Chapter 10: Deilora

The sun was about to set down on Galuna Island as we cut to the village to see many village people walking about the village gathering some fruits and other stuff to theie homes. We then cut to a tent where we see Apollyon waking up as he open his eyes and looks up to see four figures standing around him as his visions clear up and he can see Y/n, Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Happy in front of him.

Y/n: Nice nap?

Apollyon sees Y/n and try to attack him but he was tired up and he can't feel his light saber on his belt while Y/n shows Apollyon his saber while he tells him.

Y/n: I believe you don't need this for a while.

Apollyon sees that he is captured as he sat down and just glare at them and then said.

Apollyon: You four may have captured me but my Inquisitor's will one day come and free me. Just you wait and see.

Happy: Hey I'm here you know!

Natsu: (smirk) And here I thought siths were suppose to be strong. But I guess not all sith ain't as strong against Fairy Tail.

Apollyon: (smirk) You have no idea how many others that are still out there. As soon they come, you'll be sorry.

Y/n: I can handle them. I've defeated you before, I can beat the rest with no problem.

They leave the tent while Apollyon sat there for a bit as he try to get out but his legs and arms were tied up. We then cut to Y/n and the rest as they stand outside of the tent and then Y/n turns to Natsu and scold him.

Y/n: You should realise that this job was highly dangerous and this job would have got you and the rest killed!

Natsu: Hey we only just arrive to the village. So things are going well right?

Y/n: It doesn't matter how well your job is going, you shouldn't have taken it!

Lucy: Look we're so sorry for taking on this job but these people really need our help. You see-

Suddenly when night hits the moon in the sky suddenly bring out a purple glow apon the island and suddenly eveyr village people around them suddenly turned into monsters within seconds as Y/n watched. Once the transformation was complete, everyone apart of Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Happy and himself were turned into monsters.

Y/n: What the hell happened?

???: The moon has changed us all into monsters once night came.

Then a elder monster walks over to Y/n and the rest as he looks up at Y/n and gose on to explain.

Moka: I am Moka, the village cheif and we've been waiting for our saver to come and save us from this cursed and after a long while, he has come. You have come to free us from this cursed.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Moka: We were told about a warrior from the sky who will come to this island and free us from this curse. He will wear all armor with gear that isn't like anything we have ever seen and a powerful sword that can cut through anything, even a planet.

Natsu: So Y/n is some sort of a chosen one on this island?

Moka: That is correct. We needed your help to destroy the moon and free us from this curse. We beg of you Y/n, help us.

Lucy: Look it might not be possible but there has to be another reason for this to happen. I know your sent to bring us back but please Y/n, can you help us and we promise we will return peaceful, please?

Y/n stood there and turn to the village people as he can see the village people can't take it anymore of being monsters as Y/n stars at him and then turn back and then sigh and says.

Y/n: Fine. I'll help but only because I can bring you guys back, I'm not here for any rewards or anything else.

Natsu: (smile) Awesome!

Lucy: (smile) Thank you Y/n! Your the best!

Gray: So what should we start?

Y/n: If I know anything about places with small life with unknown origins, there must be a temple nearby that we can start.

Moka: There is one temple not far from here. If you head there you might find a way to destroy the moon.

Y/n: We'll see what we can do.

Gray: Say what about that sith inquisitor dude? Can we just leave him here?

Y/n: No. If he breaks out, he'll kill everyone here....but he could be useful on one thing.


We see Apollyon in the lead while the rest were behind him as we see Y/n having Apollyon on a rope like a dog as they walk deeper and deeper into the woods.

Apollyon: Is it really necessary to use me as your sniff dog?

Y/n: Just shut up and sense for a temple anywhere.

Apollyon: You know all of you will regret this. The empire will show no mercy apon you all.

Natsu: Yeah Yeah Yeah what ever man. Just use your magic and find this temple for us.

Apollyon: It's called the force.

Natsu: What's the difference?

Apollyon just let out a groan as they continue on walking while following Apollyon. Soon they exit out of the woods and find the temple which looked to be ancient. They heaf inside and see many writtens among the walls along with paintings and drawings on the walls as well.

Natsu: What is all of this? I can barely understand those words.

Happy: Aye. None doesn't make any sense.

Apollyon: They are telling a story. A story how this island was founded and how it was cursed.

Y/n: How do you know?

