Chapter 12: The past of Apollyon
Apollyon and Lucy is seen walking through the woods searching for Y/n after he was taking by a gaint flying rat as they search for Y/n from the ground while Happy searches for him in the air. Apollyon is seen slicing any vines or anything in their way with his saber ad they make their walk down through the woods.
Lucy: I gonna say your light saber can really cut through anything. Mind if I have a go st it after this?
Apollyon: I don't think so. You might lose an arm or chop off anyone's arms off.
Lucy: How many times has that happened?
Apollyon: No idea but in my guess a lot.
Lucy: Yeah on second thought never mind.
Soon they stop and look around as it seems like they have been walking for a long while which Lucy start to worry.
Lucy: Y/n.....where are you.
Apollyon: We'll find him.
Lucy: Still this was my fault. If I wouldn't have gone with Natsu and Happy on their S-Class job, none of this wouldn't happen.
Apollyon: What made you yo go with those two? They're idiots after all.
Lucy: Let's just say......there is a celestial key that i wish to get after this job.
Apollyon:.......Your joking right?
Lucy: I'm a celestial wizard! I can't help there is a celestial key!
Apollyon: Fine, Fine. So Lucy, can I ask you something?
Lucy: Sure, what's on your mind?
Apollyon: you see in him. You did you fall for a bounty hunter like him?
Lucy suddenly blushed when she realised what he ment and blurred out.
Lucy: (blush) Wh-Why are you asking me that question?!
Apollyon: I mean.....I was wondering since I can sense your feelings towards him. True I understand its none of my business but still....I wanna know.
Lucy: (little blush) Well......he's just a strong person and I can tell he really cares about others around him and.......I think he might be hurt by something in his past.
Apollyon: What do you mean?
Lucy: You see.....when we were trying to stop Eisenwald guild, he suddenly start to feel scared about something and looking at something ahead of him. It's like....he is seeing something that scared him and soon I snap him out of it but I can tell he was traumatised by something horrifying in his past. Something awful.
Apollyon: (mutter) The Clone wars.
Lucy: Huh?
Apollyon: Did he mention the Clone wars?
Lucy: I think so. He said about Clones vs droids why?
Apollyon: He might have been traumatised by the war when he was young. If that so then whatever happened to him many years ago must have fucked him up really good.
Lucy: Poor Y/n.
Suddenly Apollyon grabs Lucy and leap away as a vine slammed onto the ground as Apollyon lands on the ground as Apollyon set Lucy down.
???: Looks like you two came here just in time.
Then a women came out of the woods as she look up at them while Apollyon pulls out his saber and active it.
Lucy: Your that girl from before!
Sherry: (smirk) The names Sherry and it's a good thing you two have arrived. I've just finished up your armor friend.
Lucy: Where is he?!
Sherry: (smirk) How's about I show you.
She snap her fingers and vines came out with the unconscious Y/n being wrapped around as Lucy and Apollyon were shocked as Sherry have her vines to tossed Y/n towards them and he lands hard onto the ground in front of them.
Lucy: Y/N!
They rushed over and kneel down as Apollyon use the force and sense that his heart is beating as he tells Lucy.
Apollyon: His heart is still beating. He'll be fine.
Lucy: That's a relief. As for you, your gonna pay for that!
She then summon Taurus as he came out of the ground in front of them as he call out a mighty moo.
Taurus: (smirk) You call sweetheart?
Apollyon: Sweetheart?
Lucy: Go and take her down Taurus!
Taurus: (smirk) Sure thing honey!
He charged towards Sherry but she just smirked and immediately Taurus stopped which the two watched as Taurus shakes a bit and suddenly he turns around and tossed his axe towards them only for Apollyon to reach out and catch the axe but Taurus charge towards them and try to crush them but Apollyon pushes both Lucy and Y/n away and catches Taurus feet as he is on one knee as he struggled to hold it.
Lucy: Taurus! What are you doing?!
Sherry: (smirk) I can also control celestial spirits as well. Now Taurus, crush them.
Apollyon: Damn it! Lucy take Y/n and get out of here!
Lucy: No way! We do this together no matter what!
Apollyon: Damn it!
He force pushed Tarurs making hin stumble back and then use force lighting as Taurus yells while he fell on one knee while Apollyon gets up while Lucy rush up to him.
Lucy: Don't hurt Taurus!
Apollyon: Well you got any ideas? Besides isn't he go back to his world if he ever critical hurt?
Lucy: Um yeah that's right.
Apollyon: Then this is the plan.
