Chapter 3

Hoseok's Pov

tapping my finger slightly on the table as this guy is trying to explain to us what happened to the money we gave him for safe keeping as magically disappeared too.

"so.." i start off sternly "you're basically saying someone came and robbed you and took off with the money?" i ask placing my glass down pressing my elbows on the table

"yes sir, i swear!" he yells

"and? did you try to stop them?" i ask, as taehyung brings me the iPad,and shows me a video of his house where to robbery happened. i grab it then look and see he was actually robbed more than less he was actually way outnumbered, i look closer and i try to puzzle out who is that.

"have you-"

"tried to do a face algorithm, yes i have, they're really good at covering their tracks, but it seems their boss wasn't there" taehyung implies, my answer is just a nod, that's weird from his story it seemed like he was lying why would they send in. elven men just for some stacks of money it wasn't that much but enough. that seems weird to me, and the fact that they left him unharmed, not a single scratch it was made me not believe him. and why is he still here wouldn't he be like a hostage to them?

"what did they say to you?" i asked through gritted teeth

"nothing but , they'll just take the money and said that you would most likely finish me before i even get to say something to you" he says shakily

"Hm" is all I reply while I bite down on my lower lip, it seems this person really wanted this incident to be traced back to them. As if they're taunting me. I look at yoongi and he nods his head, I'm guessing he's thinking the same thing I am.

"I agree jhope" he says leaning against the wall, the guy looks at the both of us very quickly almost as if he's getting killed right now, I mean he may be an idiot but he is loyal, he's never given out my name even though it almost cost him his life he's nervous betrayed me. "Ight!, lets go to class" yoongi nods his head at me then I look at the guy

"You're good for now, go the fuck home before I change my mind" I clear my throat then I walk towards the exit, class is going to be great.

We arrive at campus for our math class, honestly math isn't that bad I just hate how long it takes you just to get one fucking answer. So then the classes is longer as well because this dense ass teacher can't even explain right she either starts teaching with broken English which I have no problem with but she starts talking about her marriage and how she's unhappy and what not then takes up literally ten minutes of the class. I swing open the door walking in with the rest of my brothers everyone turns their heads looking at us. Some look in disgust,some look in lust. We're a little late but it's not like we missed much.

We sit down in the front, as she's taking attendance of names Jungkook grabs my bag I guess getting a pencil out of it. I sip my Gatorade when I look to my left and see a girl opening the door and fixing her hair. She's cute, she seems never like it's her first time attending college. She looks around for a seat. I pull out the chair so she can see there's a sit there she walks over and sits down next to me.

"Thank you" she replies softly
"You're welcome" I say back, the professor than looks at her "You're late" the professor comments

"Yes I know,my car had bad complications then someone ran into me" she says breathy, seems like she was running really fast to get here. The professor shakes her head

"This is your second time, you're only allowed to be late twice I think I'm going to have to drop you" She says in a nasty tone.
"You're allowed to miss three times, you told me the first one didn't count because I didn't know where this building was, that's not my fault" she fires back. The professor ignores her as she's writing up a sticky note then mumbles something racist under her breath. I look over at her as she combs her fingers through her hair then I look at namjoon who nods his head at me. All seven of us stand up and place and bags on our back.

"Ma'am did you forget that we are Asians as well?" Yoongi speaks
"Yes born and raised" namjoon adds
"So being racist to our culture and saying we don't belong her, and treating her with disrespect it's going to cost you to lose your job, you're always attacking her why?" I continue, I smirk then look back at the professor as she tries to explain herself "no need to explain I know why, because she's not your nationality, but why aren't you rude to us though?"

"Maybe she has a tingling spot for us in the pit of her thighs" Jimin counters
"Maybe, hm that's cute, but we don't have one for you ma'am" taehyung continues

"So does your husband know you want to fuck your college students?" Jungkook speaks, the whole class gasps and I just have my eyes glued on the girl, I grab her wrist then pull her up she looks into my eyes with confusion her eyes look so familiar.

