Chapter 31: Rock musician vs girls
We see Jeanne and Vidaldus battle each other while Lucy and Juvia watched as Vidaldus play his guitar that shoot out sound blasts at Jeanne while she leap around, dodging his attacks as she use both his skills and jetpack to dodge his attacks. Vidaldus laughs, liking how skilled a female mandalorian is and then she draws out two swords and charge towards him.
She kicked him in the chin that sent him flying back and land hard onto the ground as she goes for a stab but he move out of the way as Jeanne's blade stabbed into the stone wall.
She turn to see him trying to wipe her with his hair but she dodges his strike and pulled out her sword and leap up while she does a spin as she almost cut his long hair as he jump back just in time.
Vidaldus: (smirk) I'm impress girl I do like a girl who knows how to burst out her moves.
Jeanne: Oh shut it pervert.
She then fired a missile at Vidaldus which he move out of the way but the missile came around and blows up Vidaldus from behind while Jeanne rushed over and then jump up and kick him in the stomach, sending him crashing onto the ground as she pulled out her blaster and aimed at him when Juvia trap him in a water lock as Jeanne turns to see the two.
Juvia: I got him. That was some impressive moves.
Lucy: (smile) Yeah way ago!
Jeanne: What can I say. If any men thinks I'm defenceless will regret it.
Then Vidaldus open his eyes and suddenly Juvia's water lock started to disappeared and soon it was all gone which shocked the girls.
Juvia: (shocked) I don't understand! How can you be free from my water lock?!
Vidaldus: (smirk) My hair can drain any water as long it is alcohol or oil. Now then, where were we?
Juvia and Lucy regroup with Jeanne as she draw out her twin blaster Pistols as Vidaldus stared at the trio.
Vidaldus: (smirk) Oh wow you three girls are really are sexxy.
Lucy: (scared) He is creepy.
Juvia: And a pervert.
Jeanne: Is that gonna be your last words before I'll cut more then your hair.
Lucy: Kinda violent don't you think?!
Then Vidaldus play eerie meanie money mo while he pount his finger at the three girls as if he is choosing which girl to choice and then his finger landed on Juvia.
Vidaldus: (smirk) Looks like I pick you. Get ready little girl
Because I'm gonna turn you into your succubus!
Juvia: A what?
He then play his guitar when suddenly dark orbs came out and then grab Juvia as Juvia begins to scream.
Lucy: Juvia!
Jeanne: The hell you doing to her?!
Vidaldus: (chuckle) You'll see.
Juvia continues to scream until there was a blast that smoke cover all of them as Jeanne and Lucy looks over to where Juvia is and they see a figure of her.
Lucy: Juvia?
Jeanne stopped her as the smoke clear up and they see her wearing a rockstar like outfit with a new different appearance as she smirked and look up at the two.
Succubus Juvia: (smirk) Get ready you two because I'm gonna rip you apart.
Lucy: Juvia!
Jeanne: Damn it, he must have gotten into his control.
Vidaldus: (laughter) Now this is going to be hot. I want to see a threeway brawl with three girls! I wanna see clothes torn apart, hair being pulled and screams! This is going to be the best! Hahahah!!!
Succubus Juvia: (smirk) You hear him girls. Let the party start!
She then blasted them with water which Jeanne pushed Lucy back and the water hits Jeanne, sending her flying as she slammed into the wall and drop to the ground.
She slowly gets up and noticed her jetpack is broken while Lucy turns to Jeanne.
Lucy: You okay Jeanne!?
Jeanne: Lucy behind you!
She turn to be faced with succubus Juvia as she ripped her clothes which made Lucy scream in a embarrassment while Jeanne rushed over and leap over Lucy and goes for a kick but Succubus Juvia grabbed her leg and then tossed her across the room which she slammed into the wall.
