|| 6/27 Monday ||
|| Lunchtime ||
Inside the classroom, Mikono sighed as she stared out the window. It was pouring down and the sound of thunder shook the desks and chairs. "It's really coming down..."
"We've has so much rain recently," Ann said. "Did you bring an umbrella, Mikono?"
"I did. My mom shoved it in my head right before I left. I'm really glad she did. I just hope it lightens up before school gets out." Mikono glanced at the clock on the wall and noticed how much time they had left for lunch. "I need to return a book to the library."
She grabbed the book from her bag. Before she left the classroom, Akira stopped her. He sauntered over with his own book in hand. "Mind if I join you?"
Smiling, she replied, "Not at all."
The couple left the classroom and walked to the library. During their small stroll, Mikono asked what book Akira was returning. It was a story about Zorro, the name of the persona Morgana uses.
"Are you reading about our personas, Akira?" She questioned.
"Yeah. I was curious about all of them," he answered. "Each one has an interesting story. I did do some research on Sekhmet and Anubis. Guess I'll need to move on to Horus next."
"Only two fragments remain," she stated. "I still need to visit the Velvet Room and speak to Igor and Theo."
"I wish I could see your Velvet Room. By the way you described it, it sounds comfy."
"The couch is really nice. I wish my parents had a sofa like that," she giggled. "But your Velvet Room is a prison, correct?"
"Yeah. It's not fun," he mumbled. "And don't get me started on Justine and Caroline..."
"I still would like to see it. The nature of the Velvet Room and its attendants are mysterious. It's a shame we don't know much about it."
They arrived at the library and returned their books. Akira decided to borrow another book while Mikono didn't. While waiting for her boyfriend to pick out another book, she could hear the students around them gossiping under their breaths about him and her. She rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh, annoyed by their eyes and whispers. Of course, she knew more rumors would arise the moment she got closer to Akira, but she didn't care. Like the previous rumors, she'd let them run their course and die out with time.
Akira secures another book, thanking the student manning the check-out desk of the library. As usual, she didn't properly reply and only watched him with a glare as he left the library alongside Mikono.
Walking back to class, the couple continued to hear the whispers of their classmates. Mikono came to a halt when hearing one of the students mentions seeing them in the park yesterday. Akira heard what the boy said and also came to a stop beside the inky-haired girl. From there, he heard them badmouth Mikono about how she paid him to date her. He gritted his teeth, clenching one fist tightly. Feeling his nails dig into his palm, he unclenched his fists and dropped the book he was holding in his other hand.
Mikono, who also heard the boy badmouth her, did her best to ignore him. She picked up the book and went to hand it back to Akira, but she stopped when she saw him looking down at her. "Don't listen to them, Akira. They were bound to find out sooner or later. The best thing to do is ignore them."
Akira stared into her cerulean eyes for a few seconds before reaching out towards her. His hands made their way towards her cheeks, gently cupping them. Taking a step towards her, he closed the distance between him and Mikono.
"A-Akira, what're you doing?" She stuttered just above a whisper, eyes wide as they gazed into his. She wasn't sure what his intentions were and was utterly confused.
"There's no reason for us to hide our relationship anymore. The entire school will know soon enough," he responded. "They may know we're together, but I'll make sure they know the whole truth."
Before Mikono could reply, Akira places his lips on hers and kissed her passionately. A collection of gasps could be heard from the students as they watched the couple kiss in the middle of the hallway. They all fell silent, eyes glued to the scene before them.
The kiss lasted for a whole minute. When Akira's lips unlatched from Mikono's, she had a glazed-over expression as if she were in a trance. "Akira..."
The boy leaned his forehead against hers with an enraptured smile. He admired her intoxicated expression before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his arms. While hugging her tightly, he glared at the group of boys who badmouthed Mikono a short while ago. "For your information, she didn't bribe me to date her nor did I threaten her. You damn morons aren't smart enough to learn the facts and instead jump straight to insults."
