Chapter 4 The Then and Now
The sun burnt down mercilessly on a barren dry landscape. The dirt felt like concrete beneath the touch and radiated immense heat. Two tiny hands grasped at the sand trying to steady her body weight.
Two tears slipped from the rounded cheeks and fell into the sand condensing within seconds. Her tiny frame struggled to keep up any longer, but she bit down hard on her lip and pushed back the urge to cry out from the agony she experienced. She jumped to her feet and steadied herself. She gazed up at the man before her and narrowed her eyes. The little girl, with tousled hair the color of brown mud and a small pinched nose locked her gaze firmly with that of the man. She watched him circling her with that smug smile, that made her want to rip his face off with her bare hands. She wiped the droplets of sweat from her brows before they slipped into her eyes. Her eyes reflected the effect of radiation, which had turned yellow at a few months of age when she was just a babe. She smirked and wiggled her middle finger to feel if the small blade was still securely lodged up there.
The man's dirty face and bald head glistened with sweat, as the heat bore down on him too. He found her smirk irritating and launched another blow at her face. His fist connected with her cheek and the blow was unexplainably painful. She fell to her knees and spat a mouthful of blood unto the ground. She looked up at him, the sun nearly blinding her as the pain consumed her body and she smiled at him with a flicker of wickedness.
In that split second that he was befuddled by her reaction, she had slipped the blade from her sleeve and thrusted it into his foot. He screamed in agonizing pain, grabbing to get hold of his foot, but the little girl saw it as an opportunity to pull it back out and launched it this time, at his throat. He caught her hand in a firm grip and pushed her off him. She fell on her back, but regained her stance quickly. He got to his feet swaying limply from one foot to the other. Blood pooled around his left foot and he gnashed his teeth with furiousity.
She had a flicker of doubt as to whether she would be able to overwhelm him. After all, she was only ten years old... Liberty, was the only ball in her court left to play. He came hurdling towards her with hands outstretched to grab her by the throat and she plummeted, with all the force she could muster into his weakened legs.
He let out a deep groan and fell unto his backside. She let loose a scream as she swung her small fist to hit him smack in the eye. He took hold of her and held her tight, closing the pressure on her ribs. She flailed hopelessly and then without a moments hesitation, bit into his ear lobe and ripped a piece off. He screamed frantically and tried to push her off and away from him, but she clung to him and swiftly plunged the blade into his eye. She pulled it out and punctured his neck.... blood spewed everywhere and the man screamed in agony, but she did not stop, she kept plunging it in and out of his throat until she was covered in blood and he fell limply to one side. She sat back, gazing at his lifeless body that is still jerking in spasms as the last of his life drained away.
His big eyes gazed back at her and she smiled triumphantly. Finally, she spat the piece of his ear out and stood up. She wiped the blood and sweat from her brow and began walking back upon the road she came. Her home was close by, but the road was hot and treacherous. She should hurry before the sun sets.
Their village was nestled between the slopes of a rocky mountain perfectly hidden away amongst the rocks and mountainous landscape. She wobbled a bit as her energy level reached near depletion and she picked up her speed.
When she came to the entrance of the village, her father was sitting on a flat rock, gazing at her with scrutiny. His people stood close by taking account of her appearance. She sagged weakly to her knees and placed her hands on her knees. He steadily approached her and knelt down, looking her in the eye.
His eyes was narrowed against the sharp light of the setting sun and his long beard
whipped lazily in the breeze, whilst his feature were covered with plenty of scars scattered across his features. His thin lips pulled into a hard line.
" I thought you weren't going to make it." he said, his voice sounded surprised, yet filled with disdain.
She knew he expected more: a quicker return.
But she gave her best. She felt disappointed, but kept a steady gaze.
He smirked at her and rose to his feet.
"It seems AFA won't be returning....our little snake has done well!!" he sneeringly said loudly, and walked into the crowd.
She came to her feet and felt her joints and muscles aching with the bruising she suffered. She walked alongside the crowd whose eyes were watching her with open criticism. She loathed their stares and she loathed her father.
"Samiria..." A gentle voice said her name and she turned towards it. A boy a bit taller than herself, with brown floppy hair came towards her. He smiled and reached for her arm. She pulled away and glared at him.
"You have made your father happy." he said softly, slightly hurt by her recoiling reaction.
"I have to go." she replied flatly and turned away.
"I was afraid you wouldn't be coming back." he said worriedly and she felt tears prickle in the back of her eyes.
"I almost did not." she said with coldness.
"I will be here when you want to talk Samiria. Always." he said one last time and she felt a heavy thud in her little chest. She nodded and walked off. She still remembers his beautiful and perfect little face to this day. He was her best friend and she loved him. Jacob.....
