Avatar harem Side story getting back home multiverse last part
Kim: Now which one of you talks bad about anime?
Joe: ah that reminds me of my time back in the army we would fight for anime body pillows and don't get me started on Loli they had a nice pussy around.
Everyone goes quiet at what Joe said about anime and Loli.
Obama: oh Joe you didn't serve in the army and maybe you want to calm down I can't protect you if you're saying things like that
Kim: Joe I see your man of culture as well.
Trump: What the hell is going on right now?
Y/n: good question
Joe: don't be like that trump don't you remember when you were talking about anime earlier about how much of a cartoon it is?
Kim: ah I see now so it was you who said that!
Trump looks at Joe as to why he called him out. Looking back up at Kim he was having a surge of power going through him.
He swings his arm at Trump. He ducks underneath it and gets back up. Looking at where his swing landed.
The hit landed on Joe making him fold like an omelet falling to the ground.
Trump: what the hell Kim! Why the fuck did you try to hit me.
Kim: No one dis anime in my eyesight.
He goes to throw another punch but misses again and hits Joe again making him fold like an omelet a second time
Kim: Sorry Joey, I was trying to hit this imbecile.
Y/n walked in between them putting both his hands out at them.
Y/n: as interesting as this is I don't want any fighting happening in here
A couple of mins passed and things calmed down for a moment.
Y/n walked back to the computer and start typing into it
Y/n: looking here it seems that the problem is that your power is low and broken. We could probably fix it if we had an ore that would make what we need
George: Well that should be easy then.
Y/n: yea.... No, the Ore is kind of the only rare to come by. I think there would probably be some at the RDA.
Trump: I could probably negotiate with this RDA. I'm a businessman.
Y/n: RDA won't do any business; they are only on this planet to gain resources.
Trump: Then maybe we could break in and steal some of the ore. Obama, how do we get in?
Obama: oh well... wait a minute why did you go straight to me
Trump: I mean your urban
Obama: oh you better not be saying what I think you're saying.
Obama: Just send us the cords and we will get you the ore.
Timeskip of them running through the forest to an RDA base close by.
They give people we sneaking up close to an RDA base hiding in the trees
Obama: alright team on my command when I say go we are going to run and break the panel and disabled defense.
Obama: 1.....2........ 3
Obama: GO!
They sprint as fast as they could jumping over a ditch. they put their backs to the fence.
Obama: George get that fenceonline. Joe get ready to throw the grapple....... Joe?
He looks behind him at Trump and realizes they were missing someone
Obama: Trump, where is Joe?
Trump: how should I know where that walking pile of bone is at? I thought he was behind us.
George: It says he is around in the area but I can't get a direct spot or communications.
Obama closed his eyes and pinched his inner nose.
Obama: fuck me alright let's get inside and stop the signal blocker.... God Dammmm I just remember where is Kim.
George: It says the same thing for him as well.
Obama just stood there wondering how his life ended up here with the other president.
He sighed and snapped his fingers back at George and pointed to the wall.
George walks to the walk and pushes some buttons on his wrist. A small laser cannon came out. He pointed and cut a hole in the wall.
Grabbing some wires he started to connect some into others. After a couple of mins, the fence came down. Trump gets the grapple and throws it over.
He checks if it is secured to something. Looking back at the other two he nodded his head. They all get past the fence with the rope nearly given up on its life from Trump's weight.
Trumps: what do you mean on my weight I'm the peak of a human person
They all get past the fence with the rope, nearly not giving up on its life from Trump's weight because he was a peak human.
Trump: ah that better you can continue.
Looking around they see tanks, robot things, and some buildings. Obama points to the tower with radar on it. They run across the field without trying to get caught.
Obama gets to the door first and opens the door for the others. After they get in he closes the door and locks it they walk up a coupling stairs till they get to a control room
Obama: Alright this should be easy work just like that drone strike I did.
Going to the control he flipped some switches and buttons.
Obama: how is the signal?
George: It's better than before but I still can't find out where they are.
He goes back and flips more switches and buttons. Till his eyes land on some words. He signed and push the button.
George: Alright it's working now whatever you did fix it.
Obama looks down at the word of the switch." Turn on or off radar"
Obama hears back to the door and starts to open it and George starts to send a message to Biden.
He starts to open the door and as soon as the door is open there is a loud bang sound. Trump was confused by the sound and saw as Obama fell backward.
Running to him he sees a giant, plus a mark on his chest. Looking up there was a group of soldiers standing with the weapon ready.
Bush used his quick thinking and hose to close the door and help Trump pull Obama in.
Obama: g-guys get ou-t of here.
Trump: don't say that Obama we are not going to leave you. You hear ME!
Trump: George, help me shoot back at them.
Bush nodded and walk over to the door and open it slightly and start to shoot as Obama tries not to pass out from the blast knocking the air out of him.
If it was not for the armor he would have likely died from the shot.
Somewhere else before that however a man was sleeping in some bushes.
Joe: ......hmm what going on where am I?
Kim: Hey Joey, you're finally awake I see.
Joe: Kim what's going on?
Kim: I saw that you fell asleep when we were waiting for the people watching the gate to leave.
Joe: oh where are the others then?
Kim: They left a while ago. I stay behind to make sure you're safe.
Just then Joe gets a message on his suit reading it. He started to head to the gate they got in through.
Joe: Come to Kim, they are waiting for us.
