Chapter 19: The Beast within

Within a small supply building within Magnolia, we see Paul, Ross and Reedus inside and protecting Lucy while she is laying on the floor, still sleep as Ross looked out of the window to ensure no Imperial forces found where they are at or if they were followed.

Ross: Looks like we're clear, for now.

Reedus: We just need to stay here long enough until this battle is wrong.

Ross: I afraid that won't be possible when it comes to the empire.

Reedus: What makes you say that?

Ross: The Empire is one of the most powerful military in all of the galaxy. They have crushed many rebellion worlds across different planets, wiped out anyone who stand up against them and even tracked down and killed many jedi.

Reedus: Just like how you and your partner did?

Ross: We told you, we warn jedi our coming and help them to escape. We're like spies for any jedi survivors.

Reedus: Then why blow your cover?

Paul: Because of the Kyber saber. We know that the empire will not let this go so we have no choice but to blow our cover by helping Y/n and your guild and keep the Kybee saber safe.

Reedus: I see.

Slowly Lucy started to wake up and then sat up as everyone turn to see her waking up.

Lucy: What happened?

Paul: You were put to sleep and we're now hiding here so Phantom or the empire won't find you.

Lucy: Oh....I see.

Then Paul approaches Lucy and sat down on the box across from her and then ask her.

Paul: I know this maybe none of our business but we wanna know what happened to your family? Why did you run away from your family and why your father wants you back? If you don't want to talk about it then that's alright but we wanna know.

Lucy let's out a heavy sigh and after a short while of thinking she tells them.

Lucy: My father wasn't a bad father. I lived in a happy and rich life with my mother and father in a huge mansion in a beautiful veiw of the hills. We live in a happy life together and I love them both. mother got sick and she passed away. I think that's when my father close himself off with me or anyone and forced on his work and his company rather then his own daughter which is me. I try to spend some time with him when I was a child but......he was not interested and kicked me out by yelling at me.

Ross: That's terrible.

Paul: You knew your father was sadden by your mother's death so why did you leave him?

Lucy: Don't give me wrong I never wanted to leave him and try my best but.....I figured all he ever wanted is to be alone and so......I did. I left when I've gotten order and didn't bother to say goodbye since.....he didn't care about me no more. I thought he'll change and search for me or continue to be alone but......I never knew he'll hire another guild to damage our guild, hurt Levy and her team and injured Makarov all so he can take me back. I was a fool and I'm sorry.

Lucy started to tear up when Paul sat up and press his hand onto her shoulder and tells her.

Paul: None of us ain't perfect Lucy. Sometimes we have to leave to follow their own path. I'm not saying your father was bad, I understand the pain of losing someone he cares for.....but he should've been responsible and find you himself but whatever the reason, its not your fault or anyones fault. Your an adult, you make your own decisions in your life and no one else.

Ross: He's right. You left because you want to move on and seek new family and friends. Your father would have respected that and he should do the same as well. (Smile) We may not know what your mother was like but I bet she is proud of you of joining a guild that treats you like family.

Paul: (smile) And be with them as family. Never forget that.

Then Lucy wipe the tears away and noded to them to agree to the two while Reedus starting to think that they should be trusted after all.


At the core of Jupiter's cannon, we see Natsu battling Totomaru and a few Flametroopers as he strike soke blows at the few while we cut to Y/n swinging his beskar spear at the Flametroopers, dodging their Flames and swinging or stabbing the Flametroopers with his spear.

He then pulled out his blaster pistol and fired at a few Flames and turn and fired and the bolt hit the tankers of the Flametroopers whoch blows up, taking out a few Flametroopers.

Happy: Guys! We only have 10 minutes until that cannon fires again!

Y/n: Right.

He pulled out a few detonators and throws them at the core and seconds later there was a huge explosion that destroyed the core and took out a few Flametroopers as the Jupiter's cannon blows up.

Totomaru: No! Famn it! Your gonna pay for that!