Four years later
Samiria's chest heaved heavily as she laid down her weapon and gazed upon the dead body of her opponent. She looked up over the flames at her father, who sat across from her, at the other side of the circle. He looked displeased as always and usual.
She felt her guts coil with hatred and anger.
The poor girl did not need to die, but she had to...
She stepped away and went into the cheering crowd. She saw Jacob walking towards her. He had grown so tall and toned and even more attractive than he ever was.
She dared not to smile at him because her father was looking her way.
Fraternizing with anyone that was not met with his approval, was a big mistake.
Besides, her father did not see her as a girl or a person...she was there for his purpose: a means to an end.
She turned away from Jacob and went to her tent.
Jacob sneaked inside a few seconds later.
He smiled when he saw her and her heart melted.
"You must go Jacob. I don't need my father to be angry." she said bitterly.
"Relax. I just brought you something." He said pleasantly, as he took an object from his pocket, folded in a tattered cloth and placed it on her cot.
He smiled and took her hand gently. She felt her stomach clench and her heart pounding faster as she entwined her fingers with his.
He bent forwards and placed a soft lingering kiss on her lips.
She gasped and her eyes fluttered closed. She savored his touch, his presence ... because she knew he would have to leave.
She smiled and stepped back, masking her face with a shield of hardness.
"You should go." She muttered and he nodded. He was just as disappointed as she was, but she needs no further quarrels with her father.
"Samiria..." he said softly making her name sound like a caress... as he turned back to her.
"Yes?" She asked curiously.
" I love you." His words made her tremble and she stared at him with widened eyes. Her heart skipped a beat and she wished she had time to say it back to him.
Samiria threw a fur coat across her shoulders as she exited her tent: The early morning air was icy and winter was approaching fast. The smell of soot in the air was pungent and the remains of the nights celebration fire still made wisps of smoke.
She walked along the tents to reach the encircled closure where she fought last night.
It was quiet and she enjoyed the peace that this time of day lent to her.
As she reached the circle, she looked up and her legs became as lead.
For a moment her heart must have stopped for she could not breathe. Her eyes stinged as they stretched open. Her hands started shaking and then a blood curdling scream escaped her mouth.
The present.....
FAR from Earth
I watched and contemplated....the smooth surface of the metallic floor shimmered with pristine cleanliness. I suppose when in space you don't miss dirt... even from where we come from dust is a problem. Although, less of a priority. My eyes glanced up as I saw a Nemerian approaching me. He wore his attire well and proudly. His uniform perfectly fitted. His eyes sparkling silver with a gleam of intent. His face was expressionless and his hardy chin lifted formally. I sighed, our species did not disappoint in formalities. He stopped before me and gazed down upon me as he waited patiently for me to rise to my feet. I did so and followed after him down the hallway.
As we approached the doors at the end of it, the gigantic glass windows revealed a panoramic view of the gardens, to the levels of housing and shops within the levels of the ship... GANTRA 707. Our ship is one of the biggest in space travel allocated solely for the means of Science. Nearly everyone on board works in the ships medical and scientific departments, with only a small portion as engineers, shopkeepers and general staff. Although our ranks were not equal, we did not allow any of our kind to live worse than another. No one suffered unfairly or unnecessarily. Our leaders were caring and kind... Nemerians were the best example of harmonious living and equality. No other species uphold our morals and rules better than we do. But trust me when I say this, our world was not perfect at all.
I glanced longingly towards the garden outside which is displaying a beautiful array of Nemerian Roses. They were gigantic flowers that looked like a seashell dripping with pollen and a sweet nectar inside, that we enjoy as much as humans used to enjoy honey. We prided ourselves for the many famous cuisine created with this flower as the main ingredient... and they smelled like whatever you dreamed of... it did. Literally!
I was snapped from my longing thoughts when the Nemerian suddenly came to a standstill and I walked into him. He gave me a dismissive glance and I bowed my head apologetically. Turning away, he flung open the doors.
The great hall was empty, except at the far end sat a high ranking Nemerian. She was the only one present. Her long purple tendrils flowed down her silver skinned body, dressed in a yellow gown heavily embedded with jewels.
Nakti Surai, The Ambassador of GANTRA 707. She smiled thinly at me and with poise rose to her feet. Although we communicate telepathically, we are skilled in all languages known and spoken in the universe .
"Zuustha' meaning, sit please, in Nemerian. I took a seat by the long oval table at the end of the hall. The rounded windows over looked a hidden part of the garden. I smiled nervously.
She however, did not ... and eyed me with intensity. Fluidly she took a seat and placed her long slim hands on the table before her.
"Ashmere..." She said my name as though she was testing it on her tongue. I kept my mouth shut before I spoke thoughtlessly.
