
"Tonight," Louis starts, "I'm letting myself go." He raises his shot, colliding glasses with Zayn before downing the drink completely. The liquid burns Louis' throat and he cringes at the bitter taste that now fills his mouth.

"As if you're not already fucked up? Louis, I still have to drive you home."

"Fuck that." Louis slurs. "I'll call a taxi or something."

"Yeah?" The raven haired boy chuckles. "And how'd that work for you last time?"

Louis rolls his eyes, an annoyed look taking over his soft features as he washes down another shot. "Oh fuck off, it wasn't my fault."

"And it was his? Lou, you blew him."

"One, he was attractive, and two, I lost my wallet."

Zayn raises his eyebrows, a grin pulling at his lips. "So, what, is that suddenly the magic solution to all of your problems?"

"No." Louis mutters. "What's it to you?"

"I don't know, I've only been your best mate since high school."


"And, you sleep around a lot. I just don't want to see you get hurt."

The look of confusion and annoyance doesn't change when Zayn continues. Nothing Louis ever did seemed to satisfy Zayn and that's what really ticked him off.

Do this.

Do that.

This is wrong.

You're going to get hurt.

It never ended.

"Louis," He exaggerates a groan as his fingers drag thickly through his hair. "Think about it. One day you're bound to get attached."

"I've never had a problem with this before, what makes you think I would now?"

Zayn sighs, not saying anything back but instead he rests  his head onto his knuckles.

"Zayn," Louis smiles reassuringly. "Every single person that I've ever slept with, has only had two traits."

Zayn raises his eyebrows, looking amused but staying silent, waiting for his drunken friend to continue.

"They're fuckin assholes who couldn't care about anyone except themselves even if they tried. The only thing that's ever on their mind is sex. They mean nothing to me and never wil-" but the bartender behind the counter cuts him off before he could continue further.

"Hey, kid." Louis turns to the voice and furrows his eyebrows in confusion. The man across the counter only smirks knowingly, his eyes motioning towards the opposite side of Louis.

The puzzled look in Louis' face doesn't change as he glances over to the man next to him, only to be met with a pair of piercing green eyes. He couldn't help but wonder how, or why he hadn't noticed this man before. He had curls that swept into a short fringe that hung just below his ears, and his face structure Louis could swear was sculpted by god.

"You know, it's considered rude to stare, especially after i've been generous enough to buy you a drink." His voice is low, deep but smoothing. A small smirk plays his lips as the words effortlessly roll off his tongue.

He glances at the drink in front of him and adverts his gaze back to the man. And if there's anyone who knows that offering someone a drink at the bar means you've probably already staked your claim, it's Louis.

"Louis Tomlinson." He extends his hand out towards him, a smirk now playing on his face.

"Harry." He says back. "Harry Styles."

Louis chuckles to himself. He's seen his fair share of men and he knew for a fact that Harry wasn't new to picking up people who caught his eye. He dismisses the man, feeling dazed, his mind barley processing the fact that Zayn had been sitting there the whole time.

"Zayn? Can we-" Louis noticeably widens his eyes, as his friend wasn't getting the hint. He attempts to subtly gesture towards himself and Harry; which was honestly his best way of silently asking his friend to leave him and the man alone.

Zayn looks between the two and sighs softly. Disappointment was clear in his eyes, but it was something he grew used to. So instead of persuasion against it, he smiles through his teeth and pats Louis softly on the back.

"Have fun." Zayn mumbles sarcastically. His voice was quiet but Louis heard it nonetheless, but still attempting to push away the guilt resting at the pit of his stomach.

He needs this.

When Louis looks back at the man, he sees Harry grinning back at him mischievously.

He decides against speaking but instead, smirks back at the him. Something about the way the two looked at each other showed that tonight wasn't going to end without the both of them getting something out of each other.

"You wouldn't want to waste a perfectly good drink would you?" Harry challenges. He trails his hand to the older's leg and Louis felt at a loss of breath when the man's fingertips brush against his skin.

Louis refrains from giving in completely. He can't. Not yet. "D-did you think I wasn't going to drink it?" He manages out. "Think I-I can't take it?"

Harry shrugs but motions his eyes towards the full shot glass. " I guess we'll find out."

"I hope you know that I'm- I'm already fucked up, but I'll drink it anyway, only to prove a point"

Louis confidently grabs the glass and downs the drink in a whole. Harry watches in amusement when Louis coughs immediately after drinking the bitter shot.

"Figured you wouldn't be able to take it." He chuckles and the smaller man scoffs, his words falling into a stuttering mess.

"W-what did you expect? The hell was even in that?"

The amused smirk doesn't leave as Harry brings his own drink up to his lips. His eyes motioning to the man across the counter.

"You two want anything else?"

Louis shakes his head but gives a small thanking smile to the man, setting a mental reminder to tip him later.

"So, what brings you here?"

Louis hesitates, but decides it wouldn't matter whether or not he speaks to the man. It wasn't like he was ever going to see him again anyway. And besides, he could really use someone like Harry right now.

