Chapter 2: A train battle

It is a new day as we see Magnolia train station with everybody else getting into the train to make their way to the next town. We also see Y/n and his team also at the train station ad he, Lucy, Happy, Natsu and Gray were waiting for Erza to come but at the mean time, both Gray and Natsu start to argue each other while some people turn to look at them argue while Lucy, Happy and Y/n stand by and watch the two argue while Y/n ask Lucy.

Y/n: Dose your friends argue a lot?

Lucy: Yeah best we pretend we don't know them.

Happy: Say why are you here Lucy?

Lucy: Mira told me to keep an eye on them while Erza isn't looking.

Happy: Well seems like your doing a good job.

Y/n: Guess Erza doesn't like these two argue and fight a lot.

Lucy: Apparently so, that's what I heard.

Y/n: I see.

Erza: I'm sorry for being late.

Natsu and Gray stop arguing while Y/n and Lucy turn to face Erza only for Lucy to be shocked about a lot of suitcase and other stuff within her cart while Y/n walks over to her.

Y/n: Don't think it's necessary to carry so much stuff.

Erza: (smile) Best to bring some stiff just in case. I see your getting along with a new member of Fairy Tail.

Lucy: (smile) That's right. Names Lucy and I'm just here to help you on your mission. Hope you don't mind.

Erza: (smile) That's good to hear. I heard many things about you like how you defeated a mercenary with your pinkie finger. I'll be looking forward to be working with you.

Lucy: (nervous) Y-Y-Yeah same here.

Y/n lend over and whisper to Lucy.

Y/n: (whisper) That rumour is not true right?

Lucy: (whisper) No it's kinda a long story, best I'll tell you after this.

He nodes while they were about to enter when Natsu calls out to Erza.

Natsu: Hey Erza, I'll go with you but only for one thing.

Gray: (whisper) Dude shut up!

Erza: And that is?

Natsu: (smirk) Soon we return back, how about we battle to see who is now the strongest. We never have our fight for a long time so after this mission, you and I battle to see who is the strongest.

Erza: I see. You have trained yourself very well disbite Y/n defeating you last night but I'll accept your challenge.

Natsu: (smirk) Alright! I'M ALL FIRED UP!

Y/n: (thought) Guess he'll fight anyone who is strong. No one he wants to fight me when I first step into the guild.

They enter the train and once in the train departs and take off to a next town. It will take a long while so they get comfortable while they wait. They sat down with Y/n near the window watching the landscape throughout the window go by him as he never seen such pretty in his life.

He glance over to see Natsu not looking well which he ask.

Y/n: What's wrong with him?

Gray: He has motion sickness when ever he gets on any vehicles.

Y/n: I see. Here, this might put him in a sleep until we arrive.

He gives him a dart which Gray look before injected the chemicals inro Natsu which cost him to fall asleep as Gray can him back the now empty dart.

Gray: You have some equipment that still surprises us.

Y/n: Thanks. At least he won't throw up in the middle of our ride.

Gray: Still can you tell us what type of mission are you both taking us?

Erza: You see, after I met up with Y/n we were having a drink at a bar when we over heard members of Eisenwald talking about and saying "Lullaby."

Lucy: Lullaby? We heard that name before.

Y/n: You do, how?

Happy: There were those group of wizards that try to cook me and after we defeated them, one of them said Lullaby and before we know it, they were taking by a shadow like hand coming from the ground.

Erza: I see. Those are from Eisenwald and they also mentioned about someone named Erigor. I research that name and it turns out he is a guild member that dose assassin jobs and they even call him Erigor the Grimm reaper.

Lucy: (scared) That's a terrifying name!

Y/n: So you think he is the leader of his small clan?

Erza: I believe so. Which is why we are going to attack their guild and stop them before it's too late.

Lucy: (scared) I think i regret coming here.

Happy: Look your getting slimy Lucy!

Lucy: It's sweat!

They sat there until the train made a quick stop at a small food building which they get out and get some snakes ans climb back in and the train continues on the journey. Y/n has an apple as he take a bite while the rest have other snacks and drinks while Gray ask Y/n.

Gray: So what are Mandalorians? Are they like warriors because I never heard of them before?

Y/n: Mandalorians are warriors who fought with bravery and will die in only to achieve victory in combat. I was trained in a young age to fight as a Mandalorian and master as many combat skills as I can in only to be the strongest warrior I can be.

Gray: So that means you don't have magic?

Y/n: No I don't. Speaking of magic, what about you all. What types of magic do you all use?

Lucy: (smile) Well I can summon celestial spirits using my celestial keys. Natsu there is a fire dragon slayer.

Y/n: (little surprised) A dragon slayer? As in, he can use dragon light abilities?