"We're taking a trip to the office to get you fired" I comment Jungkook grabs the sticky note from her desk and we walk out of the classroom. Still firmly holding the girls wrist we walk in the elevator. As it's closing I see people from our class walking out as well. I guess I started a revolution, I only did it for her, why did I feel the need to protect her. It just seems weird all of a sudden I feel the need to protect people I don't know what's going on with me. I look back her in the elevator and she looking down at her shoes shaking just a tad bit, anxiety is taking her over, I remember this from haelyn, the anxiety attacks used to start this way.

I swear this has happened before like deja vu

I slip my fingers in between hers then she looks up at me "there's no reason to be nervous you did nothing wrong" I say breaking the tension
"Exactly, it's the professor for saying racial slurs and stereotypes" Jungkook adds, they all nod their heads at her then she has her lower lip in between her teeth, haelyn used to do that to either suppress her tears or because she was too nervous and anxious to speak.

The elevator opens and we see the people from our class mainly the girls I roll my eyes then step out the elevator still hand and hand with this girl. What has gotten into me? I'm usually not this close to woman. We may be apart of a gang but we're not those real dirty gangsters that just have women around them just to sleep with them, we have respect for them. None of us here just wants to sleep with a women and throw them to the side, they deserve more than that. The only ones who has a girlfriend here is yoongi And taehyung, Yeah they both were heartbroken when they found out the both of them were apart of a gang but they ended up looking past it because they loved them.

And felt that they needed someone outside of work that could relieve some stress off them and talk about other things besides work. I choose not to date for two reasons. I want don't want my girlfriends life on the line because every move I make could potentially put her in danger, I wanna marry that girl so I want to keep her safe. Another reason is I just haven't found someone who's on the same wavelength as my energy. So dating is not for me at the moment. Jungkook opens the door and the principal and ceo are sitting right next to each other. The people in our class came in behind us too.

"Is there something we can help you with?" The principal speaks
"Yes,we would like to report a professor for racial profiling, and disobeying to follow rules and regulations" I comment

"Hoseok this is a seri-"
"I beg your pardon? You think I'm not serious?" I comment back my head snaps over at her as I heard one little breath hitched for her I caress her hand with my thumb "it's okay, you're not at fault okay?, i promise you're okay" I whisper to her. I make her look at me "breathe in and out slowly" I tell her she follows me as I start breathing up and down

"Professor Johnson, called her a rice eater, and said that the only reason she was late was because she can barely see the road with those eyes and that's why she got into a car accident today" Jungkook implies, I'm still looking into her eyes trying to help her breathe

"Is that true miss, you were late to class from a car accident?"
"Yes and I had to wait on the police to get her and write up everything, the had to check my health and everything" I look at the hand I'm holding and see it's all bruised up then I look at her face and see scars, they must've hit her hard. I look at her forehead and see a gash upon it, had to be really bad I see the dry blood. I didn't even notice that everyone else was going back and forth with each other. She looks at the window then I look at the principal.

"I will look into the matter, for the time being go to your next class okay?" We all nod our head and I look directly at her as she bites her lower lip ever so softly, she stands up then walks out with the rest of the boys I didn't even notice that our hands disconnected , I get up then walk faster towards them, Jungkook grabs her wrist then stands in front of her

"Don't stress okay? You're not to blame okay? And no need to get worried for us either we're going to be okay nothing we can't handle" Jungkook says with a smile, I just stand behind him with my arms folded across my chest. Taehyung then bumps into her softly

" you're okay sweetie, just go home and rest you've been through a lot today, we'll see you later" he winks at her then we walk away but I turn around to look at her and she's looking at me as she's walking away. I feel like this is deja vu like I've seen her before. Her scent is very familiar. The anxiety attack she was about to have it isn't foreign to me, and it seemed to have worked. It's just weird to me.

Haelyn's pov

I sit outside solana's class waiting for her so she can give me a ride home, because my car is kind of busted. Solana comes out and her boyfriend rushes up to her, I bite my lower lip waiting for her to notice me but she doesn't. Her boyfriend is nice but I just feel like he's a bit controlling. Sometimes. I sigh then walk towards her as I tap on her shoulders

" Lyn!!! What happened to your face?!" She says while holding it i whence of pain then take her hands off my face.