"I needed a distraction." He begins with a shrug. "I don't know. I just, wanted to kinda let go of myself tonight."

And Harry smirks, leaning close to the man's ear. "You know, I could probably help you with that."

Louis only shivers as the man's hot breath grazes against his neck. "I-I think I can work with that."

"Yeah?" He leans up and lightly kisses Louis on the neck to which he responds with tilting his head, a shaky breath escaping his lips.

"Wow." Harry murmurs. "You're so responsive, almost makes me wonder." He sucks harshly at the sensitive skin and as he does, a small groan leaves the older's lips. Louis became desperate at this point, wanting nothing more but the man in front of him. He wanted Harry, craved him even.

He wanted it now.

Harry utilizes this moment as the perfect opportunity to do what he knew best. He wanted Louis and it was clear the feelings was mutual. Louis was practically bucking into his touch as he trailed his hand further up Louis' leg, slowly becoming alarmingly close towards his crotch. The man was at a loss of words, saying nothing but instead, his hands grab at Harry's hands, in attempt to push them away, wanting him to stop, knowing that if he were to continue, he wouldn't be able to handle himself.

Harry leans down close towards the man's ear, deep whispers leave his lips. "I could take you right here, right now. Everyone would see how hot and wrecked you'd be."

Louis breathes out heavily and shakily, feeling powerless, wanting nothing more but to continue. He loved the sense of control this man had over him.

"We need to leave. Now." Harry orders hotly. "Because I don't think I'll be able to control myself much longer."

And you'd be blind to say Louis wasn't nodding like a fool.


When the two enter Harry's house, Harry closes the door and immediately pushes Louis up against the wall, their lips meeting roughly in need. And as whorish as it may sound, this had become a part of both of their usual routines. They had both done this with other people enough to know exactly what they were doing by now.

It all went down smoothly, the way Louis automatically wraps his arms around Harry's neck and shoulders, his legs doing the same around the taller boys waist. Harry doesn't seem to mind; in fact, it looked as if he preferred the close proximity between the two.

Louis moaned softly, not objecting when Harry pushes his tongue into the smaller's mouth, Louis' waist tightly being gripped the second the kiss was deepened. It was dirty and wet and Louis wouldn't ever admit it, but he loved the overwhelming taste of mint that lingered as they kissed.

Their lips move together in perfect sync, and though they both knew what they were doing, some of their actions were clumsy or even a bit slow due to the burning alcohol fresh in their systems.

Soon enough, though, the feeling of Harrys lips on his wasn't enough to satisfy Louis' issue. He wants more; or needs it, rather.

And Harry acknowledges this the second Louis began shamelessly grinding against him, seeming so lost in the moment that he hadn't even realized they were still standing in front of the door.

"Let's take this to the bedroom." Harry orders lowly against the other boys lips, his words were slurred yet somehow still demanding and smooth.

Louis practically pouts, wanting anything but to stop, but knowing damn well they'd both enjoy it considerably more if there was a bed involved. Harry doesn't wait for approval as he trails his hands down his sides, gripping the smaller boys butt to hold him up before carrying him towards his room, the kiss never fully breaking.

They were both pretty much completely stuck now, their minds clouding over with lust and desperation as Harry carelessly slams the door shut behind them with a kick of his leg.

Their lips didn't detach when Harry carries Louis over to the bed, crawling up and in between the mans legs, his eyes scanning hungrily over the others body. Harry trails his lips down Louis' neck, sucking harshly at the sensitive skin. Louis lets out a shallow breath, his back arching the second hot lips meet with his collarbones and Harry could only continue, loving the small sounds that left the others lips.

"M' gonna fuck you so good." And in a sloppy movement of desperation, Harry was pulling off the older's pants, palming him through his tight boxers. "You'll feel me for days, how's that sound?"

The tightening doesn't help as the words shoot right towards his hardening member. Louis nods, a small whimper leaving his lips as he tightly grips the fabric of the others shirt with need. He roughly pulls at it in attempts to take it off and Harry only chuckled. "Look at you. So needy. I've hardly even touched you yet."

The man groans impatiently, quickly yanking off the white floral tee from the other, his own coming off right after.

He needed more.

Something challenging, even.

And Louis found the perfect opportunity to flip the two around to where he was on top of Harry, leaning down and eagerly capturing the other's lips with his own, his fingers preoccupied as they trace Harry's growing bulge.

His actions were slow but he moved teasingly nonetheless, studying the man's facial expressions that so clearly gave away the fact that the feeling was driving him absolutely insane. Louis smiled rewardingly. He knew what he was doing. He'd practically become known for this, and he was reveling in it.

Louis leans down, staring at Harry with enchanting blue eyes that have drastically darkened in color. A smirk grazes his lips when he slowly but roughly begins to grind his hips against Harry's, creating friction the two lusted for since the time they arrived at the house, and even before.

"God." Louis breathes. He grinds harder against the man. Harry loved the feeling, that was definitely clear, but he wanted control, he wanted Louis.

"You think you can be in control, sweetheart?" He questions, taken aback, his eyes darkening with lust. "Because I can assure you, that is not how it's going to work."

