Welcome to fading embers
Before you start your new life here there are some things you need to know
(And I'm sorry in advance for all the reading you'll have to do)
Where this takes place
The command game takes place in a fictional planet known as Ørō
Ørō is populated with a variety of plants and animal life though only two species have gained sentience
Dragons and humans
The relationship between humans and dragons is to say the least rough with some species of dragons edging towards extinction and many Villages burn to the ground with no survivors
it's hard to say that everything is perfect in the world of Ørō
Dragon biology
Dragons are diverse in their Personality, habitats and appearance but they always have A few things in common
1. There will always be some form of scale on a dragon sub species
2. Great size no matter what even if the dragon is a pygmy they will always be bigger than a human
3. Every subspecies of dragon Will always be powerful whether it is brute strength or magic abilities dragons are a strong species
Most dragons are born with magic and if a dragon isn't born with magic they'll usually have some Other trait whether that is poison fire breathing or incredible flying strength dragons are at the top of the food chain
Dragons never stop growing some of the oldest dragons Are so large that they've got mistaken for mountains
Religion: almost every dragon believes in reincarnation after death
Human kingdoms
The kingdom of Kyr
Leader: prime Minister owl
Governing style: Parliament(elections are held every 10 years)
Status: standing
Territory: the kingdom of kyr's Territory is in an area known as the red branch forest
Building style: for the richer residents of kyr houses are usually made up of stone and other non-flammable material while poor residents usually live in houses made up of wood
Common Battle strategy: ???
items received from raids: ???
The kingdom of Rę
Status: standing, being attacked by dragons with weather magic
Leader: high priestess Raven
Governing style: theocracy
Territory: the kingdom of rę's Territory is located on The dire mountains
Building style: houses are usually built into the Dire mountains due to the constant threat of powerful Winds suspected to be caused by dragons with weather magic
Fighting style: ???
Items received from raids: ???
The kingdom of lura
Status: standing
leader: queen Mabel
Governing style: monarchy
Territory: the kingdom of lura resides by the itri coast
Building style: the kingdom of lura uses sandstone in its buildings
Fighting style: ???
Items found in raids: ???
(More kingdoms can be found later)
Fallen civilizations
All in good time my friend
Historical figures
Find the tomes and relics and you will see
Life stages of dragons
1. Eggs
Eggs are unhatched dragons that are physically able to leave the egg but choose not to forcing an dragon out of it's egg will cause it to run away from the area(and usually to more dangerous places)
Energy: 0
Starts at 0 years
hatches at 4 years
2. Hatchlings
Hatchlings are young dragons bursting at the seams with magic and possibilities though they will be unable to fully control their magic yet usually leading them into worrying situations
Energy: 3
Starts at 4 years
Grows up at 12 years
3. Juveniles
Juveniles are more mature than hatchlings they are able to use minor spells if they have magic
Energy: 6
Starts at 12 years
Grows up at 24 years
4. Adults
Adults are more powerful than the other life stages with better fighting capabilities and better Magic abilities though sometimes they have not harnessed their abilities fully yet
Energy: 6
Starts at 24 years
Becomes elder at 110 years
5. Elders
Elders Are dragons who have lived through all of life without getting killed by dragon hunters Or Falling to sickness so they are now honored members of dragon culture
Energy: 6
Becomes elder at 110 years
Dies at 165 years
Before we learn about magic you must know All spells have a chance of failing The higher your level though there is less of a chance of messing up a spell and that spells will vary in between different variations of dragons
Types of magic
Fire magic
Fire magic is the most well-known type of magic while some dragons have the ability to breathe fire dragons with fire magic can manipulate their breath and create balls of fire, explode flammable materials and create fires with their mind
Variants of fire magic: none
Must be 6 years and up to unlock Level one abilities
Must be 6 years and up to unlock Level two abilities
Must be 12 years and up to unlock Level three abilities
Must be 12 years and up to unlock Level four abilities
Must be 24 years and up to unlock Level five abilities
Must be 37 years and up to unlock Level six abilities
Tidal magic
Tidal magic or at some call it water magic gives the user Hydrokinesis though there are no explosions dragons with powerful tidal magic have been known to create large tsunami like waves that can destroy entire towns and even some cities
Variants of tidal magic: none
Must be 6 years and up to unlock Level one abilities
Must be 6 years and up to unlock Level two abilities
Must be 12 years and up to unlock Level three abilities
Must be 24 years and up to unlock Level four abilities
Must be 24 years and up to unlock Level five abilities
Must be 39 years and up to unlock Level six abilities
Earth magic
