Chapter 20: Tears within the rain
Lucy, Paul, Ross and Reedus were still in the warehouse with Reedus drawing a painting of Lucy while Paul and Ross were standing around and in slince. They stood there for sometime until Paul senses something and move and stare at the entrance at the warehouse while Ross also senses it as well and the two stare at the warehouse entrance.
Lucy and Reedus noticed them looking at the door as the two stare at the door and after a long minute of slince, the doors immediately blow up and bolts fly out as Imperial Purge troopers rush inside while Paul and Ross pulled out their light sabers and deflected the shots.
The Purge troopers dodge the reflected bolts and return fire while Paul amd Ross defended Lucy and Reedus at all cost. Suddenly the ceiling exploded and then Gajeel leap down and kicked Paul in the chin, sending him flying and crashing into a few boxes.
Ross: Paul!
Ross turns to Gajeel about to strike at him but was blocked by a Purge troopers elctro staff as he pushed her back and kick her to the ground. Reedus was about to draw to defend Lucy but a bolt hits his painting gear and soon he was hit at the butt of the eletrco staff as he fell onto the ground and falls unconscious.
Lucy: No!
Purge trooper: Don't move.
A blaster rifle was aimed at Lucy while she glare up at the trooper while Gajeel smirked and then said.
Gajeel: Have the two Inquisitors along with Lucy to be captured and taking aboard into our base.
Purge trooper Captain: What about the Kyber saber?
Gajeel: (smirk) Trust me, that Mandalorian will have no choice but to save her if she is ever captured.
Purge trooper Captain: Yes sir.
A Purge trooper Captain approaches Lucy while Paul and Ross were being taking as Lucy watched while she look up to be faced with a Purge trooper Captain.
Purge trooper Captain: In the name of the Galactic Empire, you are under arrest.
Inside the Phantom Lords HQ we see Apollyon and Gray taking out a few Stormtroopers. Gray freezes them with his ice magic while Apollyon slices them up with his light saber, cutting them down and deflection their shots while he cuts them down.
Gray: Man how many of these bucket heads is there?
Apollyon: Probably a lot but we can't let them overwhelms us.
They continue to battle until bolts fly out and hit two Stormtroopers and soon Y/n came out as he fired his blaster pistol at the Stormtroopers and join up with Apollyon and Gray as they fought while Y/n tells them.
Y/n: We found out how we stop that huge magic circle that will take out all of Magnolia. We need to find the other two Element Four and defeat them.
Apollyon: Sounds simple enough.
Gray: Yeah, way simple.
Soon more and more Stormtroopers comes out and firing at them. Seeing this Y/n fires a rocket and blows open q hole above them and they head up. They land onto the roof and once on the roof Y/n pulled out some detonators and tossed them into the hole and seconds later there was a huge explosion.
Apollyon: So how are we gonna find the other two members?
Y/n: They should be around here. Mirajane and Elfman are going to try to regroup with Natsu and Happy but we need to- Wait, is it raining?
They realised rain is coming down as they look up and we're confused since it was the middle of the day and there were no clouds.
???: Drip, Drip, Drop.
Apollyon activated his light saber while Gray and Y/n turn and see a young women apoorching them wearing all blue and having a blue umbrella over her.
Apollyon: Is she one od the Element four?
Gray: Seems like it.
Juvia I am Juvia, member of the Element four and I am a water mage, Drip, Drip, Drop.
Apollyon and Gray: (thought) Is she depressed?
Y/n: Listen here, I suggest you stand down and give yourself up. Your outnumbered.
Juvia: I've defeated more enemies in my past, I can take you three on right here and you three will fall.
Y/n: Of course you've never met a Mandalorian, a Grey Jedi or a ice wizard yet. Well let me tell you this, we are here now and we're not moving or running away from a fight.
Juvia stare at them while Y/n stare at her back as he ready his blaster pistol while Gray and Apollyon were ready for Juvia to make a move. Then she blushed, turned away and then said.
Juvia: Very well then you won, goodbye.
She then walked away while the trio stood there in surprise and confusing.
Y/n: Um....I was not suspected that to happen.
Apollyon: Um yeah same.
Juvia's heart skips a beat while walking away as she thinks to herself.
Juvia: (thought) That armor warrior, he sounded very serious and his voice, his voice was sounded handsome and cooler then I've ever hearr off. I wonder whats underneath his helmet? Perhaps he's even more-
Jetpack Stormtrooper: Freeze!
Then Jetpack Stormtroopers appear with their Jetpacks ans surrounded them as they aim their blasters at them while Juvia turns back in shock and little worry for some reason.
Apollyon: (smirk) Now this is where the fun begins!
Juvia: Stand down now!
Jetpack Stormtrooper: But ma'am, we surrounded them and we have orders to-
Juvia: I order you to stand down at once!
They were confused as they look at each other and then he said while he still aim his blaster at them.
Jetpack Stormtroopers: Negative ma'am, orders are orders.
Y/n: I suggest you listen to her.
Jetpack Stormtrooper: And why is that?
Y/n: Because of this.
He fired a grapple that wrapped around the Jetpack Stormtrooper leg and he pulled him which he fell and slammed his Jetpack which malfunction and I sent him flying and exploded as the others step back while Y/n immediately pulled out his blaster pistol amd fired a singal bolt at a window which reflected as the bolt bounce around them and then hit the Jetpack Stormtroopers as the bolts bounce onto their armors and then they fell onto the ground.
Juvia: (thought) Amazing! He took out all of those troopers with only a singal engery bolt, how does he do that.
Apollyon: (smirk) Next time, save us some kills.
Y/n: (chuckle) Sorry, I'll try.
Juvia: You are amazing Mandalorian but unfortunately I must complete my orders, this is goodbye my love.
