Chapter 1: Mandalorian meets Fairy Tail

A crackle of thunder bolts followed by a hard rain pours down over the muddy planet as we see a young boy running away while we see tears in his eyes along with his clothes torn and ripped as he runs away from someone or something as he can hear the clapping of something metal behind him as he runs for his life.

He was in tears, scared and doesn't know what to do but run as fast as he can and hopes they will not catch him. Soon he finds a destroyed building which he gose in and hides as he cover his mouth while he hears the metal feet making it's way near his hiding spot. After a while it stop as the boy try to make as less noise as he can while he listen in hopes they will just run by him.

He sat on the floor in tears as he shut his eyes still in tears just want this to be a nightmare to him, he wishes he can just wake up and with his mother and father. Then there were metal foot steps enter the building and they stop as he look up and his eyes was terrified to be faced by three battle droids as they look down at him with blasters in hand.

Battle droid: We found you.

He was shaking in fear as the battle droids aim their blasters at him and they were ready to fire. He knew this was it for him as he shut his eyes ready for his death but suddenly three blaster bolts were heard and three battle droids were taking out while the boy looks back up to see them fell onto the ground.

???: You okay kid?

He looks over to be met by a mandalorian as he slide his blaster at his holster and looks over to the boy.

???: Can you speak kid? You okay?

He can't help but cry as he runs up and hug the mandalorian which the mandalorian sees his suffering by the battle droids and bend down to hug the boy while he assures him.

???: Don't worry kid. Your safe with me. Did they hurt you....where's your parents?

He look at the mandalorian and look down which the mandalorian understood and pick him up while he tells him.

???: I' sorry for your lost kid. It must be hard to lose your whole family like that, say you got a name?

Y/n: (tears) (sniff) I-I-It's Y/n sir. Th-Thank you for saving me sir.

Kal: No problem kid. Names Kal Skirata, come on, we don't want those battle droids to find us.

Y/n: (tears) O-Okay.

Kal carry Y/n away from the building as he hugs him tight while he assures him.

Kal: Don't worry kid. I'm gonna take care of you just like your parents. I promise.

(Years later)

At a unknown planet we see nothing but rocks and mountains around the landscape with no land in sight. Then we see something fly by follow by a large monster with horns chasing after him as we see a older Y/n wearing his Beskar armor flying through with his jetpack on his back while he's taking the monster into his trap.

We then see large rocks over them as Y/n turns himself around and fire two mini rockets at the rocks, blowing the edge up and the rocks fell down while the monster launched out to eat him but the rocks fell on top of the monster and start to pile on top of the monster.

Once that Y/n lands down in front of the piled rocks as he walked over and see that the monster is probably dead. He turn to walk away only for thr rocks to move and the monster burst out of the ruble now in rage as he roars at Y/n while he quickly pulls out his blaster to shoot at us eyes but the monster slapped him, striking him and sending hin crushing onto a wall.

He land on one knee while he grunded in pain while he slowly gets up.

Y/n: (thought) Damn it. How much more damage do I need to kill this fucking monster.

The monster roars and charges towards Y/n while he pulls oit his Beskar spear ready for a brutel battle when suddenly someone leaps over the monster and swings one slash at the monsters neck. Once that the monsters head came off and the monster fell to the ground dead which surprised Y/n when a voice behind him calls out.

???: Hey you.

He turn to be met with a long red women with body armor on her chest as she look at him and gose on uo say.

???: You know that monster was powerful if your not a wizard right?

Y/n: Yes.

???: Then why were you risking your life just to kill it?

Y/n: Because for a job I'm here to complete.

Erza: Huh I was here for the same job as well. Anyways allow me to introduce myself, my name is Erza Scarlet and your name?

Y/n: The names Y/n, I'm a mandalorian warrior.

Erza: A mandalorian warrior? Never heard that name.

Y/n: I get that a lot.

Erza: Still I can tell you are very smart and brave of facing down that monster. Tell you what, how about we share the reward together.

Y/n: Sure. Should we take it's horns? The village people will not believe us without any proof.

Erza: Sure, allow me.

She walk pass Y/n and with one slash, she took off the monsters horns off and lift it with one arm which surprised Y/n but they head off to collect their reward and head off.