Apollyon: Not all inquisitors go out and kill jedi. Most Inquisitor's research about ancient written that were either from sith or jedi.

Y/n: So are these writtens are from a jedi or sith?

Apollyon: Neither but I can tell it's telling a story to those who came to this-

Suddenly Apollyon stopped which made everyone else stopped which Natsu asked.

Natsu: Yo, what's the problem?

Apollyon: (shocked) I sense something deep within this temple. A mass amount of dark energy is coming from somewhere in this temple.

Y/n: Can you show us it?

Apollyon: Do I have a choice?

Y/n just stare at Apollyon while he turn back and leaf them while he said.

Apollyon: Guess not.

They follow Apollyon but soon they reach a dead-end as they only see a wall in front of them.

Lucy: Um so where is this dark energy you've sensed?

Gray: Or your just saying that you can attack us?

Apollyon: No it's close but I don't understand.

Natsu: Man this place is old. The floor is even unsafe to walk on.

He then stomp on the floor several times and suddenly the floor beneath them breaks and they all start falling down the large hole. Y/n actived his jetpack and catches Lucy while Apollyon leaps onto wall to wall and then lands safely onto the ground while Happy grabs Natsu and Natsu grabbed Gray as they slowly got down from the ground. Y/n lands on the ground while having Lucy in his hand as Y/n looks at her.

Y/n: You okay?

Lucy: (blush) Y-Yep....I'm good.

Her heart skip a beat once more as Y/n gently set her down while Apollyon turn and he can sense the dark engery even more stronger as he turn to see a path.

Apollyon: This way! It's getting stronger!

Soon they go through the path and finally they get to the other side they were shocked to see something they have never imagin in their lives. In front of them was a gaint ice in the middle of a large cave but inside was a huge monster having its mouth open like it was roaring as they stare at the creature trapped inside in shock.

Y/n: What in the living hell is that?!

Apollyon: This must be where the dark energy is coming from. That creature, what ever that is the source of this dark energy.

Gray: (shocked) Deliora.

They turn to Gray as Gray steps forward while he looks at the large creature while he had a shocked but horrified look in his face.

Y/n: You know this thing Gray?

Gray slowly forms a fist in anger while he slowly nodes and looks up at Deliora and tells them.

Gray: That's Deliora, the demon of destruction. But why is it here, this doesn't make any sense!

Apollyon: Look we have no time of this shock crap. How's about we destroy it and end this stupid job for go-

Then Gray punched Apollyon in the face as he stumble back which angers Apollyon and yells at him.

Apollyon: (anger) The hell is that for!

Gray: (anger) I don't want you get near it!

Apollyon: (anger) Why the hell not!? That thing is what we're looking for right! Let's just destroy this thing while we have a chance!

Gray: (anger) If that ice breaks them Deliora is free!

Apollyon: (anger) But-!

Y/n: That's enough! Gray what about the ice? How is a gaint and powerful creature be trapped in a large ice?

Gray: It's called Iced shell it's a powerful spell and once cast the ice is impossible to break. Not even the powerful flames can't even break it.

Y/n: Then who bring it here and why?

Apollyon: Maybe who ever responsible for this must have plans for it.

Y/n: Maybe.

They decided to get some rest and they sat down in front of the captured Deliora. Gray were looking at Deliora while Apollyon looks back at him which Gray noticed and asked.

Gray: What?

Apollyon: I've sensed you uses to have master, who you've lost years back.

Gray just be silent while the rest stare at the two as Apollyon lend out a sigh and then says.

Apollyon: I too once have a master. Many years back, when I was just a padawan. My master and i fought together and many other clones during the clones wars. But then the clones betrayed us and they killed my master. After a while of hiding from the empire, they captured me and turned me into an inquisitor. I feel there was no purpose of fighting for those I care for so I accepted it and kill many of my brothers and sisters during the jedi purge.

Natsu: So you betrayed your own family.

Apollyon: When I join the empire they were not my family...not anymore.

Y/n: But then you have orders to capture the kyber saber which I have right?

Apollyon: Indeed. You know I'm surprised that you've managed to hold on to it while being on thid unknown planet. I should be impress but then again, you luck will ran out.

Lucy: You know, you can't always serve the empire. I mean what Y/n told us they're nothing but corrupted and greedy government that rules the galaxy with fear.

