Revival Of The Fairies
A/N: here's chapter 15 for ya guys.
With Daniel
"And that concludes the story of how myself and Minerva ended up together". Daniel said with a smile on his face as he recalled the happy memories of the past year. Wendy looked shocked and was blushing slightly while Natsu looked at Daniel and nodded his head as he replied."Fair enough, also do you know where Gray is"? Daniel's expression changed from a happy one to an expression of slight anger as he replied. "Yeah I know where Fullbuster is". Daniel's tone had a small amount of anger in it that Natsu picked up on almost immediately as the Fire Dragon Slayer responded with a question."Is something wrong with Gray"? Daniel let out a heavy sigh as he replied."I was sitting in a tavern on my way back from the quest I just came back from and I heard of a new dark guild called Avatar. They're another dark guild who worship Zeref and I heard that they have a new member that resembles Gray in practically every way". Flames began to form around Natsu's fists as he slammed both flame coated fists onto the table creating small cracks all along the table.
"That icy bastard! Do you know where Avatar's guild hall is"! Natsu yelled as Daniel nodded his head as he replied."I heard that their guild hall is somewhere in the Mikage Forest". Natsu said nothing else as he bolted out of Sabertooth's guild hall, Wendy called out to Natsu as she rushed after him."Always the hot head that Natsu". Ultear said out loud as she slowly shook her head as Meredy turned to Daniel as she asked."You gonna go after Natsu"? Daniel let out a short chuckle as he replied."Nope this is between Natsu and Gray and I have no right to interfere with their fight".
Timeskip 1 Week
Daniel was sitting at the bar in the Sabertooth guild with a wooden tankard full of beer with Ultear sitting on his right side drinking a beer and Minerva sitting on his left side with a half full wine glass."So Daniel did you hear that Fairy Tail has reformed"? Minerva asked as Ultear did a spit take of her beer as she turned to the Territory Mage as he replied."Are you serious"? Minerva nodded her head as she turned her gazes to Daniel and she awaited her boyfriends response. Daniel cracked a small smile as he downed his beer, once he finished he answered."I heard rumours about it". Minerva nodded but before she could reply Ultear turned to Daniel and questioned."Why didn't you tell me"? Daniel placed his right hand on Ultear's head as he replied."Because I didn't want to get your hopes up if the rumours were false".
The doors to Sabertooth's guild hall opened and in stepped a familiar looking group. There was a pink haired male standing in the middle, to the right of the pink haired male was a long blonde haired female, on the left of the pink haired male was a scarlet haired female, slightly behind the scarlet haired female was a raven black haired male and finally slightly behind the blonde haired female was a petite female with long dark blue hair that was tied into two pig tails. "You're late". Daniel said with a snarky tone as both Ultear and Minerva looked first at the group in the doorway then to Daniel but before the pair could say anything the scarlet haired female then spoke up."You know why we're here Daniel, so I ask you once. Will you join us"? At first Daniel said nothing as he just stood up and turned around to face the group with wide grin on his face, Daniel the proceeded to walk towards the doorway of the Sabertooth as he stood in front of the group of mages he replied."Do you need to ask that question"? The auburn haired male turned to face Ultear and extended his hand while replying.
"You coming Ultear"? Tears began to form in the Time mages eyes as she ran towards Daniel and enveloped him in a tight hug, however before anyone could say anything Meredy walked up towards Daniel and looked at him with a pleading glance."Um Daniel, c-can I come a-as well"? Meredy's tone was very similar to a child asking their parents permission to go outside with their friends. Daniel just nodded his head as Meredy cheered and ran towards Daniel and gave him a tight hug."Shall we get going"? Daniel asked as every member of the group nodded as they exited the Sabertooth guild hall however before Daniel, Ultear and Meredy could leave someone yelled at them to stop. The group of three turned around to see Sting, Rogue, Minerva and Yukino standing there with a mixture of happy to concerned expressions."You're leaving us"? Sting asked as Daniel let out a short chuckle as he replied."I wouldn't necessarily say leaving you, as that would imply that we're never coming back. This is more like returning to our family". Sting nodded his head as he replied. "I understand, Fairy Tail is your one true family".
This time Ultear was the one who spoke up."We promise to visit you guys a lot". Ultear's tone was a mixture of cheerfulness and sadness. Sting let out a short chuckle as he replied."I won't hold it against you if you don't visit. Now I believe you have your Gramps to save". Daniel nodded as he walked up to Minerva and wrapped the Territory mage in a hug as he whispered in her ear."We'll have some fun when I next visit". A shiver ran down Minerva's spine as Daniel looked at his girlfriend with an almost predatory gaze that made Minerva's knees weak, the Territory mage excused herself as she rushed towards the guild bathroom. Daniel returned to the side of Ultear as he said."Well its time we made our way out, its been a blast the last year being a Tiger but I think its time to be revived as a Fairy". Daniel turned around and began to walk out of the Sabertooth guild hall along with Ultear and Meredy.
As the group of three walked to the entrance of Crocus Meredy turned her gaze to Daniel and asked."Hey um Daniel, are we really going back to Fairy Tail"? Small tears began to form in the pink haired mage's eyes, Daniel stopped walking and turned to Meredy and embraced who he saw as a daughter and replied."Yes we are, I know it's been hard for you and Ultear this past year. You finally found a positive home and people who love and care about you and to have that torn from you sucks. I see you like a daughter Meredy and if you wish to go back to Sabertooth I shall not stop you, I only wish the best for you". Tears ran uncontrollably from Meredy's emerald green eyes as she replied in between hiccups."I wanna stay with you and Ultear, I love you and I don't want to leave you"! Before Daniel could replied Ultear embraced both Daniel and Meredy and she said."It's okay Meredy, myself and Daniel are not going to leave you". Daniel nodded as he kissed Meredy on the forehead as he said."Let's go get Gramps back".
A/N: and that concludes chapter 15 for ya guys, hopefully ya enjoyed it and I'll see ya in the next chapter.
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