They decided to stop by a bar before they head off their separate ways as we see them sitting at the booth of the bar with drinks in hand as Erza stare at Y/n's face as he set his mandalorian helmet near him and takes a drink while he glare over to Erza seeing her staring at him.

Y/n: Is there a problem?

Erza: (panic) Huh oh no I'm truly sorry! I just.....I was day dreaming for a second there.

Y/n shrugged it off and take another drink while Erza's heart skip a beat while she thinks to himself.

Erza: (thought) My word is he so handsome and his voice is so hot as well. I wonder what is his origin and how he got such interesting armor and gear.

Y/n: So judging by that logo on your armor chest your from a guild.

Erza: Oh um yes. Yes I am. Are you?

Y/n: No. I basically wonder this world, seeking for something to do here.

Erza: I see. Well how's about you join my guild, you might meet great people there.

Y/n: I don't know. I've been through many guilds and their not as good.

Erza: (smile) I can assure you our guild is very nice. Sure there are fights and argues there but we're like a family there.

Y/n: (thought) Family.

Byard: Hey hurry up bar tender!

Kageyama: Will you relax man.

They glance over to see three guys sat around the table talking to each other while Byard tells Kageyama.

Byard: How can I relax? We finally find the location of Lullaby and we can't do anything, all because of some seal.

Karacka: Hey keep I down.

Kageyama: Look I can handle this. You three tell Erigor I'll be there with it and he have no worries about it.

The three of them node while Erza and Y/n make their leave after they pay for the drinks and we see them outside as Erza strapped the horn on her cart while Y/n ask her.

Y/n: What were they talking about?

Erza: I believe they are plotting for something. Those people are from the Eisenwald and what ever this Lullaby is can't be good. We need to make a quick stop by Fairy Tail.

Y/n: Why going there first?

Erza: We can't handle this on our own so it's best we get some back up. I know we just met but I couldn't use your help.

Y/n stood there and thinks about it and remembers was Kal told him about helping others and knows that thousands might die if they succeed so he node to Erza which made Erza smile.

Erza: (smile) Thank you. Your doing a right thing helping us.

Y/n: No problem Erza.

Erza node to him while Y/n puts on his mandalorian helmet and they head off to Fairy Tail to pick up two members so the can help them on this mission or what Y/n calls it "a job."


They arrived to a town called Magnolia as we see many people staring at them but they were staring at Erza along with a gaint horn on her cart as they walk through Magnolia while they spotted a boy with orange short hair with glasses as he quickly spotted Erza and runs off the opposite way.

Y/n: Friend of yours?

Erza: Yes and a type of guy that I've punched who try to flirt with me.

She continues on walking with Y/n smirk a little underneath his helmet, wishing he could have seen that happen as he follow Erza to a building which is guild called Fairy Tail as Erza and Y/n enter the guild to be met with many guild members shaking in fear to see Erza back while not noticing Y/n enter the guild.

Y/n: (thought) Seems like everybody just froze when Erza comes in.

Erza: I have returned. Where is Master Makarov?

Then a long white hair women that looked beautiful to Y/n answered to Erza.

???: He is away right now but he'll be back.

Erza: I see.

Guild member: Hey what is that you have?

Erza: It is the horn of the monster during my mission. I kinda got some help with him.

She pointed to Y/n which everyone looked over to see Y/n and immediately everyone was shocked while Erza was a bit confused and ask.

Erza: What's wrong?

Guild member 2: (shocked) D-Do you not know who he is!?

Guild member 3: (shocked) That's the warrior that took down a whole guild disbite being none magic. He singal handle took down 100 dark wizards within a day.

Erza: (surprised) Really? Is that true Y/n?

Y/n: Indeed. They were attacking an innocent village and kidnapping their children, I took them down before they would have succeed.

Erza was a bit surprised but respect him even more due to his heroic action of saving lives. Still she turns back to everyone and calls out.

Erza: Is Natsu and Gray here?

They look over to see Natsu and Gray shaking in fear while they were shoulder to shoulder and shaking hands while Gray tells Erza.

Gray: (scared) H-H-Hey Erza. W-we're just hanging around being best bros.

Natsu: (scared) Aye!

Erza: That's good to hear.

Y/n: (thought) Why do i get a feeling they are not friends but more like rivals.

???: H-Hey there.