Louis ignores the comment but fiddles with Harry's belt, struggling the pants and boxers off of the man's lanky legs.

"Fuck." Louis murmured, raspy. "You're-" He took his hand, grasping the man with a mischievous grin. "M'gonna take you all."

"Fucking hell- you're- you're such a dirty slut aren't you? You want this. You want my cock, don't you, baby?"

"Yes." He replies without hesitation. "Fuck yes." Louis leans down, his soft lips grazing the tip before he taking the man completely in his mouth, hollowing his cheeks the further he got.

Harrys reaction only encourages him further. Hearing the man groaning underneath him causes Louis to bob his head, taking in as much of his length as he could until the tip was gently grazing the back of his throat.

As much as the two were enjoying it, neither wanted to continue this for too long, for they knew each were capable of better. With that thought in mind, Louis lightly trails his teeth down the length, but only to be a tease. He couldn't help it, he had always been praised for the way his mouth worked magic.

He continues this for a few moments before pulling away with a slight pop, his lips a bit swollen. He smirks at Harry, leaning down and nibbling the tip of his ear. "M' gonna ride you."

Harry breathes out. "How about you show me how good you can be, yeah?" And Louis can see it as a challenge. He quickly struggles out of his own boxers, and impatiently lining himself up with the man before completely bottoming out.

Louis stays like that for moment, adjusting to the new feeling in his tight heat. When he did, he rotates his hips in figure eight movements before finding a perfect rhythm with himself, a loud moan following each time he fucked himself onto Harry to which the man could only respond by kissing him roughly, grabbing his hips harshly enough to leave marks. Louis' hair was falling in front of his face as he kept pushing his hips down, slapping sounds echoing in the room with his own synced moans.

"God, Louis." Harry groans. "You're so tight, feels- unph, f-feels great." Louis couldn't help but continue, he loved feeling praised and the way his name rolled off Harry's tongue only encouraged him further. Harry kisses him again, tugging at the man's lips with his teeth, a small moan following. "F-fuck baby, g-go faster, c'mon speed it up."

Louis whimpers, rather high pitched. He grips the man's bicep, leaning forward so their chests were flushed together, speeding up his pace, bouncing on the man with confidence. It all felt surreal, it felt overwhelmingly well, better than he's had in a long time and soon enough Louis was panting, his movements slowly coming to a halt.

"F-fuck Harry- p-please I n-need you to-"

"Go ahead baby." Harry sucks lightly against the sweat dampened skin, his fingertips digging roughly into Louis' hips. "Tell me what you want."

"G-god damnit Harry! Please just fuck me."

And who would Harry be to deny such a simple request?

"Turn on your back." Harry growled.

Louis obliges, desperate for more. He loves the feeling of being controlled. In the bedroom, that is.

Harry kisses Louis against the mouth before burying himself into the man, a rewarding whimper leaving the smaller's lips practically begging for Harry to continue.

"F-feels so good." Louis strains against the man, pushing himself back down onto Harry's dick needily with each rough thrust. "P-please."

"Look at you, begging. Just like the slut you are." Harry groans  into the thin pink lips that whimper against his own. "Open your eyes. I want see you. Need to see how wrecked you look."

Louis opened his eyes only to be met with a pair of dark green ones. He moans at the pulsating feeling that rushes through his body, and Harry grins, kissing Louis' neck, his hot breath fanning heavily against it.

"Yeah? You like that? You like my cock in you?"

"Yeah yeah yeah, p-please- fuck -keep going." And the feather-haired boy's feminine moans are only muffled as he desperately groans into the pillow, allowing Harry to do what he wanted.

Harry groans, pushing himself faster into the man, hitting his prostate straight on with each thrust and thats when Louis just about lost it. At this point, the familiar feeling of churning pitting in the bottom of his stomach rises and he can only breath heavily, his nails digging into the man's skin.

"Sh-shit H-Harry!" Louis whines and Harry gives one last deep hard thrust that sent Louis over the edge. His moans are silenced by Harrys' lips on his, even those that come out due to the fact that Harry was still fucking Louis, even when he was so sensitive, as Harry was still trying to reach his own orgasm.

It didn't take long for that to happen, because one minute later he's coming, a tempered groan leaving his lips.

Harry pulls out, his breathing ragged as a small approving smirk plays at his lips. "Better than I expected."

Exhausted, Louis' head falls too, landing back onto the pillow as he tried his best to refrain from frowning.

Better than I expected.

The words echo in the man's head. He couldn't remember a time when he felt self conscious about whether or not he did good enough. But Louis being Louis, only pushed the thought away,

Because a one night stand is just a one night stand. 


Hey lovelies <3
I can't tell you how excited I am to write this story, I have the majority of the book planned out and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I will writing it.

Harry & Louis are supposed to be trashy and disrespectful in the beginning. Remember, they don't know each other or do they care if they do or not. As of now, it's just a one night stand so they couldn't give any fucks about what's said or done. Thank you xxx }

Like always, please don't forget to comment and rate <3

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