Chapter 13: The beast awaken
It was morning time as we see all the village people have moved to their second village so they can safe from Lyon and his forces. Its also where Gray is at getting healed after his battle with Lyon and we see him within a tent and waking up as he slowly open his eyes and sat up as he grab his head as he groan in pain.
Y/n: Your finally awake.
He looks over to see Y/n without his chest armor, shoulder armor and helmet as he patch himself up after fighting Sherry within the woods as he finish putting one last bandages on him and then look over to Gray.
Gray: Your more injured then I was.
Y/n: Guess you can say that.
Gray: So how is everyone?
Y/n: The village people managed to moved to their second village however Natsu is unknown, possibly going back to the temple to fight Lyon.
Gray: (shocked) He is?!
Y/n: Probably. Apollyon, Lucy and Happy are here along with Erza who came to this island to find you all.
Gray: (scared) E-E-Erza?
Y/n: Relax she told me she'll punish you guys after we help out the villagers with their problem and deal with Lyon as well.
Gray: R-Right.
Y/n: Still I wanna ask you something Gray.
Gray: Yeah, what is it?
Y/n: Deliora, Lyon and that ice prison thing, you know more about them then we do. Care to explain to me on what are we dealing with here and how you and Lyon know each other?
Gray falls slient a bit as he slowly forms a fist and then he gose on to tell Y/n.
Gray: I was founded by the name of Ur who is a ice wizard. Lyon was the first to be found so we were forced to train together with Ur and learn our ice magic abilities. But before that my home town was attacked by Deliora, a monster that was from the book of Zeref.
Y/n: Wait isn't that flute monster also from the book of Zeref as well?
Gray: That's right. Deliora destroyed everything in his way and even killed my parents. After i was founded by Ur, we train and I start to bound with them as family to me. Although she had some weird ways of training.
Y/n: Like what?
Gray: Like taking off our clothes in the cold.
Y/n: (thought) That may explain why he takes off his clothes all the time.
Gray: Disbite that everything was fine that is until there was a report about Deliora attack and I decided to fight it. My master try to stop me but I was far gone. When I got to the town Deliora was far too strong to be defeated and when Ur and Lyon came to help, something changed Lyon. Lyon goses on to tell Ur that she can beat Deliora but Ur had another idea in mind. She can't defeat it so she used iced shell to trap Deliora in but it also took her life away. After that Lyon blamed me for Ur's death and.....that's the last time we see each other.
Y/n: I'm sorry for that Gray. But why would Lyon try to unleashed Deliora disbite your masters sacrifice?
Gray: Deliora isn't fully dead. He's still trapped inside of that ice and as long it's alive inside then Lyon and those that were hurt by it will never get their revenge. They may have a thought that they can take revenge by breaking the iced shell and battle Deliora.
Y/n: But knowing how strong Deliora might be, it be impossible for them to defeat.
Gray: That's right. So.....what should we do?
Y/n sat there a bit and then gets up and puts on his armor and soon he slide his helmet onto his head and tells Gray.
Y/n: We stop them before they unleashed Deliora. If your better then let's go.
Gray: Right.
(Short while later)
Y/n, Lucy, Happy, Apollyon, Erza and Gray leave the village and make their walk to where Lyon's base is at as they make sure they will not be ambushed. While they walked Gray asked Apollyon.
Gray: So your name is also Gray? How convenient.
Apollyon: Guess you can say that. Still you guys can call me Apollyon so there won't be confusion.
Happy: Yeah that make sense. Let's hope you don't take off your clothes all the time.
Apollyon: Who in the right minds would ever do that?
He turns to Gray and realised that he dose and then says to himself.
Apollyon: You gonna be kidding me.
Erza: So what's the plan?
Y/n: Natsu might be inside the temple possibly fighting Lyon so we need to find him and if lucky we can also find Lyon as well. Some of us need to distract the guards and hold them off as much they can.
Erza: Me, Lucy and Apollyon will do that.
Lucy: Wait why me?
Apollyon: Guess that leaves you, Happy and Gray to find Natsu and Lyon.
Y/n: That right. Remember we're in this together so don't do anything reckless.
Happy: Hey look, we're here!
Soon they arrived at the entrance of the temple as they step inside and walk through the dark hallway until there is two paths which they stop and look at them.
Erza: Guess this is where we split up. Good luck you three and be safe Y/n.
Y/n: I will. Same to you guys.
