I loved waking up to the feeling that the next day was going to be a new year, a new day. Although that didn't really change anything and my life would have been the same boring and uneventful, I still loved waking up early on 31st December.
“Good morning, Mom and Dad!” I chirped as I walked downstairs and found them all cozied up on the couch, watching television.
“Good Morning, Sweetie.” They sang together as they turned their heads. “Did you sleep well, Princess?” Dad asked as I joined and sat between them on the couch.
“I did. Thank you for asking. So, what's the plan today?” I asked while grabbing an apple from the fruit basket placed on the wood table.
“We finished sending the invites to people, and we have bought everything for the decoration just like you asked.” My dad informed as he took the receipt rested on the table in his hand and scrutinized it to confirm.
I started this family tradition when I was a toddler. Every year, we hosted a New Year Eve party with our family, friends, and close ones. Our house would always be full of life, filled with noises of children playing in the garden, elders greeting and talking and reminiscing about their good old times. I would get socially awkward at times like this. I would most likely go back to my oasis, my balcony, and stay here until the countdowns, watching them from above. It wasn't that I didn't have cousins of my age. I did, actually. But we, let's just say that we didn't have the greatest bond. We weren't really on good terms. Or to be more precise, I wasn't on good terms with them. I had my reasons.
But this year wasn't going to be the same. I planned on staying down there in the garden for the whole evening and enjoying all of my time. And this time, I wasn't going to be left all alone. I would surely have a few people to keep me entertained the whole evening. That was one of the reasons I looked forward to today even more.
“Can we have five more invites Dad? Along with their family?” I asked with my most charismatic, innocent face that always seemed to work on him.
“You want to invite someone in?” He surprisingly gasped, his eyes twinkled and widened.
“Uh... Yeah. I want to invite Shawn, Andy, Lexi, David, and Maddie along with their families. Only if that's okay with you guys.”
“Of course you can, Princess.” My dad literally jumped out from his seat.
“Ok...ay. Thanks, Dad.” I said as I pulled out my phone from the pajamas pocket and typed a text in the group chat. Yeah, I wasn't going to take the burden to call every single one of them personally. I instantly got a reply from everyone saying that they'll surely come.
“Done. Did you leave anybody else? What about Mrs. Evans?” I asked as I folded my legs, making them shift apart a few inches.
“Yes, we did. She will come with her whole family.”
“I see. I am going to have a shower before our relatives start gathering.” I announced as I stood and jogged towards my bedroom.
I stripped down and walked into the cold marble, turning the water on high and dipped my toe to check the temperature and letting it beat over my head in steamy rivulets. On good days I turn my phone on for music and sing along as if I'm on a stage. On bad days I crouch down in the shower and shed tears until the water starts turning from hot to lukewarm and from lukewarm to ice-cold. And today was one of the good days.
I sauntered out while still grooving to the beat of the music as I shuffled my clothes to find something to wear for the day. I always wore two outfits on New Year's Eve. One for the whole day and the other for the party. It took me sometime before finalizing a ruffled red off-shoulder bandage dress paired with nude lace pump shoes.
I let my hair cascade down my back and applied a cherry lip gloss. I headed towards the living room and found it filled with swarms of people. Distant relatives who were never in touch for a whole year gathered and conversed as if they last met us just yesterday. It didn't really matter though. I only had to bear them for an evening leaving for the rest of the days for an entire year so, it was alright.
“There you are!” Aunt Claire squealed as her copper cat-like eyes caught me climbing down the stairs. I pursed my lips tight because I never really liked her. She deluded her obscure personality with a cheerful one, too cheerful for her own being. I sluggishly walked and stood beside her while she patted my back and gasped at how I grew up so much and began reminding my embarrassing childhood incidents in front of my parents.
