helmet and gets ready for a battle.


We see imperial forces around the Twilight orge as they stood guard where they can hear Natsu and Gajeel vs Laxus going on in there.

Stormtrooper 1: Man must be one serious fight in there.

Stormtrooper 2: Good thing we are out here and not in there.

Stormtrooper 1: That's true.

Suddenly they heard something and look up and see droid fighters flying over town and begins to attack the thunder palaces. Each and singal one of them blows them up but in return they get shot by lighting and be destroyed within the sky.

Stormtrooper 1: Well looks like it's our lucky day.

Suddenly he gets shot in the head as they all turn and they all see the Fairy Tail members and Black Wolf clan charging towards them with a battle cry.

Stormtrooper captain: We're under attack! All forces attack! Hold this ground!

They begin to open fire at them as Y/n who is leading the charge swing his kyber saber and vapouriz most imperial Stormtroopers as Nick, Jeanne along with their Mandalorian warriors fire their missile jetpacks and blow up the Stormtroopers.

The wizards use everyone magic they got to take down the imperial forces and every skill and strength they got. Happy and R0-gr even join in as Happy slammed a watermelon onto one Stormtrooper while R0-gr trips him over and he fall onto thr ground.

Apollyon, Rose and Paul deflected the bolts with their light saber and begins cutting them down. Then a purge trooper charges towards Rose and was about to hit her when Apollyon force push him away as he leap over Rose and begins cutting down the other purge troopers with incredible speed. Once down Rose winks at him which made Apollyon bound but winks at her back snd they keep fighting.

Erza: Y/n! There is a path you can go through! Go an deep out Natsu and Gajeel! We'll hold them off!

Y/n: Understood!

Levy: Wait! Let me come with you! I need to inform Laxus about something!

Y/n: Okay let's go!

The two push through the Stormtroopers and soon they arrive at the building. Once inside they see Natsu and Gajeel on the ground while Laxus stood over them.

Y/n: Stop this now Laxus! It's over!

Laxus: No.....not over. Never over! This is where you will die. I WILL REBUILD FAIRY TAIL FROM THE GROUND UP!

Suddenly a large golden magic circle appear on the ground along with a massive glow.

Y/n: What is he doing?!

Gajeel: He's using Fairy law. He's going to use it on us.

Y/n: No!

Levy: Laxus please stop this! You have to see the master before he dies!

Everyone is slient as Y/n, Gajeel and Natsu turn to her.

Y/n: (shocked) What?

Levy: Please you have to see him before he's gone! Please Laxus!

Laxus stood there in silence and it seems like he is going to stop but then he said with a smirk face.

Laxus: (smirk) Let the old man die. Once he's dead no one will not step in my way.

Levy is shocked while Laxus is charging up his Fairy law. Y/n turn and look at Natsu, Gajeel and Levy and turn to everyone outside and the people of Magnolia. Innocent people will die and Magnolia will be destroyed just like his home. He forms a fist and before Laxus could slam his hand together Y/n rushes over and grabs both of his arms, keeping them away from each other and holding them which angers Laxus more.

Laxus: What are you doing?!

Levy: Y/n!

Gajeel: You idiot your going to die!

Natsu: Get away!

Laxus: (angry) What makes you think your better then me?! Your nothing! WHAT MAKES YOU MORE POWERFUL THEN ME!!!!????

Then lighting appear on Y/n's body as the Kyber saber on his back begins to glow and the glow becomes brighter and brighter as Y/n just look at Laxus at the eyes and tell him.

Y/n: A warriors spirit.

Moments later there was a massive explosion that sent everyone all to thr ground. Window shattered all across Magnolia and the shockwave with so strong it pushed back the trees hard with some fallen to the ground.

Everyone all get up and turn to the Twilight orge to see its windows destroyed and the door destroyed as well as they all wonder what just happened as Lucy stared at the building with fear in her heart as she mutters.

Lucy: (mutter) Y/n?

To be continued....................................................

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