Y/n, Gray and Happy heaf off to the left path while Apollyon, Lucy and Erza go to the other as Apollyon ask the two girls.
Apollyon: I can sense you two love him fo you?
Lucy and Erza: (blush) It's none of your business!
Apollyon: Alright, Alright I'm just asking. Jeez.
(Short while later)
Y/n, Gray and Happy hear some explosions in the distances so they follow the crash and sounds until they reach into a large throne room where they see Natsu fighting Lyon as Natsu shoot out flames out of his mouth but Lyon blocks I and blasted Natsu with ice.
Y/n: Gray he's all yours. We go and help out Natsu!
Gray: Right!
Gray rushes towards Lyon while Y/n pulls out his blaster pistol and fired a few shots at Lyon which he dodges while he and Happy race towards Natsu and soon they get to him.
Natsu: (smirk) Good to see you two. Here to join the party?
Y/n: Your a idiot, you know that? Lucky Erza is here so she can put some punishment onto you guys.
Natsu: (scared) SHE'S HERE?!
Happy: Aye and she's really scary and was not glad that we're here.
Y/n looks over to see Gray and Lyon battle so Y/n aim down his gauntlet and fire a missile that hits Lyon and sent him flying. Y/n walks up next to Gray as he pulls out his blaster rifle and tells Gray.
Y/n: Let's take him on together.
He then pushed Y/n away and then formed a ice wall around him and Lyon as Y/n lands hard onto the ground while he looks at the ice wall and after he gets upm he rushed towards the wall and slammed is fist onto it.
Y/n: The hell are you doing Gray!? We're in this together!
Gray: I know......but this is my fight and I can't allow Lyon to ruin Ur's sacrifice and I will not allow him to free Deliora. I need to face this alone Y/n, I'm sorry.
Y/n: Don't be a idiot Gray! We can stop him together!
Gray: I'm sorry.
Suddenly the ground beneath them start to shake followed by a roar that's coming underneath them meaning that Deliora might be awaken.
Lyon: (smirk) Finally. Soon Deliora will be free and I will be the one to kill it.
Gray: Do you think this is what Ur would've wanted?! She done it to save more live and now your gonna ruin it by killing many more people.
Lyon: I'm gonna do what Ur failed to do! After all I'd you hadn't gone out and try to fight it, none of this would never happen! All of this is on you!
Gray lower his head and knows that Lyon is right. Still he blare up the Lyon and cross his arms over which suddenly a very strong ice wind start to appear around them whioe he calls out to Y/n, Natsu and Happy.
Gray: Get out of here right now!
Natsu: What is he doing?!
Happy: Why is the room so cold.
Y/n: Fuck. Gray don't you do it! You know what it can do to you!
Gray: I know. I have to do this Y/n. It was my fault for this to happen but now.....I will fix it.
Y/n: Gray no!
Gray: Find Lucy, Erza and Apollyon and get them out of here before it's too late. Glad I met you guys.
Natsu: Gary no!
Happy: Don't do it!
Y/n will not allow this to happen so he pulls out his blaster pistol and fired a few shots at the ice and even shoot out his gauntlet flamethrower but nothing happened.
Y/n: (thought) Crap! There has to be something I can do!
He then looks down at the floor and remembers how they fell because the floor was unstable so he pulls out his spear and call out to Happy.
Y/n: Happy grab hold od Natsu now!
He dose so and then Y/n stab his spear into the floor and suddenly the floor start to crack around the room. Before Gray could finish his spell, the floor beneath them starts to collapse and all of them fell into the hole.
Happy grab hold of Natsu while Gray, Lyon and Y/n fell through the hole as Y/n use his jetpack and grabs Gray by the shoulder and then they land safely onto the ground while Lyon splashed into the water but was still alive.
Gray and Y/n stood up straight and look around to see a lot of water and suddenly they realised the room looks familiar to them. Gray turn and fell into shock follow by Y/n who turn and see what Gray is seeing.
Deliora is now free and moving as he let out a growl and then a mighty roar that is very loud to everyone in the area.
Gray: (shocked) No. Deliora is free.
Y/n: Gray. Gray! What's the plan? How can we beat it?
Gray: We.....we can't. The only way we have a chance to beat it is by sealing it with iced shell.
Y/n: No. That will not do. I can't let you die.
Y/n: There is this.
He pulls out the Kyber saber which Gray totally forgot but as Y/n stand up and step forward to Deliora, Gray tells him.
Gray: Wait! How can you be sure that will work?
