Chapter 11: Trust on your enemy
Blaster bolts can be heard and flashes can be seen on top of the hill as we cut to Y/n rolling from an attack and turn and fire his blaster pistol at one cloak figure and then turn and grabs a incoming fist and then headbutts the cloak figure and tossed him off the hill.
More come towards him but he fire mini rocket from his gauntlet and hits the other cloaked figures. He stood up and turn only to be hit by the cloak figures with a staff as he dodges the cloak figures swings and then grabs the staff and snatched it out of the cloak figures hand and then kick him away.
He throws the staff that hits the cloak figure while we see Apollyon force chocking a cloak figure and then force pushed him away, crashing into the others. Then he turn while he reach out his hand and use force lighting to zap the other cloak figures, slowly killing them ad they hit the ground while smoke was coming out from their lifeless body.
Suddenly one try to attack Apollyon when he was shot several times in the back by Y/n as he fell while Apollyon turn to see Y/n saved his life as the two look at each other as Apollyon tells him.
Apollyon: I never needed your help mandalorian.
Y/n: Whatever you say.
Then there was a shake as they turn to see Gray and Lyon battling each other by using ice magic at each other.
Apollyon: So any idea how he knows of Lyon?
Y/n: No idea but best we help him.
Apollyon: Right.
The two race over and soon met up with Natsu as the trio arrives in Gray's aid as Gray stumble back while the trio were behind him as they stare at Lyon.
Lyon: I see you have gotten a team Gray.
Gray: (anger) Shut up! Why are you doing this!? Why are your trying to free Deliora! After what Ur have done to save all of us.
Y/n: (thought) Ur?
Lyon: Ur should have beaten Deliora many years back. She was the most powerful ice wizard that is and yet she hadn't beaten Deliora but rather sealing it away forever. Which is why I will do what she never done before and that is to free Deliora so I can kill it!
Natsu: I don't think so!
Gray: Natsu wait!
Natsu charge at him but Lyon use ice magic to freeze Natsu's body but not his legs, arms and head as he steps back for a bit and then he tripped and fell down from the hill while Y/n and Apollyon watch hi .
Y/n: Damn it.
Apollyon turn and use force lighting but Lyon created an ice wall to block it which surprised Apollyon as he stop and ask.
Apollyon: What are you a jedi or sith?
Lyon: I am a wizard and you be wise to allow me and Gray to battle on one vs one.
Apollyon: (smirk) I don't thinks so. Your messing with a sith inquisitor so you better prey.
Y/n looks at Gray to see his serious face and knows he wants to face Lyon on his own so he slide his blaster pistol and tells Apollyon.
Y/n: Let's go.
Apollyon: What? Your serious!?
Y/n: If those two wanna fight each other in one vs one battle. Then so be it. Besides we need to help Lucy and Happy to set up a defence around the village.
Apollyon was frustrated by this but for some reason the thought of the village being destroy pledge his mind so he deactivated his saber and gose with Y/n to the village whike Gray and Lyon face each in a battle.
(Soon after)
The two arrive back to the village as they walk through the village to see everyone in a panic while they see Lucy and Happy up ahead at the gate as Lucy turn to see them and rushes over to them.
Lucy: Thank god your okay. Wait, where's Natsu and Gray?
Y/n: Gray is fighting Lyon while we lost Natsu when he fell down into the forest. He'll be fine though, he always get himself in trouble all the time.
Apollyon: Right now we need to set up a defence in order to stop Lyon's army before they get here.
Lucy: (smirk) Lucky for us I've made a perfect trap so they will be stuck if they come.
Apollyon: Really? Where is it?
Lucy shows them to trap and the two stare at the pitfall trap as they have no idea what to say about this trap.
Apollyon: You got to be kidding me.
Lucy: What? It's a perfect trap! This gate is the only way they can get through so if they really want to get in they have to go through this gate.
Apollyon: I've seen many of those pite traps before, those that have spikes while those that have lava but this.......this is pathetic.
Happy: Yeah agree.
Virgo: I very much agree.
Lucy: You all just don't understand!
Apollyon: Looks if they are coming here then how's about we just take the village people and go? This place is already abandoned so let's just leave.
Moka: No! I refuse to leave Bobo behind!
Then Moka approach them and tells Apollyon.
Moka: We will not abandoned this village especially Bobo! This was our village for years and I refuse to leave!
