
Was it a bad idea to send Vali to observe someone that smelled like a dragon? Probably but it was a far sight better then having him interact with the woman. God knows what he done. With a subtle glance at the woman, Issei did a quick mental review of his admittedly very simple plan which went as followed: follow the girl from a distance before bumping into her and pretending that he was a lost travel looking for information. Unfortunately, he didn't know what kind of magic she had and for all he knew, she could have a lie detecting spell or something.

He grimaced, even with his senses alone, he could tell that this worlds magic was... different, for lack of a better word. He knew for a fact, that he was quite literally a stranger in an even stranger land. He could see that the world itself was filled with strange magical energy completely invisible to the naked eye of most creatures and it was both incredibly beautiful and out right overwhelming. The only reason he could even sense it was due to his more dragonic nature.

Of course, the towns citizens were more then kind enough to give him a quick rudimentary explanation on this worlds magic, which apparently consisted of four different categories: Caster, Holder, Ancient and Lost magic.

And while unlikely, he couldn't rule out the chance that the girl could use ancient or lost magic. As he continued to observe the girl, his partner, Ddraig, called out to him.


Issei arched an eyebrow, it was rare for Ddraig to initiate a conversation with him unless it was very important, 'Yes, Ddraig?'

'I sense a strange energy around the girl.' The dragon warned before cutting their mental connection not giving Issei a chance to reply.

Unfortunately, while he was having his mental conversation with the dragon, he'd failed to notice that the girl was now conversing with a tall, well dressed albeit creepy looking man with an agitated yet cautious look on her face.

Thankfully, when Issei did notice, the girl's face had changed to one of shock and curiosity as if the man had revealed something surprising. Fortunately, Issei just barely managed to catch the tail end of their conversation to know what was going on.

'This guy, Salamander, he's from a guild called Fairy Tail? And he wants to invite her to his boat so that he can take her to his guild?' Issei arched an eyebrow, surely the girl wasn't dumb enough to fall for something so completely -

Oh god, she was that dumb. Great… It looked like he'd have to keep a closer eye on her just in case things went bad. With a small sigh, he continued to follow the girl.

'I'm starting to think that I gave Vali the less complicated task...' He bemoaned internally as he glanced down to the pink haired guy, Natsu, who was now staring at the boat with an agitated expression.


"I'm bored!" Vali bemoaned to himself as he hovered high in the sky, well out of sight from the pink-haired boy and his strange blue cat. The town below bustled with life, a vivid tapestry of sights and sounds that barely held his interest.

“Oh shut up,” Albion groaned out. “I heard you the first fifty times you’ve said that. Nothing’s going to change when you say it again.”

Vali scowled at that, his irritation growing with each passing second. "I know!" He exclaimed as his eyes continued to follow the boy as he made his way around the small town. "It's just so boring!" He rubbed his head in frustration.

"Remember what you were taught Vali." Albion advised his partner causing him to sigh in defeat, "Right… because a good samurai is a patient one." He recited the words that were drilled into his head by his teacher, Hojo Tokiyuki. A very lively samurai from late Kamakura period in Japan, who also happened to be teaching both Issei and Kiba as well.

The samurai that had somehow turned himself into a pure dragon in the later stages of his life which was why he was still alive to this day. During which he had become a pupil of the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda, a powerful demon who also happened to be Vali's and surprisingly Issei's shared ancestor.

"So you do remember! Tell me, was it because the guy looks like a hot woman or because he kept smacking you on the head whenever you did something wrong the reason you remembered that?" Vali could almost imagine the smug look his dragons face when Albion asked that question, it was bad enough that Issei had teased him for it but having his own partner teasing him as well? That was a new low, even for him.

"When were done here I'm gonna have a nice, long chat with Issei about giving me the boring jobs." The Lucifer grumbled under his breath, even though it was completely pointless to do so because his partner had heard every word.

"So he's from Fairy Tail?" He heard Natsu mumble, causing a smirk to form on the Lucifer's face as his head whipped around to stare at the pink haired boy.

"Please tell me that your going to do what I think your going to do…" Vali pleaded quietly. Sure enough, he's prayer was answered as Natsu jumped over the banister while two large, angel-like wings sprouted from his cats back causing Vali's jaw to drop as he was momentarily taken aback from the unexpected sight.

He watched in disbelief as the now flying blue cat grabbed Natsu and began flying him towards the boat.

"Please tell me that I'm not the only who saw that?" Albion asked, equally as stunned from the unexpected scene.


He wondered quietly as he looked up to the now darkened sky with a worried frown on his face. When had it gotten so dark?

No matter, he had more importantly things to tend to. He glanced to his left, the boat that the strange man had invited the blond girl onto was beginning to set off.

Issei pursed his lips, if he wanted more information then he was going to have to get closer to the boat without being seen. A quick look of the ship told him everything he needed to know with his eyes focusing in the massive lounge that currently hosted around 10 people, a majority of which were women but here could be more that he hadn't seen.

Issei narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Something wasn't right. He could feel it deep within his stomach.

