Requested by tannu2003
The first time it happened to him he was about 3, but he doesn't remember it. Jungkook's parents told him he had been diagnosed with a fainting disorder when he was young but doesn't remember ever passing out for the first time until he was around the age of twelve. It would get pretty bad at school during times of exams or tests. His doctors told him many times he would faint as a result of his body's reaction to extreme stress, which his body didn't know how to handle well. He had been on medications ever since which really helped him out, but every now and then he'd still faint at school.
Now that he was a Kpop idol, he didn't even know how bad the stress could get. When he first debuted his doctors had to change his medications because he would pass out quite often. It always scared the hell out of his hyungs and they were always right there to help him. Now that he was older and in his early twenties, he'd learned a lot of techniques to help ease his mind when he got too stressed out. That mixed with his medication made it so he nearly never fainted anymore. It had only happened twice during the past year. Once before traveling to America for a conference, and once before another conference with the president of South Korea.
Lately, though, the stress was returning. He was in the middle of working on his mixtape, in the middle of practicing for the groups concert coming up, in the middle of learning a new choreography that Hobi wanted him and Jimin to learn so they could post it on Youtube, while also dealing with some hate online he was getting.
He was also out of medication.
He'd been so busy he forgot to renew his medication, and when he finally had the time to there seemed to be a "supply shortage" of what he needed, so the pharmacist told him it might be a week or so before it gets to the pharmacy. He tried not to panic, he hadn't told his hyungs about what happened with his medication because he was embarrassed that he'd forgotten to refill it on time. It also didn't help that they were constantly asking him if he had any left and reminding him to make sure he calls his doctor. Forgetting something like that made him feel like a bit of a disappointment to his hyungs because he hadn't listened, so he tried his best to act like his body wasn't starting to slowly give out on him.
"You alright?" Hobi asked the maknae while they were having breakfast before getting ready to leave for rehearsal. He had noticed Jungkook wasn't really touching his food and he usually was the first of the group to scarf it down in seconds.
"Yeah, I'm just a bit tired. Not that hungry."
"Did you not sleep well? Try to eat up because we have a lot to go over at the studio today. After we practice with Jimin we're doing our whole group choreography, so fuel yourself," Hobi patted him on the back and left to go change his clothes. He sat there twirling his fork through his pancakes, trying to force some bites but couldn't stomach it. He stared at his plate and for a moment thought he saw black dots in his vision, but they went away after he shook his head. It's just because I didn't sleep well.
He was caught by surprise by Jin and Taehyung coming up behind him to give him good morning hugs. Taehyung leaned over and stole a bite of his pancakes and Jungkook offered the rest to his hyung, who took it and ended up sharing it with Jin after a brief battle.
"Jungkook-ssi," Jimin said while entering the room, he was holding two different shirts in his hands, "I don't remember what Hobi hyung said to wear for recording. Was it the white or the pink one?"
"The white one," Jungkook told him. Right after that Yoongi and Namjoon came out saying how they needed to hurry up and all get going to the studio, they had all lost track of time and were running late. Once they got there, the members dispersed to their private studios while Jimin, Hobi, and Jungkook went to the dance studio to practice their choreography for their Butter remix that Megan Thee Stallion had helped them with.
Jungkook tried hiding the fact that he wanted to break down and cry. Thankfully they weren't officially recording, but they were recording practice and he really didn't want anyone to catch on camera how shitty he felt. His head was throbbing and his eyes hurt. He was having anxiety because he had learned by now that these were both super common symptoms he'd get before ultimately passing out. He didn't want it to happen. He felt like a burden enough to his hyungs whenever he got sick and he felt even worse when he'd get sick or hurt while they were in the middle of work and practicing something important. Unfortunately his anxiety was making him feel even worse. He was thankful for the small breaks they would take to watch their playbacks, trying to hide the fact that it was becoming harder for him to stay alert and focused.
After watching videos of more of their practice, they weren't entirely satisfied but Jungkook knew he physically couldn't do more at the moment.
"Hobi hyung could we maybe take a bit of a break please?"
Hobi looked at both Jungkook and Jimin and could they looked exhausted, "Yeah sure, drink up." The three of them ran to their water bottles and Jungkook finished his in one sip. He was starting to feel exceptionally hot, at first he was sweaty but over practice he noticed he seemed to have stopped sweating. He felt overheated but chilled and clammy at the same time. He sprawled out on the floor and stared at the ceiling, the lights were starting to spin. He felt a small nudge in his rib, "Are you okay?" Jimin asked while he took a seat next to his maknae, "You look like you're ready to pass out. Oh no, Jungkookie you don't feel like you're going to pass out or anything do you?" Hobi overheard his question and came over, standing above them.
