Chapter 6

Hoseok pov

Swinging my keys around in a circle, reaper is here discussing his plan to us on getting back at one of the ghost syndicates; for whatever reason he has for this person it must be serious to hire so many to hack into his house and wire his documents to his phone.

Taehyung hands him the iPad showing him a location of someone,it couldn't be the ghost syndicates that quick, we've been looking for them for at least a year and haven't had any luck.

" you are indeed a genius V"reaper smiles; he tosses me a gun and I catch it with one hand, giving him the side eye he smirks at me

"Suit up guys" I tell them.

Sitting in the car my ears and eyes are on high alert,observing things cautiously but not so obvious, reaper pats my shoulder "so the man in there we're talking to, he has a temperament and I know you have one as well but your temperament is more calm but still sour"

"Reaper get to the fucking point" I brush off his so called compliment
"See!, anyways we're going to plead a trade with him, for a certain equipment, I think V could use"

"And what do you suppose we'll trade reaper?" I reply dryly
"That's easy! He'll probably offer a proposition maybe to get a person he's been looking for, then bring them back to him and he'll give us the equipment and the information that we need"

"Alright let's go" I grab the car handle but he stops me
"I'm telling you hobi, he isn't the nicest so be careful what you say to him Ight?"
"Reaper you're the fucking deadliest most dangerous criminal in Seoul in you're scared by him?" I ask sarcastically

"The most hardcore criminal had to be trained by another don't you think?" He smirks getting out the car. I rolls my eyes getting out the car as my crew follows pursuit.

We walk up to the gate seeing the camera point directly at us, scoffing I fold my arms across my chest. "So reaper you're back eh? Must need something from me huh?"

"Yes, I do, but I did tell you if you ever needed me you could call, so who reached out first?" Reaper smiles very devilish, the gates open slowly proceeding behind reaper, I get an eerie feeling something isn't right. Not that reapers friend isn't to be trusted but the fact that someone is here lurking. And it isn't this guy's security.

I won't pop shit too soon though.

Haelyn Pov

Stirring around my now soggy Cinnamon Toast Crunch squares, I begin to question my existence. What was even the purpose of having me? Just to be a working product of making 20k a night.

Young adults my age are: partying, gossiping, dating,traveling. All the things young youth discovers.

As for me? I'm selling drugs to kids younger than me, I'm threatening to kill people everyday whom hide from their families. Or those whom need this as another income.

In a world filled with lions , how does one survive?

"Hey Lyn honey?" Hearing her voice ringing through my ear is something I haven't gotten used to yet, it sometimes feels like I'm just spacing out and dreaming. But here she is visibly in front of me.

"Yes mom?" I answer placing my spoon down. I don't have enough courage to eat.
"You're so tensed, are you okay? I mean you don't have to tell me I wasn't with you like a mother should be" she chuckles awkwardly whole grabbing my cereal bowl.

"I mean it isn't your fault for disappearing, can't prevent that, anyways I just thinking what was the point of me being here, you know?"

"The point of you being here was you gave me life Lyn. You gave me strength, when a baby is literally growing in your stomach, that baby becomes your world and makes you better than you were two years ago. Lyn, you've made me a better women, I had something to come home too, you soothe my pains better than your own father"

My eyes open up wide, as my body freezes in place. But that's her husband, her husband couldn't even make her happy? But little ol me did? Little ol me but a smile on her face. And little ol me helped her survived when she was kidnapped.

I guess I'm more powerful than I thought.

"I just wish I would've seen your prom,graduation and your first boyfriend I know you had or have one, you're a brilliant woman Lyn, I know I wasn't there most of your life, but your personality adapted well, because you're very different from your father, you took none of his characteristics, only his last name"

"I guess I took after you" I comment softly
"Mm I doubt that either, you took after what you've believed in" my mother turns around smiling at me.

"Lyn you took after your intuition" she says softly
"Thank momma, now I know why I'm here" I smirk evilly

" I'm here too-"

Hoseok pov

"Take him out?" I question reaper,
"Yeah, either that or somehow steal his equipment you got a better plan?" Reaper crosses his arms
"Let's first hear what he has to say" I comment dryly

"So reaper?, ever thought about coming back and working for me?" The guy asks
"Yeah I've thought about it once in a blue moon" reaper smiles

"Anyways, so what's the job we're doing for exchange?" Reaper asks him going straight to the point
"Well aren't we an eager one huh? You early bird, introduce me to your little friends first how rude of you"

"Tsk" I say under my breath, reaper looks at me with eyes of 'do not test him' , rolling my eyes I shove my hand in my pockets "I mean isn't it common courtesy that you introduce yourself first? I mean we are in your house are we not?"

