The EXPLOSIVE Orgin To Greatness! Part 3

Yes the chapter is out woooooooohhhhhhhooooo my god this was honestly pretty hard for me to decide at what famila I wanted Kazuki to go to first but after talking and looking at your comments I came to decision and so I decided on one. I'll reveal on the next chapter.

Please vote and comment.


I said as I left the conference room behind as I held a couple of files in my grasp. I was currently setting out for a place to stay at and read the list of gods around.

Loki famila does seem like the place I would fit in but unfortunately I feel like I would just be annoyed just being there. And to top it off I don't get along with a large group of people anyway there so annoying and besides they would want me for my strength anyway and that is not something i want.

Hestia is something I am considering though. The main charcter is there and from my knowledge he seems like a ok person I just don't like his overly kindness. And also I can't forget about that debt for Bell's knife which was fucking ridiculous amount of valis i gotta pay off.

Sure as where I am currently the Hesita hasn't done anything from my knowledge yet. All i know is that the minotaur attack happened and all from all the rumors of a boy being covered in blood. I was most likely still in the beginning of the anime so Intil I find the goddess and Protag I should strive for somewhere to stay and then join whichever famila I choose.

If I was goona join there damn famila I wasn't goona stay in that run down church hopefully.

And so as i walked out the guild and into the streets I came across 3 women. Usually I would ignore whoevers in path but these clearly weren't some normal side charcters. Aiz Wallenstein a level 5 adventurer and the love interest of the protagonist. And she and her entourage were walking near my direction.

Truly coincidences can be freaky.

She walked by me with two Amazonian girls that weren't too far behind.

But at this moment something odd occurred the moment she walked past me.

I felt a odd sense of...... lust or something in that category. A glare of pure lust was directed at me it so strong that I felt a slight chill down my spine by how creepy it was. I did not know what the hell was happening but I had a strong feeling the source was coming north west of where I was currently at.

I looked at said place as I looked up at the tower that was fairly placed in the city as I scowled.

Kazuki's Thoughts: Is someone staring at me?

I thought but when I got a good view on the place that sense of overwhelming lust vanished as if was never there to begin with.

Kazuki: Man i must be tripping!?

I said as I began to walk away as I tried to get that weird feeling from earlier out my head.

???: Pov

???: It was so golden so pure as always truly marvelous. To bad I can't have you.

Her growth indeed was amazing but unfortunately she isn't the one she was hoping to see today.

But after looking at Aiz for awhile something even more amazing came across Aiz as this made the woman go wide eyed.

???: This-thi-huuuuuh?

The woman said in awe as she started hold her chest in agony as the thing she witnessed was to hard to spell out.

It was so bright so fiery, so full of passion it was as this soul was Illuminated by the sun itself. Forever embarking the light it's appearance was that of large flame as sparks of red began intensify it.

It was beautiful, battle hungry, and not to mention the soul was very prideful. It was so entrancing the soul came nearer and nearer towards Aiz as they crossed paths.

I looked at the boy as my heart began to race as my cheeks burned pure red. Was this bo- no this man the one?

???: I- I must have HIM as well all that POTENTIAL!

She said but as she said that something unexpected happened.

The fiery soul turned to me as it faced me as if it were infront of her. My look of awe was replaced with bafflement as I stopped observing the soul my- my heart couldn't handle such beauty.

???: Lady Freya are you alright?

My attendant spoke to me as I began to calm down.

Freya:.....I'm fine i...was just surprised thats all.

And as I said that he stopped asking intil I decided to speak up.

Freya: Otar there is something I need you to do."

Kazuki pov

Kazuki: Where are the damn Inns!?

I said as I walked around Orario I began to read some of the files as I thought about just going to a restaurant. I needed a quick bite anyway since I haven't eaten anything all day anyway.

I was damn well not goona eat that questionable fish from earlier.

So I made my way back to the restaurant called the Hostess of fertility.

I remember this place because this was the usual place where the main charcter and his onterage went to. I entered the establishment and to my surprise my nose caught wind of sweet, spicy aroma as my stomach began to growl.

And as enjoyed the smell a demi human walked up to me and replied.

???: Hello nya, are you here for a meal nya?

The girl said as I took in her appearance.

Kazuki Thoughts: This is my first time looking at a cat girl in person. Hell don't I know her from the anime? Eh I shouldn't worry about it too much.