The boys scurried down the hall after being frightened by Akira's death glare and dark tone. The remaining students backed away and pressed their backs against the wall. One of the girls was shaking and fell to her knees in fright.
Mikono noticed how frightened the students were and tugged on the back of Akira's blazer with her free hand. "Take it down a notch, Akira. You're scaring everyone..."
"It's their fault for making me angry. They started it," he retorts.
She huffed out a small chuckle. "That is such a 5-year-old response." She removed herself from his embrace and handed him the book he dropped. "If you keep acting scary, even more rumors are going to spread. Someone might say you killed someone and hid the body on school grounds."
"I'm pretty sure there's already a rumor about me hiding a dead body," he said, taking the book from her.
"Then let's not make it two dead bodies. One's enough."
As the couple turned to head back to the classroom, they came face to face with Kawakami. The teacher eyed the two students with a bored expression before sighing heavily. "Try not to make-out in the hallway. My job's already difficult as is and I do not feel like trying to break up and make-out session."
Mikono laughed nervously. "No need to worry about that, Kawakami sensei. We won't let that happen again." She elbowed her boyfriend in the side. "Right, Akira?"
Akira placed his free hand into his pocket. "I don't like making promises I won't be able to keep."
"Akira..." The cerulean-eyed girl groaned.
"I swear, you kids are making my hair turn gray and my face to become wrinkly..." Kawakami muttered before leaving.
|| 6/27 Monday ||
|| After School ||
Once the bell rang to signal the end of the school day, Ann, Akira, and Mikono grabbed their bags. As they were about to leave the classroom, Ryuji stormed in with his phone in hand. "What the hell is this?!"
"Geez, Ryuji," Ann grumbled. "Can't you be a little more quiet?"
"Look at this shit!" He held out his phone toward them. There was a video of what happened earlier that day. It started just before the kiss and ended a few seconds after. "What the hell were you guys thinkin'?! What part of "lay low" isn't clear?!"
Morgana watched the video and looked at the couple. "For once, I agree with Ryuji."
Before Mikono could speak up, Akira decided to explain. "I was the one who wasn't thinking."
"What happened?" Ann asked.
"Some boys were badmouthing Mikono and I snapped."
"But why'd you have to kiss her?" Ryuji grumbled.
He struggled his shoulders. "Trying to make a statement, I guess."
"The hell...?"
Mikono intervened before the blonde could snap. "A video of Akira and I kissing isn't going to cause any repercussions. There's nothing suspicious about it. It's normal for a couple to kiss each other. I'm not sure why you're so worried about the video, Ryuji."
She crossed her arms. "I understand where your concern comes from, but there's no need to worry. There's nothing this video can prove besides Akira and I are dating."
"You do have a point," Morgana said. "I guess the video's okay. Just try not to get into trouble."
Ryuji scrolled through the comments attached to the video. "Damn... Look at the crazy shit everyone's sayin'..."
"Let them talk," Akira said.
"Yeah," Ann agreed. "It'll die down soon."
"Anyway, let's forget about the video." Mikono placed the straps of her school bag on her shoulder. "I've got to head to Central Street and do some shopping. I'll see you all tomorrow."
She waved farewell to her friends and left Shujin Academy, grabbing her umbrella to protect her from the rain. She boarded the train to Shibuya and hopped off once it pulled into the station. She wandered down the street until entering the alleyway that lead to the airsoft shop. She stopped a few feet away from the entrance to the Velvet Room when her eyes landed on Theodore. The ivory-haired man spotted her and smiled as he bowed politely with a hand placed over his heart. She was surprised to see him standing in the middle of the rain without anything to keep him from getting soaked.
It had been a while since Mikono's last visit to the Velvet Room. She stopped in front of the ornate wooden door, smiling back at the attendant. "It's been a while, Theo."
"It truly has been." Theodore took in her appearance and said, "It appears your injuries have healed."
