Chapter Thirty

Frostfeather could feel Pineheart as he jostled beside her. Raven's stiff, cold body was still resting at her paw tips. The moon had risen high in the clear night sky, bathing the clearing in its gentle light.

"It is time.." Sun'ka breathed, standing from her position near Raven's head. Elkleap leapt up at her side, instantly alert. "I'd like you to stay," she purred to him.

Falcon stepped up beside them, preparing to lift Raven's body for the trek to the Den of the Sky. Sun'ka bent down, allowing him to rest Raven along her spine. As Elkleap retreated to his den, Lily took his place to escort Sun'ka to the Den of the Sky.

The rest of the Dockcats and Clan cats got to their paws, watching in silence as the trio slowly padded out of the camp and into the darkness. Olive let out a wail, burying her muzzle into Smog's fur.

Frostfeather made her way towards them, a knot forming in her throat. "I'm sorry about your brother," she murmured, "it's always hard to lose a loved one."

"Life has just gotten so unpredictable here," Olive whimpered, "how do I know it won't be me, or Smog next? Cassius has tried for so long to destroy us."

Smog nodded sadly, "it seemed to get better once you all arrived... but I guess everything good has to come to an end."

Yes, everything good does come to an end, Frostfeather reminded herself. They had gotten to cozy, too comfortable with the Dockside cats.

Taking a step back, Frostfeather turned towards the den she shared with Stone and Pineheart. As she walked inside, she noticed that they had both already settled into their nests and fallen asleep.

Feeling a slight itch in her paws, she sighed and turned back out into the camp clearing. Almost everyone had receded into their respective dens. Only the solitary silver and white form of Jewel remained.

Frostfeather slowly walked up to her side, hoping not to startle the old she-cat.

"These coming days will be what determines if my group will continue to live on these docks," Jewel murmured as Frostfeather sat.

"What do you mean? Of course you belong on the docks. It is us who should be leaving," Frostfeather insisted.

"No... it has always been this way," Jewel hummed, "we have been plagued by Cassius for too long."

Frostfeather swished her tail against Jewel, feeling her fur shivering at her touch. "I remember when Cairn and Cassius were born. They had so much promise, so much potential.."

"Why did he leave?" Frostfeather asked softly.

"Well, Cairn and Cassius never truly had a father. We suspect it was a rogue, possibly. Or even just one of us who didn't want to be labeled as the mate of a leader," Jewel shrugged her shoulders, "of that, we are not sure. But Fable always treated Cairn in favor of Cassius. Neither of them ever gave Cassius the love and compassion he deserved."

Frostfeather felt sadness prick her heart. How could a mother ever favor one kit over another? "After he grew up, his anger worsened. I suspect that when Fable finally passed, it was he who killed her," Jewel whispered.

Frostfeather gasped, "why would you think he killed her?" she wondered aloud.

"Well... because I watched him," she mumbled, her voice barley louder than a whisper, "he lured her to the dock and pushed her in. No one knew where her body went, but I am sure it got swept away in the ocean."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" she asked skeptically.

Jewel shuffled her paws, a distressed look on her face. "I knew how much he had suffered... I couldn't blame him for wanting to kill Fable. I wish things would have been different. If I could have helped him, I would have."

"It seems like you care a good deal about him," Frostfeather observed, "but why?"

Jewel stared hard into Frostfeather's eyes, her pupils dilating as she started to speak, "I have always cared for Fable's kits. But how could I confess what I thought about how she was raising them? Even though she was my littermate, she was always prideful."

Understanding, clear as rain, washed over Frostfeather. "So Fable was your sister," she breathed.

Jewel shifted her gaze, looking at the camp wall behind Frostfeather. "Yes, Fable was my sister," she purred, "no one remembers, or are too young to remember. But I think I prefer it that way."

"Do you think Cassius is ever going to stop?" Frostfeather mewed quietly.

Jewel returned her cold stare back to Frostfeather, her shoulders stiff and her tail tip twitching. "No... I don't think he will stop until all of the Dockcats are dead."

Jewel must have seen the terror in her eyes, she leaned forward to nuzzle Frostfeather comfortingly. "But you never intended to stay here forever," she pointed out, "perhaps that just means that you and your friends should leave."

"I'm not sure everyone will want to leave," Frostfeather muttered, "this feels like home to them now."

"Maybe you should consult with your group leader," Jewel suggested calmly. Frostfeather knew they hadn't formally appointed a new leader, but Elkleap had selflessly taken the role.

"Yeah, I'll go talk with him," Frostfeather agreed, "thanks."

Jewel waved her tail as Frostfeather started to pad away. She wasn't sure where the brown and black tom was, he was usually glued to Sun'ka's side but she had left to take Raven to the Den of the Sky.

Turning towards Sun'ka's den, she noticed a gleam of rusty yellow eyes in the depths of the wooden box. She quickly trotted over, not wanting to waste any time.

"Elkleap," she called as she stopped a few paces away from the entrance.

"Yes?" he asked, his shoulder fur rippling as he took the few steps to bring himself into the open.

"I have been worrying," she began, casting an anxious glance behind her at Jewel, who was still sitting peacefully in the center of camp.

"When are you not worrying?" he teased as his tail curled closely around his side.

"Well, it seems most of the Dock cats are saying Cassius is going to strike another attack," she explained, "I wasn't sure when you thought we should leave? We really have overstayed our welcome, I'm sure they want to deal with their issues on their own."

The humor in Elkleap's eyes faded to be replaced by a stone-like anger. Frostfeather braced herself, unsure of what he was going to say.

"I see..." he murmured.

Frostfeather waited for him to continue but he had fallen silent. He looked up to the sky, streaked with the sun's rays as it rose for the morning.

"It isn't the way of a warrior to abandon your friends when they're in trouble," he finally meowed, "IceClan will leave, after Cassius is defeated."

Frostfeather held back a growl of frustration. After?!

"How do you expect to kill Cassius when Cairn couldn't?" she dared to ask.

"I have StarClan on my side," he grunted.

"StarClan would want you to lead their Clan to a new home," Frostfeather argued.

"How do you know what they want!" his voice suddenly boomed in anger, "our ancestors haven't spoken with you in how long?! How do you know this isn't where they wanted us to live?"

Frostfeather recoiled, surprised by his abrupt outburst. She opened her mouth for a retort but nothing came.

"Blizzardstar would understand what is keeping me here," Elkleap continued, a challenge in his usual silky tone. "He would realize how happy I am, with Sun'ka."

"But what about us?" Frostfeather whispered, her voice cracking with sadness.

"What about me," Elkleap countered, "I've lost my family, my apprentice, my entire life as warrior. With Sun'ka I feel... like everything is going to be ok."

"But it won't be ok!" Frostfeather insisted, "Cassius will come, and he won't stop until he kills everyone!"

Elkleap laughed softly, shaking his head back and fourth. "No, Cassius will not kill everyone. He will be defeated. And after he is gone, IceClan will leave. Without me."

"What?!" Frostfeather gasped, "we can't leave without you!"

Elkleap didn't respond. He had turned his attention to the camp entrance, where Sun'ka was returning with Falcon and Sparrow close behind her.

Frostfeather watched in silence as Elkleap jumped up and ran to greet her. Lily and Falcon had already disappeared into their dens. Jewel was also nowhere to be found.

Elkleap drew closer to Sun'ka, wrapping his body around her side. She leaned into him, burying her muzzle into his neck fur.

I don't see this ending well, she thought to herself as she finally stood and trotted over to her den. Inside, Stone and Pineheart were still fast asleep.

"StarClan help us," Frostfeather whispered as she tucked into her nest and fell asleep.

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