"You are an astounding student... You have a brilliant scientific mind... but, you tend to lean towards the Literature and History departments. Your work there has been phenomenal! Of course I do not expect anything less, from the offspring of such highly esteemed parents as yours."
"Thank you Nakti", I said dryly.
"But you are too rebellious! Overly curious... and absent minded to say the least." I cringed as she leisurely pointed out my flaws.
"Nevertheless, we have decided that you are needed elsewhere."
I frowned, this was news to me!
" We have a project that needs launching and we concluded that you would be perfect for the task at hand." She said, as she stood up.
"What is this project?" I asked as politely as I could. But I am feeling annoyed.
"Earth is dying ..." she said, "... and your mother has finally acquired all the necessary information by which to assist its.... renewal... Things will be changing for earth. The humans will see this as a blessing ... and a curse. Either way, it has to be done...To reset balance and restore what they have lost. If it was not for that terrible tragedy they have caused, our work would have been less.....difficult..."
"What is it you intend doing?" I asked curiously.
"Heal it... restore it to that which it was once... The change will be good, but some things will be difficult, they would have to adapt! But in the end it is what they need."
" Do we gain anything from this?" I sharply fired at her and she looked at me in surprise, then slowly smiled.
" Ultimately not much, but it is what we have to do... It is in our nature to assist and preserve."
"I see ... and what am I supposed to do? " I asked a little confused.
"You will be ensuring that our plan is completed...and that WHAT we send to earth is not hindered..." she said, her eyes pinning me down.
I felt a little dizzy and gasped.
"I.....don't understand."
"You should ask your mother for further details. The honor....was mine... as to inform you of your very vital mission." She sounded rather insincere, but I knew better than to say another word. Bidding her farewell I turned to leave. I could feel her penetrating silver eyes on my back as I walked out of the hall. My stomach clenched tightly. This was unsettling news for me. This made absolutely no sense at chest pounded heavily as I hastened off in search of my mother.
It was at this very moment, that the world had came to a stand still for Samiria.
The last part of her soul are ripped away. She had been beaten, starved, tortured and raped, but none of the pain she ever felt matched this very moment.
She felt her heart scatter into a million pieces... her blood turned to ice. Her head throbbed and her ears zinged, her mouth worked without sound. NOOO!!!!!
Up on a beam, hung the broken bloody body of Jacob. He was tortured and killed.
His eyes were poked from out of his skull ... his hands cut off ... and his chest marred with so many lashes that the flesh hung loosely...
Then she felt it rise in her like a flood and letting loose like a wounded animal, she screamed and cried all at once ... and her mind was ripped from the last remaining remnant of sanity. She ran towards his lifeless and ruined body and grabbed at his face. She cried raggedly, holding him tightly to her chest ... her violent sobs shaking her body, as she struggled to loosen him from the beam.
His dead weight made her tumble toward the ground and she yelled viciously at impact.
Her head shot up sharply, as the people came spilling from the tents and felt the red hot anger overwhelm her entirely when she saw Jacob's blood covering her hands.
She turned slowly toward her fathers tent. Her hands trembled and she started walking, grabbing a nearby axe left after cutting and splitting wood and when his first henchman approached her... she swung the axe with precision at his knees.
Her mind might have been an insane mess.... but the anger roaring in her fueled the clarity to fight ferociously... Quick and precisely she landed the blow and his knee caps splintered with a sickening snap at impact of the sharp blade and he screamed in agony and fell down. She saw from the corner of her eye the next attacker lurching at her and with a hard powerful swing, she cut the blade of the axe neatly into the front of his skull. He still had the shock in his eyes as he fell down heavily to the ground.
She threw open the tent flap and immediately looked for her next weapon. Her father had stumbled upright from a drunken sleep and when he took in her blood soaked appearance ... he grinned sadistically.
She gnashed her teeth together... lurching forward at him... He was not a stupid man, but obviously not as smart as he thought himself to be...for it never, not even for one moment, crossed his cruel mind, that she would have the gall to come for him.
He was arrogant and confident enough to be drunk!!!
He jabbed a dagger into her ribs that he retrieved from under his pillow.
She hardly felt the sharp pain and ripped the blade out herself. She held it up, dangling it, and smiled with wicked intent, right back at him.
"I will fuckin' eat your face off if I have to! You fuckin' sick cunt!! " she spat at him and kicked him with as much force as she could muster in the balls. He fell back onto the dirty ol' stinking bed and widened his eyes in pain but yet shocked appreciation.
"You are strong little snake... You make me proud!!" He said gleefully sniggering and the words nearly made her convulse.
