Chapter 1
Now, to say I didn't believe in love at first sight was an understatement. To be honest, I didn't really believe in love at second sight either. Or third.
Overall, love was generally a myth to me.
My brother, on the other hand...
He could spend days sat in our library or the living room, tucked up in as many blankets as he could find, the flames in the fireplace roaring. Oh, and of course the drinks. Cinnamon hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows, coffee served to perfection with milk and sugar (a disgrace to coffee, black is the only way for me), and of course, the many, many herbal teas and concoctions. Lemon teas, berry teas, chai teas. The list was ongoing.
Anyways, my brother could spend days pouring over romance novels and love stories, all bundled up with his fireplace and his hot drinks. How boring. If I wanted to read, it would be some form of thriller with startling scenes and clever cliffhangers, or a gorey tale of death, entailed with grusome ends and all of the gore... not romance.
Who'd want to read something that could happen in real life?
Well, maybe it could happen... but not for me. I don't yearn for stupid coffee shop dates and holding hands and having your significant other give you their jacket... All if that stuff was stupid and unrealistic.
At the sound of my name, I whipped around to see my Grandpa Roma walking over to me, nonchalantly waving. He was dressed smartly (then again, when was he not) and appeared to be holding a stack of papers. He reading glasses lay percged on tge bridge of his nose.
Sighing, I folded my arms. "Sup?"
"Lovi, please be formal." Grandpa sighed, running a hair through his already messy hair.
"Okay, fine." I muttered. "What do you need?"
Roma beamed, then showed me a rather formal looking sheet of paper. The first line was adorned with a company name in pretty writing, Kirkland-something-or-other, and the rest I couldn't be bothered to read. As my eyes skimmed over a couple of the lines, and I started to pick up the gist of the very prestigious letter. My eyes darted up to my Grandpa, who was tentitivley furrowing his brows.
"It's a party?" I questioned sarcastically.
"Yes. Well, no. Gathering of people." Was my reply.
I snorted. "It's a buisness thing?"
"Yes, but of course. Some wealthy buisnesses are gathering to discuss trading and the matter."
I furrowed my brows. "So... who's gonna be there?"
"Hm. Well there's us, the Kirkland family, the Bonnefoy family, the Jones..."
I tutted again, and my eyes scrolled down the guest list.
Names and faces popped to mind as I saw each one. These were all people I knew, whether they were friends, aquaintences, or generally just mutuals. Of course, there was Arthur and his family, and then there was Alfred, Francis, Matthew, myself and Feliciano... the usual lot. However, for as many people as knew, there were at least three that I didn't.
"This is a big one, huh?" I muttered under my breath.
Typical. Perfect. Just what I wanted, more anxiety and more rich people judging me.
"So?" The accented voice of my Grandpa asked.
"So what?" I muttered.
"Are you going?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes. "Oh, I see!" I spouted sarcastically. "You're making it seem like I have a choice!"
Roma sighed. "Stop acting like a teenager, Lovino."
I scowled. "I am a teenager."
"Regardless," Grandpa stated, "You still have to act like an adult."
I sighed and closed my eyes, allowing the darkness slightly tinted with red wash over me. Pursing my lips, I mulled over my options.
I could say no and be forced to go, or say yes and go anyway.
Great choices.
Opening my eyes again, I stared straight at my Grandpa.
"Fine. I'll go."
That exact night, I found myself stood in front of my flashy mirror in my flashy room, dressed in a flashy suit. Well, it wasnt... flashy... just expensive.
It had your usual white shit, black jacket, black pants, black tie. Though I had insisted on having the trousers kind of tight... and Grandpa had obliged. Otherwise I might not have gone, and that wouldn't have been good for him.
I fiddled with the buttons and brushed my hair for what seemed like the millionth time, smoothing the fabric with shaking hands.
Deep breath in...
Fixing any imperfections, I looked in the full body mirror at myself.
Deep breath out...
My fingers shook slightly as I pulled a pair of impecable black leather shoes over my feet.
Deep breath in...
Okay, that should do it... yeah. This wasn't so bad.
Deep breath out...
A sudden knocking at the bedroom door brought me back to my senses, so I straightened my posture and walked over to the door. As I opened it, I saw Grandpa standing in one of his very expensive suits, and Feliciano behind him wearing a matching one to mine, though he adorned his with his usual gleeful smile.
"Are you ready?" Grandpa asked, and I nodded nonchalantly.
One last quick glance in the mirror, and then myself and my younger brother were whisked into Roma's Ferrari (Yes, Ferrari. What did you expect?).
The party (or gathering, I suppose) was to be held at the Kirkland residence. And when we got there, I saw that it was even more spotless as usual, and stood at the door were some of the many staff (butlers, maids, etc) that worked here, welcoming people inside. Someone also stood with guest list, and you'd be crazy if you even wanted to crash a boring party like this. Or you could be a spy. Either or.
As we walked over to guest-list-guy, he smiled and began to speak.
"Good evening, sirs! May I take your names?"
Grandpa beamed back at the man with his usual aura of friendly formality and answered.
"Romulous, Lovino and Feliciano Vargas." He laughed heartily.
"Ah, but of course!" List guy replied. "Welcome, welcome. It's always good to see you. Go on in, and I think the master might want to see you."
"Of course! Come along, you two!" And with that little meet-and-greet, we moved into the house.
When I say house... I of course mean mansion. The whole Kirkland household was cleaned, polished, and dusted to perfection. Above us hung sparkling chandeliers with flickering flames, and underneath our feet were wooden floors so polished you could see your reflection in them. Generally, everything in the mansion glittered; the floors, the lights, the pictures, the furniture, everythind down to the champagne in the guest's hands gad a certain glimmer to them.
Barely a minute after we had stepped through the large, oaken doors, a rather attractive (young?) man had strode over to us, with a lady linking her arm through his. I recognized them immediatley as Arthur's parents, Anne and George. The latter was what I would describe as kind of attractive, with his blonde hair that matched his son's and vaugley muscular body. Though he was extremley posh, and kind of big-headed. Arthur's mother was just as big-headed, though she did have a soft spot fir her son, whether he liked it or not. The lady had a very blond shade of red hair, and big green eyes, evidently inherited by her son.
Speaking of the son, I gazed behind the two parents as they spoke to Grandpa and searched the room quickly. I located him easily; his blue fringe and piercings weren't exactly hard to find in a room full of adults and people who looked like adults.
As soon as our gazes met, he sauntered over to me moodily and waved a hand.
"Hello." I greeted politely (sarcastically), and he raised a bushy eyebrow as I tried not to laugh.
"Oh, yes, hello my good friend! Are you enjoying the party? Isn't it just magnificant!" He replied in an overly posh voice and pretended to sip a glass of champagne.
"Yes, yes, good old chap! Isn't it marvelous?" I relayed.
We both broke into fits if giggles, but quickly recovered when his parents and my Grandpa (and a rather bewildered Feli) turned to us.
"Boys." My Grandpa warned, but you could see a slight smile on his face.
"Yes, act posh. Got it." Arthur muttered, then he whispered to me, "I'm just waiting for Al to get here then we're ditching."
I smirked, rolling my eyes playfully, then turned away from him and his family while waving goodbye. Of course, we had to go around and talk to people... my least favourite thing to do.
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