Chapter 25: I'm gonna die
We see an Imperial outpost being under attack as we cut inside to see Stormtroopers running away through the hallway while they turn back and open fire but they get shot by Y/n as he appear with his blaster rifle as he take a few shots, taking out the few Stormtroopers while he pushes forward while firing hid blaster rifle.
Then a Stormtrooper tosses a detonator at him but he catches it and tosses back at a group of Stormtroopers as there was a explosion while Y/n continues to fire his blaster rifle at the Stormtroopers.
We then cut back to Natsu and the rest in the room as Natsu lands a punch at a Stormtrooper, knocking him out while Gray freezes them all up with his ice magic.
Gray: I'm starting to question how these bucket heads can be soo feared yet they are easy to beat.
Erza: They must not train well.
Erza says this while cutting down a few Stormtroopers while Lucy summons Taurus as he swing his axe, sending the Stormtrooper flying.
Lucy: (smile) Nice one.
Taurus: (smirk) How about a smooch for a reward.
A bolt hits Taurus from behind which didn't effect him as he slowly turn to the lone Stormtrooper as he lower his blaster as he realised that he's fucked.
Stormtrooper: Oh no.
Seconds later Y/n walks up to the room just as the same Stormtrooper was tossed out of the room and slammed onto the wall and onto thr ground. Y/n enters inside and seeing they had some fun.
Y/n: Nice work. That's one Imperial outpost taking out.
Natsu: (smirk) Man these Stormtrooper are nothing but weak right Happy?
Happy: (smile) Yeah. You suspect their technology would be a problem but it's not.
Y/n: Say where is that droid?
R0-gr: Over here!
They turn to see R0-gr opening a locker as he look around to see the battle is over and step out.
R0-gr: Is the battle over?
Y/n: You should be fighting. Aren't you a battle droid.
R0-gr: Me fight?! No way! I got myself shot multiple times during the Clone wars, I'm not gonna get shot again.
Y/n: Well at least you downloaded the files?
R0-gr: Oh yeah and you wouldn't believe their Password which was "Password 66." Man, these Imperials are dumb.
Natsu: (smirk) You can say that again.
Happy: (smile) Aye!
Y/n: Well we got what we needed, let's return back and look through the files.
Lucy: Hey actually we have been working hard so how about we have a break. You know, we could relax at a nearby town.
Y/n: Lucy.
Lucy: (nervous) Yeah?
Y/n:........I think that's a good idea. R0-gr keep those files safe because we're going on a break.
R0-gr: Roger that! So wait, where are we going?
(Sometime later)
The group arrived at Balsam village as we see the group staying at a nice hotel for the night as we see R0-gr in a spar bath as he sat down, kick his feet up and let out a relaxing sigh.
R0-gr: Now this is the life. I can imagine what my retirement will be like and it feels great.
Lucy: Um R0-gr?
Then we see Lucy and Erza also there as R0-gr enter the women's spar bath as R0-gr looks over to them.
Lucy: I think your at the wrong spar bath. This is the girls spar bath.
R0-gr: Yeah but it's not like I'm male or female. Droids don't technical have gender unless they were programmed to have one. Us B1 battle droids don't. Besides it's not like I have a recording device on my head.
Erza: Do you?
R0-gr: Well yeah but I mostly have recordings of the battle field. Us droids can be downloaded of footages in battle.
Lucy: Huh say R0-gr, what was the war like?
R0-gr: The Clone Wars? It was brutal. Tones of droids dead by the hands of the corrupt Republic.
Erza: Corrupt Republic?
R0-gr: Yeah. You see the reason why the Separatist was formed was because of the injuries system within the council and how outer rims or those who are none human are treated. Because of that started the Clone Wars.
Lucy: But Y/n told us that the Separatist did many terrible things. Was it true?
R0-gr: Well that's what I've heard. I heard one rumour that created a biological weapon on Naboo or that other time I heard about the treatment of Twi'lek's on Ryloth. I thought it was Republic spreading fales information.
Erza: So there's no good or bad on both sides.
R0-gr: We are basically programmed to fight our enemies and thinking of freedom but guess that doesn't matter now since both sides are replaced by the empire.
Lucy: Must be hard.
Erza: Indeed. Both sides have a right to choice, especially droids.
R0-gr: Whoa thanks. You know, i never have anyone who I'd Nice to me. Usually they told me to shut up and get back to work. And...other harmful words.
Lucy: (smile) Don't worry R0-gr we're friends and friends stick together.
R0-gr: Thanks although Y/n may hate me.
Erza: (smile) I'm sure he doesn't.
R0-gr: Well I hope your right.
We see Y/n at the bar and sitting at the booth where the bartender while a very long head was cleaning his glass while Y/n takes a sip of his drink then set do his glass.
He was thinking about everything that has happened to him as he look at his hand. He's force sensitive and he is training by Sky but he still think himself as just a Mandalorian and not a jedi. Then there was R0-gr, he really doesn't like droids because what they did to his home a long time but slowly he start to be cool around the droid but he was a mix.
He remembers how the battle droids killed everyone he loved but seeing one have his personality and thought made him wonder if all droid are just simply programmed by someone higher then him or not.
???: Oh hey there Y/n.
He look over to see Loke as he sat down next to him as the bartender gives him his drink and the two sat and drink away.
Loke: So how are you doing?
Y/n: Good. Just came here to clear my mind of something.
Loke: Oh....same here. So Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Loke: I heard your being trained by Sky to control your force abilities. How is that doing?
Y/n: Doing well. I am getting use to some but not all.
Loke: I may not understand it but it must be hard to get use to.
Y/n: Yeah. I was trained to be a Mandalorian warrior all my life. Learn the weapons, making my own armor, learn how to fight and use equipment in battle. When I learn I was force sensitive, it may me confused. Questioning why was I given this power and why me?
