Chapter 5: Giving Chase

As the blue-colored motorcycle sped its way towards the two charging concepts, (Name) continued to keep a tight grip on the back of the boy's shirt and the motorcycles' back seat, seemingly unfazed by the situation that was occurring around her while the mentioned boy in front of her screamed his head off, clearly frightened by what was happening.


While the boy continued to scream, the motorcycle then stood on its back wheel and squeezed its way in between the two concepts, leaving a trail of scrape marks on both sides of each individual vehicle as it managed to help itself and the two teens escape into the streets, leading for a high-speed chase to occur once the two concepts did a 180-degree turn and quickly followed after them.

"Do not let go!" the motorcycle then calls out, grabbing the attention of both the boy and the (hair color)-colored hair teen as the boy quickly looked around in slight fear.

"W-Who said that?!" he called back, clearly not liking the invisible voice talking to him as he look back at the mentioned teen behind him. "Was it you?!"

(Name) shook her head in response, raising her dominant hand to lay it on her bandage and choker-covered neck and pat it twice to show that she wasn't the one who had spoken and that she can't actually speak as the boy looked at her with a guilty look.

"Oh...Well, if it wasn't you, then, who was it?" he asked once again, albeit this time without screaming in confusion.

But before (Name) or the motorcycle could respond to his question (you were going to point down at the motorcycle since, again, you can't speak), the two twin concepts had managed to match their speed and were now driving on either side of them, getting ready to squish them in between.

Once the two came closing in, the motorcycle then put on its brakes and quickly backed up from the two, letting the two smash into each other as the motorcycle then puts itself on full throttle and quickly dashed off between the two twin concepts once it saw an opening, causing for them to successfully escape once again.

After seeing that they weren't being followed, the motorcycle then turned down another street and stopped in an side alleyway, letting the two teens quickly get off of it as the boy looked down at the motorcycle in slight fear.

"What...are you?"

"I don't exist," the motorcycle spoked, ignoring the question that the boy had asked as it turned itself around to look at the both of them. "Tell anyone about me and I will hunt you both down."

Then the blue-colored motorcycle moved forward in a threatening-like motion, leading for the boy to run off in fright of what it might do to him as (Name) stayed put, her expressionless features showing that she wasn't intimidated by the threat that was given to her in the slightest.

This led for the motorcycle to look at the mentioned teen, seemingly thinking about something before it turned itself around to face the other direction. "You should leave...before you get into a situation that is not your own."

Then it drove off, leaving for the (hair color)-colored hair teen to watch it go as (Name) brought out her skateboard and skated herself into the direction of where the boy had run off to.

Once making it to where the boy was, she then got off her skateboard and began walking next to him, with herself carrying her skateboard in her dominant arm as the boy turned his head to glare at her, interrupting himself from thinking his thoughts out loud about what just happened.

"Why are you following me?" the boy asked.

This made (Name) looked down at the boy, tucking the skateboard back in its slot as she got out her notepad and wrote something in it before handing it over to him. "My home happens to be in this direction also."

This led for the boy to scoff lightly at the sentence. "Okay, yeah, so? You could've just skated around me and got home faster that way. What do you want with me anyways?"

Again, (Name) kept quiet, writing something on the yellow notepad before handing it back to him. "We might as well get acquainted with one another after experiencing what we've just saw, in case this occurs again later on. So I'll start first. Good afternoon, my name is (First Name), (First Name) (Last Name). What might yours be?"

Then she held out a hand to him, making the boy think for a moment before sighing, knowing that she was right. "Jack. Jack Darby."

And so they shook hands.

But before their conversation could continue on with another subject, one of the twin black and purple-colored concepts suddenly emerged into the alleyway, showing its presence to the two teens with its bright headlights as the boy (known as "Jack") quickly grabbed onto the older teens' wrist. "Come on!"

Then the two started running, with Jack pulling (Name) in a random direction as the concept quickly following after them, knocking over a few trash cans in the process.

As they were running, Jack then looked back at the approaching vehicle, hoping that mentioning that he and (Name) were not acquainted with the motorcycle could give a sign that it should leave them alone. "We don't even know her!"

(Name) only shook her head at the attempt, knowing that pleading for it to leave them alone would be futile as the concept slowly continued its pursuit, most likely planning on running them over.

But before the teens could get crushed, the blue-colored motorcycle suddenly immerged from behind it, jumping over its roof and landing on the ground in front of it with a thud as it full throttled itself towards the two running teens.

"Hop on!"

The two teens didn't even hesitate in the slightest as they quickly hopped onto the moving motorcycles' seat before speeding off back into the streets, with the two twin concepts still chasing after them.

As the high-speed chase continued, the two twin concepts then pulled out two triangular-shaped black and purple-colored guns from their hoods and began shooting bright neon purple-colored lazers at the them from behind, leaving for the motorcycle to dodge incoming the lazer-beams from hitting both itself and the two humans as the high-speed chase soon led them into Jasper's interstate highway, where it forced the motorcycle to maneuver through other vehicles that held other human passengers while continuing to figure out on how to escape from the two twin concepts.

"Why are these guys shooting at us?!" Jack asks while keeping his grip on the motorcycles' handles.

"There is no "us", kid. And they're no guys," the motorcycle responded.

After a few more dodges of incoming lazer-beams and maneuvering through the crowd of human-held vehicles, (Name) then turned her head towards another direction, her sensitive ears straining onto the sound of another loud engine being overheard by the other vehicles surrounding them as she spots a black and yellow Urbana 500 sports car speeding up behind them from one of the many entrances to the highway. (A/N: Credits to FandomWiki--->it mentions that in the show he's actually called that instead of his live-action movie version, which is a "Chevrolet Camaro". I found this interesting and decided to roll with it.)