"I just got into a bad car accident, I'm kind of tired could you take me home?" I say softly
"Aw sweetheart of course I'll take you home" she grabs her keys out her bag then she grabs my hand "I'll see you later babe" she kisses him then walks away. I know he really wanted to hangout with her cause he gave me a dirty look and what not. For some odd reason he doesn't like me. One day I'm going to confront him and ask why?

On the way home, Solana glances over at me as I place my head on the window "why didn't you text me when it happened?" She breaks the silence

"I did, but I guess you didn't notice it" I reply dryly, what I really wanted to say was "I guess you were to busy sticking your tongue down your boyfriends throat to notice it. "

"I'm sorry babygirl, I was with him and I forgot I put my phone in his bag"

"it's okay, i was treated for my wounds anyways" I sigh softly

"I'm sorry for not being there for you, i feel like I'm giving all my attention to the wrong people" She says, it's as if she read my mind. Maybe she did. "So I'm going to stop doing they because at the end of the day you guys are my sisters no matter what" She looks at me dead In the eyes then she pushes out a smile.

"Yeah you kind of did, but I'm glad you noticed, your boyfriend though seems to not like me by his judgmental stares and what not" I comment
"What the fuck really? I'll have a talk with him, I mean who wouldn't like you? You're the most down to earth person I've ever known"

"Who wouldn't like me? Many people including my crushes"
"Oh hush, theirs many men who probably like you!"

I start filling in my day to her because we haven't texted not once at all today and honestly my day was so bizarre , from a car accident down to group of popular kids in campus protecting to me, one of them holding my hand firmly. I didn't even get his name because of my anxiety the almost occurred But he calm it down so quick. I felt at ease. Even when he held my hand I felt okay with it. Usually I would have pulled my fingers out or yell at them but I didn't feel like doing either one of those things.

It felt almost natural how every thing occurred. I never needed protection cause I'm a strong person, but at that moment I was okay with it.

Solana drops me off home and i kick off my shoes hearing someone in the kitchen rumming, i grab the knife under the plant pot, and place it in my back pocker i peep around the corner and see a figure that i dont know. maybe it's dad;s friend but he doesnt let anyone come to our house, he may be apart of a gang but he cares about my safety. i slowly start creeping then then turn around i knock their gun out their hand then kick it far away from them as i hold one knife on his throat and one on his stomach

"move and i'll cut your ass up, who are you and why are you here?" i asked through gritted teeth

"hm you're a feisty one huh babes" he implies

"im not fucking playing with you i will do it" i press the knife in his sides a little to make him feel the pain he then grunts out in agony and i smirk at him tilting his head up with the knife "next one will punture, who are you?"


"lyn! don't kill him!" i hear my uncle calling out to me, he grabs me off of him as i place my knives in my boot, i just look at him with a straight face, the guy has a face of shock and fear written in them, my uncle looks at him i guess examining his body, then looks back at me "are you crazy lyn? are you that anxious about your job today?"

"no,just in a killing mood for guys who think women are weak" i growl looking at the dude, he backs up slowly and i start to step forward until my uncle grabs me by the waist "on another note how was i supposed to know he was hired by you guys or recruited by y'all? hm?" i look at my uncle

"yes lyn you have a point luckily i came in or you would've cut him up like bear claws" he sighs

"nah more like a sabertooth tiger" i say then turning on my heels

"i need you guys to get along because he's going to be your partner" i stop dead in my tracks then turn around, my uncle literally flinches "lyn-please for the sake of your father it's just this misson you'd have to work with him this type requires both combat and brains"

"and you think i dont have both?" i comment while stepping towards him then i feel someone grab my wrist by the scent i know it's my dad

"princess calm down, you know i do trust you and know that you know how to handle yourself and despise when someone calls you weak but this requires hacking brains and thats something were lacking for this misson, you have brains lots of it and good incisnts but we need someone to hack, and he-" he clears his throat "is good at it okay princess" he comments rubbing my arm softly

"fine" i say pulling my hand out of his grip

"princess make sure you eat before the mission dont want you passing out like the last girl did"

"sure" is all i reply with, i slam my room door laying on the bed in frustraion, what has my life came too, im a college student by day and a gang mobster by night. my life changed so suddenly, hoseok if we ever do meet again please dont be disgusted by the person you see now, im not that shy inncent girl anymore, im more brash, honest. and also sometimes willing to fight but not with fists, i have trained myself to become a fighter. i really didnt want this to happen to me i was kind of forced too.

