Fairy Tail: Lucy's New Game Chapter 12

Hello everyone to Fairy Tail: Lucy's New Game Chapter 12. With me once more is my good friend and cowriter, Kaizokuoniiorewanaru.

Kaizoku: All right, let's get started.

First off, we need to have our guest join us. And explain a bit about what's going on.

Right. Please welcome... Kokoro Tekken.

Kokoro: (Walks in) "Hello, everyone."

Greetings. Thank you for coming.

Kokoro: "So all I have to do is read the disclaimer and we're ready to start? Simple. ThesetwodonotownFairyTail,itscharacters,locations,songsorstorynordotheyownanyalreadyownedcharactersorsongslikeHaseoandanysongsfromBlazblue.Theyonlyownthecompletelyoriginalcharacters. There. If you want me to say it again, just remember what I said in slow motion."

(Gives Kokoro a flat look) Did you really have to speed read it like that? People will be annoyed with you because of that...

Kokoro: "I'd prefer being practical."

... You call that practical...?

Kaizoku: Let's just do this. We'd be here all day.

Right, right. Just need to know, you have anything to say?

Kokoro: "Not really."

Okay then, onto the chapter.


Chapter 12: Magic Item: Moon Drip

(Moon Temple: Cave)

The gang was looking at the frozen form of Deliora.

"Deliora..." Gray growled out in anger and frustration.

"You sure this is the demon your master sealed away?" Natsu asked Gray.

"There's no doubt about it." Gray answered.

"I wonder why it was transported all the way from the northern continent to Galuna Island." Happy wondered out loud.

"You don't think this demon could have s-s-s-something to do with the island's c-c-c-c-curse, do you...?" Shinkei nervously brought up.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it did." Gray grunted. "It may be enclosed in ice, but that thing's still alive."

"Sweet! Give me a go at it! I ain't afraid of no stupid demon!" Natsu exclaimed excitedly, working his shoulders.

"You know, brute force isn't the only way to solve a problem, Natsu." Kokoro adjusted her glasses.

"A little fire oughta do the trick!" Natsu huffed before Gray suddenly punches Natsu in the face, knocking him onto the ground.

-120 HP

"Gray just punched Natsu!" Happy gasped.

"Well, this wouldn't be the first time he's done that..." Kaku pointed out.

"What's the deal!? What'd you hit me for, Gray!?" Natsu exclaimed before seeing Gray's face twisted in anger.

"I don't want you and your flames anywhere near it. If that ice melts and Deliora is revived... there's no way we'd be able to stop it..." Gray said.

"Come on, do you really think a huge chunk of ice would be that easy to melt?" Natsu asked, Gray thinking about it for a bit.

"... No..."

"Hey, are you okay?" Lucy raised a question, a reassuring hand on his back.

"I'm the one who got hit for no good reason! Watch your temper, man!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Please, you're one to talk..." Nigai huffed.

"Many years ago, my Master, Ur, cast a spell called Iced Shell on this demon. Enclosing it in a form of ice that can't be melted. It's so strong that even the most powerful flame spells have no effect on it. If they knew the ice couldn't be melted, then why did they bring it here?" Gray brought up.

"Maybe they didn't know?" Shidai shrugged. "They brought it here to melt it somehow..."

"BUT WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT!?" Gray growled at him.

"No idea."

"I just don't get it..." Gray sighed. "Who would bring Deliora here, and more importantly, why?"

"We need answers. Let's go find those guys." Natsu suggested.

"Natsu, no. You saw their levels, didn't you? They're way too strong." Kokoro denied. "We're gonna stay here and wait."

"Wait for what?" Happy asked.

"For the moon to come out." Gray answered.

"The moon!? But it's the middle of the afternoon! Forget that! If I have to hang out here all day, I'd die of boredom!" Natsu scoffed.

"But Gray, why does the moon matter?" Shinkei brought up.

"I have a feeling that the curse on this island and Deliora are somehow connected to it. And I heard those guys we saw earlier say something about collecting moonlight." Gray stated.

"We heard that too, you know. I suppose waiting until nightfall is the only way we'll find out what's going on." Kokoro hummed.

"I'M NOT WAITING! WE GOT WORK TO DO!!!" Natsu shouted.

"Ahuhuhuhuhu~" They suddenly heard.

"What was that!?" Happy gasped. "...Whoa, what's with those giant webs!?" He spotted. Indeed, there were giant webs in the two entrances to the cave with Deliora.

"Did you hear what the Cold Emperor said~? He said that a bunch of guild members would come through this place and find Deliora~" They heard the voice state.

"Well, good thing someone's here. I was just about to fall asleep outta boredom." Natsu smirked before going to one of the giant webs, Lucy doing the same. Lucy tries to cut the webs, but it was like trying to cut metal. Natsu tries to burn the webs, but the webs were too wet.

"Shoot. These webs are too thick to cut!" Lucy grunted.

"And too wet to burn..." Natsu hummed.

"And too sticky to touch!" Happy exclaimed, stuck in one of the webs.

"Can someone get the stupid cat out of there!?" Ichi exclaimed.

"I heard that they hate octopi~" The voice hummed. Kokoro tries to pull Happy off, but the STR required is too high. "I heard that they love to hunt them down for sport~"

Ichi tries to shoot the webs off, but the shots bounce off and scratch Ichi's cheek.

-2 HP

"I heard that they like to tear their limbs off one by one~" The voice stated, sounding like they're getting closer as the group, sans Happy, get closer to each other, their backs against each other's. "I heard..." It trailed off before showing a young bipedal octopus lady that appears above Lucy and gets awfully close to her while upside down. "That they're awfully stingy with their money~" She declared, a smile with sharp teeth across her face before dodging Lucy's attack and landing on the ground. "Ahuhuhuhu~" She giggled. "You think your respective tastes are too refined for our pastries, don't you, dearies~? Ahuhuhu~ I disagree with that notion~ I think your tastes... are exactly what these next batches need!"