Apollyon: Your people will die once those wizards come and destroy everything and everyone here. And Bobo is dead, if you wish to join him then your welcome of staying here.
Y/n: That's enough! There is only three wizards and even if they have an army I don't think it isn't as big. We can fight them and defend this village as best we can. This village won't fall on our watch.
The crowd cheered for Y/n as they believed as long he is around, they will be safe. Apollyon just can't believe this and turn and leave which Lucy sees him walking away and decided to go after him.
Soon we see Apollyon working on his tie fighter and trying to fix it so he can leave this island and return back to his fleet. He was underneath the tie fighter and reach out to try and grab a tool that he needed when Lucy gaves him the tool which he takes bit slide out to see Lucy.
Lucy: (smile) Hey there.
Apollyon just slide back underneath the tie fighter and continue working on his tie fighter as Lucy lend on the tie fighter as the two was silent and then Lucy tells him.
Lucy: I know your afraid. I know you won't say you aren't but I can tell you do. Your afraid of this empire so you haveto obey to their orders even by means killing innocents of people. I know you don't like us but if you go back to the empire then what do you thinm they will do? Will they welcome you in open arms that you have return and safe? Or will they kill you as soon you get into their ship? I just want to let you know that, being scared is okay but what isn't not telling anyone about it. Maybe that's how you fall to the dark side. Maybe fear got to you and soon you join the thing that scared you the most.
Apollyon stop what he was working and fall silent as Lucy sees this as her time to leave so she was about to make her leave when Apollyon call out.
Apollyon: The empire isn't the only thing I feared.
She turn back as Apollyon sat up and lend hid back onto hid tie fighter as he lend out a sigh and then tells Lucy.
Apollyon: I'm afraid of.....him.
Lucy: Him?
Apollyon: A block armor like sith Lord with a long black cape, breaths like he is looking for prey to kill, a helmet that strike fear to all and even his own men. A man who shows no mercy to any men, women and children who stand against his way. The one that ended the jedi order along with his massive army of clone troopers who are know apart of his might fist. A true sith Lord that shows no emotions except for hate, anger and filled with vengeance and pain. Strong of the force in every way, kill a whole army by himself and shows his might by any high ranking imperials and crushing any of them with his fist and.....he one who trained me and the other inquisitors to battle and told us one thing and one thing only. "Failure will not be acceptable." Mot only fear the empire Lucy....I also fear one sith sith Lord that punish those...who failed him.
Lucy got the chills after he told her that as he looks at Lucy and then stood up and tells her.
Apollyon: If what your saying is true. Then I'll be already dead once I return back to the empire fleet. I guess I'm going to be stuck here forever then.
Lucy: (smile) Whatever happens. We keep you safe.
Apollyon nodes to her and then Y/n came up to them and tells Lucy.
Y/n: Seems like your put trapped worked.
Lucy: (smile) Awesome! I know it will work!
Y/n:.....Well.....sort off worked.
The two were confused but once they return to the put fall trap they were surprised to see Natsu and the badly ignored Gray inside the pit.
Natsu: Hey what is this pit fall trap?!
Lucy: The heck?! Why are they down there!
Y/n: The tower watchmen told me they see something moving so we open the gate and once the get is opened we realise it was Natsu carrying Gray and heading towards us.
Lucy: So why didn't you stop him?
Y/n: I did. I told Natsu to stop and he did but he was an idiot when he wonders about the leaves covered up in front of him so he step in and fell into the hole.
Happy: To be honest you do want Natsu to get hurt after he took on a S-Class quest job as a punishment.
Apollyon use the force to lift the two out of the hole while the village people attended Gray's injuries as Y/n and Natsu watch him.
Y/n: What happened?
Natsu: That Lyon guy beat the hell out of him. Good thing he fell where I was so I carry him back to the village.
Lucy: Okay guys now we know that trapped work let's cover up and wait for them to come!
Y/n: Hang on there Lucy. Those three wizards head to the village first before any of us would but for some reason Natsu and Gray were the first once here. So the question is where are they?
Lucy: Yeah your right.
Apollyon: Maybe they are riding a flying rat.
Happy: Look I know your a sith but this ain't the time for jokes you know.
Apollyon: No I'm being serious. Look up.
They all did and they were shocked to see a gaint rat flying above them while the trio of wizards were riding on it's back while the rat have a large bucket.