Earth magic is the third most well-known type of magic dragons that use this type of magic can create rock formations manipulate rock formations and create earthquakes of various strengths
Variants of earth magic: plant magic
Must be six years and up to unlock Level one abilities
Must be six years and up to unlock Level two abilities
Must be 12 years and up to unlock Level three abilities
Must be 24 years and up to unlock Level four abilities
Must be 24 years and up to unlock Level five abilities
Must be 52 years and up to unlock Level six abilities
Plant magic
Plant magic is a subset of Earth magic plant magic grants for user control over plants whether this means killing them or making them grow to monstrous sizes is the users choice
Must be 12 years and up to unlock Level one abilities
Must be 24 years and up to unlock Level two abilities
Must be 24 years and up to unlock level three abilities
Must be 35 years and up to unlock level four abilities
Must be 42 years and up to unlock level five abilities
Must be 52 years and up to unlock level six abilities
Weather magic
Weather magic is one of the most common types of magic amongst dragons people and dragons who use this type of magic will gain control over the weather for periods of time
Variants of whether magic: ice magic and Lightning magic
Must be six years and up to unlock Level one abilities
Must be six years and up to unlock Level two abilities
Must be 12 years and up to unlock Level three abilities
Must be 24 years and up to unlock Level four abilities
Must be 24 years and up to unlock Level five abilities
Must be 45 years and up to unlock Level six abilities
Ice magic
Ice magic is a subset of weather magic it allows the user to freeze bodies of water, create ice out of thin air and cause frostbite on enemies
6 years and up to unlock Level one abilities
Must be 12 years and up to unlock Level two abilities
Must be 12 years and up to unlock level three abilities
Must be 24 years and up to unlock level four abilities
Must be 47 years and up to unlock level five abilities
Must be 56 years and up to unlock level six abilities
Lightning magic
Lightning magic is the second most well-known type of magic casters of this type of magic can make balls of lightning electrically shock attackers and create missiles out of lightning
Must be 6 years and up to unlock Level one abilities
Must be 6 years and up to unlock Level two abilities
Must be 12 years and up to unlock Level three abilities
Must be 12 years and up to unlock Level four abilities
Must be 24 years and up to unlock Level five abilities
Must be 37 years up to unlock Level six abilities
Disease magic
Disease magic is a tricky thing people and dragons with this type of magic can cause disease yet become diseased if they cast a powerful enough spell
Must be 12 years and up to unlock Level one abilities
Must be 24 years and up to unlock Level two abilities
Must be 24 years and up to unlock level three abilities
Must be 42 years and up to unlock level four abilities
Must be 50 years and up to unlock level five abilities
Healing magic
Healing magic can be used for healing oneself or healing others it all depends upon the user
Must be 12 years and up to unlock Level one abilities
Must be 24 years and up to unlock Level two abilities
Must be 24 years and up to unlock level three abilities
Must be 46 years and up to unlock level four abilities
Must be 52 years and up to unlock level five abilities
Must be 63 years and up to unlock level six abilities
Psych magic
Psych magic is a curious form of magic that grants the user various abilities that have to do with the mind
Must be 6 years and up to unlock Level one abilities
Must be 6 years and up to unlock Level two abilities
Must be 12 years and up to unlock Level three abilities
Must be 12 years and up to unlock Level four abilities
Must be 24 years and up to unlock Level five abilities
Must be 37 years up to unlock Level six abilities
Dragon variations
Western dragons
Western dragons are the most well-known dragon out of all the types of dragons
Traits: two wings, four legs, horns and Long sturdy tails
Variants: none reported
Eastern dragons
Eastern dragons are known as powerful magic users Though some eastern dragon species do not have magic
Traits: snakelike, no wings, The ability to fly through magic and four or more legs
Variants: none reported
Wyverns are known for being impressive hunters and deadly assassins
Traits: two wings, two legs, sometimes bipedal and sometimes uses wings as legs
Variants: none Reported
Lindwyrms Have a reputation for being stealthy and hard to find
Traits: snake like, no legs, no wings and move like snakes
Variants: None reported
Leviathans are semi aquatic dragons with the ability to breathe air and water but they usually prefer the water
Traits: gills, usually wingless and Known to be deep divers
Variants: none reported
Hydras are dangerous multi headed a dragons With a chaos
Traits: two or more heads and sometimes split tails
Variants: none reported
Wingless dragons
Wingless dragons are known as fast runners and masters at physical combat
Traits: four legs, no wings and strong hind legs
Variants: none reported
Multiwinged Dragons
Multiwinged dragons are known as incredibly fast flyers with a natural sense of navigation
Traits: four legs, 4 to 8 wings and usually a sail on their back or tail
Variants: none reported
Traits: ???