Cue: Spider Dance -Electric Violin/Electric Guitar Cover/Remix by String Player Gamer- (Undertale)


Lucy pressed the Y on the [Secret Quest] notification quickly, feeling she was part of this. "[Observe]!" Lucy called out to see the new being's stats.

Titles 1 through 4: Misguided, Dancing Spider, What's Up, Danger!?, and Taping Hero Cellophane


LV: 75

STR: 35

DEX: 95

VIT: 22

INT: 35

WIS: 23

LUK: 10

CHA: 100

Gamer? Yes

Type: Sticky Situation

Sticky Situation: One who binds those they fight.

Champions: Muffet, Miles Morales, and Hanta Sero

Secret Quest Activated: Manipulated Octo-Spider

Description: It seems that Octogal has the wrong idea about not only you and your group, but anyone with guild marks coming to this particular part of the island! Try your best to change her mind!

Rewards: ???, 2 ??? Tokens, and 20 Level Ups

This Quest has been Auto accepted and cannot be refused.

"Lovely..." Lucy stated in a deadpan tone of voice. "We have a level 75 on our hands..."

"H-Hey! Let me go!" Happy demanded.

"Let you go~? Don't be silly~" Octogal giggled. "Why so blue, deary?" She asked before suddenly appearing above Happy and pouring purple tea on him which magically turns every bit of his fur purple. "I think purple suits you better~ Ahuhuhuhu~"

"My fur's all wet now!!!" Happy cried out.

"Gray! Nigai! Try freezing the webs that Happy is trapped in!" Kokoro suggested.

"On it!" they both shouted, going to use their magic to do so. Nigai uses her right side to freeze the webs while Gray uses his Ice Make Magic on the webs, freeing Happy.

"I'm free~!" Happy cheered.

"Oh, I see... I'll have to prepare some thick, hot, AND moist webs~ Ahuhuhu~" Octogal chuckled.

"... You are one sad strange little woman... I pity you..." Lucy stated flatly.

"Huh?" Octogal huffed in confusion. "Whatever do you mean, deary? I've been truly blessed by my goddess~"

"How you were phrasing the web thing... Also, you're a [Gamer] to I take it," Lucy stated.

"A [Gamer]? Ah, you mean the power to live life like a video game, as you call it? So then... you have that same power? Then we simply MUST exchange Goddesses~ I have been blessed by Arachne, the Greek Goddess of Spiders~" Octogal declared.

"Gaia. Goddess of the Earth. That's MY Goddess." Lucy said.

"Gaia..." Octogal repeated in interest.

"Listen here. My friends need to put an end to the curse put in this island. If you think you're going to stop US, then you're REALLY mistaken." Lucy told. "Walk away and let us pass."

"I'm afraid I can't do that. You see... we have been tasked to keep you lot here for as long as we can. And trust us... We will be MORE than willing to sacrifice our lives to complete our task~" Octogal smirked.

""We"? "Us"? "Our"? You and what army?" Natsu asked.

"Dearies~?" Octogal called, snapping her fingers, a group of sentient octopi appearing from the puddles made by the moist webs.

"You just HAD to say that..." Gray complained.

"Ahuhuhuhu~ Now, dearies, go on and hold off all the others~ The blonde human is all mine~" Octogal ordered, the octopi following their orders.

Lucy had an anime depression cloud over her. "Why do I get all the crazy [Gamers] after me...?"

"Now, now, deary~ I believe you have a task of your own, don't you~?" Octogal asked before slinging webs at Lucy.

Lucy pulled out her Anti-Magic sword and cut the webs. "I'm not into bondage, thank you..."

Lucy attacks Octogal who dodges with grace. Lucy keeps attacking, but Octogal was too fast and too agile to hit. "You'll have to try harder if you wish to hit me, deary~" Octogal taunted.

Lucy's eyebrow twitched. Pulled her keys out.

"Oh?" Octogal hummed in interest.

"Open, Gate of the Giant Crab! Cancer!" Lucy called out, summoning her companion.

With his summoning, Octogal looks at him in interest. "My... A crab against an octopus..." Octogal hummed, interested.

"Whoa baby, you need a haircut," Cancer stated, looking at her hair. "You have split ends all over the place, and I'm standing a few feet away from you."

"... I don't even HAVE hair." Octogal grumbled.

Cancer looked confused. "Then what is that on your head then?"

"My head tentacles. I can change my "hairstyle", as it were, at any moment I please. And if you're going to fight me, then I will NOT allow you to cut them." Octogal stated. 'That said... [Observe]' She stated, looking at Cancer's stats.

Name: Cancer

Title: The Fashionable Crab

LV: ???

STR: ???

DEX: ???

VIT: ???

INT: ???

WIS: ???

LUK: ???

CHA: ???

"Oh...! Finally~ A worthy opponent... Our battle will be LEGENDARY!!!" Octogal growled in excitement. A pop up appears in front of Lucy.

Octogal is influenced by a [Perk]: [Fighting Spirit]

Fighting Spirit: When faced with an opponent that has a higher level than you, stats are multiplied by the amount of levels they have compared to yours. Only activated after using [Observe] on an opponent that is two levels higher than you. (Max: x50)

"Oh... Just lovely..." Lucy stated flatly.

Just then, a kick was delivered to Octogal, sending her back first into the ground.

-200 HP

The octopi were stunned at what just happened. "Don't worry. I've got this." Bakei declared, being the one who kicked Octogal.

