Chapter 36: Battle Royal
Y/n, Nick, Jeanne and the Mandalorian warriors arrive at Magnolia as they race through the streets of Magnolia. They dodge incoming people that were amazed of their rides as they see that everything is normal and calm. Soon they park their speeders and climb out of the speeders as they search around and still no sign of anyone.
Y/n: It's quiet. Too quiet.
Jeanne: Where is everyone? There is citizens but they are not phase on what is going on here?
Nick: Probably didn't know what is going on. What's the plan Y/n?
Y/n: I'll find R0-gr and hopefully he can tell me Meanwhile you two will heaf to the guild and see if everyone is okay.
Nick: Okay. I'll leave you with four Mandalorian warriors with you.
Y/n: Thanks. Be safe.
Nick: You too.
And so they split off as Nick and Jeanne's group head to the Fairy Tail guild Hall while Y/n ans his group heads off to find R0-gr. We see Jeanne and Nick slowly walking through the alleyways of Magnolia, using the darkness as cover in case they were spotted by anyone.
They were checking their backs and their lefts as they slowly make their way through Magnolia, walk by citizens who were amazed of their armor and weapons.
Male citizen: Hey what are you guys doing?
Nick: Um training. Just please step aside.
He just shrugged and continues on working.
Jeanne: We could have told them the truth.
Nick: And cost a panic? Right now we need to keep these people calm and not draw any attention.
After a while they finally arrived at the guild as they approach the guild Hall and immediately sees Pual and Happy near the entrance as they look over and see them.
Happy: Nick! Jeanne! Good to see you two!
Soon Natsu and Makarov came over to see them as Nick and Jeanne walk up while their Mandalorian warriors stand guard.
Nick: Good to see you guys still alive. And you must be the guild master. It is a honour.
Makarov: I'm just glad help came. How did you know we were in trouble?
Nick: Y/n have a force vision of Magnolia being destroyed and when we found out something is wrong by using one of the Separatist fighters as survey the town, we race over here so we can help.
Jeanne: What about your side of the story?
Natsu: It was Laxus! He trapped all the girls into stone and force everyone in the guild to fight each other!
Nick: Turn the girls into stone?
Makarov turns and points at the stage which they see the girls standing in place like statues.
Nick: Y/n will not like this.
Makarov: Unfortunately he is not alone. He is with his Thunder Legion.
Jeanne: And who are they?
Makarov: Laxus most strongest team. Fried, Evergreen and Bickslow. These are Laxus team and agree to his idea of a strong guild. His goal is to set up a battle arena right here at Magnolia and have my guild members fight each other. If they refuse then those girls are done for.
Jeanne: Then we need to find him and put a stop into this.
Nick: But where?
Makarov: If I have to make a guess, he is in the middle of Magnolia at the Kardia Cathedral. However it will be impossible unless you take down his elite team. Fried can use dark Ecriture which he use to create things such as this enchanted wall that we can't get through. Bickslow can use human possession which he can possess anything and lastly Evergreen who can turn anyone into stone if someone looks at her in the eyes.
Jeanne: So target all three and Laxus is next. Sounds easy enough.
Paul: Maybe but be carful. I sense something and I believe Laxus made some allies.
Nick: The empire?
Paul: It's a possibility but hope not. Be safe. I believe Apollyon is somewhere. Last time I saw him he was with R0-gr.
Nick: Y/n is gonna find R0-gr. Hopefully he too is okay.
Natsu: Man he's lucky, I wanna take part!
Nick: You want to fight your own friends?
Natsu: Yeah! But that jerk Laxus left me out.
Happy: Maybe next time.
Nick: Alright then, let's get going. Hopefully Y/n is okay.
Jeanne agree and they head off unknowing that above them was a imperial droid spying on them as it fly away.
Y/n and his Mandalorian warriors arrive at the park where R0-gr was last scene as they search around for him.
Y/n: R0-gr! R0-gr where are you!
They keep searching until Y/n heard a groan coming from the bushes so he slowly make his way over and then go through the pushes and sees R0-gr with Apollyon as Apollyon is seen badly injured and is bleeding.
Y/n: Apollyon! Roger!
R0-gr: Y/n! Thank the force you came!
Apollyon: (smirk) Go-Good to see you man.
He cough out soke blood which Y/n rushes over and helps him up.
Y/n: Who did this to you?
Apollyon: It was an ambush. I was too late to block it and...Well....this happened.
He drag him out of the pushes as Y/n and Roger carry him towards the other Mandalorian warriors with one coming up to them when Apollyon sense it and called out.
Apollyon: Look out!
Suddenly the Mandalorian gets shot and drop to the ground which cost Y/n and the other Mandalorian warriors to pull out their blasters and search around. One hide behind the tree and poke his head out and see something.
Male Mandalorian warrior: I see something!
Suddenly he was shot and land hard onto the ground. The two other Mandalorian warriors open fire. They keep firing when someone leap out of the bushes and aim down his rifle and fire another that hits one of Mandalorian warriors detonators that blow up and took out both of them as Y/n cover Apollyon.