Y/n: It did it can do it again. Besides, I feel a link into it and I think we're bounded.
Gray: How can you tell?
Y/n: Just a feeling. Now get Natsu and Happy and go, I'll take care of this beastl
Gray agree and heads off to find Natsu and Happy while Y/n stare at Deliora whioe Deliora spotted Y/n as the two stare at each other.
Y/n: Your one ugly son of a bitch.
Deliora let out a roar of anger meaning he heard it while Lyon gets up and see Deliora as he smiles in joy.
Lyon: (smile) Yes! Yes! Now I will be the one to beat Deliora once and for all!
Deliora throws its arms back and then swings it towards Y/n. The Kyber saber starts to glow as Y/n swings his Kyber saber once and all of a suddenly, Deliora's arms came off like it was a toy as it crashed onto the ground while Deliora let out a roar.
Lyon and Gray were shocked by this as Deliora roared in rage and then swings his other fist towards Y/n but he also swings his Kyber saber and slice off Deliora's other arm off as Deliora let out a roar of pain.
The Kyber saber glows even more brighter and Y/n finish this off as he rush forward, turn hid body 360 and then swings his Kyber saber at Deliora which stood there q bit until it's head came off and crashed onto the ground.
Lyon, Gray, Happy and Natsu were shocked by this as Deliora's body slowly falls backwards and then crashes onto the ground, lifeless while Y/n stood tall with the Kyber saber in hand as he looks at it and can feel more of its power.
Lyon: (anger) HOW DARD YOU!
Y/n leaps back to dodge Lyon's ice spikes as Lyon lands onto the ground and swing his fist but Y/n catches his fist and then kicked Lyon in the stomach and then tossed him across the floor. Lyon gets up and try to use his ice magic but Y/n quickly pulls out his blaster pistol and aims it at Lyon.
Lyon: (anger) I was suppose to defeat it you hear me! I was doing this for Ur! I was trying make her sacrifice worth it by ending Deliora once and for all!
Y/n:.....You should know more that Ur sacrifice her life so she will not see you or Gray get harmed. Ur was your master and you were the first to be founded by her but you just want her to defeat Deliora and for what? To see how powerful she is so you can be like her?
Lyon: I..........
Y/n: Do you really want to ruin her sacrifice by unleashing Deliora apon the world. If you would have succeed, you and your cult will immediately die by it's might including the people living in this village. You should know that Ur sacrifice herself to save someone on this planet and you should be grateful that Deliora is no more and be grateful that Ur saved everyone on this planet. You should be the shame for even doing it in the first place.
Lyon: I......I.....Forgive me.
Y/n stare at Lyon for a bit and then he tells Lyon.
Y/n: If you wish to make things right, then you can go out there and return the village people to their human forms.
Lyon: I can't.
Y/n: You can't or you won't?
Lyon: Look I can't because we have nothing to do with the village peoples change into monsters.
Y/n: What? But you were the first to come here before we do.
Lyon: That's correct but when we made it to the island, the village people have this monster change problem but we keep them away from our base at all times. Still we have nothing to do with their change.
Y/n stare at Lyon and sees he's telling the truth so he lower his blaster pistol and turns around and walks off while he tells Lyon.
Y/n: I believe you. Now leave this island and never return.
Lyon looks up at Y/n and instead of fighting him, he gets up and walks away as Y/n walks over to Gray, Natsu and Happy and ask them.
Y/n: You okay?
Happy: Okay? You were amazing!
Natsu: (smirk) It's a good thing you got that crystal sword.
Happy: You mean Kyber saber?
Natsu: Same thing right?
Gray walks up to Y/n and then he reach out his hand which Y/n take his hand and shakes on it.
Gray: Thank you.
Y/n: Your welcome.
Gray: So now what?
Y/n: We still have a job to do and that involves the village people and their monster change ability.
Natsu: Oh yeah! Did you get some information on Lyon?
Happy: Dose he know how to turn them back to normal?
Y/n: He doesn't know unfortunately.
Natsu: Crap.
Happy: Now what are we going to do?
Y/n thinks about it and then he got a realising as he tells tne trio.
Y/n: Let's find Lucy, Erza and Apollyon and return back the village. I think I know what to do.
Natsu: And that is?
Y/n: (smirk) Well.......let's just say....we're gonna destroy the moon that Moka request us to do from the beginning.
Natsu, Happy and Gray:.............Huh?
To be continued.................................
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