The one where Sunset gets a roomate (plot) part 1

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Sunset:There's nothing to tell.

Sunset:It's just some guy I work with.

Casey:(jokingly) oh come on you're going out with the guy there's got to be something wrong with him.

Raph:(sarcastically)so does he have a hump?A hump and a hairpiece.


Pinkie:Wait does he eat chalk?

Sunset:(Gives her a "what" face)

Pinkie:just cause I don't want her to go through what I went through with carl.aww😪

Sunset:okay everyone relax.This is not a date.

Sunset:it's just two people going to dinner and not "doing it"

Raph:(Sarcastically)sounds like a normal date to me

          *time skip to later in the day*

Raph:I'm standing in the middle of the cafeteria and realized I am totally...Naked.

Sunset:I've had that dream

Raph:Then I look down and realized there a phone...there.

Casey:instead of your.....

Raph:That's Right!!

Casey:I've never had that dream

Raph:And all of a sudden the phone started to ring and it turns out it's my mother

Raph:which is very very wierd because.....she never calls me
(Donnie walks in)

Donnie:*sadly said*Hi

Casey:This guy says "hello" and I want to kill my self

Sunset:Are you ok sweetie?

Donnie:I feel like someone reached down my throat grabbed my small intestine pulled it out my mouth and tied it around my neck


Sunset:Carol moved her stuff out today


Sunset:let me get you some coffee


Pinkie:ohh ugh..

(Started doing this)

Donnie:No.oh no no don't


Donnie:No just leave my aura alone okay?

Donnie:I'll be fine alright?Really everyone.I hope she'll be very happy

Sunset:No you don't

Donnie:No I don't to hell with her she left me.

Casey:And you never knew she was a lesbian

Donnie:no okay why does everyone keep saying that she didn't know how should I know

Raph:sometimes I wish I was a lesbian


Raph:Did I say that out loud?

Joey:Alright Donnie look your feeling a lot of pain pain right now.Your angry your hurting can I tell you what the answer is

Donnie:Go ahead Casey

Casey:Get drunk!


Casey:oh come on your single

Donnie:see but I don't want to be single

Donnie:I just,I just,I just want to be married again...

(Rarity walks in in her wedding dress)

Raph:and I just want a million dollars

Sunset:oh god.sunset hi thank god I just went to your building and you went there and then this guy told me that you might be here and you are you are

Random girl:can I get you some coffee?


Sunset:ok everyone rarity another canterlot high survivor this is raph and pinkie and Casey and you remember my older brother Donnie


Sunset:so you want to tell us now or are we waiting for 4 wet bridesmaids?

Rarity:oh god well it started about a half hour before the wedding I was in the room where I had my wedding dress and I was so excited to wear it and then i realized that I was more excited about a dress then getting married to fancy pants and then I got frecked out and that's when it hit me I just had to get out of their and I started wondering why am I doing this and who am I doing this for

Rarity:anyway I just didn't know where to go and you're the only person that I know who lived in the city

Sunset:who wasn't invited to the wedding

Rarity:oh I was hoping that wouldn't be an issue

* time skip to sunsets apartment*

(All except rarity are watching a Spanish tv show)

Sunset:now I'm guessing that he bought her the dog pipe and she's really not happy about it

*rarity on the phone with her dad*
Rarity:Daddy I just I can't marry him I'm sorry I just don't love him...well it matters to me

Raph:aw she should not be wearing those pants

Casey:I say push her down the stairs

All except rarity:push her down the stairs!

Rarity:come on daddy listen to me look daddy it's my life....

Rarity:well maybe I'll stay here with sunset

Sunset:😕 well I guess we've established she's staying here with sunset

Rarity:well maybe that's my decision...well maybe I don't need your money dad

*her dad hangs up on her*

Rarity:WAIT WAIT I said maybe!

*time skip to a hour later*

(Rarity hyperventilating in a bag)

Sunset:It's ok every things going be ok just think happy thoughts

Pinkie whispers in rarity's ear:rain drops on roses and kittens...

Rarity:😐 all better now

Pinkie:I helped 😊

Sunset:hey this is probably a good thing you know taking control of your life, independents

Casey:and if you ever need anything you can always come to Casey me and raph live right across the hall...and he's away a lot 😏

Sunset:Casey stop hitting on her it's her wedding day

Casey:what likes a rule or something

(The door fell rings)

Raph:please don't do that again it's a horrible sound's its Paul

Sunset:let him up

Casey:whose Paul

Donnie:is it Paul the wine guy Paul


Casey:wait a minute your not so real date is with Paul the wine guy!?

