Between Time and Space

A/N: here's chapter 14 for ya guys.  

Flashback continues 

Daniel, Ultear and Minerva were in Crocus walking back to the Sabertooth guild hall. Ultear was holding Daniel hand smiling to herself while Minerva looked at Daniel as the weird feeling in her chest came back 'what is this feeling I get when I look at Daniel, maybe I'll ask Yukino she might know what's going on ' Minerva thought but was snapped out of her thoughts when Daniel put his free hand on her should and asked 

"You okay Minerva, you look out of it"? Daniel asked as Minerva blushed slightly."Yeah I'm fine, just thinking of how I'm going to apologise to Lucy, Natsu and the rest of Fairy Tail for my actions a few months ago". Minerva replied looking at the ground in sadness. "Yeah that's going to be tough, but you've definitely changed for the better. You have shown remorse for your actions and that takes guts. I guess we're a lot a like in a sense, we both were fed lies as children and believed those lies to be true". Ultear said as she looked at Minerva with a slight smile. 

Inside the Sabertooth guild hall 

As Minerva, Daniel and Ultear opened the doors to the guild they were welcomed back by the rest of the guild. Minerva walked up to Yukino and motioned for Yukino to follow her."What's the matter Minerva"? Yukino asked Minerva with a look of concern. "Well it's about Daniel". Minerva said as Yukino looked at Minerva with confusion."Whenever I look at him I get this weird felling in my chest, it feels like my heart is going to burst out of my chest. I don't know what's wrong can you help me"? Minerva asked Yukino. Yukino then giggled a bit before replying. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh but I think your in love Minerva". Yukino replied as Minerva stared at her with a shocked expression."You think so"? Minerva asked shocked. Yukino just nodded her head."How should I approach this then, I mean Daniel is an attractive man but I really don't want to mess this up I just got him to trust me"? Minerva asked again."I'm not sure Minerva he is in a relationship with Ultear". Yukino replied as Minerva's expression went from happy to sad as Yukino finished her sentence.

A few weeks later 

A loud crash could be heard as every member of Sabertooth hung around the edges of the guild as two members began to fight. A raven haired female was sent flying as she crashed through a table, a dark purple haired female stood across from the raven haired female with a smirk on her face as she spoke."Your going to have to do better than that Minerva". The dark purple haired female said."Oh believe me Ultear I have got more in store for you. Daniel will be mine". Minerva said as she got up and used her magic to make the space around Ultear explode causing her to go flying backwards crashing into the bar.

Daniel and Luna came running out of Sting's office with the him and Yukino following him. They looked at the scene in front of them. They saw multiple tables and chairs broken as well as a few dents in the walls of the guild."What the hell is going on here"! Sting yelled causing everyone to turn towards him. "Master Sting I'm not sure how this started but everything was normal until Ultear and Minerva began to argue and it then escalated into what you see now". Dopengal told Sting. Daniel looked at Minerva and Ultear, he then shook his head and went upstairs to grab his bag. Daniel then came back to where Sting and Yukino stood, he put his hand on Luna's head and ruffled his fur a bit and told Sting."I'm going out for a bit, I'll be gone for a couple months. Have no one follow me I must be alone". Daniel said, Sting nodded knowing that Daniel need alone time to sort this out, as he walked past everyone, opened the guild doors and closed them with force. Ultear went to go after him but was intercepted by Luna who flew in front of her and stopped causing Ultear to stop and say 

"Luna please move I need to know what's wrong with Daniel". Ultear begging the black exceed to let her pass and talk to her boyfriend. "Ultear I cannot do that, I know you love him but you and Minerva are causing him too much pain at the moment. Your actions today hurt Daniel more than anything, you must let him figure this out on his own". Luna said in a sad voice almost in the verge of tears. 

With Daniel 

Y/N walked towards a small log cabin near the town of Bherna, as he reached the cabin he saw a young woman with long flowing gray hair and lightly tanned skin. "Hey Ash". Daniel said startling the young woman."Daniel you scared me". Ashley said with a slightly smile but the smile went away when she saw the expression on her brothers face. "What's the matter Little Drake"? 

"I'm just having some girl trouble". Daniel sighed as he sat next to Ashley."What kind of trouble we talking here"? Ashley asked. "Well as you know I'm in a relationship with Ultear but I recently became close friends with Minerva and whenever they get together they always end up arguing. Today they got into a big fight while I was talking to Sting and Yukino about being selected to be a Wizard Saint". Daniel said a tears threatened to fall from his face. Ashley looked at her brother with sadness and then enveloped him in a hug while saying "It's okay brother you can stay with me for as long as you need". 

"Thanks Ash, you really are a good sister". Daniel said smiling as released her hug and stood up. "Just a good sister". She said looking at Daniel with her hands on her hips Daniel laughed and replied "Ash you blew up Tenrou Island with me and my friends on the Island". 

A couple months later 

Daniel and Ashley embraced each other for the last time before Daniel set off back to Crocus. "Thanks for letting me stay Ash, you really are the best sister". Daniel said."Damn straight I am, visit me sometime and bring your girlfriend or girlfriends you chick magnet". Ashley said as she punched Daniel's arm lightly. Daniel laughed as he lightly hit Ash back on the arm while replying "Maybe I will Ash, take care and try not to destroy anymore Islands while I'm gone". Ashley laughed as well "I'll try not to but no promises". 

At the Sabertooth guild hall 

The guild was abnormally quiet the last couple of months. Meredy had tried to get Ultear to go on jobs but failed each time. The same was with Yukino and Minerva as Minerva had refused to go out of the guild. The guild doors then flung open and in the door way stood a male of above average height with a black hoodie and odd purple designs on it. He had short auburn with dark blue eyes he then looked around the guild before saying."Damn who died in here it's too quiet". The male boomed as he was then talked by a flash of purple and black. 

"You're back Daniel"! Ultear yelled as she buryed her head into Daniel chest as muffled cries could be heard."Why did you leave us without saying anything Daniel"? Minerva asked as she clung to Daniel's neck. Daniel then laughed as he replied "I left because I have to get my head sorted out about something and needed to be alone for a while. I apologise for leaving you two without saying anything". Daniel said as he hugged Ultear and Minerva."Daniel. Minerva and I would to talk to you in private please". Ultear said as Daniel nodded and followed the two woman. 

With Daniel, Ultear and Minerva 

"So what's the matter girls"? Daniel asked. "Well while you were gone me and Minerva didn't really talk to each other and we both blamed each other for you leaving. But after talking to Yukino, Luna and Meredy we came to understand that we were both to blame for you leaving". Ultear started with tears in the corners of her eyes."We began to talk again and realised that we both were in love with you and came to the conclusion that we would share you if you agreed". Minerva finished. Daniel smiled and hugged the two females and replied "I would love nothing more than to start a relationship with you two. I love both of you". Daniel said smiling. "I love you too Daniel". Ultear said as she kissed Daniel's cheek."I love you too Daniel". Minerva said as she kissed Daniel's other cheek. 

Flashback ends 

A/N: and that concludes chapter 14 done, hope you enjoyed and I'll see ya in the next chapter. 

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