Chapter 27

[Chapter 27]

Zane’s P.O.V

Everyone was decked out in the living room, arguing and trying their best to formulate some sort of plan. Noel was a burnt out wreck and the days hadn’t done him well. He hadn’t slept; hadn’t eaten, hadn’t bathed ever since Ashe was captured. I had done a little better but sleep kept away from me with my worry about my Faen. Sure, I had a shut-eye between times, but always found myself jerking back to reality half an hour later, sweating and panting from nightmares of pain and suffering.

Of course, through the miracle connection Noel made with Ashe, we had found out that this time, it was Kenton’s younger brother who had gotten hands on Ashe. The Council Heads had rushed down almost instantly when we called in to report Ashe’s kidnapping. Ashe’s parents had been a mess, and we left Raun at Kaz’s house to keep him away from the truth. Noel’s father and brother came along with my father –a sight that I was strangely relieved to see. Along with Mr. and Miss Arliden, we made the small team of Faens that searched the area for Ashe’s power.

It had been a week. A week since she was gone; a week since the nightmares started. Naturally, Lance found me waking up from the nightmare a few times, and when I spilled the beans, Mr. Arliden told me that my nightmares were the waking experience of Ashe’s mind. I couldn’t help but shiver in fear and worry of what Ashe must be going through. But what could I do at this moment? Ashe would not open up any connection to me or Noel. She was just too weak.

“Think this through carefully, Elvie! This is dangerous, and I will not allow Noel or Zane to go through that without supervision!” Ms. Maxwell was shouting at Ashe’s grandmother; something I rarely saw. The Council Head usually kept their arguments on the minimal, and usually it was only Mr. Rax that found fault with Elvie while Ms. Maxwell kept as their referee.

“This is my granddaughter we are talking about! My next Alveron, and very possibly a constellation Faen! This is Ashe Alveron we are talking about, very possibly the one with Cynus’s spirit!” Elvie stood up, clenching her fists as she held back her anger.

“Now, we have nothing to prove that-” Mr. Rax began to point out calmly, but it was in the wrong situation, since Elvie turned and dragged her anger on him.

“Sure, there is no evidence! Let’s say; maybe Kenton was mistaken about taking Ashe as Faen’s child. Don’t tell me Treyon was as blind as him? Don’t tell me you doubt Zephyra? Use your head, Rax! Even if Ashe isn’t the Faen’s child, she is still my granddaughter!” Elvie shouted at the elderly man despite her age, and almost everyone gave her a surprised look at her temper. Elvie had never really shouted. She had always been kind and gentle –which was what everyone liked about her.

“Still, we cannot let the boys go through all that.” Ms. Maxwell brought the argument back to topic while I sat by the window sill, staring up at the full moon. Elvie and the Arlidens were suggesting that Noel and I make a blood spell to search the location of our Faen. There was a significant chance we could get a location, but there was a chance that because of the blood spell, Noel and I would die of blood loss. Even if we didn’t, the spell would take a toll on our physical bodies, and destroy our immunity almost completely for a span of time.

“You would let my granddaughter die, Jane?” Elvie demanded, spinning to glare at the principal of the school.

Noel stood up to take the attention, wobbling a little since he hadn’t been eating for a very long time, and when he did, it was when he was forced, and he didn’t eat more than a few bites. It was kind of stupid of him to starve himself and fill himself with worry while Ashe was gone, but I guessed he was too busy worrying to even think of keeping himself fit and strong to save her.

“I am willing to do anything to find Ashe. Anything.” Noel said in a haunted tone –a tone of voice that I was beginning to get used to. Noel didn’t speak with anything more than that tone after he spoke to Treyon in Ashe’s mind. It was like he was almost certain that Ashe was doomed, though he kept on trying to deny it himself.

“See? Noel is ready for it, Jane! He can answer himself if something goes wrong!” Elvie insisted, even though Noel’s father was frowning. Richard and Jacob had been trying hard to keep Noel going, but Ashe’s boyfriend was just a wreck. I was doing better, so Lance hadn’t been so worried. Still, the nightmares kind of wore me down. I shocked myself with my eye-bags just today.

“This is not only about Noel, Elvie. It concerns Zane too.” Ms. Maxwell directed the argument to me, and I found eye staring at me, expectantly waiting for me to come with some sort of a reply.