Apollyon: I know but.....what else can I do? There is nothing for me outside the rain of the empire. No families to go to, no friends, love ones......not even my home planet to go to. The the only thing I have.

Y/n: Maybe so. But do you question the empires methods or do you not just like what they are doing to the galaxy?


Y/n: Well?

Apollyon: I....I rather not say it.

Happy: Why? The empire is just some jerks that dose nothing but scare people.


Y/n: Your afraid of the empire.....are you?

Apollyon: I'm afraid of nothing!

Y/n: You sure about it?

His hands shakes a bit as Apollyon looks at his hands and can't tell if it the ice pouring out cold weather around him or....something else. Suddenly the hole pkace started to shake and suddenly a large purple magic circle appears above the captured Deliora and shooting down a glow onto the iced Deliora as the ice suddenly started to melt.

Gray: (shocked) That's impossible!

Apollyon: It looks like what ever is going on, it's coming from above us!

Natsu: Let's check it out!

They agree and they make their way out of the room and managed to find their way up and followed the large magic purple circle and soon they reach the roof of the temple and once there Y/n spotted a group of cloaked figures around the magic circle as Y/n and the rest hide behind a wall and peak over to see the group of cloaked figures chanting around the large purple circle.

Natsu: Who are those guys?

Y/n: They look like a Cult. You think they serve to Deliora Gray?

Gray: What ever they are doing they are trying to free Deliora.

Lucy: I got a bad feeling about this.

Happy: Aye.

Apollyon: Look, that must be their leader.

They look over to see the cults leader wearing a helmet while wearing a white cape on his back along with free other members that must be his high ranking leaders as they follow their true leader.

???: Yuka, Toby, Sherry Have you three found the intruders?

Yuka: We have but there was no sign of them.

Toby: Well maybe there were not intruders in the first place!

Sherry: It seems they have gotten away from us. Forgive us ice emperor.

Y/n: (thought) Ice Emperor. So he must be their leader then.

Y/n place down his blaster rifle and aim down at the scope and aimed at the ice emperor.

Apollyon: What do you think your doing?

Y/n: Just shut up and let me force.

???: No matter the time is almost apon us. Soon Deliora will be brought back to life and we will succeed on our goal.

Yuka: What about the village people? What should we do about them?

???: If that's where the intruders might be then they must be punished for it. Destroy the village, kill everyone on sight.

Yuka: Of course sir.

The trio make their leave while Y/n aims down the scope as he git a line of sight. He press his finger onto the trigger and after second he takes the shot. The bolt travelled towards the ice emperor and then it land a hit but it only knock of his helmet off of him as it crash onto thr ground.

Y/n: Damn it!

The other cults turn to see them as they exit out of cover.

Apollyon: (smirk) Here I thought your a great shot?

Y/n: Shut up.

The ice emperor slowly stood up straight while he touched his face to see he didn't get too much damage and finally turned to face them. Gray is shocked to see his face and then he called out by his real name.

Gray: (shocked) Lyon?! Wh-What the hell are you doing?! Are you trying to ruin our masters sacrifice?!

Lucy: Lyon?

Apollyon: You two know each other?

Gray glared at Lyon while Lyon coldy look at them while Y/n tells Lucy and Happy.

Y/n: You two heaf back to the village and warn Moka and the rest about an up coming attack. We take care of Lyon and his Cult.

Lucy: Alright be safe.

Happy takes Lucy and they fly off while Y/n pulls out his spear and slice off the rope off of Apollyon who is surprised and then Y/n give him his light saber.

Y/n: Don't make me regret freeing you.

Apollyon looks at Y/n and his saber and takes it out of Y/n's hands and looks at it and then reply.

Apollyon: Do not worry. These groups of cults are more of a threat to us then to me.

He actived his double bladed saber as he Spone it around and get into a battle stand. Y/n nodes while he ready his spear while Natsu burst his flames from his fist while Gray keeps glaring at Lyon as Lyon says.

Lyon: Hello Gray. It's been a while.

Gray: (anger) Why are you doing this?! Master Ur sacrifice herlife to seal Deliora so why doing this!

Lyon: I am doing a favour and I will not allow you to ruin it for us. Destroy the intruders. Make them regret coming here.

The cloaked figure comply to his orders and walk towards the four as all four ready themselves for a tough fight.

To be continued.........................

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