“Please Laxus-kun!” Called Evergreen.
“B-But Laxus, the reward is large and-” Tried Freed.
“Aw, come on Laxus! It’ll be fun!” Bickslow said while holding up the request paper as his babies chanted ‘fun!’, ‘fun!’.
His eye was starting to twitch ever so slightly. “What part of ‘no’ did you not understand?”
“The ‘No’ part.” They flatly replied at the same time.
Laxus ran a hand down his face. He hated it when they all ganged up on him like this. When they did, it was only a matter of time before he would cave in. He looked at them from the corner of his eye. Oh great, they were giving him those looks again…
The Lightning Wizard groaned, knowing full well that he was going to regret this. “Alright…” Their faces started to light up as they cheered. At the sight of his friends happy, he smirked, taking the paper from Bickslow’s hand. “Go home and get your things packed. We’re heading to Onibus.”
He just hoped he wouldn’t regret it.
He walked over to the bar and was greeted with Mira’s knowing smile. “Hello Laxus! Taking another job?” He nodded and handed her the slip of paper. She seemed surprised when she looked back up at him, but smiled all the same. “Very well, see you all when you get back!”
He gave a wave as he left but grunted when he heard her giggling. That sound was always a sign that she was about to stir up some mischief. He only sighed though as he walked away. There wasn’t a way to stop her anyways.
The train ride wasn’t all that bad, or rather, wasn’t that eventful. Freed was remembering the last time he had been to the town accompanying Wendy and shared the story, Bickslow only tripped one waiter in the Food Car, Evergreen had only spent an hour hogging the bathroom to ‘beautify’ herself, and Laxus stayed as calm as always, barely moving from his seat the entire trip.
Soon enough, they made it off of the train and were now walking the streets of Onibus. It didn’t take long for them to reach their destination. Freed smiled. “It’s as glorious as I remember.”
Evergreen rolled her eyes. “From what I remember, you didn’t even go inside.” The light-green headed man pouted in response. Bickslow only laughed at him and Laxus ignored all of them as he headed towards the door. “Let’s just get this over with…”
They followed close behind him until he stopped. Peeking around their leader, the Raijinshuu blinked at the sight of the small man in the doorway. “Are you the Fairy Tail wizards..? I was expecting the other four.”
Laxus nodded. “Yes, we’re here to fill your request.”
“Hmmm.” The short man sighed. “Yes, well, you’ll have to do…” As the director walked inside, signalling them to follow, Lazus’ eye was twitching in irritation. He didn’t even want to be here and this guy didn’t seem to want them there, so why not just leave?
The Lightning Dragon Slayer glanced back at his team. They were smiling like idiots. He sighed and walked inside. Wow, he was becoming such a sap.
When inside what seemed to be a dressing room they all sat down and listened to the director. “Thank you very much!” They all blinked at him and Bickslow was about to comment when he decided to continue. “You see, all of my regular actors quit on me after they saw the performance done by your guild. And because your guildmates left, I’ve run out of actors and thus haven’t been able to put on anymore performances...”
Freed felt pity for the man. “That’s terrible!” The short man seemed on the verge of tears. “Thank you very much!”
For what!? They all thought at the same time as he finished. “So I sent out another request in hopes that I could put on another brilliant performance!” They nodded slowly. Laxus crossed his arms. “Alright then, we’ll do it in a week.”
“Really..?” He looked rather hopeful, but when Laxus nodded in confirmation, he looked away from them with a disappointed grunt. “Heh, whatever, if you say so.” There was a slight crackling noise as Laxus’ irritation started to rise. Do you want us here or not old man!?
After that, the week of preparations began. Evergreen managed the costumes, Freed helped them all memorize their lines, Bickslow handled spreading out the flyers, and Laxus helped with everything in between. It seemed that everything was going smoothly and the day of the performance had finally arrived.
Bickslow peeked at the audience from behind the curtain. “Whoa! Thatsa lotta people!”