"Bakei!" Lucy gasped. The octopi make bubble noises, [The Gamer] translating the following:

"He's hurt the princess!"

"Skin him alive!"

"Larry! Prepare the slinger!"

"Preparing slinger! I will defeat him with one well-placed rock to the head!"

The octopi close in on Bakei.

"STOP!" Octogal suddenly ordered, making the octopi stop their advance. "Do NOT lay a tentacle on that wolf man!" She exclaimed, getting up.

Lucy had enough and shouted with all her might, charisma and intimidation, "ENOUGH!!!" The shout was like that of a roar, making everyone stop and look at her.

[Obtained [Greater Intimidation]! [Intimidation] has been enhanced and can now affect other [Gamer Magic] Users!]

"W-Wait...! I-I was just going to ask him something...!" Octogal asked, her stats lowered to half of what they were.

Lucy took a breath, but still had the [Greater Intimidation] aura on. "Okay then, then all of you sit down and we'll talk this all out, understood...?" she asked everyone there in a cold calm tone of voice that would match that of Erza's.

Everyone sits down. "You there. Bakei." Octogal called. "Surely... Surely, a wolf man of your stature... would've been able to kick me with even greater force while I was distracted by my euphoria at finding a worthy opponent...?"

"... It's true. If I wanted to, I would've kicked your chin so hard, it would've inverted into your skull." Bakei stated. "But we're not here to fight. This island and its people are cursed by Moon Drip. We're here to put a stop to it. My friends and I would greatly appreciate it if you let us do so."

"...I see. The group that the Cold Emperor spoke to us about... must've been referring to ANOTHER group of guild members. If not... then we've been deceived." Octogal grimaced. "Me... AND my subjects."

"That reminds me. [The Gamer] translated their language. They called you their princess...?" Kaku brought up.

"...Yes. I was blessed by the Goddess of Spiders, Arachne, with a human-like body and the ability to breathe underwater AND oxygen, unlike other humans OR octopi. The subjects surrounding you treat me like their princess. Whereas before I was blessed... I was just like them. A regular, everyday octopus." Octogal stated. "My rule would be called into question the day after my recent crowning... when our natural predators came to devour us. There were... moray eels."

Happy drooled. "Eels sound so good right now~!"

"Will you focus cat!?" Lucy shouted at him.

"Naturally, we fought against them, but, being our predators, the eels won the day. While those that survived with me swam away from the war between the two races, the rest were left to die and be eaten." Octogal stated.

Lucy bows to her. "I'm so sorry for your loss."

"...We truly WERE deceived..." Octogal solemnly huffed before standing up. "My brothers and sisters in arms and tentacles... I bestow upon you a new order: Find the Cold Emperor and relay his location to us! Myself, and our new friends!" She ordered. "We will show him what it means... to deceive a princess of the seas! We will show him what it means... to lie to a group of octopi! We will show him... NO!!! MERCY!!!" She shouted, the octopi bubbling, [The Gamer] translating their respective bubbling as cheers of valor. Those with [Gamer] magic could see that the octopi have their stats raised.

Hidden Quest: Manipulated Octo-Spider complete!

Rewards: Octogal as a new member of Fairy Tail, 2 Gacha Tokens, and 20 Level Ups

They saw what they were at now.

Name: Lucy Heartfilia

Title Occupation 1: Celestial Mage

Title Occupation 2: Fairy Tail Family Member

Title Occupation 3: The Gamer

LV 63

Next Level: 134,391,460,100,492/461,168,830,617,625,158,400

HP: 598

MP: 650

Strength: 26

Dexterity: 23

Intelligence: 26

Wisdom: 25

Charisma: 25

Luck: 30

Points: 285

Cash: 200,497,000,405,899,000 Jewel

Name: Natsu Dragneel

Title Occupation 1: Slayer of Fire

Title Occupation 2: Champion of Goddess Eryn

Title Occupation 3: The Gamer

LV 63

Next Level: 124,391,290,862,186/461,168,830,617,625,158,400

HP: 900

MP: 625

Strength: 30

Dexterity: 30

Intelligence: 25

Wisdom: 25

Charisma: 21

Luck: 31

Points: 182

Cash: 200,500,000,404,000,000 Jewel

Name: Happy the Cat

Title Occupation 1: Natsu's Partner

Title Occupation 2: Fastest Flier Around

Title Occupation 3: Fish Fanatic

LV 63

Next Level: 124,391,738,276,836/461,168,830,617,625,158,400

HP: 210

MP: 300

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 21

Intelligence: 15

Wisdom: 20

Charisma: 30

Luck: 33

Points: 245

Cash: 200,500,000,404,000,000 Jewel

Name: Gray Fullbuster

Title Occupation 1: Ice Make Wizard

Title Occupation 2: Champion of Cold

Title Occupation 3: Ice Cold Avenger

LV 43

Next Level: 124,391,234,845,300/461,168,830,617,625,158,400

HP: 540

MP: 300

Strength: 27

Dexterity: 20

Intelligence: 20

Wisdom: 15

Charisma: 18

Luck: 18

Points: 210

Cash: 200,500,000,400,040,000 Jewel

Red Like Roses

Meister Master

Horseman of the Apocalypse

Shinkei Karito

LV: 70

HP: 1290

MP: 371

STR: 64

DEX: 58

INT: 33

WIS: 20

CHA: 25

LUC: 25


Mirror Mirror

Road to Dawn

Nigai Baran

LV: 70

HP: 505

MP: 1680

STR: 25

DEX: 20

INT: 35

WIS: 25

CHA: 25

LUC: 20

I Burn

The Avenger

Premium Heart

Kokoro Tekken

LV: 70

HP: 1600

MP: 500

STR: 45

DEX: 35

INT: 20

WIS: 20

CHA: 30

LUC: 20

Merc With a Mouth

Servant of the Goddess of Light

The Mask

Daishi Kabe

LV: 70

HP: 780

MP: 450

STR: 30

DEX: 45

INT: 30

WIS: 30

CHA: 15

LUC: 20

From Shadows

One Man Stealth Force

One-Cut Kill

Kaku Jitsuna

LV: 70

HP: 350

MP: 350

STR: 25

DEX: 45

INT: 25

WIS: 45

CHA: 20

LUC: 20

Gun Gale

Sovereign Duke

Godly Sniper

Ichi Patsu

LV: 70

HP: 350

MP: 350

STR: 45

DEX: 45

INT: 45

WIS: 45

CHA: 20

LUC: 20

Titles 1-4: Galuna Island Guardian, One Tough Mink, Kaka Clan Member, and Silver Wolf

