Chapter 18: Assault on Magnolia

Y/n: Apollyon, Paul and Ross are seen at the basement underneath of the Fairy Tail guild Hall as we see Y/n remove a stone brick to reveal a hole as Y/n reach his hands through the hole and pulled out a cover up blanket of the Kyber Saber as he shows them where he hide it before he and Lucy were captured by the Phantom Lords and the empire.

Paul: So that's where you have been hiding it?

Y/n: I have a suspension that Phantom may try to capture me so I hide it here so they won't find it.

Ross: Well that's a good idea.

Apollyon: But now we know the Kyber saber isn't just their target now.

Paul: Right, they're going after Lucy as well. Still did you know Lucy was apart of a rich family?

Y/n: No she hasn't told me about that but I understand why she doesn't want to talk about it.

Ross: Either way let's regroup with the rest and figure out a plan.

Ross and Paul head out but before Y/n could follow, Apollyon stop him and ask him.

Apollyon: Are you sure we can trust them?

Y/n: They help me break out and I don't know why but I feel like they are telling the truth. Besides you were once a Inquisitor before you chance sides.

Apollyon: True but still let's keep our guard up around them okay?

Y/n node and the two leave the room to see the other Fairy Tail guild members gathered around and trying to figure out a counter attack since now they know their main base.

Y/n noticed Bisca so he walked over to her and ask her.

Y/n: How is he?

Bisca: Makarov is being treated by Poryusica as we speak but we don't know how long till he'll wake up.

Y/n: He maybe old but I believe he's one tough person, I'm sure he'll come around.

Bisca: Hope so. Still without him we might not stand a chance.

Y/n: Don't give up hope Bisca, it's not the way. We won't back down even one of us is the last one standing.

Bisca: (smirk) Well its great to have you fighting along side us.

Bisca walks off while Y/n looks around and finds Lucy with Natsu, Gray, Happy and Elfman as he walk over to them and soon walked up to Lucy as he kneel down to her and ask her.

Y/n: You alright?

Lucy: Yeah.....I'm fine.

Happy: I still can't believe your family are rich.

Lucy: I didn't mean to keep it a secret. I......I never get along with my father who never shows any care towards me. He only cares about his work and his money. A left him, thinking there is no point of talking to him with my problems or our problems. But.....I didn't know he'll do this to me and to my friends.

Elfman: Sending Phantom to get you is not a real man's job.

Lucy: Maybe.....Maybe it's best I just go back to him and everything will be over.

Y/n: I won't let you do that. You belong here, with us and none of us dose not blame you for this. If anything it's Phantom who cost all of this. Phantom will pay for what they did and I promise you Lucy, I will not anything happen to you, we will fight for you no matter what.

Lucy started to tear up which Y/n huge Lucy as he won't let anything happen to Lucy. He won't lose anyone else just like his family and his friends from the Separatist many years ago.

We then cut to Apollyon walk over to Cana and Mirajane as Cana is using the cards to track down Mystogan as Apollyon ask Cana.

Apollyon: Anything?

Cana: Damn it, I can't seem to find him.

Mirajane: Don't worry Cana, you'll find him.

Apollyon: Not to doubt him or insult him but do you think he is strong enough against Phantom and the empire?

Cana: Well we only see him use sleep magic to put all od us to sleep but judging how powerful he use his sleep spell on us, it safe to say he is strong enough to battle them. Still I can't seem to locate him anywhere.

Apollyon: Maybe the empire is searching for him.

???: (lacrima call) Oh leave him be, he has is own things going on unlike you guys.

He turn to see Laxus talking to them through a Lacrima ball as Apollyon walks up to Mirajane and ask.

Apollyon: Whose he?

Mirajane: That's Laxus, another S-Class wizard just like Erza and Mystogan. Please Laxus we could really use your help.

Laxus: (lacrima call) You all really want me help? No way, this is your problem not mine, I have nothing to do with it at all.

Apollyon: How can you say that! Your just gonna abandon your guild members, your family?!

Laxus (lacrima call) The only family I see is a bunch of weak wizards whose gonna lose this battle. If you want me to help then maybe you can have me as your next guild mast-

Suddenly Mirajane shattered the Lacrima ball which shocked Apollyon and Cana a bit as Mirajane starts to tear up and said.

Mirajane: (tears) How can he be soo cruel in a time like this.

Apollyon: Forget about him, he's just a coward and not a true member or Fairy Tail. We will win this battle, I know we can.

Mirajane wa still in tears but nodes while Y/n watched the whole thing in the distances as he hopes he'll make it out of this alive so he can punch Laxus and making Mirajane cry.

Suddenly Paul, Ross and Apollyon sense a disturbing within the force and seconds later there was a huge earthquake that shocked everyone.

Y/n: What the hell was that?!

Alzack: Everyone, outside!

Alzack was at the bottom step as Erza came out from her shower still having a towel around her as everyone rushed outside and once outside they were shocked to see the Phantom Lords fortress walking on four mechanical legs as they watched in shock.

Then Tie fighters fly over head them as they they fly around the Phantom Lords base showing their alliance with Phantom.

Paul: This is not good.

Wakaba: (shocked) What are we gonna do against that thing!

Suddenly the Phantom Lords fortress opens its chest to reveal a huge cannon pointing at them and then it start to charge up.

Y/n: They gonna fire!

Paul: Everyone get out of here right now!

Erza sees this and rushed over while requiping into her Adamantine armor and soon the cannon fired but Erza blocks the attack with her two shield armor as she hold it for some time while bites of her armor start to fall apart.

Y/n: ERZA!!!

