Chapter 23: The job for the magic council
We see Y/n making his way to the Fairy Tail guild Hall to see how it is going with the rebuilding of the guild Hall. While he walking through Magnolia, he was thinking about his connection to the force and wonders how is that even be possible that he is force sensitive.
It would be important for a Mandalorian like himself to be force sensitive without any reason for it to happen. He knows some about the Jedis and Siths use the force in many different ways but he doesn't know what type of force abilities he can do and weather he is strong with it.
Still he shakes off the thoughts and arrived at the guild to see it still in construction but things seemed to be going well as he walked inside.
Erza: (mad) How's about you say that to everyone here!
He looked over to see Erza glaring at Laxus while he was sitting there with a smirk on his face as he remembers that Laxus refuse to come and fight along side them during the Phantom Lords and the Empire attacks.
Laxus: (smirk) I'll tell you again, this guild is nothing more but have weak guild wizards. (Looks over to jet and droy) You both were Phantoms own punching bag, it's a good thing I don't know your names. (Turns to Lucy) Which leaves to the one who started it all, the little rich princess , this was your fault.
Mirajane: (mad) Laxus! Would you just shut up! The master says that no one should not be blamed, not even you despite me begging you to come and help!
Laxus: (smirk) Stop your whining! It was not my problem to deal with Phantom nor it was any of my business. If anything I'm surprised that all of you still survived, I was sure all of you would have been beaten like the weaklings you are.
Erza: (mad) Why you-
Suddenly Laxus was hit at the back of the head something head which cost him to jump out of his seat. He immediately turn around and sees Y/n holding hid Beskar spear as he use it to hit him at the back of the head.
Laxus: (amgry) You got a death sentence punk.
Y/n: Your nothing but a coward who thinks your the strongest but yet you refuse to help your guild. Your nothing more then a coward and you've dishonour the title as S-Class wizard. The only one who honour it was Erza who risk her life to protect all of us and she honour her title unlike you.
Erza blushed in surprised while Laxus and Y/n glare at each other as Laxus walks up and stood next to the Mandalorian and warns him.
Laxus: Better watch yourself because if you dare to insult me anywhere like that again. Your done.
Y/n: I've heard better threats coming from any being across the galaxy. Yours doesn't scare me.
Laxus: Oh it will Mandalorian. Just you wait and see.
He walk away and finally left the guild. He watched him leave while Apollyon walks up to him.
Apollyon: You know i was this close of running up to him and punch that coward in the face.
Y/n: Don't blame you. Where's Paul and Rose?
Apollyon: They told me they were gonna investigate an report of a massive ship crash far away from here. They want over there to check it out.
Y/n: Right.
He walked over to Lucy and Mirajane as he sat down and then turns to Lucy.
Y/n: You okay?
Lucy: (smile) Yeah I'm good. That was pretty cool to stand up to that jerk.
Y/n: Trust me, I've heard a lot of people threatening me but they never dare to attack. Still what makes him right to look down to other members like trash.
Mirajane: Well it's because his Makarov's grand son.
Lucy: (shocked) Wow seriously?!
Mirajane: Yep. In fact, Laxus wishes to be in charge after Makarov retires so its the reason why Makarov doesn't want to retire.
Y/n: Makarov is one strong guild master.
Mirajane: (smile) Yep. Oh Y/n I have a letter for you.
She pass him the letter which he pick it up and look at it and then ask.
Y/n: What is it?
Mirajane: It appears the Magic council member requested you about something important.
Lucy: Why him? Usually Makarov gets those types of letters?
Mirajane: No too sure. But it's the first we got a letter that request one of our guild members to visit one of the members.
Y/n: Well whatever it is, must be important.
Apollyon: I'll come with you just in case.
Mirajane: Actually they wish for just Y/n to be there.
Y/n: I'll be fine, don't worry about it.
Apollyon: You sure?
Y/n: I'm sure.
Lucy: (smile) Just be safe alright Y/n?
Y/n: (smirk) Can't say I keep that promise.
Lucy and Mirajane let out a small giggle and after that Y/n left to meet one of the magic council members.
(Sometime later)
At the magic council headquarters, we see Siegrain in his office signing up some paperwork when the door of hid office knocked.
Siegrain: Come in!
The door open and Y/n walked inside as Siegrain looks up to see him as he smiled and put down his pen as he gets up and said with open arms.
Siegrain: (smile) Welcome Mandalorian. You remember me from the trial a while back do you?
Y/n: Never forget.
Siegrain: (smile) Good. I'm glad you arrived here Mandalorian, it's been a while since we see each other. I heard what happened between Fairy Tail and the Phantom Lords. It must be one chaotic battle.
Y/n: Let's stick to the point and tell me why you want me here.
Siegrain: (smile) Straight to the point? Very well then, I request your help with a small job for me and the reward is very interesting.
Y/n: Go on.
Siegrain walked over to a book shelf and looks through the books on his shelf while he tells him.
Siegrain: Several years ago there was a mysterious ship that came from the sky and crash landed onto the valley of metal.
Y/n: The Valley of metal? I've never heard of it.
Siegrain: That's only because it was a cover up by the magic council so no one will not enter. Within the valley is where the ship is, at first it seemed to be abandon and there was no sign of life so the Magic council guards blocked it up ans researchers were sent to investigate it. However we lost contact with them and now we have no idea what happened.
He then find a book and open it as he turn around and return back to his desk and once at his desk he was still looking down at the book while he continues telling Y/n.
