A New Member

A/N: here's chapter 2 for ya guys. 

In Magnolia 

In the southwest portion of Fiore lies a town called Magnolia. Magnolia is an average sized merchant town with a population of 60,000 people, Magnolia has been prosperous since the ancient era due to different types of magic and magical items. Within this prosperous town stood one of the strongest magical guilds, a guild called Fairy Tail.

The Fairy Tail guild hall has three floors, the shape of the guild resembles that of a pagoda with each floor being smaller than the one below. The roof bore a resemblance to the roof of a pagoda, which consists of extremely long arched tiles lined up one after the other and possessed simple curved protrusions that jutted upwards on the buildings angles. On the highest portion of the building sat a simple yet round and pointed dome.

As you open the giant doors to the guild the first floor resembled that of a large lunch hall. The floor consisted of wooden planks, there was also a mezzanine held up by wooden beams. There were several long benches with related tables, at the far end of the first floor stood a bar with a few wooden stools for people to sit on.

The guild was relatively quiet with members either drinking, talking or both. However the peace was shattered when the doors to the guild were suddenly and violently kicked open with someone yelling."WE MADE IT BACK"! As everyone one looked towards the guild entrance they saw someone familiar, this person was a lean muscular young man of average height with a slightly tanned skin tone. This young man has onyx black eyes and spiky pink coloured hair. "Hey Natsu". A random member of the Fairy Tail guild greeted."So I heard you went all out in Hargeon Natsu". Another random guild member said but was quickly interrupted when the now named Natsu lunging towards him with a fire coated fist and punched the guild member in the face as he yelled."You lied about that Salamander I'm gonna kick your butt"!"Don't blame me it was just a rumour I heard"! The guild member retorted back as the two began to fight.

"Oh wow I'm standing inside the Fairy Tail guild hall". A female with brown eyes and shoulder length blonde hair that was tied into a side ponytail by a blue ribbon. She has a buxom and curvaceous body."So Natsu finally made it back huh". A spiky black haired male said, this startled the blonde haired female. The black haired male has dark blue eyes with a toned and muscular body, though he usually wears a white dress shirt and dark green pants however he was only wearing his underwear."Gray your clothes". A woman with mid back length brown hair with slightly tanned skin and an ample bust said with a bored tone. She was wearing a light blue bikini top and a pair of brown capri pants with two bands hanging from each leg and a light belt with heart motifs that is loosely tied around her waist, to compete her outfit she wore a pair of high heeled sandals."I don't have time for that Cana"! Gray yelled back to the brown haired woman. 

Cana just sighed as she went back to drinking from her wine glass that was filled to the brim. "Damn do they always have to be so noisy".  A male with a fairly deep voice said, the blonde haired female from earlier looked up at him and saw that he had short light blue hair and a small vertical scar on his left eyebrow, the male was wearing a black sleeveless hoodie and black pants with a white lightning pattern on the legs."OMG you're Danny the Flash Bullet, the fastest wizard alive"! The blonde said as Danny let out a chuckle as he replied."Yeah that's me and who are you if I may ask"? Danny asked as he smiled as the blonde female blushed slightly and replied."M-may name is Lucy Heartfilia and I would like to join the Fairy Tail guild". Danny smiled as he motioned for Lucy to follow him and she did. 

Lucy and Danny then came up to the bar of Fairy Tail and behind it stood a slim young woman of below average height, she has long white hair which seems to curl slightly at the end with two bangs that seem to frame her face. She has large sapphire blue eyes with a curvy and voluptuous figure. The white haired female was wearing a sleeveless, ankle length maroon dress with a pleated skirt. Her chest area is adorned by a large pink bow and similarly coloured trimmings to frame her ample neckline. Lucy immediately recognised the female and yelled. "It's Mirajane in the flesh"! Lucy began to fangirl as Mirajane just giggled and Danny shook his head and said."Mira this is Lucy she would like to join the guild". Mira nodded and replied."Of course but we'll have to wait until Master is back from the conference". Danny nodded as well and said out loud."I should probably stop them before he gets back right"?"Yes please, Master will be angry if any more of the furniture gets broken"