Gray: Well sort off. I can use ice magic.

Y/n: So no wonder you two hate each other. What about you Erza?

Happy: (smile) Hey magic is very pretty, so much so that she can bleed her enemies with it.

Erza: (smile) Well it's nothing like that but you'll be surprised once you see me in action.

Y/n: Guess I need to wait until we get there.

Erza: (smile) No need to, we arrive at our stop.

They arrive to their stop and once that they make their leave from the train and make their way out of the station while Y/n check his blaster while he ask Erza.

Y/n: So we taking them on by surprised or take them down one by one with stealth?

Erza: We need to stop them as fast so a surprise attack will do.

Y/n: Alright, Happy wake your dragon friend and let's move.

Happy: Uummm yeah we have a problem.

They turn and realise Natsu is not with them while a train they get off rides off with Natsu still inside as they watch the train takes off.

Happy: There he gose again.

Y/n: Crap.

Erza: (shocked) How awful of me! I forgot that Natsu hates transportations. I feel deeply ashamed, one of you must hit me for my punishment.

Lucy: That's not necessary.

Y/n: It's alright Erza, I can get him while you all find a transportation and catch up.

Gray: Wait how can you reach to the train?

Y/n: With this.

He active his jetpack and he takes off flying to catch the train while the rest watch him go.

Gray: (smirk) Okay I got to have one of those.

Erza: Come on. Let's find a way to stop the train and catch up with Y/n and Natsu.

They node and they head off while we cut to Y/n flying to catch the train as he gets close to the back of thr train cart and once he land at the back of the train cart, he open the door and step inside. He looks around to see no one here so he moves on to one cart to another to read where Natsu is at.

Soon he enter where Natsu would be at and immediately he sees Kageyama have his foot on Natsu's face while Y/n grab his blaster pistol and walk towards him. Once he was right behind him he aim his blaster pistol at the back of Kageyama's head follow by him saying.

Y/n: Best to not make him mad if you ruin his sleep pale.

Kageyama realise someone is behind him as he turn to face with him and ask.

Kageyama: Who the hell are you? Are you apart of his guild?

Y/n: No. At least not yet. How's about you slowly lower your feet and hands where I can see you.

There was silence between them as Kageyama dose what he says and lower his feet down from Natsu's face, and suddenly back kicks Y/n but he quickly dodges his kick while Kageyama rolls to cover as Y/n fire his blaster pistol at him which bolts fly out which is something Kageyama has never seen.

Kageyama: (thought) The hell are those things, bullets? No matter I won't allow anyone to ruin our plan!

He place down his hand and his shadow hand appears behind Y/n as he quickly turn and dodge the shadow hand that was about to crush him but he dodges it and fire his blaster pistol at the shadow hand but it gose through.

He quickly turn only for Kageyama to strike at him qhich sent him mide flight a bit but land on his feet and pulls out his blaster rifle and fire a few bolts at him but he dodges the bolts and summoned a large shadow hand and strike a shadow punch at Y/n which he crashed at the back of the cart bit he rolled back up while he throw knifes at Kageyama which he dodges it and then pulls his gauntlet and fire flames at Kageyama which he too dodge while the train made an immediately stop but Y/n continues to fire flames at Kageyama while he steps back.

Suddenly the flames go a different direction and they look over to see Natsh eating Y/n's flames and oncehe was done he wakes up while he stand up.

Natsu: (smile) We're here already? Well  that's good to see.

Kageyama: (thought) Did he just eat that guys flames?!

Y/n: Natsu stay away from that guy! He try to attack you and I believe he is-

But he quickly dodge another Shadow knuckle before he fire a singal blaster bolt that ripe through his jacket while a flute with a skull on it fell onto the ground which Natsu and Y/n see.

Natsu: What is that?

Kageyama: Crap! You both saw it!

Y/n: (thought) Saw it? Can it be.....?

He looks down at the flute and to Kageyama ad he rushes towards the flute to grab it but he grabs Y/n with his shadow hand but Natsu strike a fire punch letting Y/n go while Kageyama quickly grabs the flute before Y/n can take it by using his shadow magic as he have the flute in hand.

He quickly pulls oit his blasted pistol and aim at him but he was grabbed by Kageyama's shadow hand and was thrown out of the train ad he crash out of the cart and rolled onto the ground. He slowly gets up while Natsu leaps off the train before the train moved and so it did as it takes off with Kageyama inside along with the flute as Y/n fully gets up and see the train taking off as he active his jetpack but it was slightly damaged so it will lift him up in the air.

Y/n: Damn it.

Natsu: You alright man?

Y/n: Yeah I'm good. You?

Natsu: Yeah I'm fine. Oh by away, WHY THE HELL DID YOU GUYS LEAVE ME IN THERE!?

