Chapter 21: Embrace the darkness

A swarm a Stormtroopers grab some cover and taking fire at the Fairy Tail guild members as they were continuing their battle against the imperial Stormtroopers. Cana dodges their bolts and then throws her explosion card that lands onto the feeds of the Stormtrooper as the cards blow up and was sent flying.

Cana smirked while she duck down as a bolt zoom by her as a Stormtrooper rushes towards her while firing his blaster only to be grabbed by a huge hand made out of smoke by Wakaba and he tosses the Stormtrooper away while he screamed.

Cana: (smirk) Thanks, these soldiers are one serious force.

Wakaba: Yeah but I can tell they have bad aim, guess Y/n was not joking when he said they can't even aim a apple up close.

Cana: Yeah but there is a lot!

A squad of Stormtroopers came from the other side as they keep firing at them but were immediately shot down by Alzack and Bisca as the two immediately fire apon them, taking them all out as they fell onto thr ground.

Alzack: Yeah let's just hope Y/n and the others are alright in there.

Bisca: Yeah, since that thing stop making a huge magid circle, I bet we're close to win.

Loke: Well let's keep on fighting!

They all continue to battle the Stormtroopers as they stood their ground and defending their guild at all cost.


At the engine room we see the captured Paul and Ross being cuffed and forced to their knees while two Purge troopers stood by them. A few phantom Lord members was alos there along with some more Purge and Death troopers as they waited for Y/n to arrive.

Allen was waiting patiently while Gajeel passes the time by beating up Lucy as he strike a blow at Lucy's stomach as she fell onto the ground.

Paul: Leave her alone!

Purge trooper: Quite!

He hits Paul at the butt of his blaster rifle while Gajeel turns to him, smirking while he said.

Gajeel: (smirk) What I'm only playing with my new toy. Need to pass the time before this Mandalorian would show up.

Phantom Lord member: (nervous) Y-Yeah but aren't we suppose to keep her alive and-

Then he was immediately punched by Gajeel when he turned his arm into a huge iron pillar which hits the Phantom Lord member in the face.

Gajeel: I don't care what our goal is, if she is injured we can say Fairy Tail done it, who is her stupid father gonna believe? Now, where were I?

Lucy moved a bit before Gajeel kicked her across the room and she slammed into the wall as she let out groan in pain.

Ross: Stop it, your gonna kill her!

Gajeel: Shut up! This is what she will get for joining Fairy Tail. Now, she's gonna have to pay for it.

Boze: Man this is getting too far.

Sue: Yeah let's hope Jose won't blame us for this.

Gajeel approaches Lucy, about to harm her more when Allen open his eyes and then called out.

Allen: There he is.

Then the doors of the engine room open and soon Y/n enter the engine room while Purge and death troopers aim their blasters at him once he stop and look around. He sees Paul and Ross unharmed but he looked over to see Lucy laying on thr ground and against the wall, looking like she was beaten badly.

Y/n forms a angry fist when he sees this while he sees Allen approaching him as he smirked at him while he said.

Allen: (smirk) I knew you'll make the right thing. Now, hand over the Kyber saber and we'll let them go free.

Y/n just looked at Allen and his Purge and death troopers, still aiming their blasters at him while everyone else stared at him.

Y/n: Fine, here.

He then pulled out a cloth wrapped around the Kyber saber as he slowly set it down and roll it towards Allen which hits his feet as he picks it up and look at it with a smirk on his face.

Allen: (smirk) Excellent. A deal is a deal.

He singal his two death troopers to release Paul and Ross which they remove the cuffs and they rushes towards Y/n. Y/n signals them to go which they have no choice as they leave the engine room.

Y/n: And Lucy as well. Let her go.

Allen: (smirk) Sorry but I afraid she's Phantoms target and unfortunately, she won't be going anywhere.

Y/n: Well then, guess we have to take her back by force.

Allen: We?

Suddenly the floor behind them burst into a huge fire like explosion as Natsu leaped out from the explosion hole and roar out in fury.

Natsu: GAJEEL!!!!!

Allen turn hid back only for Y/n to rush over and kick Allen back, costing him to drop the Kyber saber as Y/n catched it and slide it back onto his back as Allen turn back to him in anger as he pulled out hid double bladed light saber as he active them whioe he called out to Gajeel.

Allen: Deal with that dragon slayer, while I'll deal with this Mandalorian.