“People! People!” His babies cried. Freed looked nervous. “I-I don’t think I thought this through very well…”
Ever rolled her eyes. “Please, you’ve done nothing all week but think!”
Laxus walked up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t be thinkin’ about givin’ up on me now. I was dragged into this by you morons, so we’re doing it together, got me?” They looked up and smiled at him. “Right.”
He smirked. “Good, now lets go rock the house.”
“Right!” Bickslow looked out of the curtain again and froze. The leader of the group noticed and frowned. “Bickslow, don’t tell me you’re nervous too…”
He shook his head and pointed outside. “Not..,exactly…” Laxus raised a brow as he walked over and looked out at the audience where his friend had pointed, only to also freeze on the spot. In the very front row sat Mira, Makarov, Team Natsu, Wendy and that little white cat that’s always with her.
Again, his eye started to twitch as Mira noticed him and gave him that knowing smile. This was her doing… He glanced to the right to look at his grandfather. He was grinning from ear to ear. Great, now Laxus would never hear the end of it when this is over.
He sighed and closed the curtain as their hirer came up to them. “Alright everyone! Get to your places the show is about to start! Thank you very much!” And he was off again. Over the past week the four just decided to ignore the last phrase altogether.
After getting in place, the lights dimmed and everyone quieted down. Soon enough, the curtain opened and a light was centered to the middle of the stage, showing Evergreen tied to a chair. She was dressed as a princess.
“Oh woe is me, who was captured by the evil Dark Knight Vandoth. When will my Prince come rescue me?” The audience was surprised that Evergreen actually shed a tear. Leave it to her to have such eye skills. She was a great actress.
Another light was shown to her right, revealing Bickslow, dresses in a knight costume. It wasn’t much different than what he usually wore, actually. He had his arms crossed and was smirking evilly at her. “Foolish and naive Princess! No prince shall come for you!”
That’s when the entire stage lit up and Freed walked out and up to Bickslow, pointing his sword out at him. A minute went by and you could see that the young prince was shaking and trying to say something, but couldn’t.
Evergreen would have facepalmed if she wasn’t tied up. So instead she whispered. “Say something!”
In the audience, Natsu was laughing his head off at seeing some of his strongest Nakama doing something as silly as this, Lucy was wondering why the director made the play so similar to theirs, Erza was on the verge of tears because she thought it was beautiful, Gray didn’t show what he was feeling and only watched with a raised brow, Wendy was cheering Freed on since he had helped her with her job to this very place, Mira was also cheering him on, and Makarov was wondering where Laxus was.
Bickslow, the good friend that he is, when along with it and smirked. “What? Are ya scared?” Out of pure instinct, Freed shot back. “I most certainly am not!” Then covered his mouth to look at the audience in silent fear that he hadn’t followed the script and therefore ruined the play.
The ‘Dark Knight’ smirked wider. “Well alright then! Take this! Babies, come forth!” For the play, Bickslow had moved his souls into three shields. They lined up right in front of the Green-haired prince, who at this moment was terrified that he had messed up the script, since this wasn’t suppose to happen until after three more scenes. So Freed took his sword and, while still shaking, poked the first shield, which made to bump into the other two and like dominos fell to the ground seemingly lifeless.
“That was way too easy!” Called the audience and louder laughs could be heard from Natsu’s direction.
“Oh No!” Bickslow cried. “Not my babies! Fine! If you want a greater opponent, you can fight my Lightning Dragon!” There were fireworks and crackling as the stage became so bright that the audience had to look away a moment, when they looked back, they were shocked.
Standing in between Freed and Bickslow, and in front of Evergreen, was Laxus Dreyar with his arms crossed. He was completely normal. Purple shirt, dark jeans, fur coat, and extremely bored expression.
Bickslow’s stretched out pointed finger started to twitch. “Ah Lightning Dragon..? Where are your scales, and ya know, tail?”
“I wouldn’t be caught dead in such a stupid outfit.”
Evergreen started to squirm, looking angry. “It took me all week to make that! It was perfection!”
“It was stupid.”