Kazuki: Yeah a seat for just one if that's okay.

I said as she gave me a genuine smile.

???: It is follow me Nya.

Kazuki Thoughts: Alright is she goona say Nya all the time.

I thought as she gave me a seat on the counter I placed my papers in bag as I put my belongings on the side.

???: Are you ready to order nya?

Kazuki Thoughts: Alright woman wait I haven't even checked the menu yet. But you know what I'll get a juice at least it will give me time to check the menu.

Kazuki: Yeah I'll take whatever juice you got awhile I check the menu.

I said.

???: Ok nya I'll be right back with your juice nya.

As she left I looked at the menu as I took in all the prices.

Kazuki Thoughts: Whoever owns this damn place must be trying to get people bankrupt. Like why are the damn prices so fucking high I'm better off making my own food then staying at this damn place.

I thought as I spoke up inernally of course.

Bakugou: But the food does smells good.

???: Oooh are you ready to order.

Kazuki: Ehh!?

I gasped as I turned my head towards the giant woman infront of me.

Kazuki Thoughts: Who the hell is she?" A FUCKING GIANT!?

???: So kid what do you wanna order?

She asked again as I thought about what I should order.

Kazuki Thoughts: How the fuck did she get past my senses! Damn I need to pay more attention and the special is 800 valis I'll just take that.

Kazuki: I would like to have the special.

I said as she smiled.

???: Alright coming right up!

She said as she left the counter as the cat girl arrived with a.....alcohol.

???: Here is your drink nya!

As she presented me the drink I stood there in silence as I gave her a dumbfounded look as there was a long silence between us before I spoke up.

Kazuki: I ordered juice why do I have alcohol?

I questioned as she gave a surprised look before scratching her head.

???: Ah, sorry nya.

She said as the took the beverage as she went back to what seemed to be the kitchen.

Kazuki Thoughts: How did she screw that up?

I thought as I tapped the wooden counter as I waited for my meal. And after a while of waiting I began to listen to some people's conversations intil.

???: Here is the special you ordered good sir.

A completely different person said as I turned my head to be met with a light green haired elf.

Kazuki Thoughts: Alright why do I feel like they're really important to remember!?" Especially this chick I'm getting a certain vibe that she is a poetenial love intrest?

Kazuki: Uuuh thanks.

???: No problem please call me if you have anymore orders.

Kazuki: Ok cool see ya later.

I said as began to chow down on the meal the special was a well seasoned simmered chicken with stir fried rice on the side. It didn't look special but the overall taste proved me wrong because it was damn good!

I quickly scarfed down the meal and payed as I left the dinner. I had one heck of night ahead if I didn't find any place to stay at because I know damn well this place will try and run me dry.

Next Day

Since leaving the Hostess of fertility yesterday I took my time to find me a inn stay at.

And during that night I made sure Mark out some locations for the goddesses and gods known currently around Orario. I also studied the history and lore of the land eden and the other continents around the land.

Naturally I slept after researching all this before I got up in the morning.

Now to solve my homeless situation and gain a famila I was gonna settle this today.

I had already made my decision and so I was strolling through the even busier streets.

Kazuki: The hell is with this busy ass street is there some sort of event happening?

I said I went up to the Hostess of fertility as I spotted the cat girl from yesterday as I approached her.

Kazuki: Hey you there?

I shouted at the girl as she jumped in surprise.

???: Nyaa! You scared me ther- wait you're the guy from yesterday? Are you here for another meal today sir nya.

She replied as I internally huffed at this.

Kazuki: No not today I was wondering what's up with the busy street today is there some kind of event going on because I wasn't informed.

???: Nyaaa! But aren't you a Adventurer nya?

Kazuki: I'm not a adventurer I'm trying to be one but I gotta look for God but enough of that what is this event!

???: Huh? You don't know it's Monsterphilia a event that the Ganesha famila have every year, it is mostly about the members of said famila showing them taming monsters and more nya.

Kazuki's Thoughts: This sounds familar doesn't the main charcter fight donkey kong or some shit or if i recall just a big ass monkey.

I thought at the moment before looking at a very large arena like building.

Bakugou: Hey miss is this is were the event is being held!

I pointed as she nodded.

???: Yep that's were its being held are you planning on going there nya.

Kazuki: When I got the time thanks for the information see ya.

I waved off as I walked down the street but before I could head off.