"No, no hyung I'm fine. I just didn't sleep well."
"If you feel sick or like you'll faint please tell us now and we can stop practice, I don't want you getting hurt," Hobi told Jungkook. The maknae sat up, "I'm fine, I swear," he lied. He didn't want to cause any delays. He figured he'd just push his body through all of todays rehearsals. All was well with him while they finished practicing their Butter dance. The rest of the members joined them in the dance studio and Hobi was immediately making everyone get right to work.
Jin had tried being a bit playful with his maknae but quickly gave up when he saw that the youngest clearly wasn't in the mood. He wasn't laughing or smiling about anything, he seemed quite moody.
Jin wasn't the only one to notice. Yoongi approached him while waiting for more instructions from Hobi and also asked if he was okay, "You just seem a bit off. Are you sick?" Yoongi asked .
"I'm just tired."
Taehyung came over as well and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's shoulders, and started spinning him. He felt like he would drop at any second so he pushed his hyung away, "Stop," he demanded sternly. Taehyung pouted at him, "Why are you being so lame today?"
Jungkook felt bad seeing Taehyung pout, he didn't mean to come off as mean, or lame. "I'm sorry hyung I don't mean to be it's just been a tiring day."
"Did you ever finish all your breakfast? Do you want a snack? I brought Kbars if you want one," Hobi offered. Jungkook politely declined and chose to stick with water. His stomach felt like it was doing flips inside of him.
They quickly got back to work and Hobi noticed Jungkook was really falling behind. It seemed like he had two left feet and he kept tripping over himself or forgetting the choreography. Hobi tried showing it to him over and over but the youngest seemed to only get more and more confused. He started to space out and although he was looking at Hobi, it seemed like he was looking right through him.
"Jungkook?" Hobi snapped his fingers in his face, "Jungkookie?"
Namjoon came over. "What's going on?" He placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook finally snapped out of it, "Nothing, I was just trying to memorize the steps."
"Maknae I think maybe you should sit out for the rest of the day, you seem kind of off. Did you take your medicine this morning?" Hobi asked. Jungkook immediately got defensive and lied saying that he did. He didn't want them to know he'd run out already.
"Fine but if you feel sick just go sit out, okay?" Hobi told him. Jungkook nodded. The dance leader tried going over the steps with him again and Taehyung and Jimin came over to watch. They followed along with Hobi but Jungkook just stood there, staring into space again.
"Maknae?" Taehyung asked, shaking Jungkook's shoulder.
"Hyung-" Jungkook said, staring straight at Hobi. His hyungs face suddenly started spinning. Black clouds started to seep in from the corners of his vision and slowly overtook the entire room. He felt himself start swaying, "Hyung I don't feel so good-" he finally admitted. Before he could register what happened next, his world went dark.
"Jungkook!" Everyone screamed. Hobi, Jimin, and Taehyung all grabbed hold of his body before he slammed into the ground.
"Water! Water! Someone get him water!" Jin screamed as he ran to them. Taehyung placed Jungkook's head in his lap and tried shaking him awake, but got nothing from his maknae.
"What the hell happened?" Yoongi yelled as he also ran to his maknae's side with some bottles of water.
"I don't know he just passed out!" Jimin told them frantically. "Jungkookie? Jungkookie? Wake up please you're making hyungs nervous!" Jimin cried, slightly patting the maknae's cheek.
"He said he took his medicine, I don't know what the problem is!" Hobi cried, giving everyone a concerned look. Yoongi poured some water into his hand and wiped it onto Jungkook's face. Jin ran and grabbed a handheld fan and brought it over and held it for his maknae. Namjoon took the water bottle from Yoongi and poured a little into Jungkook's mouth.
"He said he took it? Did he say anything about not feeling good?" Namjoon asked.
"All he really said was that he didn't sleep well and he was really tired today," Hobi told everyone. Taehyung began anxiously crying while running his hands through Jungkook's hair. Jimin sat next to him and rubbed his back while holding onto Jungkook's arm.
"Hey, bunny," Yoongi said while shaking Jungkook's chest, "If you didn't want to practice today you could have just said so," he joked, trying to lighten the mood. He decided to run to the ice box and grab a few small bags of ice. Although he had just tried to lighten the mood, he found himself wiping his own tears while in the hallway. He always hated seeing Jungkook's fainting spells. Although they were never all too serious, the same thought ran through his mind every single time it happened. What if he never wakes back up? He ran back to the others and placed the ice bags on Jungkook's forehead and chest. He saw Taehyung was still crying and he grabbed his dongsaengs arm, "He'll be alright."