Hoseok pov

i lock and load the gun, handing it to yoongi, because he's a crazy manaic, he wanted to blow up the building but i told him it wasnt really worth it and it would cause too much attention. so instead yoongi tied this guy up who beat the crap yoongi's girlfreind, what really set him off is that their related and he tried to sell her off to pay off his debt.

"you see her face?" yoongi asks him "you caused that, now i told her if someone was to even lay a finger on her it was going to be some problems" he pulls out a knife  pressing it against his rib but not puncturing it deeply the guy groans in pain as we just sit back here eating candy and watching yoongi do whatever he wants while his girl just sits balled up shaking, I know she's in terrible pain because they really roughed her up not to mention that, they got her sick. Yoongi starts burning him with some hot coal stick, basically just torturing him. His girl then gets up and wraps her arms around his waist making him stop instantly, he wraps his arm around her shoulder.

Their energy is so compatible, she sees what he's doing right now but she's still in love with him regardless. Yoongi stops then he starts whispering something to her. Then the brother opens his mouth.

" my boss will for sure kill you for getting in the way of his business"

"If he can find me, which i know he will because either you're going to tell him or you're going to send your goons for her, and when you do" he bends down and shoots his thigh causing him to groan in pain and scream. "The next one will be in your fucking brain, right next to your boss, so you sir better figure out how to pay your debt, but in the meantime stay the fuck away from my girlfriend" he says through gritted teeth, I know their was so much more he wanted to do but she was there he didn't do much. Yoongi puts his gun behind him in his pants then lifts her up bridal style.

"We're done here" yoongi tells me
"Cool, taehyung do your thing" I tell him then walk out with yoongi, I really hope she's okay with everything and she's not so stressed. Because she looks like she hasn't eaten for weeks way even before her brother tried to sell her.

Haelyn pov

Me and this kid sit in the car as he hacks and listens to their conversation, he then looks over at me and I just ball my fist up in anger this guy literally just dogs this girls and have no remorse for it. I dont really believe in killing someone nor do I like to but I really want to just paralyze him.

"Hey um Lyn?" He whispers, I give him dagger eyes and he slowly starts to get closer to the window
"You're not allowed to call my Lyn, you're not my friend" I say angrily
"Oh-okay, so what can I call you?" He stutters
"Beautiful name"
"Thanks" I say softly "so when are we going in?", he doesn't answer my question but I hear the car doors open and I see his smirk we both get out and he's hacking something else he puts something on my ear and it kinda hurts I end up giving him the dagger eyes. "Hey calm down, those are incomes so you can hear me and I can hear you, and also record what you're hearing, just in case some shit goes down your dad and everyone can hear"

"What you scared I can't handle myself?" I ask
"More like just scared of you and what you could do" He jokes
I scoff then pat his shoulder "thanks"
"Ahh get going seeing you being nice is kinda weird"
I smile then look into his eyes "so what's your name?
"Lucas" he replies
"See you later Lucas" I wink at him then he opens the door for me walking towards the front door I knock on it then wait for someone to answer

"And who are you?" A guy asks trying to intimidate me
"Your bosses money, isn't that what he wanted tonight or was he expecting someone else?" I comment
"Hm, come in young lady"
"What a gentleman" I joke, as I walk into the house I follow him leading me to his bosses room I see everyone in her smoking cigars and playing poker the boss turns around and looks at me from head to toe

"Hm, I'm guessing your his daughter?" He gets up trying to walk towards me, but I throw the duffle bag down on the table making him look up at me.

"Isn't that what you wanted? Why are you asking questions that don't concern the mission?" I say folding my arms against my chest
"Hmmm, you have a smart mouth young woman, what do you think you're doing in a mans world? Shouldn't you be somewhere writing in your diary of something?" He laughs causing all his other members to laugh along with him, I close my eyes then smirk a little "awww is that baby about to cry?" He comments further i open my eyes slowly then I grab my knife throwing at him slicing a piece of his ear off and sticking the knife in the wall behind him.