“I will do it if it is the last resort. But we are not there yet; so we will continue looking for her.” I said firmly, jumping from the window sill and walking out the door. Ashe’s parents were upstairs, trying their best to console each other. They had done everything they could; tried every method. But how could they possibly find a vampire without the help of Faens? We didn’t tell them that their methods were useless though.

Outside, the night was peaceful and quiet. Cold night air breezed softly, bringing me a lungful of fresh air, keeping my head clear. The moon hung overhead, round and full like the belly of a pregnant lady. Feeling deep into myself, I drew into the core of my soul and called my power. Cupping my hands together, I thought up small firelight lighting upon my hand, hearing it crackle slowly to life.

It was not enough to provide warmth against the cold zephyr, but it was enough for me to channel my power towards.

I pushed my power carefully towards the fire, deeper into my core to search for the one thing that I desired at the moment.

I kept the smell of her in my mind, the taste of her lips against mine. I kept the image of her vivid in my mind, and called for her.

Please, answer me. If you are out there, Ashe, answer me.

It had been days of praying and trying, and none of it had worked. Still I would never give up until the day Ashe finally replied me. It was still a chance that Ashe was still holding on, still a chance that Ashe was still a Faen instead of a vampire. If she was finally fully changed vampire; I would know, since my connection with her would be snapped entirely dead. I dreaded the day it happened, and wished that I would never have to feel that connection snapping ever happening.

Please, if you hear me, answer me. Show me anything. Just something.

I prayed quietly to the night sky, hoping somewhere, out there, that either God or maybe Cynus was up there, looking after my Faen. I had tried my best to keep my interest away from Ashe, but who could ever turn their eyes away from such an intriguing specimen such as Ashe? She was like someone I had never seen before. I had seen many types of girls in my time in the school of Cynus. I had seen outright bitches like Charmaine. I had seen crazy girls like Dru. I had seen extremely nerdy girls. I had seen girls who were commanding, but lovely.

And then there was Ashe. She was special –not only in the way that she was my Faen. She was different from the rest. The others would never ever approach someone the likes of me with the sole purpose of changing me into a better person. The others would never be this nosy to help improve relations between my father and I. The others would never try so hard to avoid me when she realized a little of my feelings to her.

Yes, I knew of Kaz telling her about my infatuation to her. In fact, I was not offended by her avoidance to me. I had been trying to ignore my feelings to her from long, and she was only helping me out. Yet, no matter what I did, what I felt for her was always there. She could proclaim that she didn’t like me, but I knew that she gave me second looks. The kiss we stole in the school; it must have bothered her as much as it did me. I knew it in my guts.

But it was all useless. While she was with Noel, there was nothing I could do. Noel and I had always been fighting; challenging and arguing. We had never let each other go, never allowed each other leeway from each other’s grip. But this time, I was backing down for the first time. Noel knew it, but he said nothing. What could he say? Thank me and mock me? It was not Noel’s character to do it.

I snuffed out the fire within my hands by bringing my palms pressing together. Holding on to the sign of a prayer, I bowed my head and closed my eyes.

Please, tell me where you are. Let me feel your pain. I didn’t save you the day you were taken. I stood there like an idiot. I watched your blood drip from his fangs. I watched as he picked you up like a sack of potatoes. You tried to fight back, Ashe. I didn’t help you. I’m so sorry… I was just… I just… You reminded me of my mother, Ashe. Elise told me –after she came back to me as a spirit –that she saw the horror in my eyes when she bit on me. Seeing you pinned under him, I… remembered what happened to my mother… I’m so sorry…

I prayed my apology, hoping that Ashe would hear me. I hadn’t done anything that night, and the guilt had been chewing me. Noel hadn’t blamed me, but I was blaming myself. If I hadn’t stood there, stoned like an idiot, I could have at least done something to stop the vampire. I had just stood there, watching as he picked Ashe up. I should have helped Ashe stop the vampire. She had been weak, but she still held on. I just stood there, not doing anything…


I heard a pained whisper somewhere, and jerked out of my position, wrenching my eyes open. There was no one around me, no one who could have possibly whispered to me in the darkness of the night. The street lamp down the walkway showed illuminated its immediate surroundings, showing a void of life.

Ashe, is that you? Answer me! Where are you?

I held my breath, abating and waiting for the next reply with the familiar voice tinged with pain.

Leave me…… Zane… I’m…… a gone… cause…

Hold on, Ashe! I’m going to get help. Tell me where you are.

No…… Treyon doesn’t want you anymore…… they are not going to wait for you…

They are leaving with you?