Donnie:wait he finally asked you out


Raph:oh this is a sweet dairy moment 😏

Sunset:wait rarity are you sure you don't want me to stay with you

Rarity:oh no sunset go ahead I'll be fine

Sunset:um Ross do you want me to stay with you

Donnie:umm if you could that'll be great


Donnie:no I'm just joking go go it's Paul the wine guy

*knock knock*

Sunset:hey Paul come in um this is....everybody everybody this is Paul

Everyone:Hi Paul..hey Paul

Casey:wine guy!😄

Raph:I'm sorry I didn't catch your name Paul was it

Sunset:umm just sit down I'll be ready in 2 seconds

Pinkie:oh no I just pulled out 4 eyelashes that can't be good

Donnie:so umm rarity what are you doing tonight

Rarity:well I was suppose to be heading to my honeymoon so umm nothing

Donnie:oh right you don't even get to go on your honeymoon god

Rarity:*feels bad about what Donnie said*😔

Donnie:*trys to make her happy again*but I head that this time a year it's a really bad time to go on a honeymoon talk about um..bad sunshine?

Donnie:but umm..anyway if you don't want to be alone tonight me raph and Casey are going to be at my apartment building some furniture

Raph:* sarcastically*and we're really excited about it 😒😑

Rarity:umm no thanks I think I'll just hang out here for tonight it's be a really long day

Donnie:oh yeah sure sure

Casey:hey pinks you want to help

Pinkie:oh I wish I could but I don't want to

* back at Donnie's apartment*

Donnie: i'm supposed to attach a Backity anything to the side thing thing using a bunch of these little worm guys I do not have a backity anything,I see no warm guys whatsoever...and I cannot feel my legs

Casey: what have we built?

Raph: I have no idea?


*lies to Donnie*
Both: all done with the bookcase

Donnie starts to get sad about his ex wife

Donnie:This was Carols favorite drink ..she always drank it out of the can I should of known

Casey:Donnie let me ask you a question she got the furniture,the stereo,the good tv what did you get

Donnie:I got you guys

Casey:oh my god

Raph:you got screwed up

*Back at sunset date with Paul*

Sunset:oh my god

Paul:I know I'm such a idiot I should of catch on when she started going to the dentist 5 time a week.I mean how clean can get

Sunset:my brother Donnie is going through that right now he's such a mess how did you get through it

Paul:well at first he might "accidentally" breaking something valuable to her...

Sunset: *sarcastically* like her leg

Paul:haha no I went for her Watch

Sunset:you actually broke her watch

Paul:umm hmm

*Back at sunsets apartment*

*Rarity's on the phone*

Rarity: listen fancy pants I'm sorry I'm really sorry I know you probably think I'm a horrible person but I'm not it just I couldn't do it...*phone cuts her off starts to call back*

Rarity:Hi stupid phone cut me off again

*Back at Donnies apartment*

Donnie:you know what the scary part is what if there's one woman for everyone like what if you only get one woman..and that it unfortunately in my case there was only one woman for her

Casey:What are you talking about only one woman..That's like saying you can only like one flavor of ice cream let me tell you something Donnie there's a lot of flavors out there there's rocky road and cookie dough and ding cherry vanilla..this is the best thing that ever happened to got married and like what 8 😂


Casey:welcome back to the single world buddy

*Back at sunsets date*

Paul:ever since she walked out one me...

Sunset:what you can tell me

Paul:it's just it's more of a 5th date revolution

Sunset:oh so there's going to be 5th date 😊

Paul:yeah isn't there

Sunset:yeah yeah of course um what where you going to say *starts to take a sip of her drink*

Paul:ever since she left me I haven't been able to perform sexually

*Sunset spits out water on Paul's face*

Sunset:oh god oh god I'm so sorry I know being spit on is probably not what you need right now umm how long

Paul:2 years

Sunset:wow I'm glad you smashed her watch

Paul:so you think you still want to go on that 5th date

Sunset:...yeah yeah I do

*Back at sunsets apartment*

*Raritys watching a wedding on tv*

Rarity:see but she loves him the man she's going to marry and I didn't love him that's the difference

*stars to cry a little*

*Back at Donnie apartment*

Donnie:You know how long it's been since I've kissed a girl

Donnie:you see here the thing even if I did get it together enough to ask a woman out who am I going to ask...😞
*looks out side the window sadly sees rarity sitting on the balcony of her apartment looking sad*

To be continued....
My little pony belongs to Hasbro

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon

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