"Yep. It felt like such a long time ago, but it's only been a month. How have you been?"
"Well. I've been eagerly awaiting your next visit. My master has also expressed his own longing to see you again." Theodore opened the door, gesturing for her to enter the Velvet Room.
Mikono lowered her umbrella and walked through the door, her school uniform being replaced by a knee-length, spaghetti strap white dress. She sat down on the comfy couch, crossing her legs as she greeted the long-nosed man. "Hello, Igor." Her attention was drawn to the statue of Horus located behind him as it radiated brightly. She watched the statue shatter before looking back at Igor.
"My, my..." Igor leaned back into his chair. "You have been doing quite well, Puppeteer. You have not only extinguished the flame of gluttony but have collected the third fragment. Only two shards remain."
"I was hoping to ask you something," Mikono said. "You are aware of my connection to Akira, the one you refer to as the Trickster. Does that mean you are the same man who talks to him?"
"As the palaces are located on separates plains of reality, so too is the Velvet room. This plain of existence belongs to your consciousness while the Trickster has his own."
As per usual, Mikono has to decipher the man's puzzling words to find her answer. "So there are two different Igors..." She crossed her arms. "But that doesn't make any sense. How would Akira and I imagine the same man?"
"You and the Trickster determine the appearance of the Velvet Room, but your consciousness does not posses full control for I am the master of this rift in space and time. No matter how hard you desire to change my appearance, you shall fail."
"Now it's making more sense. But still..." She uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, staring into the man's eyes. "Are you truly the same Igor who speaks with Akira?"
Igor's eerily wide smile seemed to grow. "Time can only answer that question."
Her eyes widen in disbelief. "You're really not going to tell me? Does the answer have to be kept a secret?"
"Continue to tread the path you are on and the answer shall reveal itself to you," he replied.
Mikono pinches the bridge of her nose. "Why did I even think I could get a straight answer from you...?" She stood up with a sigh, eyes gravitating back towards the statues. Bastet and Sobek were the only two deities that remained. "Can you at least tell me about the next fragment?"
Surprisingly, Igor was able to provide her a hint. He snapped his fingers and a book appeared in the air, floating in front of the girl. Puzzled, she reached out and took it. Reading the title, her brows knitted together. "أَلْفُ لَيْلَةٍ وَلَيْلَةٌ?" She deciphered the title and realized what he had given her. "One Thousand and One Nights... How is a collection of Middle Eastern folktales supposed to help me?"
"The answer lies within the pages. It is up to you to find it."
Mikono was becoming frustrated with his cryptic messages and decided to end her visit. "Thank you for your time, Igor. I shall be on my way."
Igor nodded. "Farewell, Puppeteer."
Leaving the Velvet Room, Mikono's clothes reverted back to her school uniform. Theodore closed the door behind her and stood beside it. Before deciding to walk away, she spun around and faced him. "Theo, are you aware of the other Velvet Room?"
Theodore met her gaze. "Yes. Is there something on your mind, Mikono?"
"Is this Igor and the other one connected in some way?"
He lowered his head apologetically. "Forgive me for I cannot answer such a question."
She offered him a warm smile. "It's fine. Thank you, Theo."
He smiled in return. "Of course. Please, do visit soon. It does become quite lonely when you aren't around."
She hugged the book she received from Igor close to her chest while clutching her umbrella in her other hand. "I'll do my best to visit soon. Goodbye, Theo."
|| 6/30 Thursday ||
|| After School ||
After school, Akira and Mikono were contacted by Yusuke. He mentioned the art exhibit and where it was being held today. He was wondering if they could both come. Seeing as they had no other plans, the couple decided to head to Ueno Museum. With their umbrellas acting as shields from the rain, they made their way to the train station.
Once arriving at the museum, they rendezvoused with Yusuke in the lobby before he escorted them to where his piece was on display.