Variants: none
Size aberrations
Pygmies are smaller variants of dragons any dragon can be Born a pygmy
Bonus: 1+ hunting level
Titans are larger variants of dragons any dragon can be born a titan
Bonus: 1+ fighting level
Other aberrations
Animal scales
Animal scales are animals that have had their DNA altered by unknown means but don't think of them as simply animals they are as powerful and as smart as any dragon
Bonus: can shape shift into the animal they were born as
Human form
Dragons with a human form Have ability to shape shift into a human Dragons with This aberration will often put Will put their abilities to good use usually by spying on human populations using their human form but some dragons may forget their heritage and decide to Live as ordinary humans
Bonus: the ability to shape shift into a human
Other: can still use magic when in this form, Will be unable to speak unless your dragon has high language skills
(Other aberrations will be added later)
Zero energy commands
/awaken...(your dragon's name)
you can now use commands
/Bond with (Other player's dragon)
if you ever come across Someone else
only can be used once a year
Must have consent from the other player
Only works if you are in the same area as the other Player
/talk with(NPC name)
Learn from you're traveling partners
/talk with(Other player's dragon name)
Learn from your fellow players
Only works if you are in the same area as the player
/use (level one, two or level three spell name)
your choice how to use your magic
You don't need to eat every year but if you don't eat for 3 years in a row your dragon will start growing weaker five years in a row your dragon will die
Also restores four energy
You can only eat once a year
/investigate(interesting object)
You might learn something new
/become allies with(Player's dragon name)
Must have consent from the player
Only works if you are in the same area as the other player
/become enemies with(player's dragon name)
Does not require consent
Must be in the same area as the other Player
/Shapeshift into (animal or human form)
Sometimes brute strength and A dragon's abilities won't help you
/Store (object name)
You can only have five items at a time So store the extra items in your lair
Must have a permanent lair
/slumber(your dragon's name)
Ends the year for you
One energy commands
/Hunt alone
Catches some pray
/forage alone
Gathers some herbs
/Gather alone
Gather some sticks
/go spelunking
Who knows what you might find
/Hunt with(other player's dragon name)
Hunt with others
Must get other player's consent first
Must be in the same area as the other player
/forage with(other player's dragon name)
Forage with others
Must get other player's consent first
Must be in the same area as the other player
/gather with(other player's dragon name)
Gather with others
Must get other player's consent first
Must be in the same area as the other player
/go spelunking with(other player(s)'s dragon(s) name)
Who knows what you might might find
Must get the other player(s)'s consent
Must be in the same area as the other player(s)
/train foraging skill alone
Upgrade your forging skills by 0.25
/train forging skill with(other player's dragon name)
Upgrade your foraging skills by 0.50
Must get The other player's consent
Must be in the same area as the other player
The skill levels must be different
/train gathering skills alone
Upgrade your gathering skills by 0.25
/train gathering skill with(other player's dragon name)
Upgrade your gathering skills by 0.50
Must get the other player's consent
Must be in the same area as the other player
The skill levels must be different
/Use (level four or level five spell name)
Your decision what you do with your magic
/Study the human language
Raises your language skills by 0.25
/Study the human language with(other player's dragon names)
Raises your language skills by 0.50
Must get the other player's consent
Must be in the same area as the other player
The skill levels must be different
/train battle skill alone
Raises your battle skills by 0.25
/train battle skill with(other player's dragon name)
Raises your battle skill by 0.50
Must get the other player's consent
Must be in the same area as the other player
The skill levels must be different
/train hunting skill alone
Raises your hunting skills by 0.25
/train your hunting skill with(other player's dragon name)
Raises your hunting skill by 0.50
Must get the other player's consent
Must be in the same area as the other player
Skill levels must be different
/train your magic casting skills alone
Raises your magic casting skill by 0.25
/train your magic casting skills with(other player's dragon name)
Raises your magic casting skill by 0.50
Must get the other player's consent
Must be in the same area as the other player
Skill levels must be different
/train your healing skill alone
Raises your healing skill by 0.25
/train your healing skill with (other player's dragon name)
Raises your healing skill by 0.50
Must get the other Player's consent
Must be in the same area as the other player
Skill levels must be different
Two energy commands
/Head (North east south west)
I wonder what's Beyond the horizon
You can only explore two times a year
/sent the area for(humans, pray other dragons etc.)