"Partner look!" Ddraig exclaimed as Issei caught sight of the blond girl, Lucy, getting grabbed by two men while the man called Salamander reached out and pulled something from her waste before he threw it into the water.

Acting fast, Issei activated the base form of his Boosted Gear, Scale Mail, and dived down into the sea, not noticing the flying blue cat and it's passenger that was diving down towards the boat as well.


"You used magic to take advantage of others. Your the worst wizard alive!" Lucy exclaimed as tears began to leak down her face.

Salamander's smirk grew bigger but before he could say anything at all, something crashed through the roof, eliciting shocked gasps from everyone present.

A relieved smile appeared on Lucy's face as she exclaimed, "Hey! I know you!" upon seeing her saviour.

Unfortunately… the look of determination on Natsu face quickly morphed into a nauseous one as he hunched over and mumbled, "I knew this was a bad idea."

"Your so lame!!" Lucy exclaimed in disbelief as everyone stared in shock at what they were seeing.

"Hey! What are you doing here Lucy?" Happy asked as he flew in through the whole in the roof.

"Oh! Happy! These jerk tricked me! He said he was going to get me into Fairy Tail!" She answer before she realised something, "Hold on, since when did you have wings?"

"I'll explain that later. Okay?" Happy urged while Salamander and his group continued to stare in disbelief at the scene before them and just as they came back to their senses, Happy wrapped his tail around Lucy's waste and was about to drag her into the air just as a large red, armoured figure burst through the bottom of the deck of the ship, sending the yacht crashing down into the peer and leaving everyone stunned as they tried to regain their bearings.

"So you guys like to prey on innocent women." The figure growled angrily as it stared at the group with glowing green eyes, a menacing aura surrounded it, freezing everyone in place.

Even Natsu, who was still inhibriated by his motion sickness stared at the figure, having noticed a familiar scent emitting from its body.

"What the heck is that?" Lucy asked, being the first one to speak because everyone else was still to stunned to do anything.

Without warning, the figure suddenly turned to her and lifted up it's right arm, "Are these yours?" It asked as he tossed her a very familiar set of keys.

"My keys!" She exclaimed in relief before turning back to the figure, "Thank you!" She called out. Suddenly, something else crashed into the yacht. Damaging it even more.

"I HAVE ARRIVED!!!" The figure, which wore what looked like a white version of the other strangers armour, exclaimed excitedly. "Did I miss the fight?"

"No, you didn't miss the fight, Vali." The red warrior answered as he settled into a fighting stance and pulled a claymore from his back.

"Yes!" Vali exclaimed as he unsheathed a katana from his waste, "I've been itching for a fight all day!"

Even though a helmet obstructed her from seeing the warriors face, Lucy somehow knew that the man was smiling viscously. Something told her that whatever was going to happen next was going to be extremely bad.

And not a moment later, her instincts proved right as the white warrior, Vali, swung his blade and… severed the boat in half.

Lucy blinked. Was she seeing this right? As she tried to gather her thoughts, Natsu suddenly reappeared on top of the broken boat with an angry look on his face.

"So you claim to be a member of Fairy Tail Guild?" He asked, his attention solely focused on Salamander.

"So? What's it to you?" The man remarked with a snide look on his face. "Get him men!" He ordered only for the look on his face to morph into horror as Natsu batted his men aside with a single blow causing both of the armoured warriors to stop in place.

Clearly, they were just as curious as she was as to what was going to happen next. "I should have mentioned this before but Natsu's wizard himself." Happy mentioned as  he chomped down on a piece of raw fish he picked up.

"Huh?!?!" Lucy yelped in confusion having completely forgot about Happy during the ensuring chaos but before she could ask any questions, Natsu began to speak.

"My name is Natsu and I'm a Fairy Tail Wizard! And I've never seen you before!" He announced as he threw away his coat, revealing a dark red mark emblazed upon his right arm.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Lucy exclaimed in disbelief, he was a member of Fairy Tail this whole time?!?!

Even the two strange warriors looked shocked at the revelation, although not for the same reason as everyone else.

"That mark on his arm! This guy's the real deal Bora!" One of the goons exclaimed fearfully as he pointed towards Natsu.

"Don't call me that you fool!" Bora yelled angrily.

"I know him," Happy revealed as the two warrior strolled up beside them to watch Natsu's fight. "That's Bora the Prominence. Rumor has it, that he was kicked out of the Titan Nose Wizard guild a couple of years ago because of bad behaviour."

"I have no idea what's going here buddy. And I don't care if your a good guy, bad guy or what but I'm not going to let you smear Fairy Tails name!" Natsu stated angrily.

"And what are you going to do about it? Stop me?" Bora asked snidely before summoning purple flame into both his hands.

"Prominence Typhoon!"

"Natsu!" Lucy cried out as the attack struck the pink haired warrior but before she could run over to help him, both Happy and the two warriors stopped her.

"That's the way it goes. The bigger the talk, the weaker." Bora muttered smugly, thinking he'd succeeded in killing the wizard but as he turned to leave.

"Gah! This is so gross!" Natsu exclaimed as the fire suddenly began to disappear. "You sure you're really a fire wizard?" He asked as he slowly sucked in the flames. "Because these are the nastiest flames I've ever ate!" He announced, shocking everyone.