They both head over to the fence and jump over the hole and climb the gate. Sadly the rope that they used passed away when Kim used him.
Joe: It says that they are over there with the group of people surrounding the building.
Kim: it seems that when we are in a time of need you are active and very responsible.
Joe: Sorry Kim I did not hear what you said. I'm going to focus on reaching them to get the ice cream.
Kim sighed and points to some mech suits
Kim: We could use these to help them. Also because I always want to do that from anime.
Joe agrees with him and heads over to some giant Mech suits and gets in.
He just typed some random stuff into it and it gave control to him. Looking over at Kim he was having trouble with it
Mech suit: sorry but can not hold weighing over 50,000 pounds
Kim sat there in shock but then the mech fell from the weight.
Joe: Come on Kim, we don't have time to be playing around.
He gets out and starts to follow Joe. Rushing over he sees the people shooting at the building and people shooting back at them.
He gets close and smashes the ground. Pushing many people away and hurting others. Trump and Bush were shocked by Joe using the mech.
Trump: Finally Joe you got here. Come on help take them out.
Joe starts to shoot at the people and stops them. The other we're getting to cover and shooting back at them.
Couple min later because I don't want to write it.
Trump: Alright I think that all of them.
Kim: That tells them right to not mess with us presidents.
Trump: Alright with that done we need to leave.
George: No, we need to get the ore to fix our problem.
Kim: yea that's why we can here why would we leave?
Trump: because Obama is shot and needs to get help.
Joe: who?
Trump: your best friend you fucking dementia ass.
Joe: Oh yea him. I think he would want us to get the ore
Kim: how about we spit up Trump takes Obama back and we go get the ore?
Everyone nodded in agreement. They spit up the other start to run across the area and get to the building.
Kim: don't you worry everyone I got this.
He pulls his sword out and slices through the door.
George: We needed that! How else could we get more air? We need to be fast now.
Running ahead he looks through the hallway.
Biden: Man this surely reminds me of when I had joined the Olympics. Because they need a backup cashier.
Kim: Not Now Joey!
Kim was shooting back down the hallway at people who were trying to chase them.
George: All these rooms look the same.
He goes and pulls a device of some kind and starts to scan the surroundings.
George: look like it down here. Come on everyone.
He starts to run down the hallway as the other two follow them. Bashing through the door George keeps the door open and waits for the other.
They were getting shot at and kept running near getting hit in the head. As soon as they got into the room he slammed the door shut.
Biden: I don't think we can keep running like this.
Kim: agree
George: great to see we are all thinking the same thing.
Kim: We are?
Kim started to think and all he could think about was anime. Biden was thinking about chocolate chocolate chip ice cream and bush about oil.
He tried to shake his head to get those thoughts out of his head.
George: what I mean is we have found the ore the scan says they are in this room.
He walked up to a Crete opening and he saw a couple of things. He see the ore and grabbed it. Biden came up to it and grab a comic book?
Joe: hey I've been looking for these. They are very rare to find.
Kim: ah I see you man of culture Joey. They were both looking at a very sad Nhentai comic now but 350661
George: Come in, we have what we came for. We can jump out this window and make a run for it
They nodded their heads agreeing. Bush put three fingers up and start to count down with them. On zero they shoot the window and jump out.
Landing on the floor they look around and see a lot of mech. They had a shock on their face and Bush just did a flick of a peace sign and fade away.
Leaving the soldiers confused. As Kim, Biden, and Bush ran away.
Timeskip of the author trying to finish this side story.
Trump walked up to Obama as he was getting care from Kiri.
Trump: how will he be?
Kiri: well from the looks of it he should be alright the armor protected him.
Trump: Thank goodness.
As Trump started to calm down the door is bashed open with Kim Bush and Biden tried and they close the door.
Bush walks up to y/n and gives the ire to him. Y/n looks at it and walks over to the machine and does some stuff.
Trump: What happened?
Joe: Well you see we ran into this building that had nothing in it but we found the ore after being trapped. But we also found a very good comic book.
Joe: so we were stuck in that room so we had to jump out the window and there were billions of my little ponies out there.
Trump seems to agree with everything besides the last part.
They all start to relax and wait. As the piece they needed was done y/n and Bush worked together on putting it in the device.
After seeing it seem to work they were getting ready to leave.
George: y/n I just want to say thank you for the help and fixing this thing.
Y/n: it's no problem.
Trump: if we ever find you in our universe we will make sure you get your metal for helping us.
Obama get up from the table he was on looks at everyone.
Obama: So we are going home, I heard.
Biden: Oh Barry you alright again.
Obama: not my name but thank joe.
Trump: the device is working we tested it in Kim
Kim: so stand right here and I will get life time of anime?
Trump: yes Kim, I promise you.
Trump walks over to bush
Trump: alright do it bush
Bush aims his arm with the teleporter on it and shoots a beam at Kim.
Kim: Wait what's going on why do I feel so sexually aroused.
Bush turned up the power and it sent a bigger beam at Kim and he disappeared. Looking at his wrist it shows Kim was back in his Normal universe.
Flashback over
Trump; Alright everyone group back up.
They all walk together again this time they all look at both Kiri and y/n as they wave goodbye.
Bush looks back down and push buttons and the white circle surrounds them.
Till the light disappears leaving nothing behind just y/n and Kiri.
Y/n: man what a weird day well I'm going to sleep now.
Kiri: Oo wait up y/n I want to join you!
Word count 2622
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