Siegrain: That's when you come in. Your from outside od this galaxy so I request that you investigate the ship, find out what happened and then collect any information you can get so we can get to know the ship and whatever is inside.
He then close his book and then look up to tell Y/n.
Siegrain: If you do this then Fairy Tail will be free of any punishment by the magic council for that guild war. Sounds like a deal?
Y/n thinks about this and after a while he looks at Siegrain and then tells him.
Y/n: Deal.
(Hours later)
He soon arrived to the area as he exit out of the forest onky to be faced by a huge hill blocking his way. He use his Jetpack to fly up the hill and then land at the top as he look around but sees nothing.
Once that was clear he continue on walking as he look around for this mysterious ship that Siegrain told him about. After a while od searching he stumble apon a huge opening and down there he was shocked to see what he would never suspect to see. Down below was a Separatist Providence-class Dreadnought that seemed to be attached disbite possibly crashing into a wall at the other side od the valley.
He never knew he can see this ship again, especially seeing one attacking his home when he was a boy. He shoke hid head and then flies towards the Dreadnought and once there he already see dead magic council guards laying on the ground as he suspect their bodies to see blaster wounds meaning the droids must have done it.
He looks over to see a hole so he make his way over and enters inside the Dreadnought. The place was empty with signs of offline B1 series battle droids and Super battle droids laying on the ground broken and not moving.
He ready his blaster rifle as he make his walk through the Dreadnought. Sparks of electricity can be seen above ceilings as Y/n make his journey through the hallway and aiming his blaster rifle around, ready for any droids that may jump at him.
His goal is to reach the control room and download the ships files. Soon he heard something which cost him to stop and aim his rifle as he lend his shoulder against the wall and slowly move forward until he stopped and hears something walking towards him around the corner.
Soon he jump out and aim his blaster rifle at the droid who has a mob on one hand as he drops it and wave his hands up in the air.
???: Don't shoot! I'm just a junior B1 droid, nothing more!
Y/n: Quit! Where is your droid buddies at?
???: Droid buddies? Ahhh you mean my friends. Well they are busy recharging after that battle going on outside. Not me, I was just cleaning up the mess. Can you um.....might low your rifle down please?
Y/n: Not until you lead me to the bridge.
???: The bridge?! Oh no no no! That place is restricted by our captain.
Y/n: You have a captain here?
???:.....Well we have but he's not alive but no one is not allow to go to the bridge, no one!
Y/n: Tough, we're going and your coming with me. Try anything funny and I'll pop your head away.
???: (sigh) Roger that. Not the first time I got blaster or chopped up.
The droid leads Y/n to the bridge and once there Y/n sees the skeleton of the captain sitting on his chair as Y/n make his way to the controls and gets the power back online.
???: Wow so this is the bridge! I've never been inside of a Separatist Dreadnought bridge before.
Y/n: What do you mean? Aren't all droids allow to be in here?
???: Yeah except I was......kinda look down apon by many of my droid brothers. They assign me with junior duties and give me strict rules.
Y/n: Must of suck.
???: Yeah, so much.
Soon he finished downloading the files that he needed and before he could go, an alarm starts going off and a count down is shown.
???: That's not good.
Y/n: This ship is about to explode, come on!
???: Roger that!
The two race out from the bridge and we see them running through the hallway, trying to make their escape bedore the Dreadnought blows up.
Suddenly a pipe fell and landed onto the battle droid which cost Y/n to turn to see him struggling to escape. He should leave the droid to die as he turn to the exit but his gut was telling him to save him so he return back and and remove the large pipe off of the droid, pick him up and the two make their way out of the ship ans seconds later the Dreadnought blows up.
They look back to see the ship blowing up and soon it was in flames. The two stood there for a bit as the battle droid turn to him and said in a surprised tone.
???: You saved my life. Why?
Y/n:......I don't know. I'm not much a fan of droids but still, I don't know.
???: Well I'm glad you saved me! I owe you a life debt.
Y/n: Wait what?
Then the droids starts to reprogram his systems and after a while he was done and saluted to Y/n.
R0-gr: R0-gr B1 series battle droid is ready for duty new captain!
Y/n: Please don't call me captain.
R0-gr: Roger that sir! So, where to now?
Y/n: Returning back to my client.
R0-gr: Roger, Roger.
Y/n regrets saving his life but he can go back so they walk away.
He arrived back and handed the files to Siegrain as he look at them and looks interested by it while Y/n tells him the destruction of the Dreadnought while R0-gr is behind him, looking at all the books.
Siegrain: Hhmm it's ashame. Still we have the files we need. I'll clear up the records of Fairy Tail involvement of the guild war and all punishment will be gone.
Y/n: Thank you. So what do you want me to do with this droid?
R0-gr accident drop a book which he pick it up and put it back onto for more books to fell and buried him while Siegrain tells him.
Siegrain: Well it seems this thing seemed to like you so you can keep him. He might be more use to you and to Fairy Tail.
The R0-gr pop his head out as he ask.
R0-gr: So does that mean I'm free? Finally! Here I thought I'm gonna be stabbed, chop up, exploded, zapped, shot, buried or something but I'm free with my bodies still attached.
Y/n just face palm while Siegrain looks through the interesting files as he smiles in please and hopes there is more that crash onto this planet so he might use them in his plan as the small data pad show Separatist battle droids, tanks and small fighters and gunships as Siegrain continues to look at them as Y/n and R0-gr leave to return back to Fairy tail.
To be continued................................................
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