Y/n: (thought) Wait, what did she call m-
Suddenly she shoot out water at them which the trio move out of the way. Y/n fired several bolts at her but they go through her like water as Y/n sees this and tells them.
Y/n: She can change her body into water so we can't hit her with anything.
Apollyon: Yeah but maybe Gray can use his ice magic to freeze her right?
Gray: Yeah that's a good idea but we need to distract her.
Y/n: Me and Apollyon will distract her while you sneak up and attack her, go now.
Gray nodes while Apollyon rolled out of cover and shoot out force lighting at her but she dodges the lighting while Y/n pulled out his blaster sniper rifle as he takes aim and fired a few bolts at her.
The bolts go through her while she turn and fires water at them which Apollyon catches by using the force while Y/n pulled out two smoke detonators and tosses them at her which blows up smoke and she's surrounded by smoke.
Y/n: Gray now!
Gray leaps out and enters the smoke and uses ice magic at her. Seconds later the smoke clears up and they see Juvia frozen in ice as Gray steps back while the teo apoorches him.
Gray: Man is there anything you don't have on your belt?
Y/n: You really wanna know?
Gray: (smirk) Well just glad that's over.
Juvia: (thought) I am defeated but I don't care, I can see how smart this Mandalorian is. He's very intelligent.
Apollyon: Man it's still raining?
Gray: Yeah it's just soo glumly.
Then Juvia hears this and rage boils up within her which Co the ice to crack and then shattered which they immediately turn as Juvia said in rage.
Juvia: (anger) I have enough of you all saying that.
Gray: Huh?
She then shoot out hot water that hits Gray, sending him flying back while Juvia shoots hot water at Apollyon which he blocks in the force but the water formed behind Apollyon and hits him in the back as he yell in pain.
Y/n: Gray, Apollyon!
Then he dodges Juvia's hot water and then called out.
Y/n: What do you mean? What are you talking about?
Juvia: (anger) You can never understand how it feels like to live the rest of your life while having a curse on you!
Y/n: (thought) Curse? Wait, can it be the rain?
Juvia: (anger) Do you know how it feels like being called names while no one loves you! I had no friends, no boyfriend, no one that will accept me in except of Phantom! You can never understand how it feels like to be alone throughout your life!
Then Y/n stood there as he flashes back to all of his friends and parents killed by the Separatist and being forced to survive until his escape. He remembers how even if he try make friends in prison, they will soon be taking and never to be return again.
Y/n: Your not the only one Juvia.
Juvia was stunned a bit as Y/n slowly stood up, puts away his blaster sniper rifle and then he raised his hands as he tells her.
Y/n: Throughout my teenage and adult life I too suffer of being alone after my friends and family were taking away. True I may not have a curse but during my childhood years I felt like I have. I had to watch the people that I care about be taking away only to never be seen again. I felt like any friend I met, they'll be taking away from me. I know your pain Juvia, I feel the same, but this is not the way. Stand down Juvia, we don't have to fight no more.
Juvia was shocked by his words and how she's not the only one who suffered of being alone. Y/n slowly walked towards her while a Jetpack Stormtrooper slowly gets up and aim his rocket launcher at Y/n and then pulled the trigger and a rocket fired at Y/n.
He turn to see the incoming rocket when suddenly Juvia tackle him away as the rocket goes by them and blows up. The Jetpack Stormtroopers gets up only to be stabbed by Apollyon and fell onto the ground. He looks over to see Juvia on top of Y/n while Y/n was surprised that she saved his life as Juvia looks at him and said.
Juvia: Then......then what about me? Ain't I gloomy, do I ruin things with my rain?
Y/n: No. Your perfect either way. Those people who avoid you should go screw themselves, your perfect no matter what they say Juvia.
She blushed and suddenly the sun came up which Juvia close her eyes a bit and then open to see the sun. She was shocked to see the sun as the clouds clear up. The two sat up while Juvia looks up at the sky.
Juvia: (thought) The sun, it feels soo warm and its soo bright. Is the curse gone, I'm I free?
Y/n: (sigh) Good to feel the sun up.
He then took off his helmet and set it beside him while Juvia turn to see his face while he looked at her and give her a small smile.
Y/n: (small smile) Names Y/n by away, nice to meet you.
Immediately Juvia blushed as steam came out from her ears and immediately she passes out with hearts in her eyes of love as she immediately finds her true love while Y/n was a bit surprised and stood up while Apollyon and Gray approaches him.
Gray: Guess that's it? Only one member left?
Apollyon: Yeah, we should-
Then an imperial droid fly over to them and then a hologram of Allen appears.
Allen: (hologram) Congratulations, you have defeated three members of the Element four and lived, you are a skilled warrior.
Y/n: It's over Allen, you lost this battle.
Allen: (hologram) Unfortunately that's not the case. We have Lucy here along with my traitors students as well.
Then it shows Lucy, Paul and Ross being captive while Gajeel and two Purge troopers stood by them.
Gray: (shocked) Crap this is not good.
Y/n: If you ever harm Lucy, Paul or Ross, your dead.
Allen: (hologram) I'll be happy to set them free if you hand over the Kyber saber to me. Meet me at the engine room Mandalorian, be there within 10 minutes or one of them dies.
The hologram call ends as the trio stood there and then Y/n tells them.
Y/n: I gonna go and save them.
Apollyon: But you know its a trap. He'll never keep his promise.
Y/n: I know but I gonna try. You two regroup with Natsu and the rest.
Gray: Right just take care man.
Y/n: Same.
Once that Y/n walks off to confront Allen so he will not harm Lucy, Paul and Ross while he thinks of a plan in case it is a trap but he has to think of one soon because time is short for him, Lucy, Paul amd Ross.
To be continued............................................
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