Chapter 17: Secrets reveal
A drip of water hits on Y/n's head and then 5 seconds later it drips on his head again. Soon he let out a groan and slowly he sat up and look around and see he is in a cell but not the cell from the Magic council have but a cell without any windows and have one door which was the exit.
He try to remember what happened then suddenly remembered what happened and spring up and hit his shoulder onto the metal door over and over again while he yell out to anyone outside.
Y/n: I swear to god if you lay a singal hand on Lucy I will kill you all! Let me out! Let me out!!!!!!
There was nothing but slince as he step back and look around for another way out but there's nothing to escape.
Y/n: (thought) Damn it, what should I do? Apollyon and the others are fighting the Phantom Lords right now, Mirajane is still out Fairy Tail not knowing we've been captured and Lucy lost her celestial spirit keys. Shit, there's got to be a way to get out of here.
Then he heard the door in front of him unlocking so he hide beside it and seconds later the door open and two Stormtroopers enter his cell and look around for him but they find nothing.
Stormtrooper: Where did he go?
Seconds later Y/n kicked the Stormtrooper forward, slamming him into the wall while the other try to hit him with a butt of his blaster rifle but he grabs the rifle and the two struggle while the other stood up and pulls out his blaster rifle but he made the Stormtrooper to turn and soon the Stormtrooper gets hit by accidentally by his own.
Then he throws the body onto the ground while he has his blaster rifle and dodged a few shots before he fire three shots at the Stormtrooper with the last shot was a head shot.
Stormtrooper 3: Freeze!
Then a third Stormtrooper enter the room while aiming his blaster rifle at him. At first Y/n was about to turn around and shoot him but suddenly there was scream from behind and he turn around to see a red saber stab through the Stormtrooper as the body fell while both Inquisitors from before came into his cell while Y/n aims his blaster rifle at them but then one of them a male deactivate his light saber and tell him.
Inquisitor 2: Take it easy Mandalorian, we're not here to harm you.
Y/n: Bullshit, I don't believe you.
Inquisitor 3: We're telling you the truth. Listen, we're not fully fallen to the dark side, we're jedi.
Y/n: Why should I believe you?
Then the two took off their Inquisitor helmets and show Y/n their faces and Y/n's sees their eyes are normal and they looked to be friendly. He stare at them a bit and then he lower his blaster and then ask.
Y/n: Who are you two?
Paul: My name is Jedi Knight Paul.
Ross: And My name is Ross, also Jedi Knight. You may not believe us but we never fallen to the dark side and the reason why we join as Inquisitor is so we can gather information and warn Jedi of our coming.
Y/n: What?
Paul: After the grand Inquisitor was killed, many other Inquisitors take up leadership so they can be grand Inquisitor. They form the Council of the Inquisitor, they're basically like the Jedi council but they serve the empire and to the Emperor and to Darth vader. Me and Ross make them to believe we have fallen to the dark side by tapping in the dark side a small bit but enough to fool the others.
Ross: We master a way to hide ourselves from the Emperor and other sith and that's how we ended up in their ranks. I know this may surprise or suspicious you but believe us, we're on yourself.
Y/n: Fine but you have to proof your trust to me by helping me free Lucy and getting us out of here.
Paul: Right, oh and one more thing.
Paul tossed a bag that contain Y/n's Mandalorian armor and gear as he open the bag to see his stuff while Paul tells him.
Paul: I guess you get your gear ready up and be ready for a fight because this place is about to get loud.
At Oak Town there was a huge explosion coming from the Phantom Lords guild and we see the Phantom Lords battling Fairy Tail after attacked them first. They were all fighting and we see Apollyon force pushing them and slicing off the Phantom Lords weapons and using force lighting to sent them all flying back.
Erza: Apollyon!
Then Erza runs up to him while she cut down some Phantom Lord guild members as Apollyon gorce pushes them away.
Erza: How are you doing?
Apollyon: (smirk) This ain't the first battle I've been in Erza. Good thing its not violent nor deadly.