He turns to be met with a blonde women as she nervously stare at Y/n while she nervously said.

Lucy: (little nervous) N-Nice to meet you. I've heard about you and I just glad to meet you. Names Lucy.

Y/n: You don't have to be nervous around me Lucy. I may have taken down a 100 dark wizards, that doesn't mean I'm a threat to every guild.

Lucy: (nervous chuckle) Yeah your right I'm sorry.

Y/n: No need to apologise. Anyways, names Y/n and nice to meet you as well.

???: Don't forget about me!

He looks down to see a blue cat who said.

Happy: (smile) Hey, names Happy it's nice to meet you.

Y/n: Same here.

Erza: (smile) Glad your getting to know the guild Y/n. Anyways the reason I am here is something important and I need Natsu and Grays help.

Everyone was shocked by this while Gray and Natsu glance at each other while Y/n seeing Natsu and Gray must be strong wizards.

Erza: Meet me by Magnolia Station first thing in the morning. We be leaving soon so get ready.

Natsu and Gray: (thought) I have to work with him?

The two look at each other while Y/n walks to the booth of the bar and sat down ad the same long white hair girl appear at the other side and give him a nice smile.

Mirajane: (smile) It's nice to meet you Y/n. The names Mirajane, anything you like to drink or eat?

Y/n: Just some beer please.

Mirajane: (smile) Sure thing. Coming right up.

She walks off while Y/n took off his helmet and set it neat him ad he breath out a sigh while Lucy see his face and blushes a bit.

Lucy: (thought) My god he is so hot and cool!

Happy: (smirk) Looks like someone is in love.

Lucy: Shut up stupid cat!

Y/n ignore it when a women with long brown hair sat next to him as she lend close to him while giving him a smirk.

Cana: (smirk) Hey there handsome. You can call me Cana, I like your armor. Where did you get it?

Y/n: I forged it.

Cana: (smirk) Is that so? Bet it was heavy.

Y/n: I guess. It's made out of Beskar, one of the most strongest material you have ever seen.

Cana: (smirk) That's pretty interesting coming from a handsome and strong person like you. Maybe you can show me your armor if you know what I mean.

She smirk while Y/n blushes a bit while the other guild members whisper to each other about Y/n.

Jet: Are you sure he is this warrior that took down a whole dark guild?

Droy: I don't know. I mean they said he doesn't have magic right, how is possible for him to took down 100dark wizards?

Levy: (smile) Still he is an interesting person. Look how much gear he had on him.

Alzack: What are your thoughts about him Bisca?

Bisca: He looked like a sharp shooter but I've never seen those type of weapons before.

Romeo: (smile) He looks soo awesome!

Macao: There is no way he could have token down 100 dark wizards. That's impossible.

Wakaba: Who knows, maybe we have someone to test to see he is strong?

Warren: Yeah but who be dumb enough to challenge him for a fight?

Y/n has never given this much attention ever since he came to this planet. He was once a bounty hunter that everyone just look away and the only times they talk to him are clients giving him jobs to complete.

Natsu: Hey armor guy!

He turn to be met with Natsu as he smirk and pointed at Y/n.

Natsu: (smirk) If you are that warrior that took down 100 dark wizards then how about you and I fight!

The guild sigh seeing that Natsu is dumb enough to face him while Erza yells at him.

Erza: Natsu! You can't just challenge him to a fight! He is our allie and-

Y/n: It's fine.

He grab his helmet and puts it on as leave his chair and turn to Natsu.

Y/n: If he wants a fight, he gets one.

Erza: You sure?

Y/n: Yes. I'm sure.

He take away all blasters and set them on the table along with a wrap up clothe that Lucy noticed it glowing while Y/n crackle his knuckles and neck while tells Natsu.

Y/n: I'll show you what I can do.

Natsu: (smirk) Hope your ready because I'm coming for ya!

Happy: Go Natsu, go!

Natsu charges at Y/n while his both first burst into flames as he charge towards Y/n and throws the girls fire first at him but he dodges in quick speed speed shocked everyone as Y/n quickly dodges Natsu's blows while Natsunwas shocked by this and struggled to land a blow at him but he dodges too fast.

Lucy: (thought) Wow I never know he can dodge that fast!

Natsu: Stop dodging and throw your first strike!