LV: 115

Bakei Mono

STR: 75

DEX: 100

VIT: 55

INT: 40

WIS: 35

LUK: 50

"Geez, is it always this easy to level up?" Gray asked Lucy.

"Honestly, it shouldn't, but I'm glad it seems it is," Lucy answered him.

"The Hidden Quest said that we'd get 20 level ups for free..." Shinkei pointed out.

Lucy gave him a flat look. "I know that... I was saying that the higher the level, the mor EXP we have to farm... or do you not look at the EXP gages...?"

"I-I do, it's just that... I-I thought you weren't paying attention to the rewards, and... Oh, I'm sorry..." Shinkei apologized.

Lucy sighs, rubbing her temple. "No, it's fine. I think we're all of kilter from everything that's going on."

"Right... Let's just go..." Shinkei asked of.

"Did you forget we need to stay here till nightfall...?" Lucy reminded in a flat tone of voice.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I forgot!" Shinkei panicked.

"You have a 33 INT, use it from time to time..." she shot back at him coldly.

"Ah-!" Shinkei froze up before his eyes turn green. "MAKA CHOP!"


There was now a book-sized dent on Lucy's head. "Don't rag on my master like that! Even you can forget sometimes!" Shinkei's Champion scolded.

Lucy recovered and was livid now. "Hey! This isn't your conversation champion! So but out! Also, I always remember everything. A 26 INT does that!"

"Oh, really!? Then how do you explain how my own master forgot, huh!?" Shinkei's champion growled.

"Alright you two, enough!" Natsu shouted, putting his arm between the two. "Fighting with one another won't help anyone."

"But she/he...!" The two tried to exclaim.

"Who are you calling a he!? I'm a girl!" Shinkei's Champion told Lucy.

"You do realize what body you're in right...?" Lucy asked the champion flatly.

"I'm still a girl in a boy's body." The champion told, showing her actual body, a flat-chested young lady with desaturated blonde hair, green eyes, a plaid skirt, a black long-sleeved shirt, white gloves, and black shoes.

"Well your partner is a guy, and you take over him so..." Lucy started, looking flatly at them.

"Still, you made me take over his body. You hurt his feelings too much!" The champion growled. "Not HIS fault he doesn't have a good memory like you do yet!"

""Yet"?" Lucy repeated.

"...It's... likely that his INT or WIS needs to be even higher for a better memory..." The champion admitted.

Lucy took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Okay, I'll admit it, but he should do puzzles and mind games to increase it better, okay?"

Shinkei gains control again and looks down in shame. "I'm sorry..."

Lucy sighs and waves him off. "No, I should apologize, I was stressed out and everything is getting to me, even with [Gamer's Mind] going. I'm sorry."

Shinkei wipes off his tears. "T-Thank you... I'll... I'll try harder to remember from now on...!"

"It's fine," Lucy stated. "Now what to do until nightfall...?"

"I'M NOT WAITING! WE'VE GOT WORK TO DO!" Natsu screamed before immediately falling asleep.

Everyone deadpanned at this.

"...Well, that was fast." [The Gamer] users stated.

"Aye." Happy huffed in agreement.

"Must be nice. This one doesn't have to worry about anything except eating, fighting, and sleeping..." Nigai sighed.

"Aye. That's Natsu for ya." Happy nodded.

Fang grumbled at his partner. "Of all the partners I had to get... I had to get this guy..."

Lucy then sees Gray sitting by his lonesome, looking at the frozen Deliora.

"Should we try and help him?" Excella asked Lucy.

"... He's probably got his own issues to work through..." Lucy decided. "I probably can't work with him on it..."

"But you know how it is to lose a mother figure as well," Excella said, shocking Lucy.

"How do you know-?" Lucy asked, shock in her eyes.

"We're able to see each other's memories," Haseo answered. "You can do the same thing."

Lucy tries to do so. "Hey... Gray... You need to talk to someone about this?" Lucy asked, walking to her guild mate, and took a seat on a rock next to him. "... I know what it's like to lose a love one... I might help... get it off your chest..."

"...You don't need to. I'm fine. We should stay quiet. We don't want to be found out." Gray pointed out.

"Indeed. Stealth is a key point for all of you." Octogal agreed.

Lucy sighs. "Well we got nothing better to do for the next 12 hours or so," Lucy stated.

"I suppose I can play a song for all of us." Octogal hummed before sending a request that says this:

Octogal wishes to join your party.


Lucy pressed the Y, accepting her. "Mind if I bring someone to help you with your singing?"

"Singing? I have an instrumental piece in mind, actually." Octogal shook her head.

"That's fine, they do play a harp," Lucy said.

"A harp? I don't know what that instrument is. I only know the guitar, piano, drums, and violin." Octogal stated. "Oh, and I also only know the flute, which is in this song." She told, playing this song:

Cue: Undertale (...Undertale)



"This is pretty good," Lucy said.

"Thank you." Octogal replied.