The audience started to laugh and nod. This was the Fairy Tail play they were expecting.
Laxus looked to Freed and put out his two fingers before nugging them towards himself, indicating that he was ready to fight. Freed, on the other hand, had decided that this was no longer a play. And because of that decision, had decided that this was just being them. And if this was just being them, then he would never be able to fight Laxus.
He dropped his sword and the fans gasped. Freed couldn’t help but stutter. “I-I-I-I-I-I-I-” He was shaking more than usual, then he just started to run off stage altogether, yelling over his shoulder. “I COULD NEVER HURT YOU!!!”
Laxus blinked, not expecting such a reply. The people off-stage could only let their jaws drop. “What kind of prince was that!?”
The Lightning Mage looked over at Bickslow, who had facepalmed, and then to Ever, who understood what he was asking. “Oh no! Now who shall save me from the clutches of this evil Knight!?”
“They're still going through with this!?” Called the people in shock.
Bickslow went back to a proud stance. “Hahaha! I’ve won! No one shall beat me now!” He continued to laugh until he felt a new surge of magic, stopping mid-chuckle.
“Wonna bet?”
Laxus had spiked his magic power and you could see the Lightning coming off of him was he took a step closer. Bickslow twitched and then after taking a step back, also ran off stage yelling “Screw this!!!”
The audience was put into shock again. Anybody who had decided to take a drink before that scene had most certainly spit it right back out. This had included Gray, Lucy and Happy. Makarov was cheering very loudly towards his grandson. Everyone else was wondering how he had gotten the lead role in this production.
So after uniting the princess, he picked her up in his arms, still holding that same bored look as she said her last lines. “Oh thank you kind dragon for saving me! I shall always be in your debt!”
“Yeah, yeah. Just make me some food when we get home.” Was his only reply as he walked off stage, leaving the audience in complete and utter shock at what they had just witnessed. Then of course Natsu was the one to break the silence.
“Holy Crap that was awesome!!! HAhahaha!” Soon the whole audience was with him, cheering and laughing.
“Amazing! I want to watch it again!”
“What a twist ending!”
The director came out to see and hear that everyone had loved it. He started to tear up and flail. “Thank you very much!!!” The four that were behind stage now could only let there jaw drop. Oh now he says it at the right time! But it was soon over their heads as they walked out on stage and bowed.
Laxus looked at his Grandfather and saw exactly what he thought he would. The Old Geezer was crying. He only sighed, but couldn’t help the small smile from spreading on his face.
Okay, so maybe being in a stupid play wasn’t as stupid as he thought it was.
But as he expected...When they all got home everyone wouldn’t let him live it down. They all kept doing stupid things like cheering and reenacting scenes. Once at the bar of the guild, he glared at Mira, who noticed and smiled right back, giggling. “Hello Laxus! Taking a break from signing autographs?”
His eye started to twitch again. “It’s not funny Mira. I’m getting really tired of this. Why did you have to bring them to see us?”
She turned to finish organizing some letters, but he knew that she was still smiling. “Silly, I wasn’t the one who brought them.”
He blinked, surprised. “You weren’t?”
She turned back around. “No, Master was the one after I told him about what job you took!”
He slammed his fist on the bar, irritation showing on his face. “So you did start it!”
She merely put a hand to her mouth. “Teehee!~”
“Don’t ‘teehee’ me!”
“That’s just as bad!!!”
The other three had just finished talking with some guildmates about the play and looked over at their leader. Ever shook her head. “I wonder when he’ll realize he’ll never win with Mira…”
Bickslow smirked. “He probably won’t.”
“Probably! Probably!”
Freed sighed. “It’s true. She is the She Devil to the core.., That much is certain.”
They all nodded in agreement, before deciding to walk over and try to help. So their play didn’t go as they had planned, but it happened to be really fun and also helped their leader get some more fans. Which was their goal all along.
What else did you expect from the Thunder Legion?
A/N: MUHAHAHAHA! I loved this so much. I thought of the idea and my brother helped me with some parts so it turned out perfect. xD
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