He looks over to see all four Mandalorian warriors are down but not dead which was good. Then Y/n quickly pulled out his plaster pistol and in shock sees Alzack pointing his pistol back at him.
Y/n: Alzack? The fuck are you doing?! We're allies! We're in the same guild!
Alzack: I'm sorry but I have to save those girls. It's the only way.
Y/n: No that's not the only way! Don't you see your hurting your friends! You even injured Apollyon! What did he do to deserve this?!
Alzack: In case you didn't know Laxus have Evergreen to turn those Girls into stone. Lucy, Juvia, Erza, Levy, Mirajane, Cana and all of those girls into stone. He threatened to kill one of them if we won't fight. I can't risk that.
Y/n: I won't fight you Alzack. This is wrong.
He drop his plasma pistol just to show Alzack that he won't fight and hopes he will come to his senses and drop his weapon as well.
Alzack: I'm sorry for this.
He fire his shots but immediately Y/n dodges them and then he fire a grapple that catch his pistol and he snatch it out of his hand and lands onto the floor.
Then Alzack charges forward and kicks Y/n onto the ground. He hits the ground as Alzack walks over to him but he leaps backwards and one's up Alzack try to land soke punches but Y/n dodges the blows as he pushes Alzack back as he try to snap him out of it.
Y/n: Don't you see this is what Laxus wants? He wants everyone to turn against each other so it will be harder for the guild to function! Don't you see what he is trying to do?!
Alzack: Shut up and fight already!
He charge towards him and Y/n blocks his punches and then Alzack try to go for a kick in the waist but Y/n catches his feet and he throws him across from him. Alzack gets up just as the other Mandalorian warriors get up and aim their blasters at him but Y/n singals them to stand down which they did.
Y/n: Alzack listen to me! We can work together and stop Laxus! Just please stand down!
Alzack: Just shut up! Aren't you not suppose to be strong!? I thought Mandalorians are suppose to be strong!
He charges towards him and he keeps throwing some punches while Y/n keeps dodging. His anger grew which cost the Cyber saber to glow red but he keeps it calm and then decided to finish this by fire a grapple that wrapped around Alzack, trapping him as he falls onto thr ground as Y/n walks over to him and picked up his blaster pistol and aims it at Alzack.
Y/n: Sorry about this.
Alzack thinks he was gonna kill him but instead he stun him and he falls unconscious. Y/n breaths a sigh of relief as Apollyon and Roger came up to him while looking fown at Alzack.
R0-gr: Why would he say those things?
Y/n: It's not his fault. I can't blame him for trying to save those girls.
Apollyon: You okay? I sense a little bit of anger.
Y/n: Yeah but I've managed to keep it steady. Come on, we gonna find a place to lay low and heal your wounds.
Apollyon: Good idea. The medical centre isn't that far, we can take that one.
Y/n: Right. Let's go.
At the cathedral we see Imperial stormtroopers setting up with monitors that show spy droids overseeing the brawl between two wizards of Fairy Tail while we see Laxus sitting on the steps as Jason approaches Laxus.
Jason: (smirk) I'm glad that we are working together Laxus. Although I am wondering why you even contact us in the first place? You know that we were the ones that destroyed the guild Hall and teamed up with the Phantom Lords.
Laxus: True however your views about strength impress me. Besides the deal was if Y/n shows up at Magnolia with ghe Cyber saber, you allow me to make my own guild whatever I want.
Jason: Indeed and we help you with anything we need to make sure everyone is in line.
Stormtrooper: Sir's.
Then a stormtrooper walks over to the two and tells them.
Stormtrooper: We just say Y/n entering one of the medical centre and taking shelter.
Laxus: (smirk) That's near Evergreen. Good, inform her Y/n's where about and tell her to make him pay for coming back to Magnolia during my game.
Stormtrooper: Yes sir.
The Stormtrooper walks off to do what he is told while Jason tells Laxus.
Jason: You know Laxus, after all of this perhaps we can make a great team you and your guild. Imagine taking over not just this planet but other planets. Imagine your own guilds all across the galaxy. It would make your guild the most powerful guild in all of the galaxy. No one, not even those like the Rebels will not dare to challenge you.
Laxus: We'll think about that when that comes.
Jason: (smirk) As you wish.
Stormtrooper 2: Sir! We see more Mandalorians within Magnolia and walking through the streets.
Jason: (smirk) No problem.
He snap his fingers and five imperial sovereign protectors came up to Jason as he tells them.
Jason: Hunt down those Mandalorians and kill them. Leave none alive.
The five of them agree and they head odd as Jason explains to Laxus.
Jason: I train them to handle both jedi and Mandalorians. They are truly the most deadly warriors I have ever trained.
Laxus: Interesting. Can you sent a few to track down Y/n if Evergreen fails?
Jason: (smirk) Of course.
The two of them smirked as their plans is going smoothly and all they have to do is to wait to either one of the Fairy tail guild members win or Makarov surrenders the guild to Laxus so he can take over as Fairy Tails new guild master.
To be continued................................................
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