Gajeel: (smirk) No problem.

Soon Happy came to assist Lucy while Y/n pulled out his Beskar spear and immediately Allen charge towards Y/n and swings his saber at him but he blocks his blow and the two start to dual as they clash their melee weapons at each other, sparks fly out as Y/n strike punches and kicks at Allen while Natsu and Gajeel battle at the other side od the engine room.

Allen: You have no chance against us Mandalorian! You will die here along with your guild!

Y/n: No matter happens, I won't allow you to take Lucy away from anyone, especially from me. Even if I die here and now I'll give my life to give Lucy nothing but happiness.

Lucy: (blush) Y/n.

Allen: (smirk) How sweet, to a Mandalorian like you!

The two of them continue theie dual as Allen swings his Light saber at Y/n, trying to land a strike at him but Y/n dodges his swings and even his us Beskar armor to block the incoming swings.

Then the two enter a blade lock but then Allen calls apoj the force and lifted a few items and have them thrown at Y/n shodh hits him in the back. He step back and then Allen shocked him with force lighting, forcing him to stumble back and then swings his saber to land a strike but Y/n fires his flamethrower on his gauntlet which Allen steps back as Y/n slowly gets up and then fired his writs blasters which Allen deflected the shots.

Then Y/n turn to see Gajeel and Natsu battle and Y/n fired a grapple that wrapped around Gajeel's leg which Natsu picked him up and tossed him across the room, crashing him into the wall.

Natsu: (smirk) Thanks man.

He noded to him while he turn back immediately grabbed Allen's arms as he slowly move his blade towards Y/n's heaf but he active his electric gloves that shocked Allen in electricity but he headbutted Y/n a few times with the 4th times made him stumble back.

Allen shake his head and look at Y/n and calls apon the force to force push him away, he crashed into the wall and land on the floor with one knee. Y/n looked over to see Allen walking towards him which he charges towards him only to be hit by a Purge troopers electro staff as he was slammed onto the wall and fell on the floor.

He tries to get up but more Purge troopers surrounded him and start shocking Y/n with their electro staffs as Y/n groan in pain while Lucy and Happy watched in horror.

Lucy: Natsu!

Natsu looked over to see Y/n in trouble and rushes over to save him but Gajeel appear from behind, grabned Natsu at the back of the head and slammed him into the ground. He the dragged him across the room and then throws him which cost Natsu to slammed into the wall and open a huge hole with a veiw or Magnolia and the Fairy Tail guild Hall.

Y/n: N-No.

He gets shocked even more until Allen stop them and he look down at him and tells him.

Allen: It was cute of you and your guild try to rebel but I afraid play time is over.

He then open his coms and said.

Allen: Order a bombing strike, destroy the guild.

Then they heard tie bombers and soon after five tie bombers came out of the clouds and flies towards the battle.

Y/n: No. No!

Tie bomber pilot: (coms) Locks on target sir.

Allen:.........You may drop the bombs.

Y/n, Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Gajeel and everyone watched as the tie bombers drop the bombs and seconds later there was a huge explosion that took out the Fairy Tail guild while the other members were shocked while some cried.

Natsu was even more shocked including Lucy and Happy while Gajeel let out a laugh while Y/n was frozen in place as he can't believe it just happened. Then Allen kneel down in front of Y/n and tells him.

Allen: This what happens when you decide to rebel against the empire.

He then stood up and walked away including his Purge troopers as Y/n lay there, not moving while Lucy started to cry.

Lucy: (tears) Y/n, no.

Then Natsu slowly get up and turn and walk slowly towards Allen and Gajeel. Gajeel smirked while Allen stepped forward as Natsu walked up to him.

Allen: Your brave boy but you have no match against the dark side of the force.

Natsu was about to punch him but he blasted force lighting at him as he was thrown back and shocked with electricity as he slammed into the wall. Then he fell face first onto the ground while Lucy cover her eyes as two Purge troopers and one death trooper apoorches Natsu as they look down at him as a death trooper aim his blaster at Natsu.

Y/n sees this and flashes of people screaming, blaster fire, explosions and cries of pain and suffering is heard inside his head as flashes of people dying around him, his friends and his family were killed around him. His parents were killed in front of him by Separatist droids as one grab him and took him away, took him away to be a slave, tortured and treated like trash to Separatist leaders and droids.