Soon… Forget me… I’m… going… to turn… vampire… soon…

I’ll never let you. I’ll stop Treyon from whatever he plans on doing to you.

I swore fiercely back, closing my eyes and forcing myself into Ashe’s mind. Distantly, I felt my physical body fall to the ground with a loud thud, but I was more concerned about the level of pain that filled every particle of my being. I hurt everywhere, especially on my neck. Every fiber of me had no more energy left; not even to move. My blood was fighting; fighting against the foreign substance that was trying to take over. It tore my body apart, bringing ripples after ripples of immense pain.

Eyelids cracked open with extreme pain, and flinching hurt even more than the light that blinded my retinas. Still, I blinked and saw the darkness of the place. The wall was low, the floor was damp. There was a campfire in the middle of the rock structure, leading out to the entrance where a clearing was.

I saw the twins standing outside at the cave, talking lowly, huddled close to each other. I didn’t know which was Kenton or Treyon, but I didn’t bother. The pain was almost too much.

Leave my mind, Zane… You don’t have to feel my pain!

Ashe exclaimed, pushing me out before I could feel more. I came back to reality, back to my limp body on the floor outside her house, eyes closed.

Ashe, why are you giving up? Why don’t you want to be saved? Please, Ashe. Fight for us. I know it hurts; let us hurt together!

No…Treyon fed me lots of his blood… while I was deranged… I’m turning vampire… I don’t want you… to come here to be killed… Just… kill me after I turn vampire…

No. I won’t let you turn vampire. I wasn’t there for my mother. I will be there for you, Ashe. I promise.

I promised fiercely, and before she could say anything more, I hung up on the connection between them, determination hanging deep in me now that I had a clear view of the place of her capture. It was a cave of some sort; a quiet and silent one.

Behind me, I heard the door click open, and a loud gasp.

“Zane! Zane! Are you okay? Answer me!” Mr. Cypher demanded, and I felt his hot hand on my shoulder, making me realize exactly how cold I was.

I tried to stir, but the pain that I had experienced in Ashe’s mind was still holding on to its effects on my body. My muscles were still spasming, and I couldn’t control my movements very well. Mr. Cypher turned me on my back, taking my pulse with hot fingers.

“Lance! Jane!” Mr. Cypher called, moving his hands over to my forehead to get a feel of my coldness. My fingers were still twitching, but at least I was beginning to tame down on the bodily twitches.

“What happened to him?” My father demanded as he stepped quickly through the doorway, seeing me on the ground. Ms. Maxwell took a look at me, nodded at Mr. Cypher and ducked back into the house while the rest of them shuffled out quickly.

My father went to his knees quickly beside me, pulling my head to rest on his lap with hot hands.

“Blackened damn! He’s cold as a block of ice! His eyes… Those eyes… That pain…” My father exclaimed, trailing off at the last part as his eyes turned to his good friend.

“What… is… happening?” I panted through the pain and continual muscle spasm.

“Did you go into Ashe’s mind? Did you take her pain?” Mr. Cypher asked sternly, and I found enough energy to nod.

The two men exchanged looks as I began to get overly worried.

“What does that mean?” Noel demanded quickly, feeling the same worry –if not more.

The two men swallowed, and looked at Noel, then at me.

“It means that Ashe is close to the edge. In the next few hours, if she gets her last drink of vampire blood, she will be gone.”

The information jolted through me like electricity. Almost immediately, the muscle spasm and the pain were forgotten as I forced my weak body to stand up, to get my feet beneath me.

“What are you doing?” My father asked worriedly when I began limping past him with no words.

I stopped, but didn’t turn to look at them. This was it. This was the last deadline for me to find Ashe, or it was the snapping of our bond.

“Noel, come with me. We’re going.” I beckoned the shocked and weak guy over, ignoring the rest of them.

There was no second question. We were getting Ashe, and that was it.


We walked in the darkness; the hairs on my skin standing on its ends. I could feel the massive gathering of vampires close by, and every ounce of me screamed not to take another step closer. Still, I forced myself on.

At one point, I had stopped to give Noel an extremely well placed and well timed slap that woke him up from his living nightmare. It had taken up precious time, but at least I managed to wake him back to reality. It was then that the old Noel returned back to reality, and that he actually did something rather than float around like a beheaded ghost.

With his element and water drawn out of water vapor in the air, he managed to heal and chase away most of the pain within me, bringing us back both to tip-top condition since Noel got reconnected with his element better.