Just then, they saw Gray was shaking after hearing the music.

"Gray? What's wrong?" Shinkei asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine." Gray answered.

"You seem upset..." Happy pointed out. "Did her song make you cry?

"I wasn't crying." Gray denied then sighs. "I think we should skip the song. We need to stay quiet. We don't wanna be found out."

Lucy sighs. "I guess you're right."

Later on, it was starting to ger late, the whole room was starting to shake, everyone on guard.

"What's going on?" Lucy asked, pulling her gear out in case of an attack.

Suddenly, a purple magic glyph appears above the frozen demon, emitting a beam of light. "It's a beam of light!"

"Shining down from the ceiling!" Lucy and Kokoro gasped respectively.

"But why is it purple? It must be moonlight." Gray pointed out.

"What's going on? I'm scared, Gray..." Happy shivered in fear. The beam was shining down on Deliora.

"It's shining down on Deliora!" Gray exclaimed.

"I don't think that's a coincidence." Natsu said.

"Let's go. We have to find out where the light is coming from." Gray ordered.

"Aye!" Happy acknowledged. Everyone runs and finds another glyph.

"Why would someone cast a magic circle inside this old temple?" Kaku brought up.

"Let's find out." Shinkei replied, sounding serious. Everyone kept running then they reach the top of the temple, heading outside where they see wizards chanting ominously. As everyone hides, Octogal was out of cover.

"What are you doing? You have to hide!" Nigai exclaimed quietly.

"I don't. They tasked me with keeping people out. As long as you stay out of sight, my task hasn't failed yet." Octogal denied.

"If you're so sure..." Nigai huffed.

"So... what are they doing?" Bakei asked.

"Look up and see." Octogal answered, doing so. The others do the same and see multiple magical glyphs amplifying the beam with each glyph, coming from the moon.

"The moon..." Gray hummed.

"It looks like those robed freaks are chanting some spell to collect the moonlight." Natsu said.

"And shine it on Deliora. But what for?" Ichi wondered.

"It's a Belianese Spell called the Moon Drip. They're using the Moon Drip spell to melt the ice surrounding that demon underground so they can resurrect it." Octogal stated.

"What!?" Natsu gasped.

"They can't! The ice used in Iced Shell can't be melted." Gray told.

"The person who gave me this task of keeping people away from Deliora said that this wasn't entirely true. While the Iced Shell is strong, it can be melted using Moon Drip. Focused moon energy can break any magical spell." Octogal shook her head.

"Oh no..." Happy let out.

"Idiots! They never witnessed the wrath of Deliora!" Gray growled.

"I think what the islanders believe is a curse against them... may actually be side effects of the Moon Drip. Concentrated moon energy can contaminate your body. I'm afraid those poor islanders have been exposed to way too much of it." Octogal analyzed.

"I'll make them pay!" Natsu declared.

"Hold it!" Lucy huffed, delivering an elbow to his chin.

-15 HP

"Someone's coming this way." She alerted as a man in armor and robes appeared. He also wore a helmet that had a knight's plume on it as well as two curved horns. With him were Toby, Sherry, and Yuka.

"What a waste. I lost so much precious sleep for nothing. We searched all day for the intruders, but never found a trace of them." Yuka grumbled.

"Maybe there wasn't any!" Toby yelled.

"Perhaps that is because I have done my task most efficiently~" Octogal declared, walking to the helmeted man's group. "The dirty deed has been done, my good sirs and madame~" She bowed. "The people that were close to Deliora were swiftly dealt with."

"Intruders?" the man asked them.

"So that guy's their leader," Natsu stated.

"It seems so," Fang agreed with him.

"He's trying to act all high and mighty, wearing that stupid-looking mask," Lucy stated, annoyed at the guy.

"I'll agree with you on that, it is tacky," Haseo agreed with her.

"I don't know, I think it looks cool," Happy said.

"Has Deliora awakened yet?" the man asked his subordinates.

"It should be later tonight or tomorrow, sir." Sherry answered him.

"WHICH ONE, GIRL!?" Toby yelled at her.

"The time has almost come. We needn't worry about intruders anymore. However, if you have lied to us, Octogal, you will be killed along with them." The man stated. "I don't want anyone getting in my way."

"If the intruders were already dispatched, they must've been villagers." Sherry pointed out.

"Indeed." Octogal replied. "They're the only other people on this island."

"Then destroy the village." The man ordered.

"Yes, sir!"

"Understood." Sherry and Yuka respectively acknowledged, Toby growling in affirmation.

"What!?" Natsu gasped.

"But the villagers didn't have anything to do with this!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Yeah, we gotta stop them." Natsu growled.

"It's a shame there has to be bloodshed." The helmeted man smirked.

"... That voice... No... It can't be..." Gray let out.

Just then Natsu appeared and shouted, "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS SNEAKING-AROUND BUSINESS!" He then spewed up flame from his mouth. ""IT'S NOT THE VILLAGERS! WE'RE THE INTRUDERS YOUR AFTER!"

This made them all turned in shock at Natsu, who only had a smirk on his face.

Fang facepalmed. "Why...?"

Lucy sighs, pulling her Keys and weapons out. "Jeez! I guess there's no turning back now, huh?"

The leader glared at Octogal. "You said you dispatched them...?"

"Ah... They were... tougher than I thought...?" Octogal made up with a nervous smile.

"Stop lying. You are no longer loyal to our cause." The leader growled.

"... Ahuhuhu... I suppose not~" Octogal chuckled. "You were the one who lied first, after all."

He went to grab her and freeze her to death. "You'll be the first one to died then."

"Ah! Wait! Before you kill me, I want to know something. ...You ever hear of the... "shoulder touch"?" Octogal brought up, halting his advance.