"Okay, what?" The red warrior muttered as he stared at Natsu in disbelief.

"Thanks for the grub posser." An almost evil looking grin spread on Natsu's face as the rest of Bora's ganger began to back away unsteadily, "What's going on here? Who is this kid!?" One of the goons yelled.

"Fire magic doesn't work on Natsu." Happy revealed unhelpfully causing Vali to look at that cat in annoyance. "Yeah… we know." He said in a very sarcastic tone, "It's not like we didn't see him eat fire a few moments ago!"

"I've never seen anything like that before." Lucy muttered while the red warrior nodded his head in agreement. "Nor have I."

"Now I've got a fire in my belly that's raging to get out!" Natsu muttered as he slowly began walking towards Bora and his goons and slammed his fists together, creating a strange magical symbol.

"Here goes!" He exclaimed as he hunched over and took in a deep breath.

"Fire Dragon Roar!"

A beam of fire erupted out of Natsu's mouth, which headed straight towards Bora and his group, creating a small explosion in the process.

"Hey Bora! I swear I've seen this guy before…" one of the goons began, causing the two warriors to turn their attention towards him. "The pink hair and the scaly looking scarf. There's no doubt about it. He's got to be the real one."

As the goon spoke, Lucy also came to the same realisation he did, "Salamander?!?!" There was no way. It couldn't be.

"Yeah… that checks out." Issei muttered to his friend as the pair watched Natsu with curiosity. If there was any doubt before, it was all gone now. Natsu has a connection to dragons.

"I hope you guys are paying attention! Because this is what a real Fairy Tail Wizard can do!" Natsu exclaimed as he engulfed his fists in two balls of fire.

"Here I come!" He cried out as he leapt towards Bora, who in an act of desperation, shot another beam of fire towards Natsu only to be smacked in the stomach and sent flying off into the town, all while Lucy stared in disbelief.

"So he eats fire then attacks with it? But how does he do it? Is it some kind of spell?" She asked, causing both Issei and Vali to turn to the only being that could give them answers.

"That's simple really, he has dragon lungs that allow him to breath fire, dragon scales that allow him to dissolve fire and dragon claws for attacking with fire." The cat revealed as the group continued to watch Natsu smack Bora around.

"His brand of fire magic is one that allows his Jody to take on all the qualities of a dragon. It's an ancient spell that's hardly used anymore."

Issei arched an eyebrow, "Seriously?" He asked before muttering under his breath, "That would explain why he feels like a dragonoid."

"This particular magic was originally used to deal with dragons." That bit of information caused both Issei's and Vali's head to snap towards Happy in shock. "It's called Dragon Slayer Magic and Igneel was the one that taught him." Happy continued while both Natsu and Bora continued their increasingly destructive battle.

"That wasn't to bad but I'm about to cook you like a smoked fish!" They heard Natsu call out, causing them to look back at the newly revealed Dragon Slayer.

"Your going to do what to me?!?" Bora screamed in fearful disbelief causing Natsu to smile devilishly.

"Get ready!" He called out as he slammed his fists together again, signaling that he was going to pull another spell.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!"

"Hey Issei! Is it just me or is there an actual dragon behind Natsu?" Vali asked as he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"No, I don't think so." Issei responded as he watched Natsu smash his fist right into Bora's face which, as he was quick to notice, had the unwanted side effect of absolutely demolishing Hargion on the process.

"Don't be silly Natsu, everyone knows you smoke food with smoke not fire." Happy said completely unbothered by the massive amounts of property damage that the Dragon Slayer had caused.

"Oh wow…" Issei blinked in shock while Vali began to grin maniacally, "I think I've found my new best friend." The Lucifer muttered under his breath only to get smacked on the back of his head by his rival.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps maybe itself know as Issei turned and saw.

"The army?!?!" Lucy exclaimed before Natsu, appearing out of nowhere, suddenly grabbed her arm and began to drag her away with both Issei and Vali following behind them.

"We gotta get outta here!" The Dragon Slayer exclaimed as the group quickly made their exit.

"Where are you taking me?!?"

"Come on you said you wanted to join the Fairy Tail Guild, didn't ya?!?" Natsu responded causing Lucy to stare at him in shock, "So let's go!"

A smile broke out in her face, "Alright!" She exclaimed before someone tapped on her shoulder.

"You got room for two more?" Issie and Vali asked as they ran beside the group, no longer  suited up in their strange armour.

"The more the merrier!" Natsu responded as the newly formed group hastily made to leave the small town.
Okay so I realised that at somepoint I had stopped going past the 1,000 word mark and well, to make up for it, I went a little extra and forced myself to write past it and well here we are.

What do you think? Is this a decent chapter? Also, sorry it took so long, life kinda went to shit for a bit because two of my families dogs passed away. My grans dog and my family's husky. So I was kinda in the dumps for a bit.

Any who, I'm back to normal now and will be putting in extra effort to make sure that each chapter a whole lot long than a measly 1,000 words. I've also updated Issei's and Vali's bios so go check that out if you want.


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