I timidly excused myself and moved towards the dining table to analyze the delicious cuisine I was about to devour in a couple of minutes. I was abruptly stopped on my way when two strong figures stood in front of me. I cursed under my breath but looked up anyway to recognize the person who blocked me from my food. In front of me stood Peter and John, my long-lost cousins with whom I wished to lose all my contacts, smiling mischievously at me. But then, nothing ever really worked the way I wished them to be.
“If this isn't my most favorite cousin sister in the world.” John asserted as he threw both arms open to embrace me in a hug. I didn't reciprocate and stood in the same position as I was, like a pillar. He eventually broke out of the hug and scanned me from my hair to toenails. I never liked to be checked out as I always felt self-conscious under their judgmental gazes.
“You've grown more pretty and sexy from the last time I saw you,” John admitted and Peter nodded in agreement.
“Well, at least I grew up to something new. Unlike you guys, who just happened to be grown up only in terms of your lengths.” I taunted as I shoved them aside and moved towards the table before I was interrupted by these jackasses.
“Feisty. That's new. Where did you learn it from? You weren't this confident before.” Peter asked as they both followed me around like lost puppies.
“Oh! I happened to buy it from the shop down the streets. You guys should buy something too. Etiquette, maybe?” I twittered as I took a bite of the delicious lasagna. How I loved cheese from the core of my body. The extent of shock was evident on their faces.
I had always been this good girl who never talked back or made witty comments. But things weren't the same anymore. I had enough of them stepping over me all the damn time. Call it the influence of the new people I had in my life. But I was grateful for the sudden change.
“If you guys are done insulting your inflated egos, then leave me alone for the rest of the evening. Happy New Year!” And with that, I walked away and joined my mother to help her in the kitchen.
The rest of the day went by in a blur and it was time to get the party started.
My phone bombarded with texts as the gang had already arrived, and I was here, looped under the crisis of selecting between two outfits. I hurriedly picked up my phone and summoned the girls to come upstairs by texting an SOS, and they got here in no time.
“The burgundy one or the royal blue one?” I asked turning around with two hangers of outfits on both of my hands as I heard the clicking sound of the door open. They strode towards me immediately and whispered something into each other's ears.
“Definitely the burgundy one!” Maddie squealed as she took the outfit in her hand. “Damn girl! You really have good taste.” Lexi exclaimed and Maddie agreed while she continued to look at the dress.
“Okay, burgundy it is.” I took the dress from her hand as she returned it and said, “I'm gonna change real quick. Be right back.”
I hurriedly rushed towards the dressing room, situated adjacent to the washroom, and donned into a beautiful burgundy cocktail dress. I ironed my hair into wavy curls and applied a mahogany nude lipstick and paired it with black pointed high heels. Though I was never a fan of high heels, it just went well with the dresses.
“Damn girl! You're on fire!” Maddie squealed as I walked out of the room. A pin-drop silence ushered inside the room and the only sound that could be heard was the clicking of my heels. Lexi broke the silence after a while.
“O-M-G! I've never seen you so sexy before bitch. Shawn is about to lose his mind after he sees you.” Lexi exclaimed while the two of them high-fived.
“How does Shawn fit into the picture and why would it matter?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.
“Oh don't pretend that you don't know bitch. He obviously has a crush on you and it's no rocket science to understand that you like him too.” Lexi stated as he rolled her eyes.
“I do not have a crush on him. He's just a good friend. A very good friend.” I rose to protest, trying to state the obvious. Wasn't it?
But come to think about it, I was now curious to see his reaction.
“Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night bitch.” Before I could retort, Maddie placed a finger on my lips and said, “Chop chop! Let's go.” And with that, she clenched my hand and led me to the garden.
The garden was beautifully decorated with hanging fairy lights overhead through the tree branches. Several tables were set at a measurable distance from the other, chairs set in circles around it. Flocks of people scattered around everywhere on the lawn, talking and socializing with people they knew or didn't until now.