Y/n: Sure.

He jetjumped over Natsu which shocked everyone as he land behind Natsu and fire a grabble that wrap around his leg as he pulled the grabble which cost Natsu to trip and dragged towards Y/n and once there Natsu fires flames out of his mouth but he quickly dodges his flames and leaps back while Natsu rips off the grabble and stood up.

Natsu: Alright you asking for it! Fire dragon roar!

He fired a massive flames that hit Y/n while everyone panics, thinking Natsu gone a bit too far which Natsu stop immediately thinking he might gone a bit too far but they were shocked to see not only he is still standing but wasn't phased by the flames due to his Beskar armor protection him which shocked everyone and even Erza to see how strong his armor is.

Y/n: Time to finish this up.

He rushes towards Natsu and grab his neck by his shoulder and slammed him onto the floor, cracking thw wooden floor boards. Y/n gets up to see Natsu defeat as he reach out his hand to him which Natsu smirked and take his hand and Y/n help him up.

Natsu: (smirk) Guess those armor were true after are. You did take on 100 dark wizards on your own.

Y/n: Indeed. You weren't bad yourself as well.

Everyone was shocked by this and as Y/n return back to the booth where his drink is ready by Mirajane as he thanked her and take a drink while Mirajane giggled while Erza smiled making a good decision to bring him as our allie and hopefully he might join their guild.


Night came and since Y/n doesn't have a place to stay, Lucy offered him to sleep at her place as we see the two walking together while Y/n tells Lucy.

Y/n: You don't have to bring me to your home Lucy. I've been getting used to sleeping outside.

Lucy: (smile) Never worry about it. I figured you need a nice place to stay so I figured you can stay with my place for a while. Plus, it's cool your friends with Erza.

Y/n: Why is that?

Lucy: Let's just say I heard stories from Natsu and Happy that I thought were true but it was a maybe.

Y/n: Um okay.

Lucy: (smile) Here we are.

They stop and look at a nice apartment building as Y/n look at it and ask.

Y/n: Is this your place?

Lucy: (smile) Yep. Pretty cute right? Come on!

The two head inside and she open her apartment door and once inside her room was nice, actually beautiful to Y/n as he step inside and look around and never remember the last time he live a nice place like this one.

He took off his helmet and looks around in amazement while Lucy sees his amazement and smile a bit while she ask.

Lucy: (smile) Guess you never seen something like this before haven't you?

Y/n: No. Not for a long time.

Then his stomach grumble which the both heard it while Y/n said with embarrassment.

Y/n: (little blush) S-Sorry.

Lucy: (smile) No need to apologise silly. Tell you what, I make us something for dinner while you make yourself comfortable.

He node while Lucy enter the kitchen to cook some dinner while Y/n explore around and feel comfort within her apartment building. He was used to live nasty apartment buildings or nasty homes but this was nice and clean. He look around have a little to explore before Lucy was done as we see them sat down with some nice dinner on the table as Lucy Cheerfully said.

Lucy: (smile) Well, let's dig in!

She digs in while Y/n looks at the food and never seen such good food before. He take his first bite with fork while Lucy ask him.

Lucy: (smile) So how was it, I'm I the best cook or wha-

She froze a bit to see tears in Y/n's eyes after his first bite as Lucy was worried and ask.

Lucy: You okay? Your crying?

Y/n snap out into reality and look at Lucy and realise he was crying so he wipe the tears away and tells Lucy.

Y/n: I-I'm sorry Lucy it's just that....I've never have such good food for a long time.

Lucy: Really, why?

Y/n:.....I.....I don't want to talk about it.

Lucy: Oh.....hey, if your feeling troubled by something. You can talk to me or anyone in Fairy Tail. We're like family and even know your not fully a member there yet....we still considered you as apart of our family.

Y/n was shocked by those words which he node and thanked Lucy which she smiled and after they finish their dinner, he offered to clien the dishes and after that they get ready for bed ad Y/n lay on the couch with the lights turn off as Lucy already fell asleep ad Y/n turn to see Lucy sleeping peaceful with a smile on her face.

This made Y/n crack a smile and disbite being a couch he finds it very comfortable and he slowly drifted off to sleep as he finally feels comfortable after years of torment in the past and now he can sleep easily until the next morning.

To be continued............................

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