Erza: I wish Y/n was here right now, i hope he's alright.
Apollyon: (smile) I'm sure he's alright. Besides he's with Lucy after all.
Erza: Yeah lucky her.
Apollyon stare at her a bit with a smirk which Erza sees and asked.
Erza: What?
Apollyon: (smirk) Are you jealous that Y/n and Lucy are alone together?
Erza: (blush) Huh?! O-O-Of course not, I was just.....Well...
Apollyon: (thought) I can sense you do love him. Good on hi-
Suddenly the ceiling above them blows up and seconds later something fell which Apollyon realised who and reach out of the force and the figure stopped fallen and Apollyon slowly lower the figure down.
Everyone was shocked to see it was Makarov but his body was all green and was not moving.
Gray: Gramps!
Erza, Apollyon, Natsu and Gray rushed over to him while the other guild member cover them but the Phantom Lords sees this and they charge at them. While that's going on Apollyon wave his hand over Makarov and then tells them.
Apollyon: He's alive but we need to get him out of here and into medical care.
Erza: Right, everyone fall back!
Gray: What?! They hurt gramps, they needed to pay!
Apollyon: I know but we can't do this while Makarov is injured. Sorry Gray but in battle we have to retreat if we ever want to survive.
Gray thinks Apollyon is right and Fairy Tail fall back. Then Apollyon looked over to see Natsu and Happy going a different way while dragging a Phantom Lord guild member which he was confused until he sense a disturbings within the force so he catches up with the two.
Seconds later he catches up with them and he called out to them which Happy and Natsu turn to see him.
Apollyon: I believe Lucy and Y/n are captured?
Natsu: Yeah how did you know?
Apollyon: I sense the two are nearby which is impossible unless they either came here to help or they are captured.
Happy: We brought this Phantom Lord guild member so he can tell us where they are being held but he's not telling us anything.
Apollyon looked at him and kneel down and then wave his hand in front of him and then said in q commanding tone.
Apollyon: You will tell us where Y/n and Lucy are.
Phantom Lord guild member: I will tell you where Y/n and Lucy are. They are at our headquarters where the empire has contained both Lucy and Y/n.
Apollyon: (shocked) The empire?!
Natsu: (shocked) Those jerks again!
Happy: Wait is the empire here for the Kyber saber?
Apollyon: Yeah but I don't understand why they captured Lucy?
Natsu: Still we can't let those jerks harm either on them! Let's go guys!
Happy: Aye!
Apollyon: Right behind you.
The trio head off to save the two while we cut to the Headquarters of the Phantom Lords and we see Lucy in her cell with the only window behind her as she sat on the floor with both of her arms cuffed as she looked up to q Death Trooper that is standing in front of her like a statue.
Lucy: You like seeing girls in jail do you?
Death trooper:...................
Lucy: (smirk) Say be a brave soldier and let me out of here please~?
Death trooper:....................
Lucy: (thought) Jeez what is with this guy? Or is he a girl? I can't clearly tell if she is or not? Man cover up with armor makes it hard to tell whose male or female.
Then the Death trooper move out of the way and opens the cell door and Jose step inside Lucy's cell and once that the Dath trooper close and Jose stared at Lucy and then said.
Jose: (smirk) Glad we finally meet Lucy, how is your stay?
Lucy: What have you done to Y/n?!
Jose: (smirk) He is here, he's just being asked where this Kyber saber is by three Inquisitors. I bet they are getting the information out of him right now.
Lucy: You monster!
Jose: (smirk) But enough of Y/n, this is all about you Lucy.
Lucy: How did you know my name?
Jose: (smirk) You think I'm a fool?
Lucy: What?
Jose: Honestly I never thought you would have told your guild members about your past, where you came from or who your parents really are.
Lucy: What are you talking about?
Jose: (smirk) You are Lucy Heartfilia, you come from a rich family that owns many banks across this land and own a lot of money.
Lucy was shocked by this and then she asked in a shocked tone.
