Chapter 33: Warrior or monster (lemon)

At the shores of Akane beach outside of the resort, we find Y/n with Nick and Reznya with their transport/ star fighter parked behind the two as Y/n reach out his hand to Nick which he accepts it and the two shake on it.

Y/n: I appreciate the help. Thank you.

Nick: No problem. Mandalorian needs to look out to each other.

Reznya: Agree. You'll think she'll be alright.

Y/n turns to see Erza speaking to Millianna, Sho and Wally not far from them as Erza explains to them about Simons death which saddens them including Erza.

Y/n: I'm sure they will recover of the lost.

Nick: Right. Well we'll be leaving. Take care.

Y/n: Same to you.

And so they climb inside the transport/ star fighter and then they take off as Y/n watch the Black Wolf clan fly away just as R0-gr walks up to him and ask him.

R0-gr: So what now?

Erza: We celebrate of course.

They turn to Erza with Millianna, Sho and Wally behind her as they approach the two which Y/n ask her.

Y/n: You sure?

Erza: (smile) Of course. Its still our vacation after all.

Sho: Yeah and we are truly are sorry for what we did.

Millianna: Yeah.

Wally: We're sorry for the trouble.

R0-gr: So I guess you forgive me for beaten you two up?

Millianna and Wally give him a glare which made R0-gr see he should not push it and nervously move back while Y/n tells Erza.

Y/n: Alright then. Let's go and meet up with everyone else.

Erza nodes as they all head inside and soon meet up with Natsu, Apollyon, Gray, Lucy and Happy at Erza's room. As they walked in they noticed Juvia, Paul and Ross was not here.

Y/n: Where is Paul, Ross and Juvia?

Erza: Yeah I wanna thank Juvia for also helping you all to rescue me.

Happy: She wanted to join Fairy Tail so Ross and Paul offer to take her to Fairy Tail.

Apollyon: (smile) We can meet them at the guild tomorrow.

Erza: (smile) Okay then. Let's celebrate and have a wonderful time.

They all cheered and so they begin to have a party. They sat around a table with many delicious foods and drinks being served by R0-gr as they laugh and enjoying themselves with Millianna hugging Happy.

Apollyon showing his force powers to Wally and Sho and R0-gr tells somw war stories to the group. However we see Y/n standing at the sidelines watching the party going on with a drink in hand as he looks on at the party and then turn to his drink. The red liquid move gently inside as he remembered he tapped into the dark side once again but this time killed someone in front of Erza.

He felt wrong doing it especially when he nearly killed Gajeel and killed the imperial forces in his brutal rage. Simons death reminds him of his father's death along with his mother which tapped into his anger even more.

Millianna: Meow?

He then noticed Millianna staring at him to which he ask her.

Y/n: Oh hey. Something wrong?


Y/n:......Um is something wro-

Then she place something on his helmet and it were cat ears as Millianna smiled and said.

Millianna: (smile) There you go! Now your a bit cuter.

Y/n:.....Th-Thanks. You like cats do you?

Millianna: (smile) They are the best~! You like them?

Y/n: I guess but....I never get to know what it feels like to have one.

Millianna: Oh poor you. I'm sure one day you'll get a adorable kitty cat that you will treasure.

Y/n: (chuckle) I think I already have.

This made Millianna blush which also made Y/n blush as he didn't understand why he said that but Millianna just hugged him which surprised him.

Millianna: (smile) Aaaww you think I'm cute~!!!???

Y/n: Um.....yeah?

Millianna: (smile) Well this kitty cat loves you soo much because of it, meow~!

Everyone laughs to see this bound as Erza also let out a chuckle but noticed that something is bothering him. Hours gone by and soon it became night time and Sho, Wally and Millianna decided to leave to find their own place which Erza says hee goodbyes to her old friends and once that, they left.

We then cut to Y/n have his armor taking off and place aside as he stood there at the balcony, staring at the night sky when he heard a knock at his door behind him.

Y/n: Come in.

The door open and Erza came in wearing her pyjamas as she approaches Y/n.

Erza: (smile) Your still awake. Everyone else is asleep.

Y/n: Includes R0-gr?

Erza: He calls it his "power sleep."

Y/n: Oh. I see.

Erza:......Is something bothering you? If that is the case, maybe you can tell me?

She approaches him and then place her hand onto his shoulder which Y/n lower his head down with his hands shaking and then tells Erza.

Y/n: I'm sorry.

Erza: For what?

Y/n: For killing Jellal.

Erza is confused when he turns to her and explains.

Y/n: I know you and Jellal were friends when you both were kids. He was someone like a brother to you. He maybe turned on you but you know Jellal would never do anything to you and hoped there was some good in him. But....when he killed Simon.....I.......I let my rage and hate get to me and I killed him, right in front of you. I can feel your fear when I did it and I felt like a savage warrior or.....a monster.

Erza: Y/n. I would never see you that way. True Jellal was my friend but he did all of these horrible things that I can't accept in anyway.

Y/n: But do you hope there was still good in him?

Erza:......I slightly wanted to believe so. But after all of that, i don't think there is any good in him at all.

Y/n: Still.....what I did was something that scared Lucy, Natsu and Happy during our fight against the Phantom Lords and the empire. I was afraid what you or the rest will think of me if you see me brutally killing people that hurt you or anyone I care for.

