Chapter 2
my ears are just surrounded by the sound of my alram ringing in my ears, sighing i reach over and snooze my phone knowing i didnt turn it fully off. then i stretch feeling my dog licking me, i giggle as i cup his face. this dog has been with me since i was little and he's still the exact same.
" hey baby boy" i say while petting him, he lays his head on my boobs and i kiss his head softly, then i get a call from wendy.
"lyn, are you going to that bonfire party tonight?"
"yes sadly, solana is going to talk to her crush"
"really?!, i have to go as well i wanna see her make a fool outta herself"
"that's what i said!"
wendy and i start talking for a couple of minutes , then i gotta get dressed to head to my class that starts in an hour, i grab my clothes heading into the shower turning on the hot water then the cold water letting it steam the bathroom. Then I turn on my Bluetooth speaker then I play some music, happily I strip out of clothes then get in the shower. I'm actually pretty excited to see solana attempt to talking to crush I hope he actually isn't a dick just like the rest of his friends, because they are.
After my shower is I look at my wet hair in my vanity thinking what should I do with it, be I end up just leaving it the way it is and slick it all the way back. It's just one class, what do I need to be pretty for? It's college you don't need makeup anyways haelyn Jesus. I shake my head then I spray some perfume on me and grab my bag. Time to head out for the day.
Highschool Years
Hoseok wraps his arms around my waist placing his chin on my shoulder as I feel his lips in the crook of my neck "someone is very lovey dovey today" I say softly
"I can't love my girlfriend?" He says softly in my neck causing me to giggle at him, and he starts smiling I finally turn around to look at him and he's looking down at me with a million stars in his eyes. "You know I love you?"
I nod my head "you tell my everyday" I wrap my arms around his waist and he bends down to kiss my forehead. I smile softly then I hear someone call his name. We both turn in the direction and it's his ex-girlfriend. She really doesn't know when to give up. She still tries to make an effort to stay in hoseoks life even though he said he wants nothing to do with her. Even to the point of starting a rumor that completely back fired. Hoseok and I been together for years. Nothing is going to separate us. we're just that crazy about each other.
"What should we do this time to really piss her off?" I ask smiling , he doesn't answer me but he just goes in my neck attacking it softly with wet kisses and I slide my fingers through his hair on the nape of his neck and I bite my lower lip softly. I know he's just putting on a show for her nosy ass, but he's also playing with my feelings.
" babe.." I say desperately and softly he then pulls away then looks at me with dark lustful eyes and he smirks then looks at her who was watching the whole thing and is now mad as ever.
"Hm I found your sweet spot" he whispers in my ear lobe, I hit him in the chest then we walk away and he wraps his arms around my shoulder.
Yeah nothing could break us up I said earlier... I never thought it would be you to break us up..
I close my locker then I see hoseok standing right next to the locker I scream then punch him or at least attempt to but he grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles "calm down Conor Mcgregor" I bite my lower lip at him trying to contain my smile, he plays his finger under my chin then makes me look at him
"Stop that, you know what that does to me" He says softly
"What does it do to you?" I act stupid
"Lyn..." he deeply exhales , I bite my lower lip again softly then wink at him, he chuckles and pushed me up against the lockers and hovers over my lips "it makes me wanna make out with you, you better stop before I do it, don't provoke me babe"
I smile and he still has his "I'm serious" face on as I kiss him softly he responds to my kiss almost instantly, whenever I kiss him he responds literally in point zero zero one seconds. He doesn't even hesitate. I kiss him again but this time he bites on my lower lip then after he lets it go he eases me up and down and I do the same.
"Oh?" I say against his lips
"Hm?" He replies against mine. I go to lean in for another kiss, but I hear someone clear their throat and hoseok doesn't take his eyes off me "what exactly do you want Ariana" he says as he pushes his body off mine still eyes locked and glued on mine.
" I was just wondering if you'd like to come this bonfire party tonight, I would love for you to be there" She caresses his arms and hoseok grabs my hand kissing my knuckles then kissing me all over my face and neck as I giggle "only if this beautiful woman can go" he finally turns around to her, she looks so pissed, but I mean what did she think she was going to accomplish. Hoseok is head over shoes for me.
At least I thought..
Hoseok picked me up so we could go to the party, and this whole night he hasn't left my side nor has he taken his eyes off me. He really did love me. I wrap my arms around his waist as he sways us from side to side. "You really do love me huh baby?" I say softly in his ears
" of course, I'll never stop loving you" He says back in my ears
"What if we break up?"
He frowns then looks at me "that'll never happen, and even if we did I would still find myself back to you and love you all over again"
"What romantic tv shows you've been watching to learn those lines?"