know what's in your territory before you permanently stay there
/use (level six spell name)
Your decision what you do with your magic
Three energy commands
/raid (Kingdom name or human settlement name)
Be careful you can get Great rewards but you can also get injured or worse
/raid (Kingdom or human settlement name) with (other player(s)'s dragon(s) )
Be careful you you can get great rewards but you can also get injured or worse
Must have the other player(s)'s consent
Must be in the same area as the other player(s)
/heal Yourself of the (disease name)
You must heal yourself to get better
Your healing scale must be high enough to heal your wound
/heal (Other player's dragon or NPC) of the (disease name)
You must heal your allies
Only costs you energy
Must be in the same area as the other player or NPC
Your Healing skill must be high enough to heal The wound
/heal yourself of the (injury name)
You must heal yourself to get better
Your Healing skill must be high enough to heal your wound
/heal (other player's dragon name or NPC) of the (injury name)
You must heal your allies
Only costs you energy
Must be in the same area as the other player or NPC
/breed with (other player's dragon name)
If you have a close enough Bond
You must get consent from the other player
You must be in the same area as the other player
You must be mates with the other player)
/look for eggs
if you can't have your own for some reason
/explore The area
You never know who or what you might find
/patrol the territory
If you ever claim a territory for yourself
Four energy commands
/create temporary Lair
You finally have something to protect you from the elements
Will break in three years
Costs 30 sticks
Five energy commands
/create permanent lair
You finally have a permanent residence
Costs 60 sticks
/move lair
When you don't want to stay there anymore
You don't get your sticks back
Only works on temporary lairs
Six energy commands
/claim the area as your territory
You now have a territory
Whatever area you're currently staying in when you use this command will become your territory so don't use this command lightly
/move your territory
When your current territory has become unsafe
Battle commands
/attack (enemy dragon, human or building)
You can choose how you can attack and what exactly you put down but just keep in mind if you use level four, level five or level six spells you need to remember that those cost energy and if you run out of energy in battle there's a high chance of being captured or killed by your enemy
/defend yourself from(enemy Player or human or etc.)
You can choose how you defend yourself and what exactly you put down but just keep in mind if you use level four level five or level six spells you need to remember that those cost energy and if you run out of energy in battle there's a high chance of being captured or killed by your enemy
/defend(Allied player or friendly NPC) from (enemy player or human or etc.)
You can choose how you defend others and what exactly you put down but just keep in mind if you use level four level five or level six spells you need to remember that those cost energy and if you run out of energy in battle there's a high chance of being captured or killed by your enemy
Gathering chart
Level one: 1-5 sticks
Level two: 2-6 sticks
Level three: 3-7 sticks
Level four: 4-8 sticks
Level five: 5-9 sticks
Level six: 6-10 sticks
Foraging chart
Level one: 1-5 herbs
Level two: 2-6 herbs
Level three: 3-7 herbs
Level four: 4-8 herbs
Level five: 5-9 herbs
Level six: 6-10 herbs
Hunting chart
Level one: 0-3 pray
Level two: 1-3 pray
Level three: 1-4 pray
Level four: 2-4 pray
Level five: 3-5 pray
Level six: 3-6 pray
(Extra pigmy level) level seven: 4-7 pray
Healing chart
Level one: slight injuries and coughs (4 herbs)
Level two: Draconic Cough (7 herbs)
Level three: injuries and phantom cough (8 herbs)
Level four: severe injuries and ancient cough (14 herbs)
Level five: near fatal injuries and dark cough(17 Herbs and level four Healing magic)
Battle chart
level one: 1-10 damage
Level two: 10-20 damage
Level three: 10-30 Damage
Level four: 10-40
Level five: 20-50
Level six: 20-60
(Extra titan level) level seven: 30-70
Language chart
Level One: it's garbled you can pick up a letter every now and then but not Anything else
Level two: it's garbled you can only pick up a word every now and then but not anything else
Level three: you can pick up a few more words but you can't untangle entire sentences
Level four: you can pick up almost every word but there are a few words you still can't understand
Level five: you can hear what exactly humans are saying now and boy they are loud
(Please tell me if I missed anything)
(Please try to fill in my meaning at some parts this is my first command game and I'm kind of weird in how I speak sometimes)
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