Reaper sighs pinching the bridge of his nose tightly. His friend chuckles then out of nowhere stands up walking around from the table towards me, I signal the guys to not engage. His friend pulls out a knife on me fast placing it against my throat. Me not flinching at all. Just staring into his eyes.

"So I see you're not afraid to die huh?"
"I've seen death way to many times to be scared by a mere knife" I move his knife from my throat still giving him eye contact.
" seeing death only keeps you inventible for so long until it runs out for ya, my name is Viper" he extends his hand out to me.

"Cool, I'm hobi" I shake his hand. After our brief introduction, my eyes wonder towards the window, the stars were shining brighter than any other night, are we still looking at them every night Lyn? Or have you forgotten me? Most likely you have every reason to forget.

Flashback pov

Looking down at Lyn as we're staring at the stars in my car, took the sunroof down and drove to the mountains the only place where no one knows my name, and my mother isn't controlling.

"The stars are so dead, but still beautiful. That just gets me thinking that no matter how much shit happens in the universe, you'll still shine. Even though nothing is going right in your life, all you can do is try your best" Lyn smiles while playing with my fingers, my words wouldn't dare to escape. Even if I tried to let the words escape. It would be so mumbled and scrambled.

"Hey babe?" She sits up, turning around to face me, but sits on my lap holding my face in the palm of her hands.
"Hm" I answer, not trusting my voice to speak for me, I'm still starstrucked by her beauty, her brains, her integrity. Those meteor star eyes. Captivates me.

"You're so quiet today, is it something with your mother?" She asks, that milky way voice gets my heart beating in the dead silence everytime.

After all these years I still get those chills.

"When isn't it something with that old lady" I try to look away, but Lyn knows me too well, my eyes are right back on hers. On the same wavelength our heartbeats for each other's. It's so crazy how magnetic we are.

"You're going to look at me Jung Hoseok" she smiles
"Hm, I'm starting to like my name now that you've sad it" I whispers leaning into her lips
"You're an idiot" I shush her rant up pressing my lips against hers, smiling in between them.

Present Pov

I still keep your promise Lyn, I'm not running from my problems, I'm facing them head on. But a promise I couldn't keep was being with you forever. I did promise I would hold you forever. Wake up to you in the penthouse I bought. Look up at the stars with you. While you ramble about our zodiacs.

"Hobi?" Taehyung shakes my shoulder
"Hm?" Not even bothering to turn around, because he's going to stand next to me anyways.
"Still miss her?" Taehyung asks lightly
"Little shit like stars make me think of her, I miss that woman with my life, if I could be spared three seconds to go back in time, I would've told her the truth" I chuckle "I was a coward" I drink some of the henny in my glass crunching the eyes at the same time.

"Yeah, I thought about that time we filled the tub with soap, and she was the only one that wasn't mad, she acted like soap in water was a new invention" he chuckles "she was literally the sun to a gloomy grey sky"

"Gloomy but warm" I comment, Taehyung frowns at me and punches me in my arm softly
"Dude! That's very depressing" Taehyung laughs
"You wouldn't understand" looking up at the shooting star I close my eyes wishing for something.

Haelyn Pov

I curl my knees up to my chest sitting on the balcony floor, the skies reflecting my heart and feelings at the same time. The light symbolizes my optimism, my heart is dark like the background, how cold it must be in the dark sky. I sigh heavily.

Life turns around in such a instant. One minute you're a kid. The next you're a gunslinger mafia daughter.

What are you now hoseok? A rapper like you said you would? Or a dancer. You always did tried to teach me to dance. Or a producer? You were so good at making beats. So much unreleased shit in your library.

Before I could talk to myself some more a shooting star passed by "wow" is all I can comment, but I hurry up and close my eyes shut for a wish. Wishing for something in desire need.

"Gloomy But warm" Lyn whispers

"Gloomy But warm" hoseok whispers

Authors note:
Wow I haven't updated this in a while but here tf I am my buttercups, at least I update this story. I love this story so much actually I'm just so focused on other projects that I forget my other priorities so my sincere apologies. But I know it's kinda short as well but I wanna save the juicy parts. I got some heat coming!! Just be patient. I love you all and thank you for reading the story!🖤🦋

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