He then fired another force lighting which did the trick as Taurus fated away, returning back to the Celestial world.
Lucy: Sorry about that Taurus.
Sharry: (smirk) Well that's a shame. Guess I have to take you both down my way then.
Lucy: Apollyon can you heal Y/n?
Apollyon: Yeah but it will take a while.
Lucy: Then do that while I take care of her.
Apollyon: Understood.
She heads off to fight Sherry while Apollyon make his way back to Y/n and kneel down and then place his hand on top of Y/n's chest and use the force to heal him. He looks at the unconscious Y/n as he thinks to himself.
Apollyon: (thought) Your one strong mandalorian I give you that. Bet you took on more dangerous things such as thing one without anyone around you huh.
He let out a chuckle to himself which is something he never done for a long time which surprised him. Then he see a glow from the Kyber saber lighting up as he stare at it for a bit and then look at Y/n as he wonder to himself.
Apollyon: (thought) Wonder what are you thinking right now?
We see Y/n opening his eyes and looks around and he was surprised he was standing in a Jedi temple as he look around to see cloaked jedi walking around not noticing him as he watch them walking by while he looks at his hands and ask himself.
Y/n: What is this? Is this......a dream or-
???: Come on my padawan, we're gonna be late.
He looks over and see a female jedi Knight and a young padawan that looks familiar as they walk through Y/n as the padawan stopped and turn around while Y/n turns back to him as they stare at each other and then Y/n realised who this padawan is.
Y/n: (shocked) Apollyon?!
Female jedi Knight: Is everything okay Gray?
Y/n: Gray? His name is also Gray as well?
Gray: Nothing master, let's go.
The two keep on walking while Y/n start to run after them while he called out to them.
Y/n: Wait! You need to get out of here now! Apollyon!
But it feels like they were getting far and far from Y/n and everything around him slowly turn dark as he stop and suddenly everything around him changed to see the temple under attack.
He hears screams, light saber being activated and blaster bolts as he sees Clone Troopers from the 501st going around and killing every Jedi they see and killing.
Y/n make his run down the temple and see many jedis around him were gunned down by the clone Troopers without mercy. This was a massacre as he rushes down the table and suddenly a swing of a saber stopped him as he sees the same Female jedi along with a you g Gray behind her as he look over and see a cloaked figure with a blue light saber as he glare at her as she called out.
Female jedi knight: Skywalker you traitor!
Y/n: (thought) Skywalker?! As in.....Anakin Skywalker?!
She then charge towards him and the two clash blades as duel while Clone Troopers came out around the corner as they aimed their blasters at them.
Female jedi knight: You must go Gray! Get out of here!
Gray: No I won't leave you!
Female jedi knight: Go now! HURRY!
He was in tears but he obeyed and ran away as bolts fly through Y/n as they hit the Female jedi knight and seconds later Anakin sliced her in half as her body fell onto thr ground.
Y/n is shocked by this and suddenly it changed to what looks like a torture chamber as he looks over to see the captured Gray strapped in with a black armor sith Lord appear next to him as he tells him.
???: Summit to the Dark side....or die.
He pulled down the lever as bolts of electricity zaps Gray as he screams in pain as tears came out of his eyes. Then he stopped as Gray slowly breaths heavily and then he mutter out.
Gray: Okay.....okay....I summit....I....summit.
Y/n: No.
Then everything changes to what seems like a throne room as we see the now older Gray kneeling down in front of the mask armor figure as he puts on his helmet as the mask armor figure tells him.
???: For now on....your name will be.....Lord Apollyon. Now rise.
He stood up in front of the mask figure as Y/n noticed hid hand is shaking of fear which he realised he's afraid of who ever this mask figure is. Then everything turn dark and he woke up.
Apollyon was surprised to hear Y/n groan as he slowly move his body and slowly he sat up while Apollyon tells him.
Apollyon: Take it easy. Your maybe healed but not yet complete.
Y/n: Gray? Gray.
Apollyon: Gray is not with us remember. He was with-
Then Y/n grabbed his and then tells him.
Y/n: No.....your real name.....your Gray.
He's shocked as he stood up while Y/n slowly gets up with a groan.
Apollyon: (shocked) How did you know?
Y/n: I......I somehow shared your memories or something like that.
Apollyon: (shocked) What?! How?
Then they see the kyber saber dieing down as Y/n pulls it as the two stare at it.
Y/n: This Kyber saber may have to do with it somehow.
Apollyon: But why? Why it wants you to see through my memories?