"...The what?" The helmeted man asked.

"Let me show you~" Octogal asked of before putting a hand on one of the man's shoulders. "HEY~"


One of Octogal's hands spark with electricity, knocking the helmeted man back and into his robed followers, causing a chain reaction, zapping the followers as well. "Toodles~" Octogal sent off as she backflips then dives off the building.

"Boss!" all of them shouted in worry to the masked man.

"Hey, you could help us out!" Lucy called out to Octogal.

"My subjects have that covered~!" Octogal replied, said subjects commanding them to run.

"Okay then," Lucy muttered, getting her weapons. "Have to llok for her later then."

Just then, the other three saw the Fairy Tail Guild Mark on Natsu. "I know that mark. They're from Fairy Tail." Sherry informed the others.

"Interesting," Yuka stated. "Those villagers must've gone to the magical guilds for help."

"Don't worry about them." The helmeted man grunted, escaped from the electrical trap. "Go eradicate the village."


"But why!?" Natsu and Lucy respectively gasped.

"Anyone who stands in my way, whether deliberately or not, is my enemy!" The man declared.

"SAY WHAT!?" Natsu shouted as he, Gray, Bakei, Shinkei, Kaku, and Kokoro all charge at the man.

"Why you...!" Gray growled as he ran ahead faster. "Stop this crazy ceremony right now!" He demanded as he creates ice that expands on the ground, making Sherry, Yuka, and Toby back off. The man jumps high into the air, makes a glyph appear in his hand, then slams his hand into the ground, creating similar ice that expands and crashes into Gray's attack, making the two attacks cancel each other out.

"He's an ice wizard too!?" Happy exclaimed.

"Gr...! Lyon!" Gray called the helmeted man.

"Lyon...?" Lucy, Nigai, and Ichi repeated.

"How could you? Do you have any idea what you're doing?" Gray asked.

"Oh, Gray. It's been quite a while, hasn't it?" The man known as Lyon replied.

"Why would you revive Deliora?" Gray brought up.

"To think that you were one of the wizards called to this island to help those poor villagers. Did you come knowing you would find me? Or is this just mere coincidence? Not that it makes any difference to me." Lyon huffed.

"An acquaintance of yours, Cold Emperor?" Yuka asked Lyon. Toby just arfed in confusion.

"Do as you were ordered," he told them, ot even turning around to look at them. "I can handle the intruders on my own."

"Yes sir!" the all shouted, vanishing.

"Hey, wait! Come back here!" Natsu exclaimed as he ran after them.

"No! Natsu! Don't go near him!" Gray warned, but it was too late. Lyon uses his ice magic to completely bind Natsu in a sphere of ice, leaving only his arms and legs free.

"Happy! Get out of here!" Gray ordered Happy.

"But, Gray...!" Happy gasped. Lyon tries to use more ice magic, but Gray stops him with his own ice magic, making Lyon use an ice barrier instead.

"What!? No! I can't move!" Natsu grunted before struggling to move.

"Go, Happy. And bring the others with you. I'm just about the only one... who can do anything to this man." Bakei said to Happy.

"A-Aye!" Happy nodded before grabbing Lucy and lifting her into the air.

"Huh? Wait!" Lucy replied. "We can't leave him here!"

"Natsu was hit with a type of ice magic that instantly freezes the air! If we had stuck around there any longer, we would've been frozen too!" Happy told.

"Who cares!? We've gotta help him and save Natsu!" Lucy exclaimed.

"...But... who's gonna save the village if all of us have been turned into ice!?" Happy asked tearfully.

"Happy... You barely know him... yet you still..." Lucy muttered.

"Don't worry about me, everyone! Look up!" Bakei asked of everyone, who do so, seeing a full moon. "It might be purple now... but it's still a full moon tonight!"

"Hold on. I read up on your Gamer Type Description... Can you control that power?" Kaku asked.

"Don't worry. Carrot, one of my Champions, taught me all I need. I can handle it. I promise! After all, I'm the guardian of this island, aren't I?" Bakei asked back before looking at the moon. 'Watch me... everyone!' He thought.

Transformation Cutscene

As Bakei looks at the moon, his eyes turn slitted, sparks of electricity appearing around him. He closes his eyes before crouching a bit, power coursing through his body. With gritted teeth, he calms himself as his tail's fur starts becoming more wild. It grows several times in size before he slams his hands onto the ground, making visible cracks on it. As he growls, his collarbone area grows puffy fur, his sclera becomes a crimson hue and his eyes turn red while his teeth become sharp. He then roars into the sky, his hair becoming long while the electricity spreads across the peak of the island. As quickly as it spreads, however, it dissipates. His teeth become less sharp, his elongated hair is let down by his power, his fingers grew into claws, and his sclera turns black instead of crimson.

End of Transformation Cutscene

Lyon looked unamused. "Is that supposed to impress me?" Bakei looked silently and menacingly in his direction. "Well?" Lyon called.

"... Make your move." Bakei stated, seriously.

"What?" Lyon huffed.

"I dare you to attack me." Bakei replied. "Or... are you secretly scared of my power? Do you know the truth behind why I'm the guardian of Galuna Island?"

Just then, Bakei's body was covered in ice in the blink of an eye. "You talk to much. You distracted me long enough to let those lot escape. Chivalrous, but ultimately pointless. There's no way they can stop my minions."

"I don't know about that. I saw those guys Octogal knocked you into and they were quite weak compared to the people you let escape." Bakei smirked, the ice cracking from the lightning he emits.

"Yeah!" Natsu agreed, using hos fire to start to break free. "Don't underestimate the power of Fairy Tail Wizards."

Gray looked at the two, and kicked the two away, making them role away.

"WHAAA!?" Bakei yelled in confusion.