Luvy cover up her chest by tie up what remains of her torn up shirt while Jeanne slowly gets up but roll away as Succubus Juvia blows a punch as Jeanne gets up and shoot out her flamethrower at which Succubus Juvia moves back.
Jeanne: Lucy I need some help.
Lucy: But how! Juvia can turn her body into water and there is no way to defeat her.
Jeanne: (thought) Her body turn into water. Wait a minute.
Jeanne: Lucy do you have a Celestial spirit that does water attacks?
Lucy: Yeah but wh- Oh wait, I know what you are doing! Give me a second.
She digs into her Celestial keys while Jeanne hold off Succubus Juvia while Vidaldus laughs even more as Jeanne dodges Succubus Julia's strikes and blows until Jeanne grab her arms and then slammed her onto the wall.
Jeanne: Juvia I know your in there and I know you don't want to harm us. Trust us, we are going to help us!
Succubus Juvia tries to bite her but Jeanne moves back only to be kicked Jeanne back and then Succubus Juvia blasted her with water as Jeanne is inside the water and then she heard.
Juvia: Jeanne can you hear me?
Jeanne: Juvia! You okay?
Juvia: I can't stop myself. His magic is too strong. I'm sorry.
Jeanne: No need to apologise Juvia. We're not abandoning you to that creep.
Juvia: I don't understand why you care for me so much. After all I did things that is wrong.
Jeanne:.......I know that pain. To be honest with you Jeanne I was not a good person myself back then. I was a deadly assassin who kills anyone that I was hired to do. I ruined a lot of people's lives and i was not proud of that so I abandon it and choice a different path.
Juvia: When was this?
Jeanne:.....It was during the clone wars. Trust me Juvia when it comes to credits, you have to do anything to have food on the table and a roof over your head. Even by means taking on murder jobs. I feel your guilt Juvia and your not alone in all of this. But what I have learn is even if they don't trust you at first, you have to earn their trust. Either by means given up something you like or......risk your life for them.
Juvia:.......I'm glad I've met you all.
Jeanne: Same. Same as well.
Then a key is seen and suddenly Lucy summon Aquarius ad the water burst, freeing Jeanne as she gets up and sees Aquarius staring at her.
Aquarius: Who the hell are you?
Jeanne: Not a nice one I see. Well whatever, show me what you can do.
Aquarius: Don't tell me what to do.
Vidaldus: (smirk) Oooohh another female onto the ring and this one is a mermaid. Now this is getting even more hotter.
Aquarius: (anger) Your a pig.
She then summons a large amount of water which wash all four of them around as Juvia was free and found Lucy as they take hands while Vidaldus drain the water with his hair but realise there is too much water.
Vidaldus: Wait there's too much water! Please stop!
Jeanne: How about no.
Then he turn and immediately Jeanne cut him and his hair down just as the water slowly disappeared as Vidaldus is seen now bald as the three girls see this as Lucy and Juvia cheered.
Lucy: (smile) We did it!
Juvia: (smile) Yeah!
Jeanne smiled underneath her helmet as she puts away the swords and turns to Aquarius.
Jeanne: Thanks for the help.
Aquarius: (anger) Whatever. Lucy.
Lucy: (scared) Yes?
Aquarius: (angry) If you dare summon me out of someone's body then your dead.
Lucy: (scared) Yes ma'am!
Juvia: (scared) She is scary.
Then Aquarius disappeared and now it was just all three as Jeanne sat down on the ground while Lucy fall onto the ground, splashing onto a small amount of water.
Jeanne: Gonna say Lucy you have some keep spirits.
Lucy: (smile) Thanks. Your were amazing yourself.
Jeanne: Please, Mandalorians are trained to deal with anything.
Lucy: (smile) I can say.
Juvia: Say can I ask you something? Some Stormtroopers say Mandalorians are Bounty hunters right? I didn't know Mandalorians are actually a clan of warriors.
Jeanne: Not all Mandalorians are Bounty hunters. Some of us serve a higher purpose.