"Fuck you! You piece of shit!!" she spat at him, as he dodged another blow from her and rolled off the other side of the bed. He briskly grabbed a sword from the bed stand and aimed it at her. She hissed with annoyance and threw the dagger at him.
Once again he evaded her attack and then he came for her.
He was attempting to plunge the blade into her chest but she grabbed the blade on both sides with her bare hands and felt it slice painfully towards the bone.
If she held on any longer... they would come off... and with immense effort, she jerked the blade and he slightly lost his balance.... But it was an opportunity ...
She grabbed him by the neck and jammed his face into her bent knee.
He dropped the blade and she pushed him away forcefully so that he lost balance and toppled backwards and seeing the opportunity she pounced onto his chest...straddling him... He went for her throat, wanting to strangle her but she slipped in a punch that cracked his nose with the sound of a breaking twig. He whined as the pain exploded in his face and then madly grabbed hold of her neck.
He was squeezing her throat, choking her so hard that she was sure she was going to die!!
Perhaps it was not a bad thing... But if there was one thing she did learn of him...then it was that you always fight to live, and never back down!! Never!!
She reached to the back of her head and pulled out the metal pin she used to tie her hair up with and jabbed it into his hand.
He let go of her throat and screamed painfully, trying to push her off but she smartly seized the chance and punched his jugular as hard as she could.
He coughed and spluttered, trying to draw a breath. She deftly bent down and bit into his nose, ripping with sharp teeth through the rubbery flesh, jerked her head sideways and his nose came clean off.
The tent flap opened and a man appeared taking in the scene. She looked down emotionlessly at her father who was screaming and writhing in pain. It was now or never! She ripped the pin from his hand and used the sharpened side to bluntly cut and slice through the skin of his neck.
Blood spattered everywhere... the smell heavy and metallic hanging in the air.
She reached down and quickly swooped up the blade and went for the man, who swung the axe at her and nipped the skin on her upper arm. She hissed and took a firm stance before him. He swung again but she dodged the blow, stepped forward and sliced the sharp blade through his gut. Intestines spilled out of his stomach and he fell down onto his knees, slowly toppling over. Her father was still helplessly wriggling on the floor, with blood flowing from everywhere she had maimed him... he was dying.
She slowly walked towards him and gazed down at him. She smiled, feeling sick, but she was fuckin' happy to see his dying ass on the floor. She placed the tip of the swords blade at his eyes socket. He tried to speak and plead for mercy... But frankly she couldn't be bothered.
"I told you, I will eat your face mother fucker." She said calmly and slowly slipped the blade through his eye into the back of his skull.
She dropped the blade and bent down to pick up the wad of flesh that was once his nose and then left the tent. When she emerged, everyone was just standing there ... waiting.
She looked at them, steadily taking in their faces one by one. They were shocked and anxious.
" Here!!" she said bitingly, as she tossed the wad of nose onto the ground before them, "There's what's left of your leader!" she said acidly and walked off.
The day ended. No one came for her. No one said a word.
She sat on the flat rock outside the village like her father always did.
She felt free, but her soul was no more.
She was gone. Her heart no longer existed... it died with Jacob.
Jacob, the only person she ever cared for.
This was also the last time a tear fell from her face... Which she wiped away dismissively and gazed out over the setting sun. She furrowed her brow as she eyed the small figures that appeared on the horizon and squinted to see better.
Four outlines turned to fully fledged forms. Four men walked her way. She did not bother to move or even perceived to find them threatening.
She waited. Until they stood before her.
They wore black robes, their eyes lined with wrinkles. They had curious markings on their faces. Inked into their skin.
She raised a brow at them and the middle one smiled. His bald head glistening with sweat. In the distance a black row of figures appeared. More of them?
"Who the fuck are you?" She asked with annoyance.
"We are here for YOU. We have waited patiently. We need you to lead our people." said the middle one in an aging voice. He clearly needed to drink some water too, she thought.
"Are you insane??" She asked and scoffed dismissively.
"No. You are strong... and you will raise a mighty people. We are remnants of the people who believe in survival... and growth, but we need someone strong and ruthless to lead us. The world is a dangerous place. You ARE that person." he said and held out a wrinkled hand towards her.
She looked at him in dismay and then at the outline of people hovering in the distance.
"Who are they? " she asked curiously.
"A few men as soldiers. A gift to you." She raised her brow as it peaked her interest.
" Fine." She said flatly. "However, try to kill me and I will eat you too." she said threateningly.
They looked at each other and smiled.
They found her amusing, but knew her words rang true.
"We expect nothing less. What is your name little one?" he asked gently.
She sighed and looked up at the sun.
For the first time ... apart from smiling at Jacob ... she smiled at the old man.
"My name is Sage." she said quietly and took his hand.
----end of chapter 4
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