My eyes meandered around the lawn, in search of my squad and finally landed on Andy who was already beside the food table. I rolled my eyes and let out a soft chuckle. My gaze next shifted to a guy who was talking to David, Shawn. Holy mother of sweet Jesus, he looks marvelous! I exclaimed in my own thoughts.
Hee wore a perfectly ironed dark maroon shirt with black jeans and his hair was perfectly combed over. It definitely was a sight for sore eyes.
Now it made sense why these girls almost immediately jumped and asked me to wear this dress. Friends! We walked towards the boys, and they turned their attention upon us. I couldn't exactly interpret Shawn's expressions as all I got was a blank face.
“You look stunning, Maya!” Andy mumbled a compliment as he turned around with a mouthful of pasta stuffed inside.
“Thank you, Andy.” I replied as my gaze again returned to Shawn's, waiting for any sort of reaction. But there were none.
“You look absolutely gorgeous, Maya!” David commented as he stepped forward and placed a hand on my waist and planted a soft kiss on my temple. I was a little taken aback by the gesture but soon understood the underlying reason behind it as Shawn finally snapped out of his illusionary world and gave David a bloody death glare.
“Yes, you do look breathtaking Maya!” He complimented trying to plaster a polite smile as he pulled David away from my side and sent him death glares from the corner of his eyes.
I struggled to keep my lips intact, forbidding it to form a smile or more likely, to end up laughing. But failed on my attempt as the girls started mocking Shawn and his face turned as red as tomatoes.
I looked behind Shawn's shoulder and noticed Mrs. Evans talking with my mother. I gestured Shawn towards her direction, and he followed, and telepathically agreed to go and greet her. She looked heavenly in her golden floral dress and her granddaughter on her side added to the perfection.
“Good Evening, Mrs. Evans.” I greeted them as soon as I approached them. She averted her gaze and attention towards me as soon as she heard me.
“Maya! You look stunning!” She exclaimed in a very cheerful voice.
“Thank you, Mrs. Evans. And so do you. And I guess she is your granddaughter.” I asked as I kneeled on the ground. Her blonde hair and baby blue eyes surely did wonders on her face. I assure she will be the queen of many hearts.
“Oh yes! Lizzy, say hello to Maya.” Mrs. Evans gestured while patting her back.
“Hello, Maya.” She greeted me with a bright smile.
“Hello to you too. How old are you, Lizzy?”
She unfolded her fingers and straightened them all, revealing she was five years old.
“You're five years old? You are a big girl. Do you like school?”
“No.” She answered, almost immediately and shook her head.
“Haha, so do I. We will get along pretty well, Lizzy.” I suggested as I pinched her cheeks.
She giggled and Mrs. Evans began to say something.
“Her annual day is at the end of the week, Saturday actually. She is going to perform for the first time on the stage. I'm so excited to see her dance. Maya, stop by on Sunday. I would love to show you the video.” She told as her eyes twinkled in the bright light.
“Of course, Mrs. Evans. I would love to.” I turned my gaze to Shawn who was standing like a dummy without moving an inch, watching us with an adorable smile fixed on his face. I excused myself and took him with me to save him from further awkwardness. We joined our group and I tried to understand what they were talking about.
I noticed John and Peter striding towards us and my body immediately tensed up and my fingers automatically curled up and clenched into a fist.
“Are they your friends, Maya? Since when do you have friends?” Peter ridiculed as they stopped a few steps away from David.
“Since I left hanging around with pricks like you.” I snapped and the other felt my underlying rage and joined me too.
“You heard my bitch. And you have the fucking nerve to come and say that in front of our faces, asshats.” Maddie hissed as she pointed her index finger at them and took a step forward.
“And who are you exactly to tell me what I can do?” John growled as he took a step forward as well.
“Your nightmare who has enough guts to cut off your balls and feed it to the street dogs and leave you malfunctioned for the rest of your petty life.” Lexi sassed back as she riled up stepping dangerously close to John, with less than an inch gap between them.
