The Truth is Revealed

A/N: Here's Chapter 6 for ya guys.

Somewhere far away from the island

A loud roar can be heard shattering the peace across the clear blue sky. This roar came from a pitch black dragon with blue tribal marking down it's body and along it's wings. This dragon was flying at top speed towards Tenrou Island.

With Ultear, Zeref and Daniel

Daniel is slowly rising to his feet as a fight has broken out between Zeref and Ultear. 'I still cannot believe that the black wizard Zeref is here'. Daniel thought as Ultear managed to subdue Zeref in the mean time. "You are strong Lord Zeref but you have not long awoken, I shall take you to Lord Hades then we can build the perfect magical world". Ultear said as she cradled Zeref then began to pick him up."Why Ultear"? Daniel said exhausted from the Tenrou tree falling down. Ultear turned around a look of sadness spread across her face. "Why are you doing this"? Daniel asked as he fell down to one knee and closing one eye to help block the pain. Ultear looked at Daniel with sadness as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

"When I was younger I had a massive fever and my mother, Ur Milkovich, took me to a facility to get me treated and left me there and never came back". Ultear looked at Daniel as tears began to fall from her eyes as the memory was extremely painful for her. "These men conducted various experiments on me continually for years because I had so much excess magic power stored in my young body. I had escaped, I went looking for my mother and when I found her I saw she had replaced me with two boys, a silver haired one and a blacked haired one. I was heartbroken and walked back to the facility. I was taken by Master Hades and I then learned my magic, Arc of Time. I hate my mother, she left me to rot, she didn't care about me she made my childhood a living hell"! Ultear yelled at the end as tears now fell from her face.

Daniel stood there stunned and confused 'she's been through so much and has managed to remain strong she is defiantly amazing but what she has done here on Tenrou and to my friends is unforgivable ' Daniel then shakily got into his fighting stance. "Daniel... I really don't want to fight you, you are an amazing wizard but I have to do this for my own happiness". Ultear said looked down not wanting to look at Daniel as he looked like the exact opposite of what Ultear saw him to be as she saw Daniel to be a strong wizard. But there was one thing that remained and that was the fire in his eyes that said that he was going fight until he couldn't get up anymore.

"So it is true you are the daughter of Ur". A voice called out from the shrubbery. As a black haired male slowly limped his way towards Ultear and Daniel."Gray". Daniel said shakily as Gray just gave him a thumbs up. Ultear was seething. "How dare you mention that name in my presence, she traded me in, her biological daughter, for you and that other boy"! Ultear yells as she puts down Zeref and gets into her battle stance. "I'm going to kill you"! She yells throwing her green lacrima orbs at Gray and Daniel splitting them so that there were too many for them to dodge. Daniel and Gray grunted and yelled in pain as Ultear seemed almost delighted to destroy one of her mothers pupils, however she was slightly regretful for harming Daniel even more than she already had. This continued for a few minutes until a loud quake could be heard and felt as everyone looked around to see something unbelievable as the Tenrou sacred tree was repairing itself. Ultear looks back to see Daniel and Gray standing up and exhaling hard but not struggling to stand like earlier.

"It's good to have magic back". Y/N said while going back into his battle stance. Gray just nodded and said "Ultear there's something you should know about your mother"... Gray started but one of Ultear's orbs flew towards him from an enraged Ultear but was shattered by Daniel as he punched it with a fist encased in jagged rocks. "...I walked into her room on night to hear crying coming from her room, I asked her why she was crying she replied that she had lost someone very important to her. She showed me the photo and it was of her and little girl that looked like a very young version of her". Gray finished nearly crying himself as he loved his master so much and didn't want to remember her as weak, where as Ultear was stunned into silence, that her mother still loved her and never meant to abandon her. She started to cry as her whole world had been turned upside down from this revelation. Gray looked at Daniel who nodded and told Gray to go find Natsu and the others, Gray just nodded and ran to find the loud pink haired dragon slayer. Daniel walked towards Ultear and gave her a hug, Ultear flinched at the physical contact and looked to see Daniel looking at her and telling her that he was here to help her. Their faces started to inch closer when a small young girl with short pink hair with bright green eyes. She was wearing some sort of golden winged headgear, her outfit consisted of a tight purple leotard with brownish tight high boots that have white stripes at the top. Finally she was wearing a red cape over her outfit.

"Ultear I found you and I've got... WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING ULTEAR"! The pink haired girl screamed at Daniel who looked shocked."My name is Daniel and the reason I'm hugging Ultear is because she was sad and I thought a hug would cheer her up. Isn't that how friends help each other"? Daniel asked whilst looking at the girl with curiosity. Ultear chuckle lightly and explained "It's okay Meredy I've just been given something that changed my perspective on my past and Daniel was here to help me calm down, now what did you want to ask me"? Ultear asked the now named Meredy while still being in Daniel embrace not seeming to want him to let go right now as she needed someone to help her sort out all these emotions that were currently running threw her head.