"Nah, I'd rather be writing in my hit-list, anyways so you also owe my father some favors as well,so give him the information he needs before you make three people your enemy"  I say leaning against his table on my elbows "you think I'm not that terrifying you don't know who you're messing with" I say whispering to him softly, he then holds his ear than slides a card my way I grab it then feel someone place a knife to my neck and he starts smiling.

"Do you think I'm stupid little girl?" He comments "this isn't even close to the amount your daddy owes me, and who do you think you are trying to scare me, so why don't you just go cry to your daddy huh? Or you could just be my underling" he says caressing my chin. "Your mother hasn't been killed..yet, that bitch got kidnapped and I had a sweet time having her in possession before she was shipped to the next man, knowing that I have power over the most powerful gang member feels amazing"

I grit my teeth in anger, my dad lied to me for so long I resent her thinking that she just left me for someone else and cheated on my dad but that wasn't true!! She left because of what he does!! And in reality she tried to leave him and he fucked up

"Hm, and you think I'm that stupid to come alone knowing how you are?" I say back as that comes out my mouth my dad and uncle ended up shooting and killing all his members, he told me he wouldn't kill them but he ended up killing them anyways does he not care about anything in this world?

"It's okay princess, you can be mad at me later" He says pushing me behind him "but right now we're going to get some answers out of this man" he smiles, I've always been disgusted by him but now I'm really disgusted by him, because of the work he does he got my mom captured by someone, and is now trying to make up for it. He caused her a great deal of pain. Makes me wonder does he actually love me.

"Yeah baby love go to the car we'll talk about this later" my uncle says looking back at me. I nod my head then I back up as I see the blood and dead bodies everywhere I even have some blood on me. and they don't even feel the slightest guilt. They're so cold-blooded it's very disgusting. I see Lucas sitting on the hood of the car then I feel a shock on my ear causing me to fall to the ground Lucas runs over to me and places his hands on my shoulder.

"Hey are you okay?" He asks
"My ear, it's shocking me" I yell through the pain, he then takes it off my ear as I pant from the pain. Talk about an emotional shock.

"Seems like someone tried to hack us as well, someone's in the area and knows we're here, come in the car" he says I nod my head then stand up slowly my ear is hurting so bad right now and I feel a bit dizzy he places me in the backseat then he sits next to me "how you're feeling? I know you didn't want it to end that way" he says

" you saw?" I ask weakly
"Yeah I hacked their camera so they wouldn't get any evidence that you were there, I saw he killed them all" he says softly
"No I'm not okay, but it's not cause of the killing some news that I heard kind of baffled me"
"It'll get better you're a strong woman" he says in a comforting tone

We get home and I want to head straight to my room but I know my dad wants to talk to me and honestly I have nothing to say to him. I walk in my room hearing footsteps behind me.

"Princess, can we talk?" He says angrily I should be the one angry "what the fuck was that?! We weren't going to kill them but you threatened him why had no other choice!!" He yells

"Had no other choice huh? Is that what you said to yourself when you lied to me about my own mother?!" I yell back

"What your tone" he says through gritted teeth
"No fuck you, I've tried to establish a relationship with you but all you care about is your money and drugs, for god sakes you probably sold my mom for money!! If you were to say it right now I would believe you!! Because you're a sick fuck" nothing more comes out my mouth because he slaps me across the face and chokes me up against the wall.

"Who do you think you're talking to? Huh? You're in my house biding by my rules, I'm not your mother I'm not going to baby you!! So grow the fuck up this is reality!! Your mother wasn't a fucking angel either princess!!" He yells as he pushes his hand on my throat tighter " like I said your mother ran off!! she was nothing but a dumb little whore!!!, it's her fault she's in deep trouble!!! And guess who has to save her !! Me!!" He chokes me so deep that I gasp for air he then throws me too the side causing me to hit my mouth on the bed board and my lip starts to bleed and my sides are probably bruised

"Your mother,didn't even want you, I took your dumb ass in, I've gave you the love you really needed, she didn't your mother was just like me, went on a fucking mission and never came back, watch her mouth next time or I'll bash your fucking skull in" He says walking away from me and slamming the door. I place my fingers on my lip wiping the blood off if it. I sit up and feel my rib cage bruised I'm really going to feel it specially after the whole care crash my injures are now far more open. I try to push up on my uninjured arm and sit on the bed. I place my head in the pillow as I start sobbing slightly.