"Just by loving you I know that right things to say" , hoseok was going to kiss me but his phone ranged and he growled out of frustration "I'm going to kiss you after this call"
"Or you could just do it now and get it over with" I bite my lower lip knowing what it does to him, I love teasing him, as much as I love teasing him, we haven't done it yet, and we've been together for years. He's waiting on me. Maybe one day this week. Who knows. I love this man so much that I trust him with my whole soul. I knew he would never hurt me.
Or so I thought
Hoseoks phone call was taking so long, it was getting cold and I was getting tired I wanted to go home honestly. I get up rubbing my arms up and down softly I push the door open and I hear a guy flirt with me but I just ignored it. I walk out and I see hoseok talking to a man and a girl around our age. He looks at me with no emotion then looks back at the older man and hoseok nods his head. What I wasn't expecting was for him to tongue this girl down right in front of me and for him to look back at me and wink.
My breath starts to hitch and my tears start to overflow. Just a couple of minutes ago you said you couldn't wait to kiss me. Now you're sticking your tongue in someone else's mouth? They start walking over to me and I wipe my eyes.
My brain says: leave
My body says: we're in a state of shock
My heart says: ask him why
He stands in front of me as he tries to grab my hand but I pull it out of grip "don't touch me" I finally have the courage to say.
He smiles softly then looks back at the girl "listen lyn, I couldn't lie to you any longer, I'm pretty sure I've dragged it on for too long now, it's kind of tiring me out, so lyn let's break up okay?, you're going to have to find another way of getting home, I'm going home with my actual girlfriend okay? Take care" he says harshly, it's too bitterful words. I can taste the harshness I feel it burning through my throat.
I ball my fist up as he slowly walks away "you're a disgusting piece of shit, take care to you, but I hope karma comes for you I never want to see you ever again"
present day Hoseok pov
I shake my head of those thoughts, I haven't see her since then but damn does her words still sting, but I can imagine how she felt. Fuck lyn, how are you doing now? I dismiss the thought real quick when taehyung comes in showing his boxy smile.
"Taehyung?, what did you hack now?" I say rubbing my temples softly
"I so didn't hack our guy that owes us money , and left him a nice message" he smiles. I shake my head I swear this kid loves hacking, even when he doesn't have to he's hacking something. Jimin And yoongi walk in with the bags and I smile
"Good jobs fellas, so what information you got from him?" I ask opening the bags with the guns the guy promised us, I'm hunting down the most powerful gang member of the ghost syndicates, he has to atone for what he did to my mother, killing in hard cold blood , over a couple of racks.
" the only information he gave on him is that, he's moved been very quiet lately, he thinks theirs someone involved in helping him making these sells, more like two people" yoongi speaks up first
"He also wanted to inform you that he's working on getting his location" Jungkook responds after, I nod my head loading all the guns so we can set out on our mission, we're getting one step done to killing this bastard. He'll need these people.
Haelyn pov
Finally this boring ass class was done, taking up fine arts may have been a dumb idea, but at least I have my forensic science classes, I wanna become a detective. Not only for the reason of solving mysteries and murders, but maybe, just maybe I could possibly find my mother again, I wonder where she is.
"Lyn!" Wendy yells at me, I turn waving at her as I grab my snacks out the machine, she wraps her arms around my shoulder smiling
"Ready to see her make a fool out of herself?"
I nod my head smiling "oh yeah I'm super ready"
This is the same lot from last time, the time where hoseok broke my heart, and left town the next day without even saying goodbye, or a reason for why he was leaving. He just left me a note saying he wish he could explain but it's not worth it.
I guess I wasn't either
Wendy rubs my back softly "sorry I didn't know it would be this place"
"Hm, it's okay, I'm over it" I shrug walking in the place I see solana actually talking to him and he's actually smiling and laughing at her jokes, just reminds me of him.
Lyn please stop thinking about him, he obviously stopped thinking about you. This will probably end back but I say fuck it I start pouring some punch, knowing full and well it's spiked. "Hey no lyn!" Wendy yells , but she's too late I chugged it down, going in for some more. "Lyn please!!" , I grab another serving making it full to the top
"Let's go to solana I guess" I say already feeling tipsy, shit I'm really lightweight. I walk over towards solana and her boyfriend I guess and I sit on the couch in front of them. Solana looks at me and her face hardens to concern for me.
"Wendy?! Is she drunk?! Why did you let her get drunk?!" She yells at her
"What?! She grabbed it and gulped it down before I could say anything!" Wendy yells back , I wave my hand signaling them too stop. And I drink more of the punch. Solana grabs the cup out of my hand and pours it out.
"Solana! That was my juice" I pour
"Lyn! You need water now" she hands me a cold bottle of water and I crack it open gulping it down tasting the punch still. I frown up at her and she giggles "I'm sorry guys meet Gabriel guys" he gets up and shakes our hands and Wendy nudges me slightly
"He's a gentleman"
"My stomachs a bully" I slur my words, they instantly look at me Wendy helps me up and takes me to the nearest bathroom holding my hair as I hurled up everything I consumed since I first woke up. I sniff them wipe my eyes.