Meredy shakes her head and says "Well Zancrow told me that you, him and Kain destroyed my village and killed my friends and family. He also said that you killed the most people there is that true"? Merely asks with tears running down her face not wanting it to be true. Ultear looks down saddened, looks at Daniel who nods and then looks at Meredy "Yes what Zancrow said was true". Ultear says not wanting to look her 'adopted' daughter in the eye. Meredy was at a loss for words, the woman who she had seen as a mother figure did all these terrible things. She then started to cry uncontrollably. Daniel looks at Meredy as he heart starts to break as he hated to see people cry. Meredy then looks at Ultear with angry in her eyes and looks like she is ready to attack Ultear for the pain she has caused her, but Daniel steps in front of Ultear much to her and Meredy's shock. "Why are you defending her Daniel she is pure evil and deserves to die"! Meredy spat out with venom dripping from her voice causing shock to Ultear and tears to fill her eyes again.

"True what she has done here and to your village and others is unforgivable". Shocking Ultear again as the one person she thought she could rely on has turned against her as once again tears threated to fall down her face. "However these acts, while awful, were under the misguided illusion that she could repair her fractured past. This was however in my opinion a stupid goal, for I believe that scars whether they be mental or physical are tools to learn. They are a time when life has tested you and you survived the test, it is proof that life hasn't killed you and that you should fight for your dreams". Daniel said stunning both Meredy and Ultear. "Even those who have strayed from the light deserve a second chance and that is what Fairy Tail is all about giving people a chance, I'll ask Master Makarov if you can join the guild but I will say don't expect him to forgive you for what both of you have done here". Daniel said as both Ultear and Meredy flinched while remembering what they have done here.

Meredy slowly walked up to Ultear as she hesitantly said "I'm sorry Ultear I never realised how hard this must have been for you up to this point. I'm a horrible daughter can you forgive me"? Meredy asks almost like a child would ask forgiveness from a parent with tears in her eyes."Of course I forgive you Meredy, I am sorry for lying to you for all those , I'm a terrible parent and I should be asking you for forgiveness". Ultear replied as the women gave each other a loving hug."Are you sure your master will except us"? Ultear asks while still giving Meredy a hug. Y/N nodded and replied "Yeah gramps is all about giving those who deserve it a second chance".

After the fight with Hades

Makarov walks out of the wreckage of Grimoire Hearts ship looking at his children with pride in his eyes. Daniel walked over to Makarov with Ultear and Meredy behind him, who were getting some nasty looks from some of the guild members and their body language showed that they were afraid and nervous about the idea that Daniel had come up with. "Master can I talk to you in private for a minute please"? Daniel asks Markarov who looked at him curiously then noticing the two nervous females behind him, he then nodded and the four proceeded to walk away from the group."What would you like to ask me my child"? Makarov asked with his normal fatherly tone."Well I was wondering if you would make these two ladies members of Fairy Tail, they wish to make up for the sins they have committee while a part of Grimoire Heart". Daniel said to Makarov with a bit of desperation in his voice. Makarov looked at Daniel and then at the two ladies behind him, he then scratched the bottom of his chin and then replied "Yes they can, for we are a guild to help people who have been in the dark see the light,. However you have harmed my children and that is something I will never forgive. Now what are your names my dears". Makarov asked with a slight smile on his face as Ultear and Meredy looked at the small guild master with slight fear.

"I'm Ultear Milkovich". "And I'm Meredy Milkovich". They replied bowing to Makarov as a sign of respect but also their voices had a bit of nervousness and fear in it. "We'll get their guild stamps when we get back to the guild". Makarov said as the four turned back and walked towards the group with Y/N and Ultear holding hands. As everyone was joking around and relaxing from the last battles they heard a loud deafening roar everyone looked up and fear and dread showed of everyone's faces as a massive black dragon with blue tribal markings appeared in the above them. Everyone ran to the beach at the edge of the island but their boat had been taken so they were stuck on the island."Is this the end"? Lucy asks with a shaky voice. Makarov then told everyone to hold hands and form a circle, Meredy held Ultear's hand while Ultear held Daniel's hand smiling at him as he smiled back. A bright light began to envelop the group as the black dragon then fired a breath attack destroying the island, the dragon began flying away after the explosion.

Far away from the island

The dragon from earlier let out a single tear of sadness while continuing to its next destination.

A/N: and that is chapter 6. Why is the dragon crying? Find out next time. This is xdeadlysmoorex and I'll see ya next time.

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