“Hey-hey. I was just kidding. We don't want any trouble. We just came to ask if, perhaps, you guys would like to join us for some fun game.” John suggested and his gaze fixed on mine with a devious smirk.
I couldn't contain myself any longer. I had enough of those two despicable, pathetic excuse of a human for the day. They were testing me, and they goddamn knew it very well.
“Save your act for somewhere else. Nobody buys your 'Trying to socialize with Maya and her friends' facade. You see I'm pretty occupied here with my friends so it will be very noble of you to leave us alone.” I asked, wittiness flourishing out of my vocal cords.
They mumbled something under their breaths that I couldn't exactly interpret, and they shortly left us alone. The group soon moved their glances towards me.
“What was that?” Shawn asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Nothing. Just asshole cousins. We really don't get along that well.” I answered dismissively. The group gave an understanding nod but Shawn gave me a 'We will talk about this later' look.
Our telepathic conversation was interrupted by the sudden noise of a mic. I turned my head towards my right and saw a karaoke stage set right at the sideline of the lawn. How did I not notice that?
Shawn and I exchanged excited looks at each other as I'm sure we cooked up the same idea. We both had this cliché dream to complete from one of our common favorite movies. Everyone has that one thing that they want to do in their real lives from their favorite movie. New Year's Eve. Karaoke. Singing on stage. Rings a bell?
We both raced towards the stage and motioned the system controller to play the track. Shortly, the music started, and we began humming and singing to the lyrics.
'Living in my own world
Didn't understand
That anything can happen
When you take a chance'
'I never believed in What I couldn't see
I never opened my heart (Oh)
To all the possibilities'
'I know that something has changed
Never felt this way and right here tonight
This could be the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you (oh)
And now looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart (feel in my heart)
The start of something new'
Okay, that might have not gone exactly the way we thought. Even though Shawn was a pretty good singer, and I was kind of okay, that still didn't match the real spirit of the song. Nonetheless, we accomplished our dream and had our fair shares of absolute fun.
There were just twenty seconds left for the countdown to begin, and we gathered around with our loved ones and friends.
“My new year resolution is I will get fit and leave eating junk food.” Andy stated, immediately followed by Maddie, “My resolution is that I will minimize spending money on every new clothes my eyes land upon.” “What's yours, Maya?”
“Nah, I don't do resolution. Nobody actually ever follows it. It's a scam.” I added.
“Damn right. Screw resolution, I'm going to eat it anyway.” Andy confessed.
“On the count of ten, nine, eight, seven-” the crowd sang unanimously.
I closed my eyes to think of a wish. That's what I did every year on New Year's Eve.
“Six, five, four, three-”
I wish I never lose this family that I have now.
“Two, one-”
I opened my eyes.
“Happy New Year.” The crowd squealed and the sky illuminated with cracking noise and bright lights of the firecrackers. Everyone started hugging and greeting each other.
“Happy New Year, Mom, and Dad.” I hugged them from behind. “Happy New Year, Princess.” They both hugged me back.
“Happy New Year, Guys.” I said as we cozied up into a group hug.
We pulled out and scattered around to wish others. Shawn walked up to me with that adorable smile which was fixed on his face the whole evening.
“Happy New Year Tinkerbell.” He planted a soft kiss on my forehead and embraced me into a warm, tight hug.
“Happy New Year, Pretty boy.” I replied with a smile, hugging him back.
I actually looked forward to this new year. New beginnings. I wish things turned out for the good. I guess we will have to find out.
Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading this far. You have no idea how much that means to me.
I really hope you liked this chapter. I actually felt the vibes of New Year while writing it even though we still have time for that.
Dropdown your thoughts on this chapter. What do you think about Peter and John?
Sneak Peek: Something is about to happen that you didn't see coming. ;)
Feel free to vote and comment.
I'll see you guys soon.
Stay tuned♡.
~Loveya~( ˘ ³˘)♥
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