Suddenly a missile came by Natsu and hits Totomaru which sent him flying as Y/n appears, fired a grapple at Totomaru's leg and then he slammed him hard onto the ground.

He approaches Totomaru as he pulled out his blaster pistol at him and then stun him several times until he falls unconscious.

Natsu and Happy approaches him while he slide hid blaster pistol to his holster.

Natsu: (smirk) Nice one.

Y/n: Cannon is destroyed, no way they can't destroy the guild no-

Suddenly there was a huge shake and it felt like they are moving which made Natsu sick a bit. After a while it stopped as the trio slowly stood up and look around.

Happy: What was that?

Y/n: No idea but I have a bad feeling about this.

Apollyon: Guys!

They turn to see Gray, Elfman and Apollyon as they rush towards the and then Apollyon tells them.

Apollyon: The whole base just changed! It looked like a gaint robot!

Gray: And it looks like they are making a huge magic circle that could take out Magnolia!

Y/n: Then we need to find a way to stop it.

Elfman: But the problem is we don't know how.

Y/n: Then we split up and find a way to stop it.

Apollyon: Right!

And so they split up to find a way to stop the Phantom Lords from finishing a huge magic circle. We see Elfman and Y/n team up as the two were running down the hallway.

Elfman: (smirk) It's good we're teaming up Y/n. Let's show these Phantoms and Imperials how much a man we are!

Y/n: I just hope the others are alright fighting the Stormtroopers.

Elfman: (smirk) They're not men when they have armor and blasters and call themselves men.


Elfman: (panic) I mean your completely different and nothing like the rest!

Y/n: (chuckle) I know what your talking about. Still let's focus on the mission.

Elfman: Right!

Then Elfman step on a panel that revealed to be an eye to which Y/n immediately stop and quickly turn and aim his blaster rifle while Elfman stop and turn to him.

Y/n: Show yourself!

Suddenly a man came out of the floor and appear in front of them as he said.

Sol: It looks like I have caught some intruders running through the halls. No matter, I Sol, member of the Elemet four will crush you both.

Elfman: Where did he come from?

Y/n: Don't matter, I go high, you go low.

Elfman: Right!

Elfman summons his beast like arm and charge towards Sol while Y/n fired up his jetpack and flies up as Elfman tries to land a hit at him but Sol dodges his attacks. Y/n aims down to his rifle and was about to pull the trigger when a strong dust of wind blow him away a bit just as Sol summon large rocks from the ground, hitting Elfman while he blocks it with his beast arm.

Sol: So that is your magic I see! Search a interesting magic but a dangerous magic. You be the shame of even using it.

Elfman: Just shut up and let me punch you!

He tries to swing at him but the grounr beneath him blows up, sending Elfman flying back and he land hard onto the ground. Y/n fly down and fired a few shots at Sol but he digs into the ground and came up behind him as he hits hij with rocks which he crashed onto the wall with rocks on top of him.

Elfman: Y/n!

Sol: I'm surprised that you didn't tell him what happened to your little sister? Do you not want him to know what happened to her?

Elfman: What are you talking about freak!

He charges towards him but suddenly a young white girl suddenly appeared which shocked Elfman as he stop dead in his tracks as he stare at her. She's in fact a statue made by Sol but looked very real to Elfman.

Elfman: (shocked) Lisanna?

Sol: (smile) Ah yes such a cute girl you have. You see, you stepped on me which give me some of your memories and I know that your the one that did this to her. You killed Lisanna!

Elfman was shocked as he step back even more while he shake his head even more. Suddenly a huge rock was thrown and Elfman was hit by it and he was sent flying and crashed into the wall, making a hole to reveal outside as Elfman slowly gets up when he heard.

Mirajane: Elfman!

He looked over to see Mirajane stuck between two robot fingers which shocked Elfman even more.

Elfman: Mirajane!

Sol: (smirk) It seems she will suffer the same fate as you Elfman, hahahahaha! Now then, let the fun begin!