Y/n: (shocked) What the hell?! Since when a rat can fly?!
Happy: What's inside that bucket?
Suddenly the bucket shake a bit and a green jelly like liquid came down from the bucket and it was about to land on Lucy when Y/n grabs Lucy out of he way before the green jelly liquid hits the ground and melt the floor.
Lucy: (shocked) Wow!
Y/n: That's acid!
The village people panicked while the gaint rat pours the bucket towards the village, dumbing acid at them.
Natsu: Everyone get in the middle!
They did so while Apollyon sees Moka hugging the grave of Bobo as Apollyon turns to the crowd gathering in the middle while he turn back to Moka.
Apollyon: Damn it!
Before the acid would hit the village Natsu uses fire dragon roar to create a large hole in the middle so everyone will be safe while the village would be burned and destroyed. What's left was a hole with one ground standing as eveyrone was shocked to see theie village being destroyed.
Male Villager: Wait where's the village chief?!
They realise Moka was not among them and they believed he was killed but then Apollyon called out.
Apollyon: Over here!
They turn to see Moka and Apollyon as he use the force to stop the acid from hitting Moka and Bobo's grave and then tossed the acid away. Moka looks at Apollyon while he glance back at him.
Moka: (shocked) You saved my life.
Apollyon:......Your welcome.
Natsu: That's a relief.
Y/n: We need to move now. Take Gray and fifn somewhere to-
Suddenly he was taking by the gaint rat as they turn to see the gaint rat taking him away.
Lucy: Y/n!
Natsu looks over to only see two wizards there so he tells Lucy and Apollyon.
Natsu: Help out Y/n! I'll take care of those two! Happy!
Happy: (smirk) Aye sir!
Apollyon: Right. Lucy, let's go.
Lucy: Right!
The two head out to find Y/n while the village people take the injured Gray to safety as Natsu battle against the two wizards in battle.
We see Y/n being grabbed by the claws of the gaint rat as he struggled to break free. After a while he managed to pull out one hand out and fire flames out of hid gauntlet and onto the gaint rat. The rat lend out a yell and dropped him into the woods.
He hits the hill and the roll down from the hill and soon hits the ground. He lend out a groan as he slowly gets up and shake his head as he stands up straight and looks around to see he crashed in the middle of the woods.
Y/n: (thought) Damn it. I better head back and help out the rest.
He turns to leave but something froze him dead in his tracks as he stare at the dark area of the woods and soon something came out from the darkness as two zombie lioe adults one male and one female came out of the darkness while Y/n steps back and shakes in fear.
Y/n: (scared) M-Mum....D-Dad.
Y/n's father: Y/n. Why did you let this happen. I thought you've loved us.
Y/n's mother: How could you let this happen to us. Why did you let it happen?
Y/n: (scared) N-No I did try! I tried to save you! Please forgive me!
Y/n's mother and father: You are no son of ours. You betrayed was all your fault.
Then the two turn around as two super battle droids 8s formed within the darkness as they aim theie wrist blasters at them while Y/n rushes towards them but then something tripped him which vost him to fell onto the ground and then something starts dragging him away as he calls out to his parents in fear.
Y/n: No! Mom! Dad! NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
There was a blaster fire as the four figures disappeared from him as he turn to see a vice dragging him away so he pulls out his knife and cuts the vine off of his leg. Once that he quickly gets up and aim his blaster rifle around only for more vines came out and they grab around Y/n's arms and legs as he accidentally dropped his blaster rifle while he was lifted off the ground whike his arms and legs were being stretched tight as he struggled to try to break free but the vines was not letting him go.
???: Well Well Well, look what we have here.
Then Sherry appeared out of the darkness as the vines moved him toward hers she looks at him while she said.
Sherry: (smirk) It seems I have gotten one of the trespassers. Lyon will be very much be pleased for that.
Y/n: You won't win. Soon Lyon's plan of bring back Deliora will be ruined. We won't let it happen.
Sherry: You do not understand the power of love do you warrior? Well, let's see about it.
Then two stone like monsters came out behind her as the vines dropped Y/n to the ground and then he quickly look up only to be smashed to the ground by one of the stone monsters. Then another grabs him by him and then tossed him across the woods and then everything turns black for him once he hit something really hard from behind as he falls unconscious.
To be continued....................................
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