Once the black and yellow sports car had managed to catch up with the two twin concepts, it then rammed itself into one of them, leading for the black and purple-colored vehicle to collide into its twin as the mentioned sports car quickly sped off from the incoming car crash that occurred afterwards.

"Friend of yours?" Jack asks, having to be looking back also as he and (Name) watched the black and yellow sports car catch up with them.

"Family," the blue-colored motorcycle responds with sincerity held in its tone.

As the two colorful vehicles continued zooming down the highway, the twin concepts then pop up into view once more, leading for the sports car to start slowing down as it tried to block off the two concepts from perusing any further, showing itself as a distraction for the motorcycle and the two humans to get themselves out of here before anything could happen.

But it soon resulted for the sports car to get rammed into the highways' railings and swerve out of the area as the two concepts continued on with their malicious pursuit.

"*growls* Scrap!" the motorcycle growls in anger as it full throttled once again to get away from the twin concepts. "I gotta get these guys off my tail!"

But as they were escaping, (Name) then noticed something in the distance, making her tap the boy's shoulder to get his attention as she pointed at the red and white-colored warning signs and orange-colored cones, showing that there was a road block right up ahead.

"Oh great, what are we going to do now? The road's blocked!" Jack shouted.

But the motorcycle looked like it already had an idea on how to get pass this predicament as it turned right and started papa-wheeling down a steep hill that led into Jasper's drainage canal, with Jack once again screaming in shock and (Name) keeping on with her blank expression.

Once making it towards the bottom of the large slope, the motorcycle then jumped off the ledge and landed on the cemented-ground with a loud "thud", unbeknownst that a young boy of no older than 12-years-old had witnessed the short action.

"Whoa..." the younger boy breathes out in amazement.

Jack, clearly winded from all of the freaking out he did earlier, sighs lightly as he looks over at the younger boy. "You have no idea."

After that short discussion, Jack and (Name) then got off the blue-colored motorcycle, with the younger boy jogging over to most likely ask them on how they've managed to pull a stunt like that until the sounds of engines roared loudly from above them, making the three humans look up towards the top of the hill as they see two black and purple-colored concepts staring down at them.

The two boys, frightened by the twin concepts' menacing-like appearance, began to back up slowly from the canal's cemented wall, not noticing that (Name) was actually standing in front of them in a defensive-like manner.

'Damn, if things keep going on like this and her comrade doesn't arrive in time to assist, then I might have to resort to that solution before something happens,' (Name) says in her thoughts, her dominant hand clenching into a tight fist before she turned her head back to look over at the two boys that stood behind her with the blue-colored motorcycle, her mind rethinking over about the idea. 'No. It'll go against my contract if I do so. *sighs* I guess for now I'll focus on getting those two boys out of here and getting them into a safer location.'

Once she was finished with her thoughts, the two twin concepts then came charging down the steep slope, alerting the others and herself of their presence as everyone backed away from their previous positions, making sure that they don't get squished in the process.

But as soon as the twin concepts jumped off the ledge, their forms then began to change, their "images" quickly shuffling and moving around like decoded puzzle pieces while the sounds of gears grinding and shifting against metal resounded throughout the open air. Soon enough, their transformation had ended as they roughly land on their newly formed legs, most likely forming large cracks on the cemented-ground due to their heavy impact.

(Name) then took the time to observe their new features as quickly as possible, seeing that the threat level has risen exponentially once she had saw what these beings truly were.

Their appearance appeared to be one of a large, male-shaped robot, with two arms and two legs like a humans', but seemed dangerous to the eye because of their claw-like, three-fingered appendages and their menacing-like physique. Their body armor was the same color as their disguises--black and purple--and it looked to be covered in scrapes and scratches that (Name) had managed to see through the naked eye, most likely from previous battles that had occurred a while back. Their faces didn't had a nose, but they did had a mouth that looked like holes that a hockey mask would have. They even have a single, glowing red eye that shone brightly in a permanent glare.

After she had finished observing them, the twin concepts--now robots--then transformed their hands into the guns they've used earlier and aimed it directly at the three humans and the motorcycle, getting ready to shoot them into oblivion.

But before they could do so, the sounds of metal shifting was then heard once again, making the three humans turned around to see where the sound was coming from as they see the motorcycle started to also transform, leading for (Name) to do another round of observations.

This robot was a lot more shorter than the other two, and its physical appearance looked to be more on the feminine side, although it was already proven that it was a female due to (Name) and Jack already hearing her voice when she was in her disguise mode. She had two arms and two legs like a human also, and her body armor was the same color as her disguise--blue, black, and hints of pink-ish gold--but added with some grey/silver as a representation for her "skin" color. She also had no nose just like the others, but did she have five finger appendages that were somewhat sharp and resembled a human female's, lips that were shaped to be also a human females', and two glowing sky blue eyes with a pink ring around the outer iris and near the inner part of the iris where her pupil would be--to which she doesn't have one--along with black scleras instead of white like a humans'.

Once finished, (Name) then quickly moved out of the way, with the boys repeating her movements afterwards as the female robot moved to stand in front of them.

"This ends here, Cons," the female spoked, anger held in her voice as she got into a fighting stance, her sky blue/pink-ish eyes glaring heavily at the so-called "Cons" in what seemed to be in pure hatred.

After a short stare down between the three robots, the female robot then charged forward, and the battle of the robots began.

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