Chapter Nineteen
Once more, Rarity was at a therapy appointment, speaking with Tender Soul about her week; however, this time, Rarity's eyes twinkled with excitement as she spoke. "I was able to resist the voices telling me not to eat! Afterwards, I had a cupcake to treat myself. And guess what?"
Tender Soul giggled. "What?" she said.
"I didn't feel guilty afterwards!" Rarity exclaimed. "I feel great. Oh, thank you so much, Tender Soul. I don't know if I could've done it without you."
"It wasn't me," Tender Soul told her. "It was you. You're the one who made an astounding recovery! It's your actions that led to where you are. I'm just here for guidance."
Rarity looked at her, gratefully. "You have no idea how much that means to me, Tender Soul. Thank you."
"Just doing my best," Tender Soul replied, modestly. She jotted down some notes on her notepad. When she finished, she looked back up and smirked at Rarity. "Guess what?"
"What is it?"
"You finally passed your second 'E'!" Tender Soul declared.
Rarity's eyes widened in surprise. "As in... exchange the unhelpful coping skills for...?" She trailed off, her mouth hanging agape. After many visits, she had finally accomplished the task she never thought she would.
"For helpful coping skills. Rarity, yes! You did it! But... that isn't all!"
"It isn't?!" Rarity blurted.
"Do you remember what the second 'R' means?" Tender Soul inquired, an eager gleam in her eye.
"Wasn't it 'relish in your accomplishments'?"
Tender Soul nodded. "And do you know what you did when you ate that cupcake and didn't feel guilty about it?"
"Did I...?"
"You did!" Tender Soul cried. "You passed the second 'R' too!"
"I don't believe it," Rarity uttered.
"This means we can move onto the last part of your recovery plan," Tender Soul announced. "That's the 'Y'. Remember what that means?"
Rarity smiled with newfound confidence. She knew the recovery plan by heart. "'Yearn for today in place of yesterday'."
"Correct," Tender Soul said. She gazed over her notes. "Do you think you have a plan for accomplishing that this following week?"
How can I look towards my future instead of reflecting on my past?, Rarity thought. After a moment of silence, her features brightened, indicating that an idea had entered her mind. "Well... I haven't been bringing a lunch to school ever since my anorexia started to develop. Guess who's going to pack a healthy lunch for school tomorrow? This girl right here!"
"That's a wonderful idea!" Tender Soul said. "Let me write it down."
After Tender Soul wrote Rarity's idea on a slip of paper, she tore it from her notebook and gave it to Rarity. "Another tactic I'd like you to try next week is write down every positive thought you have that could help encourage you to get into healthier eating habits. Any negative thoughts you have, write them down on another piece of paper, rip it apart, and throw them away."
"I will," Rarity promised.
"Now our time is up and I have to see my next client," Tender Soul said. "I'm looking forward to seeing your progress next time we meet!"
"Thank you!" Rarity told her.
"No problem! Have a safe drive home!"
Rarity left Tender Soul's office and held the note she'd been given to her chest, sighing in relief. For the first time in forever, there was finally hope. There was finally peace. There was finally a chance to love herself again.
As Rarity began to walk back to her car, she spotted Tender Soul's next client, making her way over to Tender Soul's office. She was a young girl who looked no older than thirteen. Her skin was pure white, similar to Rarity's, and her eyes were a chocolate brown that shone in the stark lighting. Rarity noticed the girl's clothing hung off of her like a cloak. She appeared to be drowning in the fabric. Rarity's heart sunk when she noticed why: body dysmorphia. The girl appeared sickly and frail. Her eyes were creased with red lines and her cheeks were sunken in.
When Rarity made eye contact, the girl offered her a weak smile, but her eyes were brimming with tears. Rarity smiled at her encouragingly. "You'll get through it. I promise."
The girl held her arms across her chest, but gave her a smile. "Thank you."
When Rarity had made her way out to the parking lot, her eyes scanned over the note. She was surprised to find that underneath the instructions, Tender Soul had written: You matter. You can do this.
Hugging the note close to her heart, Rarity walked over to her car. She was grateful to have a therapist who felt like a friend.