"In addition to the exhibition aspect of this show, there is also an evaluation portion," Yusuke explained before examining his artwork with a glint of proudness in his eyes. "Hm, I believe my piece truly stands out among the sea of art here. And yet, nobody has come to see it... Perhaps they are so afraid of the truth held within that they dare not take a closer look."
"I'm sure someone will take a closer look," Mikono spoke up.
"Yeah," Akira agreed. "It's only a matter of time before someone walks up."
The girl glanced around and noticed a middle-aged couple sauntering towards their direction. She quickly averted her gaze but continued to watch from the corner of her eye as the couple approached Yusuke's painting. She eagerly awaited for their reaction, but a frown made its way onto her face as she listened to them.
"What is this supposed to be?" The middle-aged woman asked while trying to analyze the painting. "There's a dark, almost sinister aura emanating from it."
"Hm, the title is... "Desire"? I see no desire here." The man crossed his arms and read the display tag again. "Ah, I understand now. This area is for students. The artist likely decided to paint this on a whim."
"Indeed. There is neither elegance nor emotion in this piece." The woman tugged on her husband's arm. "Come, dear. There are much more detailed paintings over there."
Mikono glanced towards Yusuke and saw the melancholic frown on his face. She clapped her hands together and smiled. "Don't look so defeated, Yusuke. Art is open for interpretation. Not everyone can sense emotions from paintings."
"Yes, you are correct. There is no need to worry. I am not bothered in the slightest," Yusuke replied. "That was nothing more than the drivel of unrefined commoners. I needn't pay any mind to them. As long as those who are in the know understand my work, I will be happy."
Akira and Mikono exchanges glances at hearing the artist insult the couple. They were hoping someone else would walk by and analyze Yusuke's painting soon.
A few minutes ticked by and an older gentleman walked up to Yusuke's painting. He analyzed it closely. "This is... Hm..."
Yusuke gasped. "Look! A knowledgeable patron has arrived!"
"Hm?" The man overheard the artist's comment and looked at him.
"I would like your opinion, sir. What are your thoughts on this piece?" Yusuke asked with a faint smile.
The older gentleman looked back at the painting. "I can see quite clearly why it was accepted into the exhibition. The technique is excellent. However, the composition as a whole is mediocre at best."
"Uh-oh..." Mikono mumbled, eyes falling on to Yusuke. She saw him glaring at the man and swallowed nervously, unconsciously taking a step behind Akira.
"How dare you!" Yusuke hissed.
"Ah, are you the artist?" The man calmly asked. "The title is listed as "Desire," but that idea is quite overused. Some may even call it stale. If you want to paint an abstract work with such an old theme, you must inject some individuality into it."
"Excuse me," Mikono intervened before the man could answer. She removed herself from behind Akira and stepped towards the stranger. With an innocent smile, she prepared herself for a performance. "Let's take a step back and look past the name for a second. Imagine gazing into the darkest corners of one's heart. There, you find the most twisted and darkest desires hiding." She did a dramatic turn to face the painting. "Eventually, those dark desires fester and consume one's heart, transforming them into a twisted being. Their heart turns black and only births even more tainted desires. A disease manifested from the darkness of one's heart. Don't you agree, sir?"
"Hm..." The older gentleman hummed, examining the painting one last time. "I...cannot see what you're talking about, young lady."
Mikono gasped dramatically. She stumbled backwards a few steps before regaining her balance and hanging her head in disbelief. "My performance...failed?"
Akira clapped his hands together, congratulating her. "I think it was amazing."
She lifted her head and glared at him. "Did you just pity clap?"
"Of course not. I'm clapping because I enjoyed your performance."
"Ugh..." She hung her head a second time. "It was a pity clap..."
The stranger ignored her and Akira, eyes looking back at Yusuke. "Take another look. Try to remove yourself from the artist's bias. These brush strokes are splendid given your age, but does this painting really tell you anything? It is empty, devoid of meaning. I suggest you take a more critical eye to your work in the future if you truly want to progress as an artist." With that, the man left.