I hate to be weak. I hate crying. I hate just not being able to to do nothing. I hate my life. This lifestyle sucks. I get under the covers and cry for a couple of minutes and I just turn to the side looking out the window. Someone opens my door and i just don't even turn around I'm not really in the mood to talk.

"Hey baby love, you okay? You did really great on the mission I'm really proud of the woman you've become. You really handled that situation great even though your dad doesn't quite agree with it but I talked with him and reasoned with him"

"Oh..." I say softly, he probably heard the choke in my throat but I really don't care right now, it's like the more I hurt the colder I get, I have no one too hold me comfort me or talk to me when I'm feeling down it just sucks that my life as shifted so much.

"Well baby love food is ready if you wanna eat" he says caressing my arm
"I'm not hungry but thank you"
"You're welcome baby love, you know I love you okay? I'm here if you need someone to talk to"
"I love you too uncle," I say softly he kisses my head then walks out the room. Wiping my face I'll look out the window and see the rain pouring down slowly.

"It isn't warm and gloomy anymore," I say shakily

Hoseok's Pov

I hand Ellie some hot soup and she's smiling so brightly " you're okay Ellie?" I ask her
"Yes! I'm just so excited I haven't had a good full course ramen in so long, this makes me happy" she smiles while snapping the chopsticks off each other.

"That's not what I meant," I say softly
"Oh? Do you mean with what my brother did? Is it sad that even though what he did was wrong I really don't wish him any bad luck? I just would like to be distant from him you know?" She says while chewing on a kimchi

"Understandable, cause at the end of the day he's still your brother"
" my monster brother, but when yoongi was torturing him I felt good because he felt my pain, but I still don't wish he was dead" she swirls the noodles around then gasped scaring me "Hoseok!! What happened to my sunny side egg!!" She yells at me like a white girl.

"I'm sorry boo! I forgot!" I reply back in the same tone, I walk over the stove and turn it on placing the pan on the stove then I see yoongi walking in.

"You're okay love?" Yoongi asks her he kisses her head and I smile just loving how affectionate he is, it's really good to see him like that after how his last relationship ended. Sadly she got caught in the crossfire of his job and was killed. This lifestyle this is the shit that can make you or break you, more reasons why you shouldn't date in this lifestyle. Give her the egg then turn it off then place the pan to the side. I get out the room then I go into the living room sitting close by the window as I ball up.

I feel someone caress my shoulder then sit in front of me, I look and see Jimin in front of me. "Don't worry we'll find out who killed your mom" he then elbows me a little "maybe you'll find Lyn"

"Yeah I doubt it, it wouldn't be a friendly reunion that's for sure"

"You never know if you'd explain why you did what you did to her I'm sure she would, cause I understood," he says while throwing paper at me, I throw it back at him as he laughs "stop being so gloomy!! it's too warm in here to be gloomy!!" He yells

Yeah, it really is warm in here, but I feel so gloomy drowning in my guilt.

Authors note:
Hello, my beautiful babies my hunnies, chapter three of expectations how do you guys feel about it? are you guys mad or excited or are you anxious, I really want to give in and get to the good part already but I like giving yall anticipation, I like seeing your comments, you guys just don't know how happy you guys make me! I've made up my mind that I don't care if I'm an underrated author I just care about those few people that enjoy my story and is here every time I upload you guys are amazing. anyways can't wait to see you guys in the next chapter!! bye bye I love you all so much

❧𝓪𝓷𝔂 𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓸𝓻𝓼? 𝓟𝓾𝓽 𝓲𝓷 𝓪 𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓸𝓻 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓱𝓸𝓵𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓹𝓸𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓷!

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