The following day during lunch, Rarity's friends were gathered in their usual spot. Rarity stood at the entrance of the lunchroom looking at the container in her hands. She lifted the lid and peeked inside of the container to see the lunch she packed: an egg salad sandwich, a side of carrots and ranch, and a package of ginseng tea to put in her water bottle. She could feel her heart racing nervously, but she knew that her friends would be happy to see that she had brought a lunch.
Rarity took a deep breath and began to walk over to her friends table. She took her spot next to Applejack and set the container on the table. "Good morning, girls!"
"Good morning, Rar-" Pinkie Pie began. "AAAAAAAAAAH!"
Startled, Rarity began to stutter, "Wh-what's wrong, Pinkie Pie?"
"You have a lunch!" Pinkie Pie cried in joy.
The rest of Rarity's friends noticed and started getting excited.
"Oh, Rarity! We're so happy for you!" Twilight said.
The seven friends embraced in a tight group hug.
"Oh, thank you, girls," Rarity said, sheepishly. "I didn't think it was that much of a deal."
"Not that much of a deal, she says!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "Girlfriend, you are beating your personal demons back down where they belong! That's a huge deal."
"Pinkie Pie's right," Sunset Shimmer said. "This is a huge step for you and you have every right to feel proud of yourself for it."
Rarity's friends all made sounds of agreement as Rarity beamed.
"Now let's get to eating!" Rainbow Dash insisted. "I'm starved."
"Aren't ya always?" Applejack teased.
"Shut uuuuup," Rainbow Dash groaned, narrowing her eyes.
The group of friends laughed and began to chat as they ate their lunches. Rarity happily ate her egg salad sandwich, enjoyed her carrots and ranch, and sipped her ginseng tea. She was glad to feel a sense of peace wash over her as she ate instead of remorse.
Applejack looked over at her and blushed. "Um... so, how're ya feelin', sugarcube?"
Rarity's heart leaped inside her chest. Applejack called almost everybody 'sugarcube' as a term of endearment, but it felt different when Applejack called her by the nickname.
After Rarity's heart rate slowed to a relatively normal pace, she managed, "Um... fine. I'm feeling fine."
"Ah couldn't be happier for ya," Applejack said, sliding her hand over to Rarity's. She took Rarity's hand in hers.
Rarity looked up at her and smiled affectionately.
After lunch was nearing its end, Rarity told her friends, "You know, even though I may still have bad days with this brutish disorder, I'm excited to look forward to a brighter, happier future with all of you. As long as I have my friends by my side, I feel like I can face anything."
"Aww!" Pinkie Pie cried. "That was beautiful! Hugs!"
The seven friends shared a group hug, laughing and smiling all the while. Rarity sighed in bliss. I'm glad I found you, she thought to herself.
While they were in their embrace, the lunch bell rang. Reluctantly, the girls began to clean up their lunches to return to class.
"Oh, wait!" Applejack realized. "Ah almost forgot. Rarity, you've come so far and we're so proud of ya."
"Aww!" Rarity said, putting her hand over her heart.
Applejack chuckled. "Which is why ah wanted to invite y'all to dinner this weekend! Ya know, to celebrate Rarity's persistence through this monster of a disorder."
"Aww, girls!" Rarity squealed. "I would love that!"
"Yeah, we'll ask our parents and get back to you," Twilight agreed, grinning eagerly.
"Alrighty, thanks, girls!" Applejack said. "Just text me on the group chat to let me know if you can make it or not."
"We will!" Sunset Shimmer promised. "Bye, AJ!"
After the girls had finished saying their goodbyes, Rarity was walking to her next class. Every step felt as if she were walking on sunshine. Even though the demons told her that she was heavy, Rarity swore she had never felt this light.
(A/N: AHHHHHHH! Y'all! One more chapter! We. Are. Almost. DONE! The next chapter is the finale. Even I can't believe this story is almost over. Thank you all so much for supporting this story. I never imagined I would get such a huge following and so many kind compliments on my writing and such. You are all freaking incredible! Stick around and we shall see how the story ends. <3)
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