"Kookie wake up for hyungies," Jin started cooing. He held Jungkook's hand and squeezed it, "He's never been out this long something is wrong." Jin felt the anxiety in his chest getting worse. Usually the boy would faint and quickly start fluttering his eyes, but as of now he'd already been out for almost 10 minutes straight with no signs of movement.
"Should we call an ambulance?" Namjoon asked while frowning. The thought of Jungkook's fainting episode being this serious scared him to hell. As if on que, Jungkook started groaning and wiggling a little bit. Taehyung started massaging the maknae's shoulders.
"Kookie? Can you hear me? Can you hear hyung?" Yoongi asked, squeezing his hand.
"Hmmmfffff..." was the maknae's response. His eyes started to flutter open like they always had and his hyungs were instantly all over him.
"Are you okay?!"
"Oh thank God you're finally awake!"
"You can't do this to us! You can't scare us like that!!"
"What the hell happened maknae?!"
Jungkook kept groaning. The lights were hurting his eyes and his head hurt. His vision finally became clear and he looked around to see all of his hyungs faces hovering over him looking straight at him. He instantly felt terrible and placed his hands over his face and began to cry.
"Oh no no no bunny, it's okay, please don't cry. You're okay," Taehyung cooed while still running his fingers through his maknae's hair. Jungkooks small cry turned into him completely balling his eyes out, "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry hyungs."
All of his hyungs grabbed onto him and reassured him that he had nothing to be sorry for. They all knew him passing out wasn't his fault. Although he had techniques and everything to help control his condition, they knew he couldn't avoid it entirely. Jungkook felt terrible for lying and terrible for worrying everyone. Jin and Namjoon both leaned in to wipe his tears away. Yoongi offered him more water. Taehyung lifted Jungkooks head out of his lap and pulled him back into a hug and let his maknae lean back into him. Taehyung hugged him tightly and kissed the back of his head, grateful that his maknae was conscious again.
"I'm sorry I l-l-lied," Jungkook was hyperventilating.
"Lied about what?" Yoongi asked. They all looked at the youngest with confused expressions.
"I didn't want to tell hyungs but I-I-I ran out of medicine and don't have any and and and forgot to call and .."
"You're out of medicine?" Namjoon asked, his tone had a hint of surprise and a hint of annoyance, "Jungkook-ah why would you lie to us about that?"
"I'm sorry. I didn't want anyone to worry about me or be mad that I forgot to renew it in time."
"Bunny nobody would be mad at you for forgetting. It's a lot more worrisome for us to see you actually faint. If you didn't feel good you should have just said so," Yoongi replied.
"I'm sorry. I didn't want to burden anyone and ruin practice, but I did anyway.." Jungkook wiped his tears with his sleeve. Jin and Namjoon started going on and on about how he could never be a burden to them no matter what and he wouldn't ruin practice by sitting out. Jimin and Yoongi both added in that his health was always their first priority over work and he should never be afraid to come to them with how he feels. Hobi asked Jungkook what really led up to him fainting aside from just the medicine and the maknae admitted all the things he'd been stressing about lately. Practice then turned into a bit of a therapy session for the maknae as they all sat there constantly reassuring him about everything and reminding him that he had plenty of hyungs he could go to if he ever really needed to talk. He felt a lot better after that talk. His tears were gone and his head wasn't pounding anymore. The light didn't hurt.
"Thank you, hyungies," Jungkook said after he realized how much better he felt.
"Of course. I'm sure we don't have to tell you how much we all love you," Jin told him. Jungkook felt himself blush a little bit. He always thought it was cute when any of his hyungs talked about how much they loved him. He didn't understand why they all cared about him so much but he definitely never took it for-granted. He told them how he was grateful to have the best hyungs ever. Everyone helped him get back on his feet and Hobi decided to cut practice short. He figured Jungkook had done enough as it was and really needed a break. He said they'd head home, have some ice cream, and watch movies to Jungkook's hearts content. When they loaded into the car he was cuddled up right between Yoongi and Jin.
"When will you have your medicine again, anyway?" Yoongi asked. Jungkook shrugged and said he didn't know, that he was told it could be about a week. Five minutes later he got a phone call that lasted about 5 seconds.
"Okay. Yes. Thank you. Yeah, okay thanks."
When he hung up, everyone turned to him and he felt himself blush again.
"It's the medicine..it's in now..isn't it?" Jimin asked. Jungkook shyfully nodded.
"Aish maknae, you're going to be the death of us," Hobi joked. Jungkook smiled.
He was thankful that his hyungs loved him so much.
-Fin [Requests Closed]
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