Yusuke gaped in shock as he replayed the stranger's words inside his head. "My work is...empty?"
"Don't let it bother you," Akira said.
"Yeah," Mikono nodded in agreement, her mood reverting back. "There are masterpieces out there that not everyone can feel the emotions the artists put into them. That's why art's open to interpretation. That man wasn't able to sense what you were trying to convey and there are others just like him. But Akira and I can feel the emotions you were trying to convey. Besides, no one likes art critics anyway, right?"
"Indeed..." Yusuke couldn't bring himself to smile. He then turned back to his painting. "But...why? I put my heart and soul into this piece, captured the very essence of desire. It was supposed to lay bare the reality of the world!"
"Yusuke..." Mikono mumbled with a frown, seeing her words didn't reach him at all.
The artist took a step closer to his creation. "Perhaps... Perhaps he was right. It may be empty after all. These colors, these brush strokes... They do not convey the true meaning of desire, only my concept of it! I haven't captured desire... Desire has captured me!" He fell to his knees, hanging his head in shame. "How could I have fooled myself into believing otherwise?! It is as though I have been forsaken by the gods of art! This grave mistake shall be the end for me!"
"Whoa, hold the phone!" Mikono shouted. "Aren't you being a little too dramatic, Yusuke?"
"You make it sound as if this one piece will be your downfall," Akira chimed in. "This is just the beginning."
Yusuke winced. "Do not patronize me! I have no future in this field! What is going to happen to me now? Without art, what will remain of my being?!"
Mikono sat on her knees in front of him, grabbing both of his shoulders. She shook him back and forth. "Who are you and what have you done with the real Yusuke?!" She continued to shake him. "The real Yusuke wouldn't give up! He would go back to the drawing board and come up with his next masterpiece!"
"She's right. This isn't like you," Akira stated.
Yusuke glanced between his two friends once the girl ceased shaking him. "Mikono... Akira..." He looked back towards his artwork. "You both are correct. Surrendering myself to fate after only one failure would be very much unlike me."
"C'mon, up you go!" Mikono smiled, helping Yusuke to his feet.
The frown from early returned to his face, but it soon turned into a determined smile. "Still, being criticized by someone with such a keen eye is truly painful... But that is all the more reason I must break out of my slump. I must prove my ability to him!"
"That's the spirit," Akira replied.
"Yusuke's back!" Mikono giggled.
"I will start by painting. After that, I will paint, beyond which I shall paint even more. That is the only way I will learn to capture the essence of emotion. After all, you can only accomplish so much in using logic to analyze the contents of the heart. I shall conquer this!" Yusuke proclaimed. "Now then, let us head home. I wish to start anew."
"You'll let us see your next piece, right?" The girl questioned with excitement.
"Of course."
"Yes!" She cheered.
The trio left the museum and decided to head back to Shibuya. They decided to head to the family diner and enjoy a meal. Once they finished eating, Akira and Yusuke chatted with one another while Mikono covered her mouth to hide the yawn that she couldn't hold back. Her eyes watered from how deep it was.
Akira glanced over at the girl sitting beside him. "That was a big yawn. Did you not sleep well last night?"
"It's not that. I found myself enthralled with a book and was having difficulty putting it down. It was around 2 in the morning before I fell asleep," she confessed. She rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes with a sigh of content. "Don't mind me. You two can keep talking. I'm just gonna close my eyes for a few minutes if that's okay."
"I don't mind," Yusuke commented.
"You won't hear me complaining," Akira said. He leaned his head against hers with a smile. "Just get some rest. I'll wake you up when we're ready to leave."
She snuggled closer to him. "Thank you for being my pillow, Akira."
"Any time," he chuckled.
Confidant: Mikono Tsutsui
Arcana: The Puppeteer
Rank: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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