Drinking won't mask your pain, it just wants to make you indulge more into it.
"Lyn?" She says softly
"I'm fine Wendy, I'm fine" I say dismissing her asking me would like to go home, or am I okay? I grab this mini tooth brush in my bag along with my tooth paste and I wet it then brush my teeth throughly. Wendy looks at me through the mirror and sighs deeply then rubs my back, the more she keeps pushing it I wanna break down and cry I swear.
"Lyn, if it's too much, we can go home and watch powerpuff girls or something you know your favorite ninety's tv show" she says putting her chin on my shoulder. I smile then wipe my mouth with a wet paper towel "would you like that?"
I nod my head almost breaking out into tears "but let's stay a little while longer, I don't want to ruin solana's date"
"I'm giving that bitch thirty minutes, that's all" i giggle at her response.
Coming out the bathroom I run into someone making them drop their phone by the impact I know it cracked but I was trying to move out their way they slowly leaned towards me.
"Oh my god, I know you did not just crack my phone?, are you going to pay for it to get fixed? huh bitch?!" He says while poking my chest.
I hate when someone makes a scene, now everyone is being nosy and watching me.
"Not really, you ran into me I was trying to get out your way" I say trying to push past him, but he grabs me by my wrist twisting to the point if he twisted it on more time It would dislocate, I whence of pain trying to pull his hand off my wrist.
"Listen here you brat, don't talk to me like that or you'll be dead" he yells in my face. He's really hurting my wrist so badly. " so what you're going to do for me is pay for a replacement I know you got money spoiled rich kid, or you could do something else for me" he grabs my hand making me touch his print I snatch my hands back then as I go to punch him with that hand. A blonde curly honey dipped skin guy grabs hand off my wrist and I look down at see it red and purple "what are you her boyfriend?, she wouldn't have a boyfriend" the guy chuckles he then looks at the guy with blonde and his whole demeanor changes.
"Oh um- I was just playing with you, I just wanted to get her number" he then looks at me. The blonde guy just looks at me up and down then straight rocks him in his jaw making him fall to the floor as everyone looks shocked. The guy gets up and spit a bit of blood out as he grabs my hand "so give me your number!" He yells grabbing my wrist he already just bruised causing me to flinch in pain and a tear falls out. The blonde guy again snatches him off of me.
"You're playing with Fire, get away from her" he says the last sentence through gritted teeth. He then pushes the guy as he smirks.
"Oh I get it, you're banging this one like you do all the other ones?, so I can't talk to this one huh mister I run this town" he comments, the blonde guy ignores him grabbing my wrist and examining it, he grabs a cold soda can because theirs no ice packs here and he places it on my wrist. And begins to walk away but the arrogant asshole provokes him.
"All you do is just go around banging girls and telling people what to do, I'm getting her number" he starts to grab my wrist the blonde guy instantly turns around punching they're both fighting back now and I almost get hit so I try to get out the way.
Me being the unlucky one I am..
I get accidentally hit in the nose as I fall to the ground holding his eyes just filled with rage but they're so dark he keeps punching he repeatedly until someone grabs him "jhope! Jhope calm down!" They yell at him pulling him jhope then looks at me as his eyes soften but he keeps walking as his friends pull him away. I touch my nose and thankful it's not bleeding.
Who is that guy? Why does his aura give me a comforting feeling.
Hoseoks pov
Seokjin takes his hands off me as he sits me down " What the fuck was that all about? You're supposed to talk to him not best him to a pulp over a girl? Now that really shocked me, what is up with you? Do you know her?"
I stay quiet as I plunder through my thoughts , why did I do that? I really don't know her but she gave off the aura that felt so familiar, it felt so warm. And she looked like someone I used to care about deeply. My nerves just felt the need to protect, so I did.
"Jhope, we needed to get answer from him, do you know that girl?" Yoongi asks
Inhale then exhale looking up at him "she looked like someone I used to love, I thought it was her"
Authors note:
Hello my beautiful babies my hunnies, it's chapter two of expectations how are you guys liking it so far? You guys are probably pissed at me for the cliffhanger and for making them not know each other lol, but only tone could tell! I just wanna say thank you ilysm you guys are my rays of sunshine I couldn't thank you enough. I went on an almost two weeks break that I needed. I was getting overloaded with toxicity I had to leave social media. But I hope you guys are doing well I love you guys and see you in the next one bye!
❧𝓪𝓷𝔂 𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓸𝓻𝓼? 𝓟𝓾𝓽 𝓲𝓷 𝓪 𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓸𝓻 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓱𝓸𝓵𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓹𝓸𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓷!
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