???: Mister aren't you goona introduce yourself nya!

She shouted as I turned my head to face her.

Kazuki: The names Kazuki Bakugou what's yours?

???: It's Anya nya!

Kazuki: Alright Anya see ya!

I waved off as I dissappeared amongst the crowd.
Freya Pov

Today was the day Monsterphilia and this was the day where she tests Bell and that unknown person.

Freya hummed as she saw Loki and her child the sword princess stood right behind as the goddesses sat down on a simple table.

Freya: So today seems to be a lovely day isn't it Loki?

The goddess said as she smiled.

Loki: Hehe well today is Monsterphilia and I am with my dear Ais.

Loki laughed as Aiz showed no reaction towards this.

Freya: Ues it seems to be such a splendid day,hopefully it stays like that.

Loki: Wow so insightful.

Loki chuckled as she grabbed the top of her cup of tea with her right hand as she put it up to her mouth.

Loki: You also seemed to be out of the babel tower a lot lately especially yesterday so tell me.

She said as her eyes narrowed.

Loki: You got another child on your sights?"

She said as Freyas smile didn't falter.

Loki: Hmmmm?

She hummed as gulped down the tea.

Loki: You sure are a crazy goddess. Is it another child from a famila as well?

She said as Freya chuckled.

Freya: Well one of them is the other isn't in a famila currently.

Freya said as Loki went wide eyed a bit before speaking.

Loki: Wow well what are they like it's been awhile since someone has gained this much attention from you.

Freya:....Theyre both really unique in more ways than one, one of them can be very kind and is very shy. But the other however I have no information about whatsoever. He just appeared out of thin air somewhat.

Loki: Huh?" Those things don't sound like much to look into. These two sound more like a couple of gambles then rare gems...Oh but you have that right?"

Loki scoffed as Freya nodded she knew what she was talking about the ability to see souls.

Freya: They're both the most unique things I've ever laid my eyes upon. Not only are they're colors are very unique. One of them had a pure transparent soul I couldn't help myself when I saw it. But the other I can explain it it was like looking at a beautiful spark of flame.

Freya said as Loki perked up.

Loki: Like a flame I thought you could see the colors of a soul not the shape. Does this mean something?"

She said questionly.

Freya: It doesn't matter in the end.

Freya simply stated but in this moment the colors she just described entered her field of vision as they walked among the crowd as she stood up from her seat.

Freya: I'm sorry to cut this short but I have to go."

Loki: Huh? Your just goonna go aft-

Freya interrupted.

Freya: "Yes."

Everyone Pov


I yelled at one of the people who deadass stopped in front of me in the road.

???: Eeep sorry?!

She yelped in surprise as she apologized before running off as I made my way through the crowd to the colossseum.

God I hated when people did that shit sure Monsterphilia is a huge event but there is no reason to get in someone's way.

I assumed all the attractions and all the shows were held in the colosseum. But guess not apparently.

I thought as I made my way up the stairs to the stan-



A yell erupted as I quickly turned around towards the scream as a man ran out the colossseum as 3 large white haired apes with broken chains ran behind him.

Kazuki: The hell is this planet of the apes shit!?

I said as the monsters roared towards the sky as numerous other monsters began to follow soon after.

???: Wh- What's going on!

Someone yelled as I glanced back to notice.

Bell and Hestia just somehow right next to me.

Did they just appear from mid air because I'm sure I would've noticed them. I held in my surprise as my eyes layed focus on one of the monsters as I grinned maniacly.

Kazuki's Thoughts: Damn who knew I'd met these two sooner then expected well that doesn't matter now.

I silently chuckled as one of the apes mad e contact with me as it roared ferociously at me as it ran towards me as I smiled in delight.

Kazuki: I see your approaching me! Fine you've chosen DEATH!

I said that last part in excitement as the monster rapidly approached me as It swung its arm down at me.


Hello readers this is the end of the chapter don't worry next one is coming soon.

Vote and comment your thoughts and also quick questions my fellow readers.

If you had a option to be Isekai'd to a anime world and if you could choose where would you go to and which ones would you not go to.

How do you think Kazuki will fare against the juggernauts in Danmachi if he gets passed the deeper levels of the dungeon.

And lastly who is your waifu in Danmachi for me personally it's Hephastus for obvious reasons.

See ya intil next chapter for Kazukis explosive might and the reveal to his famila.

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