Mira replied as Danny smiled and began to increase his magical pressure causing everyone in guild to turn to him."ENOUGH"! Danny yelled as a cold shiver ran down everyone's spines and stopped fighting."Now clean up your mess before the Master comes back". Danny said as his magical pressure returned to normal as an extremely short elder man dressed in a white t shirt with a black Fairy Tail symbol in he middle, the white t shirt was under an orange hoodie and the man also wore orange shorts and an orange and blue striped jester hat."Nice to meet ya". The man said, while Lucy was still in shock at how short the man really was.

"Welcome back Master Makarov". Danny said with respect in his voice."Did you say Master"?! Lucy questioned as she turned to Danny, only for the light blue haired mage to nod. Makarov then jumped in the air and did a triple front flip towards the second floor of the guild but unfortunately couldn't stick the landing as he smashed his back onto the second floor railing, this caused everyone to cringe from the pain, however the master of Fairy Tail managed to compose himself as he stood up with what seemed to be a giant stack of papers in his hand.

"You've done it again you bunch of dolts just look at all these complaints from the Magic Council". Makarov began as everyone in Fairy Tail looked down in shame, however Fairy Tail's guild master continued by saying."Gray well done on rounding up those smugglers, however you stumbled around the town nude and then you ran off after you took someone's underwear right off of their clothes line". Gray then muttered."Well I couldn't just walk around naked". Master Makarov then began to list off other people's misdeeds until his sights were sent on certain pink haired mage."And Natsu". He said through gritted teeth as everyone in the guild began to stare at the pink haired fire mage."In bringing down the Devon Bandit Clan, you destroyed seven privet homes! You brought down the Tuly village's clock tower! The town of Freesia's church is completely destroyed! You damaged a section of the Lupinus Castle! The observation station at the Nazuna Ravine is closed due to wanton destruction! And you levelled half the harbour at Hargeon"! Makarov finished his little rant session by saying."All you kids ever do is get the Magic Council mad at me"!

Makarov looked down as his whole body began to shake but a smile soon appeared on his face as he said."But I say to hell with the Magic Council". As everyone, minus Lucy, began to cheer in approval of the small masters words as he set the stack of complaints on fire and threw it in the air, only for Natsu to catch the flaming stack of paper and begin to devour it."Listen, ours is a power that goes beyond the bounds of reason but it is born out of reason itself. Magic isn't some miracle. What we do is match the energy that flows between us with the wavelength of the world's energy and take what is embodied in that union using our force of will and concentration. More than that we pour our entire souls into it to make what we call magic. If we spend time worrying about what those in authority think of you, your magic will never advance! So don't let those idiots on the Council intimate you! Follow the path you truly believe in! That is what it means to be a Fairy Tail wizard"! A massive cheer erupted from the members of Fairy Tail after the speech from Master Makarov just gave. 

After a few minutes 

"There you go". Mira said as she place a pink guild mark on Lucy's right hand. Lucy smiled and ran over to Natsu and said."Natsu look I'm a member now"."That's nice Luigi". Natsu replied as Lucy yelled at him."It's Lucy"! Mira smiled but then she saw an S Class quest flyer on the bar counter as she looked at her eyes widened at what the quest entailed, she looked up to see Danny looking at her with a smile and said."You know she is gonna be angry with you right"? Danny chuckled as he replied."I know and I'll cross that bridge when I get back". Mira smiled although it seemed forced as she approved the quest and Danny began to walk out but was stopped by Lucy as she asked."Where are you going Danny"?"I'm going on a quest I'll see ya later Luce". Danny replied as he walked out of the guild. 

A/N: and that concludes chapter 2 for ya guys, hope you enjoyed and I'll see ya in the next chapter. 

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