Lucy: (shocked) How do you know that?
Jose: (smirk) We were hired by your father to take you home, at first we were gonna do it on our own but when the empire came and tell us that someone that they have been looking for is also apart od Fairy Tail, we agree to join sides. We lower Fairy Tail away from Magnolia while they captured both you and your Mandalorian friend. Now you are here and you will be taking back to your father.
Lucy: Never! I won't go back to him! Not what he did!
Jose: (smirk) Sorry but you won't be going anywhere.
Lucy: Well in that least can you take my to the bathroom please?
Jose: (smirk) Huh? You believe I'll fell that old trick?
Lucy: No.....I really need to go.
Jose: (smirk) Fine then.
He snap his finger and a Death trooper walks up and slides a bucket over to her which she stare at it and cried out.
Lucy: A bucket!
Jose: (smirk) Now you can go if you really ca-
Lucy: Fine guess this will do.
She bent down over the bucket while Jose was shocked.
Jose: (shocked) Your actually needed it?! F-Fine I'll turn around sense I'm a gentleman.
The Death trooper also turns around and then Lucy swings a kick at Jose between his legs and fell onto the ground.
Lucy: (smirk) Wow can't believe that worked. Anyways thanks for the stay but I gonna go now. Bye~!
She turn yo the window but sees she is way high up. A death trooper was right behind her, aiming his blaster at her while Jose slowly stands up.
Jose: Nice trick......but you will escape this place alive. You will be wise you come quietly and let us return you to your father. Even if you somehow escape we won't stop attacking your friends until you are ours once again!
Lucy thoughts about her father and how much he hurt her throughout her childhood. So she leap off the window and fell while Jose is stunned by this and fell onto the floor while the Death trooper radios in for Stormtroopers to get to the front while Lucy fell.
Lucy: (thought) I know he's here and I know he can save me.
Lucy: Y/n!!!!!!!!
Seconds later Y/n rushed out of a different window and catches Lucy and seconds later fired up his jetpack and they slowly land on the ground. Lucy opens her eyes to see Y/n in his Mandalorian armor and seconds later Stormtroopers rush out so Y/n sets her down and pulled out his blaster rifle and fire at the incoming Stormtroopers, shooting them down as they fell. Y/n turn and fired a missiles out his gauntlet, blowing up the Stormtroopers and sending them all flying.
Then he quickly turn back and fire his flamethrower on both of his gauntlets as he burns the Stormtroopers into a crisp and they fell onto the ground.
Soon the area was clear as he looked around while Lucy is glad that Y/n is save.
Natsu: Lucy, Y/n!
Then Natsu, Happy and Apollyon rushes up to them just as Paul and Ross came out which Apollyon sees this and pulled out his light saber hilt but then Y/n tells him.
Y/n: Wait they helped me to escape! They are jedi.
Natsu: (shocked) They are?
Lucy: Then why are they wearing Inquisitor outfits.
Paul: It's a long story but we need to go before more shows up.
Natsu: What? This is their base, I say we trash it!
Paul: No! There is too many enemy forces, we don't stand a chance. Its best we pull back and return back to your guild.
Natsu: Aw man this sucks!
Happy: Maybe next time.
Y/n turn to Lucy so he approaches her and ask her.
Y/n: You okay? Did they do anything to you?
Lucy:.......I'm sorry.
Drips of tears hit her Fairy Tail mark on her hand while she gose on to say.
Lucy: (tears) All of this.....everything was my fault. I didn't mean all of this to happen I just.........I live Fairy Tail so much and i don't want to leave.
She then turn to Y/n with tears of sadness in her eyes which froze Y/n to her this upset and angers to Phantom for making her cry and possibly everyone else at Fairy Tail who cried. He wished to go back inside and kill every singal thing that is alive and murder Jose and anybody else.
But he picked up Lucy and then walks off while the rest looked at each other and they make their leave.
Y/n: (thought) I won't let you leave Lucy, and if anyone try to make you leave......I will make them regret their words.
To be continued...........................................
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