He got more alert as he began to feel the vampire’s hideout getting closer, and we got more cautious. We needed some sort of plan to save Ashe. It had been stupid to not get back up, but how could we expect Elvie, or Mr. Rax to help out? Yes, they had experience but they were past their prime. Of course, asking our fathers and the Arlidens to help out would be great leverage, but this was me and Noel. The best users of water and fire.

The entrance of the cave got near, and the sound of pitiful, soft keening came to our ears. Fear struck my heart, but I motioned Noel to keep hidden. Both of us knew that the sound came from our Faen, but we had to come with some sort of a plan before we went in hacking or slashing.

Noel nodded to me, understanding the need to keep silent for now. Just at the right time, we watched as two vampires walked out from the cave, looking deep in thought. The first thing I saw was the familiar and similar faces. Twins; they definitely were. I couldn’t differentiate who was who.

“What is the delay for?” One asked the other, looking frustrated and worried.

“She called to her Guardian. She’s not resisting the blood, but she’s yet to get her last drink.” The other answered, and the first got obviously more agitated.

“She contacted her Guardian? Then why are we still here? Pack up! They can be here any minute.”

“Let’s just wait for them, brother.”

“Whatever for?”

The first turned to grab his brother by the shoulders, keeping strong eye contact.

“Just think of what our parents would say if we have them with us? Just think of the praise we will get from the court if we return with their heads? The best Faens of the fire and water; isn’t it such a glory?”

The second broke from his brother’s grasp, disappearing and appearing a distance away.

“I thought we talked about this, Treyon? This is not what Favian and Zephyra want! You promised to give up that thought!” The second vampire’s face was black as he thundered, but it did not affect his brother one bit.

“I lied, Kenton. What else better than to keep you here? This is for your sake, brother. Taking the heads of the two Guardians, bringing back Ashe as a vampire; you will be loved by the court forever! No more running out in the wild; no more living off stray people!” The first vampire tried to explain, but Kenton wasn’t interested in listening.

“You lied to me, brother? How can you? Doing all that will get you thrown out like how I was, Treyon! Don’t be stupid! The court will love you; but Favian and Zephyra will never forgive you!”

Treyon seemed to take his brother’s protest as an insult, as he disappeared and appeared back before his brother.

“You would believe a mere Faen, Kenton? How daft are you? Mother was only delivering a message to you. She was trying to get you to understand that she was supporting you, that she was covering your back!”

“Mother will never do that, Treyon. She was never the conniving type of person; we can’t second guess her! Cheating and manipulating your feelings; that’s Uncle Alaric’s style, but not Mother’s!”

Noel tapped me on the shoulder, and gave me a questioning look. Both us knew Ashe was running out of time and we couldn’t afford to hide in the shadows while she suffered, on the very edge of turning vampire. Quickly, I pointed out for Noel to run into the cave while I distracted the arguing vampire princes.

He tried to protest, but I jumped out from my hiding spot before he could do anything, picking up a stone and throwing it at the one I recognized as Treyon. There was a moment where the two brothers took to recognize that I was here, and then everything went into frenzy.

The two vampires disappeared, and I dived towards the closest bush, grabbing the first twig I could feel. Feeling a presence looming overhead, I spun around, swinging the thin, wiry stick before me. The sharp tip caught the vampire above me on his forearm, and he swore loudly, more surprised than in actual pain.

I didn’t take my time. Calling my power with speed and strength, I set the twig on fire, pitching it quickly to the second vampire who had appeared to my side, trying to take me by surprise. Kenton dodged the twig quickly, surprising me by grabbing it and swinging it back to me. I hadn’t expected for a vampire to be so used around wood, but I guessed I should have since Kenton was used to the outside world.

He disappeared and appeared before me, giving me an uppercut that had my head ringing as I flew off some distance. One hand cradling my head to stop it from spinning, I flung the other out at Kenton, sending a fireball his way. He danced away, but my fire snagged the end of his trench coat, chewing on his heels.

“You’re going to regret that!” Treyon yelled at the deed I’d done to his brother, and I spun around to see him just before he grabbed my shoulder, pitching me over his shoulder. Since I was no immortal, I did my best to spin in midair, forcing twin pillars of fire to flare to life on both sides of the vampire.

My back connected with a sturdy trunk, causing a jolt of pain to run up my spine. I tried my best to find my feet beneath me, but strong hands grabbed my shoulders.