"What's the big idea, Gray!?" Natsu asked as he and Bakei rolled away. Gray then looks at Lyon.

"I see you're as reckless as ever. Were they not your allies?" Lyon questioned.

"You and I both know that with one spell, you could blow up that ice and one of them with it." Gray told.

"So you chose to send them safely outside the range of my magic. That was a very clever move." Lyon admitted.

"I don't understand why you're trying to pull this superior act with me, Lyon! You're not! We're not Ur's students anymore!"

"I'm well aware of that. Painfully aware." Lyon said, removing his helmet and revealing his silver hair. "Our beloved teacher is no longer of this world."

"Her final act was sealing that monster away. Are you really so callous that you would try to destroy our master's legacy!?" Gray brought up.

"Don't delude yourself. We both know you're the one who killed Ur." Lyon huffed, shocking Gray. "And yet, you don't seem to feel any guilt. How cruel." He berated.

While the two ice mages were arguing, we turn to see both Bakei and Natsu had crashed landed. Natsu head in the ground and Bakei was on his side. "Well that could have gone better..." Fang mumbled.

Bakei simply gets his head out of the ground while Natsu propels himself off it with his flame breath. "GRAY, YOU PUNK! Oh, you're gonna pay for this!" Natsu growled before using his fire magic on the ice he is trapped in, but... "My fire power isn't making a DENT in this ice...! Man, what's the deal?" He asked before panting from using too much of his magic. "Is it because that guy's stats are higher than mine right now...? ...Ah, it's gotta be..."

"For now, Natsu, we must head back to the village. I'll carry you." Bakei suggested before lifting Natsu over his head.

"I can move myseeEEELF!" Natsu started then shouted as they both fell over from the side.


(At Sea: Pirate Ship)

On the sea to Galuna Island, a pirate ship was sailing to it. Not by chose mind you, for the crew was beaten and the captain force to sail it 'passengers' to said island.

"Uh," started the captain, looking at his 'passengers', "why do you wanna go to Galuna Island?" He gave a shiver. "Have you not heard of the curse?"

"Just shut up and steer." One of the "passengers" ordered.

"Okay, okay..." The captain grumbled as his crewmates started waking up. "If you drop us off somewhere, you can have the boat. Please, I'm begging you, lady! Like I said, that island is cursed, and anyone who steps foot into that soil turns into a demon!"

"We will take that chance." One of the other "passengers" told.

"But WHY do you have to go there!?" The captain asked.

"When rules are broken, the guilty must be punished," said one of the "passengers", revealed to be Erza. "And that is all we can tell you."

"And this will mess with my members' schedules. As such, I am going to harbor some harsh punishment on them." A young lady with darker red hair, square glasses, and a plain dress that covers her entire body pushed up said glasses, revealed to be one of the other "passengers".

"They're so cool~!"

"And hot, too~!"

"We don't like rule-breakers or late people either~!"

"We can help you catch them if you want~!" Four of the pirates exclaimed as hearts floated around them.

"Sure. Now let's hurry." Erza ordered.

"Aye-aye, sir~!" The four pirates accepted.

"I wanna join your team too~!" The captain exclaimed. "I'll brave that scary island for you~! Listen up, ya scallywags! Raise the sails and set course for the Cursed Island of Galuna!"

"Tokino." Erza called the lady. "Are you sure you'll be all right punishing your fellow guild members?"

"I feel like you speak from experience. But either way, it's fine. Time waits for no one. And I will not wait for my guildmates to finish their fooling around." Tokino grimaced, pushing her glasses up.


(Moon Temple)

Back at the top of the moon temple, Gray and Lyon were facing each other.

"Enough with the games, Gray. You're the one who murdered Ur, so just admit it." Lyon ordered. "I'm surprised you have the gall to even speak her name!" He growled as he shot a blast of ice magic at Gray who took it head on and got knocked back as a result.

"Lyon..." Gray grunted as he gets up.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me the guilt is finally getting to you. I'm warning you, don't try to interfere. Whether you like it or not, I'm resurrecting Deliora." Lyon declared.

"I won't let you...!" Gray exclaimed before Lyon drops his helmet.

"It's like old times, but I've grown much stronger since then. Ice Make: Eagle!" Lyon shouted as he threw out eagles of ice at Gray.

"Ice Make: Shield!" Gray tried to counter with a shield of ice, but the eagles flew around it and hit Gray directly as more eagles flew towards Gray.

"While your specialty is creating inanimate objects, static Ice Make Magic, mine is creating living creatures. Active Ice Make Magic. Did you forget my ice has the ability to move?" Lyon asked tauntingly as Gray emerged from the ice Lyon made.

"Ice Make: Hammer!" Gray growled as he summoned a large hammer of ice.

"Ice Make: Ape!" Lyon countered as he summoned an ape of ice which destroyed the hammer, the hammer destroying the ape. Gray lands. "How pathetic. You still use two hands when casting your Ice Make Spells."

"Yeah, cause that's what Ur taught us. Single-handed spellcasting is incomplete and unbalanced." Gray said.

"Well, I'm the exception to that rule. I surpassed Ur's skill level a long time ago." Lyon boasted.

"Shut your mouth...!"

"Regardless, ever since we were children, you've never been able to land a single hit on me."

Gray places his hands together, creating a blue glyph. "I'm a lot stronger now than I used to be! Ice Make: Geyser!" He roared as he created a geyser of ice that encased Lyon in ice. The members of Lyon's organization started shouting and clamoring as they retreated among the falling ice, but Gray's geyser cracks and breaks, to his shock.