Y/n: It was an accident.

Natsu: Yeah right, what ever you say man. Still who was that guy.

Y/n: That's the same guy who I and Erza met at the bar. He's a member of Eisenwald.

Natsu: Okay and that flute.

Y/n: It's possible that's Lullaby as well judging his reaction when he saw us looking at the flute.

Natsu: You think so?

Y/n: It's a possible but still, we need to wait for the rest.

Soon Erza and the rest arrived while on a magic mobile and once they stop they get off and walk over to the two.

Erza: Glad to see you both safe. And Natsu, I'm sorry for leaving you on that train please forgive me.

She then slammed his head onto her chest armor which hurt for Natsu but he forgives her while Y/n tells everyone.

Y/n: Well Natsu wasn't alone. He was attacked by that same man that we both saw at the bar.

Erza: You sure?

Y/n: I'm sure of it. He was wearing a white jacket just like we saw at the bar. It appears he's gonna meet up with his friends.

Lucy: There's a next train station, we can get there before it's too late.

Erza: Agree, let's go.

They head back to the magic mobile as Erza gets on the driver seat and strap on a magic bracelet on her so the vehicle can move but before they leave Y/n tells them.

Y/n: Wait there is also something that is important.

Gray: What is it?

Y/n: During our fight, he drop a flute that have a skull on it. He was shocked that me and Natsu saw it and I believe that flute must be Lullaby.

Erza: You think so?

Lucy: Wait, you said that flute have a skull on it?

Y/n: Yeah you know something about it?

Lucy: Yeah, I've read some books about that flute. If I'm not mistaken it's death magic.

Erza: Death magic?

Lucy: Yeah and if is the case, then that must be Lullaby.

Y/n: So that means they have a flute that if they play it, a lot of lives will be lost.

Erza: Damn! How I didn't see this coming! Get on quick, wr don't have time!

They quickly get on and once on they dash off while Y/n was on the roof of the magic mobile as he pulls out his sniper rifle and aims down the scope to see he can see the train in the distance.

He sees the train making a stop at the train station but then moves on as they get up to a hill and soon they arrive at the location and look down to see many people in a panic and trying to call for help.

Gray lend out from the window to see this as he said.

Gray: Looks like we are too late.

Erza: Still we can't rest until we catch up to them. Y/n can you see where's their next stop using that weapon?

Y/n: Yeah, just let me see where they are going.

They aim down his scope once more and after a while he spotted something and tells Erza.

Y/n: There is a town not far from here. I believe that must be their target.

Erza: If they use Lullaby in front of many people then many lives will die. We must hurry.

They take off as Y/n climb himself inside while Natsu gets motion sickness once again while Y/n turns to Lucy and ask.

Y/n: How can a flute be able to kill people?

Lucy: It must be cast with dark magic many years back. What i learn is that those who hear it will fall dead. If that's the case then we do you think they will gain after killing innocents of people?

Y/n: Hard to say but surely they must be doing this for a reason.

Gray: Still we be fighting tones of their members, you sure your up to this?

Y/n: I've token down 100 dark wizards, I can handle them.

Gray: (smirk) Well can't wait to see that.

Happy: Hmmmmmm.

Y/n: What's wrong Happy?

Happy: For some reason I forgot about something but i don't know what.

Lucy glace over to see a wrap out cloth glow qhich Lucy can't help it and ask.

Lucy: Hey i know it's none of my business but what's that wrapped underneath that cloth?

There was silence as Gray, Happy and Lucy were curious so Y/n lend out a sigh and pulls it out and unwrap the cloth and show them a blade made out a crystal they never seen.

Y/n: This is a saber, I believe it's made out of Kyber so I called it "The Kyber Saber."

Lucy: (surprised) Wow!

Happy: (surprised) So pretty!

Gray: (surprised) Amazing! Where did you get that?

Y/n: Best to tell you that once our mission is done. Still ever since I have this thing, it has been glowing in random times almost like it's a living life form or something like that. Still I was hired to take this away from a groups of people and now, I'm protecting it from people who wanted this thing.

Happy: Why it's just a crystal sword.

Y/n: Yeah but I belonged to a group of people that are kinda have similar abilities like you all but they are more like monks then guild members. They call themselves....Jedi.

Gray: Jedi? What are they?

Y/n: They "were" peace keepers until they were forced to go into war and soon....they were gone.

Lucy: That's sad.

Y/n: Still, they are gone and there is nothing we can do now. Speaking of which, we're here.

They enter into town and make their way through the streets as fast as they can to reach the train station before Eisenwald will unleash their plan towards everyone who live in this town with Lullaby in their hands.

To be continued.........................

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