Y/n: I think it wants me to understand what you have gone through. It wants me to understand that not all sith 2orking for the empire aren't evil but....afraid.
Apollyon slowly forms a fist as Y/n turns to him as he sees tears in Apollyon's eyes as he collapse to his knees and tells Y/n.
Apollyon: (tears) I could have saved master. I could have saved her.
Y/n: Don't blame yourself. There was nothing you could have done. Still you can do one thing for her and that is making things right.
He then slide his kyber saber back onto his back and reach out his hand towards Apollyon as he look up at Y/n and he knows that he is right. He wipe away he tears and take Y/n's hand and Y/n help him up.
Y/n: So should I call you Gray now be kinda confusing since there is-
Apollyon: (chuckle) Let's stick with Apollyon. Besides i think it's a cool name.
Y/n: Sure thing. So....was it just you or?
Apollyon: No Lucy was also here as well. I think she and that crazy went that way.
Y/n: Right. Let's aid Lucy.
Apollyon: Right.
They arrive at the beach and once they are here they were surprised to see Sherry is already defeated and even her gaint rat as well.
Apollyon: Wow she's one tough girl.
Y/n: I don't think that's not Lucy's work.
???: Y/n move!
Suddenly he was pulled aside follow by Apollyon have a blade by his neck as they see Erza as she havehed blade at Apollyon neck.
Erza: Trying to sneak attack us again? Don't move.
Apollyon: Wait! I'm not here to kill you all no longer. I'm on your side.
Erza: I don't believe you.
Y/n: He's telling the truth Erza, stand down. He really has change.
She look at Apollyon and then she lower her sword as Apollyon step back. Y/n was relieved while Erza walked up to Y/n and then hugged Y/n.
Erza: I'm glad that your safe Y/n. Master Makarov told me what happened and I was worried you may have gotten hurt.
Y/n: Good to see you here Erza. Where's Lucy?
Lucy: Over here.
They look over only to see Lucy and Happy tied up which Apollyon asked.
Apollyon: How did she get Happy?
Erza: Now you all are safe, let's grab Natsu and Gray and leave this island.
Apollyon: Wait? Do you realise what is happening here right?
Erza: Yes I do. Lucy and Happy inform me what is going on here.
Apollyon: And your just gonna leave every though there is a dangerous creature in there that is aboit to be awaken!
Erza: Lucy, Natsu, Happy and Gray have broken guild rules, they ruler be punished for this.
Apollyon: So you be willing to leave all those people living in this island to die then? Your nothing but a jedi who obeys to rules.
She then place sword at his throat as she glare at Apollyon and said in a scary tone.
Erza: (anger) It be wise to not make me mad.
Apollyon: (smirk) I'm not mad at a metal swordknight like you.
Lucy: (scared) Wow they are scary!
Happy: (scared) We're gonna did for sure.
Y/n: That's enough, both of you! Apollyon is right?
Erza: But Y/n-
Y/n: But nothing. These people we have met has been suffering by a curse for far too long and abandoned will ruined the guilds name if ee abandon them. We are Fairy Tail and no matter how tough our jobs maybe, we will not abandoned people that are needed. I know your loyal to Makarov and guilds rules but sometime we have to break these rules in hopes to save lives. Please Erza.....let us complete this job and then we go.
Erza stares at him and felt kinda ashamed for herself so she lowee her sword and let out a sigh.
Erza: Your right. I'm sorry.
Y/n: It's okay. Apollyon let Lucy and Happy go.
He node and walks over towards them and let's them go ad they get up.
Happy: So dose that mean your own our side fully?
Apollyon: (smirk) Guess so talking cat.
Happy: The names Happy.
Apollyon: Oh.....sorry.
Lucy: So now what?
Y/n: We know Gray is with the village people and Natsu might be where the village was destroyed. If we head there right now we might find Natsu and we can regroup with Gray and plan out attack against Lyon and his followers.
Erza: I think Natsu might go straight to Lyon if I were him.
Apollyon: She might be correct. Knowing how idiotic Natsu maybe, he's probably going to face Lyon head on right now.
Y/n: Then that means we need to get to Gray and once he wakes up, we plan out attack. Hopefully Natsu can hold on until we-
Suddenly he groan while he grab his waist which Erza and Lucy worry a bit but Y/n stood himself up and ensures everyone that he is fine and then said.
Y/n: Let's go and see how Gray is first and then we attack Lyon for sure.
They agree and so they head off to find where the village people went with Gray and wait for him to get all healed up so they can head into Lyon's base and defeat him while also finding Natsu inside as well.
To be continued............................................
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