Then he use his magic to slowly turn Elfman into stone as he start to scream in pain while Mirajane helpless watch in worry.

Mirajane: Elfman!

Elfman continue to scream while flashes of Lisanna appears in his head and how he killed her by accident years back and still blames himself for her death. Thise gose on for a short while when suddenly Sol was grabbed by the neck by Y/n and then he tossed him away from Elfman. Sol land hard onto thr ground and slowly gets up.

Sol: (anger) How dare you! You will for tha-

Suddenly he get flashes of Y/n's memories and theynwere terrifying to Sol. He step back while he at Y/n in shock and mutter out.

Sol: (shocked) Y-Your've been through so much and yet you still fight?! Why?!

Y/n:...........I try to get away my past, trying to escape the horrors and nightmares that I have been through since I was a child. But I realised I can't and so.....I wish to use it as a way to increase my strength. I can't escape my past......but i can use my past to increase my strength so i can defeat you.

He ready his fist while Sol shakes away the shock and ready himself when suddenly there was glow behind Elfman which Y/n and Sol look and see Elfman started the change and soon he let out a yell and he changed turned into a huge demon like monster as he let out a roar and then turn to Y/n and Sol.

Y/n: (shocked) Holy shit!

Sol: (scared) W-Well this might be a problem.

Elfman roared and charge over, run pass Y/n and then wtart to beat Sol many times over and over and soon it stop. Y/n sees Sol defeated and laying on the ground and that's when Elfman turn to Y/n and walk towards him.

Y/n step back a bit and ready his pistol in case he has to fight him.

Y/n: Elfman.......are you in there?

Elfman:.........Yes......I am.

Y/n breaths a sigh of relief under his helmet as he slide hid blaster pistol to his holster and next thing we see was Elfman and Y/n at the arm of the Phantom lords robot as Elfman rescue Mirajane and set her down and changed back to normal.

Y/n: You okay?

Mirajane: Yeah I'm okay, all thanks to you two.

Elfman: Actually I should be the one who should thanking you Y/n.

Y/n: For what?

Elfman: You said earlier that disbite your terrible past, losing everyone you love and care for, you use your past as strength to keep on going. I let my past keep more down of not protecting my guild member and made my decision to accept my past and not hold anything back. Now, I gain control of my take over magic because of you. Thank you.

Y/n:..........Still I must ask.....Did you really kill her?

Elfman just look down and node to Y/n. He understood that it wasn't his fault so he tells Elfman.

Y/n: Make her proud Elfman. Be a man for her.

Elfman surprised by his words but smiled and noded back to him. Then Y/n turn to see the magic circle being made but it looks very slow.

Y/n: How long is that gonna take?

Elfman: That's odd, it was going a bit faster when me, Gray and Apollyon were heading inside to aid you and Natsu.

Mirajane: Unless it's powered by something.

Y/n: Or someone. Maybe it's the element 4. Since Totomaru and Sol are out, that leaves the other two.

Elfman: You think so?

Y/n: One way to find out.

Elfman: (smile) Right then, let's do this!

Elfman runs off while Y/n smiled a bit underneath his helmet and was about to go after him when Mirajane grab his hand which he turn to her.

Mirajane: (smile) Thank you for saving Elfman. I can't lose another sibling from my family.

Y/n: I know how that feels. I've lost so much in my life, I won't lose you or anyone else as well.

Mirajane smiled and then grabbed his helmet and lifted up a bit, exposing his lips as she lend over and kissed him on the lips. This surprised Y/n and made him blush a bit bit finds her kissing very soft and nice.

Then she pulled away and slide his helmet down as Mirajane smiled and said.

Mirajane: (smile) I love you Y/n.....and after this, i want to spend some time with you like you spend some time with Lucy as well.

Y/n stared at her, still surprised but he noded to her while he said.

Y/n: Sure thing Mira, that's a promise.

To be continued....................................................

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