Then a sinagl tear appear from his eye as he started to cry.

Y/n: (tears) I just.....I just don't want to lose anyone again. I love my home, my friends, my family.......I don't want to lose Fairy Tail or any of you.

Erza can relate his pain of lost. She too lost things that she cares for and so wrapped his arms around him, hugging him which he hug her back as the two embrace. The two hugged for a while until they look at each other as Erza tells him.

Erza: (smile) That's why me and the others girls love about you. Your maybe afraid but not afraid of fighting for the guild and th people you care for. You may see yourself as a monster but to me, to the girls and to everyone else.....your a warrior in heart.

Y/n: (sniff) Thank you Erza.

Erza: (smile) No. Thank you, for everything. You truly are the greatest warrior and person I have ever met.

The two stared at each other and soon their lips touch each other and they began to make out. Both hugged while kissing for a while until they stop and look at each other with love on their eyes.

(Lemon start)

Erza then smirked and tossed Y/n onto the bed with a thud which surprised Y/n as Erza climb onto and was on top of Y/n she can see his surprised blush which she made a soft giggle as she gently touch his left cheek.

Erza: (smirk) I wanna see what a manly mandalorian warrior like you can do against the Fairy Tail S-rank wizard. Don't be afraid to go rough with me.

Y/n: (small smirk) Whatever you say.

Suddenly he turnd over over, surprising Erza as Y/n is turned on as he kissed her on the lips which made Erza made a surprise gasp as he begin to stroke on her body, touching her body which made her turned on and kiss him right back.

Then he grab one of her breast which made her moan so she took off her Pyjama top and tosses them aside as she is now wearing her bra as Y/n begins kissing on her breast, making her gasp and moan as he continues kissing and grabbing on her breast. This turned her on really goof as she grab tightly on the blanket as he continue as he soon move his head up to Erza's next and then kiss on her neck, making her let out a small yet loud moan of pleasure.

Erza: (moaning) Oooooohhhhh Y/n~! You know how to turn ladies on~!

He continues kissing on her neck, making her moan and moan more and more as he can feel her body getting warm. This continues half a minute until she lend in and kiss him on the lips as this made the two to fell off the bed as they began to make out on the floor while taking off their clothes and throwing them everywhere around the room.

They were now naked as Y/n pinned Erza into the wall and begins thrusting his dick upwards of his vigina which made her moan even more as her body moved up and down. Erza hold on to Y/n as he continues thrusting his dick upwards to her vigina as this keep going for one and a half minutes or more as this made the two get heated up and really turned on.

Y/n: (moaning) Fuck your hot~!

Erza: (moaning) Not as much as you are~! Aaahhh~! Hey, I can feel it coming~!

Y/n: Same! Get ready!

He goes faster now which made Erza even more turned on. She never felt this much pleasure in her life as this kept going and soon the two let out a loud yell of pleasure. Y/n remove his dick from her and they begin making out. Erza wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as they begin making out.

Y/n grabbed her butt and squeezes them which made her moan as she said while they stop to take a breather.

Erza: You have a strong grip~.

Then they go back to making out as they continue making out and then they fell back onto the bed and short while later we see Y/n on top of Erza and thrusting his dick into her vigina once more but now he is showing her what a Mandalorians strength is like by giving her what she wanted.

This made Erza letting out moans of pleasure as she never had any of this in her life and must be jealous of Lucy of having him first but still they keep doing it as he grab two of her breast, twisting her nipples which made her scream with pleasure as they kept going for 5 minutes or more as the bed moves forwards and backwards very fast, soo fast in fact it might break.

Erza: (moaning) Aaaahh~! I love this~! Please don't stop~!

Y/n just nodes and keeps on going, making Erza moan more and more, making him turned on more and more until he felt it coming and soon the two let out a loud cry of pleasure and then silence.

(Lemon ends)
(Next day)

It was morning as we find Y/n laying in bed passed out as he slowly wake up with a massive headache as he slowly sat up and thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Damn I what happened last night? My head is really in pain.

Suddenly he was pulled back onto the bed which surprised him as he turn to see the also naked Erza still asleeping with a cute smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around Y/n's arms and cuddle him. He now remembered what happened and see it was one of the most insane sex he ever had.

But he turn to Erza still smiling and can't help but smile back as he kiss her on the forehead and then whisper.

Y/n: (whisper) Thank you Erza. I swear I will control my anger and use the force to protect you and everyone I love and car for. I promise.

Erza mutter something while sleeping which made Y/n smile more and try to kiss her when his door open and R0-gr enter the room.

R0-gr: Hey just wanna come here and see if you are awake and-

He noticed Y/n in bed with Erza as the two were naked as Y/n stares at R0-gr while he stared at the two. He then begins to slowly walk out of the room, shifting his feet and then close the door once he is out.

Once shut he turns and walks away while being approach by Gray who ask him.

Gray: Hey where are you going?

R0-gr: Deleting something I saw in my memory banks before I'll be scrapped.

Gray just watch him leave as he was confused on what he ment but decided to not find out and goes back to his room and packs up and let's Y/n to do his own thing inside, not knowing Erza is also inside as Y/n awaits for Erza to wake up so they return go back to the Fairy Tail guild Hall.

To be continue................................................

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