Now, the Fairy Tail guild destroyed, his members are crying in tears and now Natsu is gonna die in front of him and in that moment, something within Y/n.......snapped or.....awaken

Purge trooper: In the name of the Galactic Empire, you are here by sentence to dea-

(Epic theme start)

Suddenly both Purge troopers and a death troopers were suddenly and violently started to be chocked as they drop theie blasters while they were lifted up in the air.

Allen and everyone else were shocked by this but then Allen felt a very strong in the force and he looked over to see not only Y/n up in his feet but lifting out his hand as Allen eyes widen in shock.

Allen: (shocked) Impossible.

Gajeel and the others couldn't believe this while Y/n was slient while he slowly move his fingers while the three troopers gasp for her and can feel their necks are going to explode. Their helmets started to crack as Allen sees that Y/n has tapped into the dark side and it felt soo strong, too strong in fact he never felt someone use the full power of the dark side except one.

Suddenly the troopers heads blows up and their bodies were dropped in front of Natsu. He looked over to see Y/n reach into his back and slowly pulled out his kyber saber. But something was wrong, instead of blue it was now red as he pulled it out and turn to Gajeel and Allen.

The Purge troopers and death troopers get in front of them, aiming their blasters at Y/n as he glare at them with deep hatred and he walk towards them.


They open fire but Y/n deflected the incoming shots with his Kyber Saber, bolts flying out everywhere as Y/n slowly walks towards them.

Lucy: (thought) Something is wrong. I...I don't know why but something is wrong with Y/n.

He gets close to a Purge trooper and once close, he immediately slice a Purge trooper in half while he swing and cut the Purge troopers stagg in hall before he cut him down. A bolt hit his armor shoulder which he slowly turn to glare at him and then reach out his hand and immediately he was sent flying and splattered into the wall while more bolts fly towards him but Y/n blocks them and cuts each and singal one down, his mind was filled in rage, suffering and a desire of revenge.

Allen was now scared now as Y/n cuts his Purge and death troopers down, slicing up their weapons with his Kyber saber and pushing them away m sending them all flying.

The last Purge trooper charges towards Y/n but he immediately grabbed his helmet and slowly starts  squeezing it as the Purge trooper starts to feel the pain as he kneel down and yelled more pain while Y/n crushes his skull and helmet as his body fell onto his ground.

Lucy, Happy and Natsu were shocked of what he just did as the Purge troopers blood drop out of his hand and then Y/n walks towards Allen and Gajeel.

Gajeel: (smirk) You don't scare me!

Gajeel charges towards him as he changed his arm into a iron blade and try to land a hit at him but his arm immediately stop which shocked Gajeel.

Then he was thrown by a invisible force and he crashed into the wall while Allen takes a few steps back while he active his light saber while he called out.

Allen: Y-Y-Y may have the force but can' can't......

He was too scared as Y/n approaches him. He then yells and charge towards him as he swing his light saber at him but immediately Y/n chopped both of his hands off with his Kyber saber as Allen step back and looked down at his chopped off hands.

He then looked up only for Y/n to swing his Kyber saber at his head, his head immediately came off and his body fell onto the floor.

Everyone was stunned by this while Y/n suddenly reach out his hand, force chocking Gajeel as he float over to Y/n as he glare at Gajeel. Gajeel struggled to be free but he couldn't as Y/n swing his Kyber saber back, finally ending all of this once and for her.

Lucy sees this and immediately rushes over to stop him.

Happy: Lucy!

Natsu: Get away!

Y/n swings his Kyber saber towards Gajeel when Lucy gets in between them as she called out.

Lucy: Stop!!!

(Epic theme ends)

Immediately Y/n stop his blade, hitting Lucy as she look at Y/n, seeing that whatever is wrong with him, he is in rage as Lucy gently touch his chest armor and then stare up at him.

Lucy: Please I know what your gonna do but please, don't do this. I know something has been hurting you within you and I know you wish to end all of this. But this isn't right, i don't know what's inside of you or what made you snap but please......please come back to me. I don't want you to go down this dark path. Please Y/n.....we're family.

The two stare at each other for some time until the Kyber sabers red glow slowly changed into a blue glow as he dropped the Kyber saber and then fell onto the ground as everything turne black for him as he passed out while Lucy kneel down beside him and cry out for him while Natsu and Happy watched in shock.

Lucy: Y/n! Y/n can you hear me! Y/n!!!!!!!!!

To be continued..........................................

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