Y/n rushes over just as she managed to block the blast but she was thrown back which Y/n managed to catch her before she can hit the ground. She falls unconscious seconds later and then a small droid came out of the fortress and flies over and stops in front of everyone as Y/n sees this and takes Erza to Apollyon to take hee back inside while he walked over and a hologram of the heaf Inquisitor appears as he introduces himself to Y/n.

Allen: (hologram) My name is Allen, the head Inquisitor of the Imperial Empire. You should know Mandalorian that we have tons of ships above your planet and we have made alliance with Fairy Tails greatest enemy, the Phantom Lords. Surrender Lucy and the Kyber Saber and we might spare you.

Y/n: Your not gonna get them. Not a chance.

Allen: (hologram) You must realise that you are out numbered and the lnky thing you have are a bunch of weak wizards against our might.

Y/n: Not to me they are not. I'm maybe from a different planet but they are strong warriors that will stand against to anything, even Imperial or Phantom's like you all. So here's a message to you and to Jose, leave the hell Lucy Heartfilia alone and forget about the Kyber saber! Lucy is our member and we will never betray her no matter what, We'll destroy you all even by means we'll die but that's what who we are!

Everyone also cheered and agree to Y/n as they never gonna back down without a fight. Allen sees this as an act of war and tells Y/n.

Allen: (hologram) Very well then. You onky have 15 minutes until Phantom's Jupiter cannon is fired once again. While you wait, I will sent my forces to get you and Lucy once again. Have fun.

The droid blows up and seconds later four Imperial drop ships fly by as Y/n walk over as Natsu and Happy rushed up to him.

Natsu: (smirk) 15 minutes? By then, we already destroy that cannon.

Happy: (smile) Aye, let's do this!

Y/n: Right. Let's do this.

He activated his jetpack and flies over while Happy takes Natsu and flies his towards the fortress while Imperial deop ships land down near them and Stormtroopers rush out and charge towards them while Cana and the others stand their ground.

Cana: Let's do this guys! For Fairy Tail!

They cheered in agreement while we cut to Paul, Lucy, Ross and Mirajane taking Lucy to safely which Lucy tells them.

Lucy: Wait! I want to fight as well, this was all my fault, I should be fighting along side them.

Mirajane: I know you want to help but they will capture you a second they will see you.

Paul: She's right, I'm sorry Lucy but we can't allow you to be captured. Now, sleep.

He wave his hand over Lucy as he use his mind trick to put Lucy to sleep. Ross caught her as Reedus came up to them as Mirajane ask Paul and Ross.

Mirajane: You sure you can protect her.

Paul: We will.

Ross: Besides, this is our way to say we're truly on your side.

Mirajane nodes while Reedus draws a horse cart which appears as Paul and Ross place the unconscious Lucy inside and once that, they were off as Mirajane watch them before she use her changing magic to change into Lucy in hopes to trick Phantom and the Imperial forces while the real Lucy leaves the area.


We cut back to Natsu, Happy amd Y/n flying towards Jupiter's cannon when Tie fighters open fired at them.

Natsu: Man they are loud!

Y/n: Get to the cannon! I'll catch up!

Natsu: Right!

Natsu and Happy fly off while Y/n sees a tie fighter flying towards him but he aim his gauntlet at it and shoot out a missile that blows up the fire Tie fighter. Then green bolts fly by as he turn to see another flying towards him but he pulled out his blaster rifle and fired a few shots which shot through the cockpit and kill the pilot as the tie fighter flies by him and seconds later crashes into another tie fighter behind Y/n.

Y/n flies over while he sees another coming to next to him about to target Natsu and Happy but Y/n flies on top of the tie fighter, opens the cockpit and tosses a detonator inside.

Y/n: This is welcome to Earthland gift Imperial scum.

He closes the hatch and flies towards Natsu and Happy as the tie fighter behind him blows up and soon the trio made it inside the barrel of the cannon and then rushed through the cannon and arrived at the core of Jupiter's cannon to see five Lacrima balls that is powered by magic.

Y/n: We only have 12 minutes until its ready to fire again.

Natsu: (smirk) Right just leave this to me!

He burst his fist in flames and leaps over and was about to land a punch but he suddenly punched himself instead and he land face first onto the ground.

Happy: (shocked) Why did you punch yourself!

Natsu: It's not me! My fist just done it on its own!

Y/n: We might not be alone.

???: That is correct Fairy Tail.

Suddenly fire shoot at Y/n, covering him flames but his beskar armor saves him from the flames as he leap back and they were surrounded by Flametroopers as they aim their flamethrowers at them.

Natsu: Who are these guys?!

Y/n: Flametroopers.

Then a wizards appears in front of Y/n with the left black hair while the right have black hair and have a black mark across his nose as he introduced himself.

Totomaru: I am Totomaru, member of the Element 4.

Y/n: So your one od the Element 4, not surprised.

He fired his flamethrower gauntlet at him but the flames went to the left all of a sudden while Totomaru explains.

Totomaru: Your flames have no chance against me. I can control fire so your fire equipment nor your fire magic will not stand a chance against my magic.

Y/n: That's okay, because I don't need flames to beat your ass.

He pulls out his Beskar spear while Flametroopers aim theie flamethrowers at Natsu, Happy and Y/n.

Natsu: Say what dose these flamethrowers fire taste like?

Y/n: Your asking me that now?

Natsu: What? They look tasty.

Happy: Even in situations like this you always talk about food.

Y/n: Natsu we need to take them out as soon as we can bedore this cannon fires again.

Natsu: Right, I'll deal with Totomaru and his flametroopers while you and Happy do whatever you can to stop the cannon from firing.

Y/n: Right.

Natsu rushes to face off Totomaru and his Flametroopers while Y/n ans Happy take on most Flametroopers while try to find a way to destroy the cannon before it fires again.

To be continued..................................................

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