Juvia: That being?
Jeanne: To show the galaxy that Mandalorians are honourable warriors then just warriors of blood. You may not understand how the galaxy discriminate us because of our armor and weapons.
Lucy: (smile) Well you don't have to worry about us. No matter what you or the rest are, as long you are good, we treat you all with respect.
Juvia: (smile) Lucy is right. We are always friends.
Jeanne: (smile) Thanks girls. You two are the best.
The three girls smile and then they head off to continue their search on Juvia.
We see the other mandalorian warriors having a fire fight at the commando droids as Pual and Rose use theie light saber sto deflect the bolts and return it back to the commando droids.
Rose: (smile) Hey this is like the old times huh!
Pual: Yeah! Feels like old times.
Then a commando droid aim his blaster at the jedi when suddenly a grapple wrapped around the commando droids hands and then Nick came over and kick the commando droid off and then throws a detonator that blows up, taking out the commando droids.
The area was clear as they look around and then a door open which he immediately turn sound and aim his blaster when he noticed it was R0-gr.
R0-gr: Wow Wow take it easy! I'm on your side.
Nick: R0-gr? The hell where you?! And where is Natsu and Happy?
R0-gr: They'll be here. They are just taking care a flying man like owl along with Gray which we met up.
Nick: A man owl? Do you think I'm stupid to believe that?
Suddenly the walls next to them burst open and they turn to see Natsu fighting a owl man which Nick stared at while R0-gr said.
R0-gr: Kinda told you so.
Nick sigh while he fired a rope that wrapped around the owl man as he fall as Nick walks over and then stun him several times.
Natsu: Hey! That was my fight!
Nick: We don't have time fighting these freaks. We need to get to the top.
Simon: No time.
Then Simon appeared along side with Gray and Happy as he tells them.
Simon: I believe the magic Council is about to fire Etherion, we need to get out of here.
Nick: Crap! Everyone if you can read this, evacuate into the ship! The island is about to be blow up!
Natsu: Erza is still here!
Nick: Don't worry I think she's with Y/n and Apollyon?
Gray: You'll think they'll get out?
Nick: If I have to guess, probably not.
Simon: I'll go and get them, the rest of you need to go now.
Nick: Right. Let's move everyone!
They all make their escape of the tower of heaven. We see Millianna and Wally seeing them escaping when they heard something behind them and turn to see Jeanne, Juvia and Lucy as Jeanne aim her blaster at them. The two froze there as Jeanne stared at them and seeing they are gonna die soon so she lower her blaster and singals them to follow which they have no choice.
We then cut to Jellal sitting on his throne with some commando droids when suddenly they were frozen in place while they slowly float up in the air as Apollyon came out along with Y/n and Erza as Y/n shoot the commando droids.
They all drop to the ground as the trio approaches him as Erza draws out her sword and points it at him.
Erza: It's over Jellal.
Jellal: (smirk) I'm impress Erza. You made it up here and now we are face to face.
Y/n: Shut up and Surrender.
Jellal: (smirk) I think your too late.
Suddenly there is a massive shake that shook the whole place as Apollyon senses a massive power and yells at everyone.
Erza: Y/N!!!!
Y/n: ERZA!!!
Then there was a blinding light that cover the whole throne room as Etherion fired and then there was a massive blast that cost the Kom'rk which everyone was on to be violently moved around as the blast sent them back and then everything turne black.
Then we see Y/n and Erza slowly opening their eyes as we see them laying on the floor as the two slowly get up and look around to see around them is made out of lacima.
Y/n: What the hell did just happen?
Erza: I....I don't know. Are we dead?
Y/n: No.....we're not.
We then take a veiw of the tower of heaven now and it is now made out of Lacima as Etherion didn't do a thing to the tower as it didn't collapse or fall. It stood tall only to be turned into Lacima as Jellal's plans is almost complete.
To be continue.....................................
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