Loke: Guess we can't be sure.
Y/n: Anyways what brings you here Loke?
Loke: Oh just gonna have a drink.
Y/n: Well since we are here, I wanna know why your scared of Lucy?
Loke: It's not her I'm scared of.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Loke: She just......reminds me of something I knew.
Y/n: Who?
Then he stop talking and staring at Y/n almost like something was behind him. Y/n turn around and there was nothing behind him.
Loke: Sorry I gonna go now.
Y/n: Why? Who is it she reminds you of?
He then walked up to the exit and then stop for a moment and then turn around to look at him and then he tells him.
Loke: I'm.....I'm gonna die Y/n. Sorry but.....not now.
The he left leaving Y/n confused as he wondered what he ment by that and if he maybe in danger but whose altering him?
They return back the still rebuilding fairy Taip guild Hall as Y/n sat there at the bottom of Mirajane's bar while thinking about what Loke ment by that until he got a tap on the shoulder by Lucy.
Lucy: (smile) Hey there Y/n, your acting quiet today, what's up?
Y/n: Oh hey. I was wondering about something.
Lucy: About what?
Y/n: It's Loke. I met him at the bar and he was acting weird. Then before he left he told me that he's gonna die.
Lucy: That's creepy. Why would he said that?
Y/n: No idea. I have a bad feeling about this.
Suddenly they hear loud talking and they look over to see a group of girls arguing at Mirajane and demanding for something so Y/n and Lucy walk up to Mirajane and a group of girls.
Y/n: What's going on? Who are these girls?
Mirajane: They're Loke's girls and apparently he just broke up with them.
Female citizen 1: Yeah and we wanna talk to him! Where is he?!
Female citizen 2: Yeah! I wanna word from him!
All of the girls agree which made Lucy and Y/n shocked and confused even more.
Lucy: Did he also said anything else before he left?
Y/n: Yeah. He told me that you reminded of someone, possibly someone from his past who is a Celestial spirit wizard.
Lucy: I see. Wait, I think I know someone who can help.
(Short while later)
We see the two at the house with R0-gr with them as Lucy summons a Celestial spiral with a cross like face with two which cross like mustache and floating off the air.
Lucy: (smile) This is Crux the southern cross. He knows everything if you ask him.
R0-gr: Whoa that's cool! You have some cool Celestial spirits Lucy.
Lucy: (smile) Thanks.
Crux: (smile) Greetings. How may I help you?
Y/n: I need to know who is this woman or man that Loke is talking about. He told me that this Celestial spirit wizard reminds Loke about someone so can you tell us who this person is?
There was long slince and then he fallen asleep as he snore.
Y/n: Um Lucy?
Lucy: (smile) Don't worry, he's thinking.
R0-gr: How is sleeping a way of thinking?
Lucy: Sure he may look like he's sleeping but he's actually looking through information.
R0-gr: Oh so he's like a computer but older.
Y/n: Yeah probably not say that in front of him.
Suddenly Crux screamed which jump Y/n and R0-gr back while Lucy acted normal as she ask Crux.
Lucy: So you got something?
Crux: Hhhmm it seems the person he was talking about was a Celestial spirit named Karen Lilica.
Y/n: Whose she?
Lucy: Oh I know her! She's a member of Blue Pegasus guild along time ago.
R0-gr: What happened to her?
Lucy: What I read, she was killed on a job.
R0-gr: Huh do you think she must be Loke's girlfriend or wife? If so why did he tell you he's gonna die?
Y/n was slient for a moment as he thinks about it and after a while od thinking he gets up and tells them.
Y/n: We need to find him before something bad would happen to him.
Then Y/n holopad goes off so he answers and it was Apollyon.
Apollyon: (holopad) Y/n! Have you seen Loke anywhere?!
Y/n: No we haven't. What's wrong?
Apollyon: (holopad) He just quiet Fairy Tail all of a sudden and now we are looking for him right now.
Y/n: We'll join on the search.
He ends the connection and then turn to Lucy and ask her.
Y/n: Do you know where Karen's grave is at?
Lucy: Sure but why?
Y/n: I think I know where he is going.
(Sometime later)
We see Loke approaching the cliff facing the waterfall as there was a grave of Karen at the end of the cliff as Loke stared at the grave for a moment.
Y/n: Loke.
Then Y/n, R0-gr and Lucy walked up behind Loke as he turn to see them.
Loke: Oh you found me. Guess you know the truth Huh?
Y/n: It depends what you mean by that. The truth of you and Karen are boyfriend and girlfriend or husband or wife......or that she's your master and you're a Celestial spirit.
Lucy: (shocked) Wait what?
R0-gr: (shocked) Really?!
Loke: (surprised) How did you know?
Y/n: Well remember I told you that I'm getting use to some of my force abilities but not all. Well, I can easily sense everyone here and everyone may have different magic but they seemed to be normal, except for you. Your different to everyone else and at first I was confused until Lucy summons are Celestial spirits and guess what, each of her spirits have the same weird engery around them just like you. I put two and two together and realised that your a Celestial spirit and Karen is your master right?
Loke: Yes.....that is correct.
Lucy: But that's impossible? If a Celestial spirits stays long in the human world then they will die but how can Loke still be alive for so long?
Y/n: Because Karen was not like you.
Lucy: What do you mean?
Y/n: The only reason your here in the first place was because Karen was not kind or respectful to her Celestial spirits and you refusing to not return to the spirit world was either A; You refuse to obey to her or B;.....You were banished because you let Karen to die.
Lucy was shocked by this while Loke let out a sigh and turn to them and said.
Loke: I didn't mean to kill her. All I wanted to do is to protect my friend. Just.....let me tell you what really happened many years ago.
To be continued.........................................
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