“I don’t want to kill you, Zane. But if you are going to harm my brother, I will tear your head off your neck.” Kenton growled, red eyes glowing and glaring at me.

I gave him my reply by placing my hands on his abdomen, forcing fire to channel to my hands, burning him. He stumbled away with a loud curse, hugging his stomach. I had no time to cheer for my victory, though. While he had grabbed on to me, his nails had sunk in deep, as if he were intending to just be rid of the entire chunk of my flesh that was my neck.

Of course, he hadn’t torn off anything yet, though there were rake marks on my shirt and shoulders where scratched me like a cat.

Not that I had any more time to think about it. Almost just as instantly that Kenton drew back, Treyon was there, snarling and making a swipe at me as if trying his brother’s lead to rake off my neck. It did not help that I was backed up against a tree, so I ducked to the side. Perhaps being vampire improved his range or I didn’t duck far enough. His nails connected with my cheek, tearing flesh beneath its sharp grip.

Gritting my teeth, I forced a fireball flying behind me, towards Treyon.

There was a telltale hiss, but I was caught by surprise when arms locked mine in a police cuff. With no hesitation and reacting by pure instincts, I called to my element again, forcing flames to come from my palms. Kenton leaned back, trying to dodge the fire, but I swept his leg from where he stepped, knocking him off balance.

Given my self-training, I should have been able to stop my attacker from bouncing back up for a counterattack. But I forgot one important fact. I was dealing with vampires. More than that –I was dealing with a pair of angry vampire princes.

Kenton sprang back to his feet before I could register it, throwing a punch over to my face so hard that I felt my inner tooth dislodge. I was thrown to my side, but his brother was already there, waiting for me to fall in his arms. I tried my best to call for my power again, but Treyon’s grip on my arm was just insane. As if a safe had dropped on my forearm from fifty floors above, the extreme strength of just his grips broke my bone clean. Not missing a single beat, his hand moved to cover my mouth, drowning out my scream of pain. The other hand grabbed my uninjured arm and threw me over his shoulder.

Barely thinking past the pain that crippled coherent thoughts, I found myself flying straight into Kenton’s grasp again.

“You don’t want to make my little brother angry, Zane Krien. And you definitely do not want to see what I can do if you harm him any more than you have already done, do you get me?”

My reply was a shout of pain as he pressed against my broken arm, bringing pained tears to my eyes.

“I thought so. I would suggest you get Noel out of here, and let me sort things out. I regret letting Treyon get his hands on Ashe, but the process of turning her vampire is almost done. If she doesn’t turn vampire now, there is no way she will survive.” He continued with a slightly apologetic tone of voice that did not fit his actions thus far. Still, he turned and flung me through the air, bring me crashing and sliding across the ground of the cave.

Inside, the quiet sounds of fight echoed repeatedly, as well as countless of skin to skin contact. Yet, there were no words –just low hisses and growls made by angry vampires. In the dim firelight, I watched as a figure moved fluidly and purposefully across the cave, stopping figures making towards him with both his power and a makeshift weapon.

Picking my slow body up, I set a vampire creeping up on him on fire, alerting him as the vampire screamed in both pain and shock. He did not miss a single moment. Spinning, he plunged his bloodied stake through the vampire’s chest, not even waiting for it to disintegrate to ashes before he turned to face another opponent.

“Zane……. Please, just go…” I heard a pained whisper from in front of me, and saw her, trying her best to crawl towards me. Clearly, Noel had tried his best to heal her before he got preoccupied with her vampire guards.

At least she could move and talk now.

“Ashe, just stay down. We’ll get you out of this in a flash.” I reassured what I could not promise, adding more strength to the small firelight in hopes of helping Noel see clearer. Noel didn’t seem to have any crippling injuries just yet, and he was our hope of getting out of here alive.

“No… you don’t understand… you know how much I hurt…… I have to change vampire to stop the pain… Please, Zane, just go… I don’t want to let you see me change… Bring Noel and go…” She begged again, eyes glittering with unshed tears. The extent of her pain was so obvious in her mind, her desire to be free of the pain blankly staring out at me.

Bringing out my uninjured arm, I grabbed her shoulder.

“No. I will never let Noel or I feel the connection break. I will never let you go. Even if I should die here, I will die knowing I didn’t feel the connection. So if you really want to change vampire, Ashe, I understand. I’ll bring Noel away, and I’ll end myself.”