"Nothing has changed. I was always the superior student, and I'm still stronger than you. I was able to master single-handed Ice Make Magic, while you still have to rely on two hands. It's just like the old days. We may have chosen different paths, but we're frozen in time. Our rankings as wizards never change." Lyon said as he summons a dragon of ice that launches Gray into the air. "That's why I'm resurrecting Deliora. To prove that I am more than Ur's star pupil." He stated as Gray crashes into the ground. "As a child, I only ever dreamt of one thing: The day I would surpass Ur's abilities as a wizard. But you ruined it for me, Gray. After she died, I thought my lifelong dream of surpassing her had been dashed... Until I realized there was one way... If I can defeat Deliora, a demon so strong that not even Ur could vanquish it, then I will have surpassed her power. My dream will finally become a reality!" He raved with a crazy smile.

"Listen to me...!" Gray exclaimed as he stood back up again. "That thing destroyed everything we cared about! And you wanna bring it back just to prove how strong you are!? That's insane! Please! You can't do this!"

Just then, multiple dragons of ice appeared from below Gray, damaging him more. ""Please, you can't do this"...!? REALLY?" Lyon growled as he kept attacking with ice magic, knocking Gray down again. "Funny you say that. Those were the exact words we said to you that fateful day. Surely, you haven't forgotten? It's because you challenged Deliora... that Ur lost her life!" He exclaimed as an ape of ice attacks and hits Gray, launching him into the air yet again. "I can't stand you even speaking her name in my presence! BEGONE!!!" He commanded as he blasted Gray with another dragon of ice. "This is the end, Gray!"


"Huh!?" Lyon huffed in confusion as he saw Haiyai, who was sporting blonde hair, orange eyes, and a golden aura appear and destroy his dragon of ice.

"Huh...? You're...!" Gray gasped.

"Gray. I know this is your business. However, you can't defeat him. Not while you're as weak as you are. Stay out of the way." Haiyai ordered.

Gray got up and tried to shove him away. "You idiot, I'm the only one who can face him without dying to his ice immediately!" Gray roared at him. "This is my fault and I have to be the one to fix it! On my own!"

"You needn't worry about me. In this form, I'm undefeatable." Haiyai boasted.

"Please." Lyon scoffed before sending the ice dragon at her, but she simply stops it with one hand, and is simply holding it in place without getting frozen. "...Why aren't you freezing...!?"

"Because my power is multiplied by a thousand. Like I said. In this form, you can't defeat me." Haiyai stated, gesturing to her blonde hair and golden aura as Gray recalled that Haiyai had pink hair before.

Lyon just looked annoyed. "I'll just have to work around it then..." Just then, the ground under the two froze and broke, sending the two plummeting. ... Only for Haiyai to slowly rise up, holding onto Gray from the broken ground.

Cue: Undefeatable (Sonic Frontiers)


"Oops~ Forgot to mention that I can fly in this form~" Haiyai told them both. "Eto... bleh~" She stuck her tongue out with a cheerful "Eto Bleh" pose. (A/N 1)

Lyon didn't look all that amused. "I need to get rid of you and start perorations for tomorrow..."

"Like you're gonna even start." Haiyai huffed before tossing Gray to safety. "When it comes to speed, Lyon, I'm number one. I'm Haiyai Onna!"


Haiyai was suddenly right next to Lyon, one of her fists in his gut. "And you're too slow."

"Are you sure?" He asked, as Ice crept up Haiyai's arm.

Haiyai grunts then backs off as she smashed the ice off her arm. "Can't get close, huh...? Fine. Didn't need to anyway. Soi Fon! Lend me your... POWER!!!" She called as she started powering up, the aura burning so hot the freezing air stopped approaching her. "[Bankai]!" She shouted as she pulled out what looked to be a rocket attached to a launcher of some kind. "[Jakuho Raikoben]!"

"Requip magic?" Lyon asked, seeing the weapon.

"... Wait, is that like that Ichigo Person's powers Erza has?" Gray asked.

"My Champion, Soi Fon, doesn't like to use this [Bankai]... You've definitely earned both our ire." Haiyai growled. She then flies high into the air before she points the bazooka at Lyon. "TAKE THAT!" She roared as she fired a long rocket from the bazooka which explodes and blows Gray away, making him scream. With the long battle Haiyai is fighting against Lyon, Lucy, Happy, Octogal, Natsu, Bakei, Kokoro, Shinkei, Kaku, Ichi, Daishi, and Nigai spotting the explosion from a distance.

Meanwhile, back on the ship, Erza and Tokino spot the explosion themselves. "...Seems as though someone has forced Haiyai's hand. That explosion is only made by her Champion's [Bankai], [Jakuho Raikoben]. Now if only she had decided to use it earlier... We would be done with this by now." Tokino grumbled in complaint.

"We'll just have to hurry and get their faster," Erza stated, ready to scold they group when they land.

"Of course." Tokino pushed her glasses up again. "If you haven't already done it, then get this boat to sail faster. We're behind schedule enough as it is." She ordered the captain.

"Sir, yes sir!" they all shouted, doing just that.

To be Continued...


And that's the chapter. Man, this took a while.

Kokoro: "Took your time on this one."

Kaizoku: Crap happens.

Yep, and it's been hectic because of it. I'm just glad I'm able to finish this chapter finally.

Kaizoku: Same here...

Kokoro: "I'll take my leave, then."

Hold on Kokoro, we still have to say thanks and goodbyes, remember.

Kokoro: "Oh, right. Well, goodbye, I guess. And thank you for reading."

Kaizoku: Bye-bye!

We hope you all enjoyed the story and leave a review. See you all next time.

Please R&R

(A/N 1) Kaizoku: Which is this, but with only one hand: https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/youre-under-arrest-1.jpeg

Kaizokuoniiorewanaru's page: https://www.deviantart.com/kaizokuoniiorewanaru

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