Her eyes widened at my promise, the fear finally bleeding into her eyes. Secret relief bloomed into me at the sight of the new emotion. Everything that had been written in her eyes had been resignation. Now, there was fear. Now, there was reason to fight back –something I sorely needed if I planned to have the three of us out of here alive.

“Zane, get her out! I’ll deal with the vampires!” Noel shouted as he pushed his stake through another’s vampire’s chest, pulling it out with no problems. There wasn’t much water from the air for Noel to control, but the puddles of muddy water sure made a difference for a water user like Noel. Without hesitation, he forced the water to whip a vampire across the face, stopping the charge monster in his tracks before Noel lunged with the stake again.

“Don’t be stupid! You’ll never deal with Kenton and Treyon and come out alive!” I shouted back, clicking my fingers and calling to my power to burn another vampire making towards us. The vampire dropped his sword, screaming and clawing at his alighted body until he finally fell to the ground motionless.

Looking around, I saw only three vampires left in the cave. The two vampire princes hadn’t shown their face in the cave yet, and I could only hope that whatever was stalling them kept them away longer.

Knowing that it was my last resort, I drew in deep into the core of my power, taking in a deep cold breath of the night. Calming my racing heart took a lot longer, but when I managed it, I became aware of the power that leaked endlessly into the air. It was Ashe’s power, released and unanchored by Ashe herself.

But it was not her power I was looking for. It was for the spirits waiting for me, waiting on me. I breathed out, and reached for a new power. Blinking once, I saw the many spirits waiting for me to do something. Through the translucent glow that now tinged my vision, I saw Noel stop, turning to see me do my work. Of course he knew what I was trying to do. Noel controlled the very same things that I controlled.

“Elise, everyone, kill them all.” I commanded, pointing at the three vampires who had stopped suddenly to stare at the translucent figures. There was a single nod from the figure that was my mother, and then light glowed from the vampires as the spirits rushed to them.

The glow grew to sheen of whiteness before it ended quickly. As the spirit left one by one, I saw only piles of dust and ashes where the three vampires once stood. Letting go of the power was way easier than calling to it, but I knew when the spirit magick took a toll on me. As Noel made towards us quickly, my knees gave way beneath me, and I fell to the floor.

“Zane!” Ashe’s worried cry was filled with concern and pain –a mixture I could not bear to hear.

“Noel, you’ll have to take her. I’m busted here.” I whispered tiredly, trying to find something along the cave wall that I could hold on to pull me back on my feet.

The temporary relief from the vampires did not last long. When I finally found something to hold on to; something that could keep my grip to pull me up, I realized that the silence had gone on for too long. Noel should have replied, or done something.

Looking up from the ground, I saw the horrible sight of Noel, kept in a cuff by Kenton.

Quickly, I turned to see Ashe still on the ground, staring behind me in fear.

“I will compliment the two of you for surviving. But this ends here and now, Zane Krien. I will take pleasure in killing you.” I heard a whisper behind me, but before I could move, locking arms grabbed me, pulling me towards a sturdy body.

Ashe gave a little scream and I saw Noel’s eyes widened.

Feeling as if something had slammed into me, I jerked once against the restrains across my chest. Extreme pain licked from my neck, and the edges of my vision blurred. Something soft brushed the side of my face, and it took me long before I realized it was hair. Treyon’s hair, to be exact.

Kenton had a regretful and apologetic look on his face while he held Noel in his grasp. Noel screamed my name, struggling futilely as if trying to get over here to save me. The tears rolled from Ashe’s eyes, and for once, I saw the resistance coming back to her eyes. The resignation was gone; drowned in the desperation and the intense fear.

As if getting renewed strength, I watched as she screamed my name in her hoarse voice, crawling quickly over to me, and grabbing my feet as if she could tug me away from whatever that was holding me.

Sticky red liquid dribbled down the front of my shirt, dyeing it. Treyon swallowed behind me, happily continuing with his work. My vision grew dimmer and more blur. My limbs suddenly lost energy, and even the pain on my arm seemed dull. A certain light-headedness took over me, and I didn’t even realize it when my knees buckled a second time.

This time, there was someone to keep me from falling to the ground. Treyon’s arms kept me up, even as my jelly legs refused to move. At our feet, Ashe screamed again, repeatedly hitting Treyon’s legs with her fist with diminished strength. It was clear that she made no impact on him, but at least she was trying.

I smiled as my eyes rolled back.

Treyon threw my body to the ground when he was done.

At that time, I was long gone.

The last thing I heard was Ashe’s mournful cry.

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