The Girl With Eyes Of Steel- Chapter 4

Girl: I want a Stiles who sees me as a Lydia.

Guy: What if you have a Stiles  but you're too Lydia to see it?


'Well?' I said.

'Uhh...' The other boy trailed off. One of the girls, the one with the short brown hair growled. I increased the pressure against the other guy's throat.

'Put. Away. The. Claws.' I stated calmly.

'Malia.' The one with my feet against his throat croaked. Malia hesitated for a moment before complying.

'You have ten seconds.' I stated.

'Scott do something.' The strawberry blonde said.

'Nine.' I said. The one called Scott stepped forward.

'Casey, you're...' He trailed off.

'Seven.' I said.

'I'm your brother. We're... twins.' He said.


'Why should I believe you? How do I know you're not lying?' I asked, invariably increasingly the pressure on the guy on floor's throat. He was already starting to turn sickly pale.

'Well... I have no reason to lie to you.' Scott looked flustered.

I eyed him carefully. He looked like a terrible liar but then that's what a good liar makes you think. My gaze skipped over all their faces before settling on the terrified one beneath my shoe. Our eyes met. His were wide with fear or possibly due to the lack of air. I stared into his deep bottomless hazel eyes for a second. They held secrets. Plenty secrets but no lies and in that moment, I made my decision.

I dropped to my knees and hovered over him. My hand replaced my foot at his throat. Malia growled at started forward but the dark skinned man stopped her. My dark hair fell over one shoulder and acted as a curtain, shielding our faces from the others.

I made sure to keep eye contact with the guy on the floor. He was staring right back at me with his mouth opened in a small "o".

'Is what he says true?' I asked slowly. He nodded vigorously. I tightened my hand on his throat.

'Answer me. With words.' I narrowed my eyes.

'Yes.' He managed to croak.

I sighed in relief and blood rushed to my head so fast. 'Good because I think I'm about to...'

I didn't get to finish my sentence because I passed out. Right into his arms.


Footsteps. Who ever was coming for me was definitely lousy at trying to be quiet. I made no sudden movements. I stayed in bed quietly waiting for my attacker to strike.

As soon as the door to my room was pushed open, I sprung from the bed and slammed the intruder into the wall. I twisted her hand behind her back. A small shrill scream escaped from her mouth. Scott and Stiles came running in.

'Who the hell are you?' I growled. Light flooded the previously dark room. Melissa was the "intruder".

'Melissa?' Surprise coloured my tone. 'What are you doing here? I could've hurt you.'

'I came to kiss you good morning.' She grunted.

'What? That's a thing? Why?' I asked.

'It's normally what a mother does. Is there any reason I'm still pinned to the wall?' Melissa asked.

'Oh.' I frowned and let her go. 'Did you do that to Scott as well?'

'I've had eighteen years of it.' He replied.

I turned back to Melissa, an angry expression on my face. 'The hell do you think you were doing? I could've killed you!'

She shrugged. My gaze wandered from face to face before I sighed out loud.

'I'm going to need some breakfast in me if I have to deal with this level of stupidity this early in the morning.'

I shouldered my way past them and trudged to the kitchen. I set about preparing breakfast and tuned out the sounds of everyone showering and getting dressed so I didn't hear when someone crept into the house.

I did however hear when said person crept into the kitchen. I always make it a point to be aware of my immediate surroundings at the very least. I spun on my heel and threw my cereal spoon at the said intruder. In light of what happened with Melissa, I opted to not throw the spoon anywhere fatal without first making sure it is an actual intruder.

The spoon lodged in the wall just centimetres away from a man's face.

'Jesus! Casey! What are you trying to do? Blind me?' He yelled just as Scott and Stiles stumbled into the kitchen. They didn't pay any particular attention to the intruder so I assumed they knew him.

'If I wanted to blind you, you'd be blind.' I replied drily and took out a new spoon.

'Who the hell are....' My vision veered crazily for a moment and I had to grab the counter to steady myself.

'What's happening?' I asked, hating the breathless quality of my voice.

'Casey, you look a little pale. You okay?' Scott asked, his brows furrowed with concern. Stiles raced to my side, offering help. I smacked his hand away.

'I'm... I'm fine.' I ground out. A million images flashed through mind. I gasped. Not images. Memories. Just as quickly as the dizziness came, it was gone.



'Casey!' Stiles snapped.

I fixed him a hard glare. 'What!'

'Well?' He waved his hand in the air like a maniac.

I arched a brow and looked from him to Scott. 'Is he possessed?'

'No. Not anymore.' 

'Right. I forgot. The nogitsune.' I shook my head and returned my attention to my bowl of cereal. A spoon clattered to the ground.

'I can feel you watching me Stiles.' I said without glancing at him. 'Also, you might want to pick your spoon from the floor.'

'If you lay a finger on me, I will break your arm.' I said when Stiles's hand was a hairsbreadth from my shoulder.

'Who the hell do you that? You weren't even looking!' He yelled.

I rolled my eyes.

'This is really important.' Stiles snapped.

'So is my breakfast.' I replied nonchalantly.

He let out a frustrated growl.

'I'm sure you have something important to say, well, at least you think it's important but its just gonna have to wait till after my breakfast. Crucify me. Oh wait! Someone already tried that.' I said flippantly.

'What!' Scott yelled. Stiles had his mouth hanging open.

'Didn't work out to great.' I wrinkled my nose.

I had to deal with probing disbelieving stares for the rest of breakfast.

'Well?' Stiles shot me a questioning look which I returned with a bland I-dont-care look of mine.

'Stiles I'm not psychic. You are going to have to use your words.' I rolled my eyes and eyed his jeep suspiciously.

'No. I'm not getting in that jeep. Is it even road worthy?' I arched a brow. Stiles shot me a look.

'Yes!' Came the disgruntled reply.

'Well I'm not riding in it.' I replied.

'I don't have a car.' Scott said.

'I know.' I replied staring at his motorcycle.

'No. Do you even know how to ride a bike?' Scott asked.

'Why are you all missing the important point here?' Stiles snapped. Scott and I turned to him.

'Which would be?' I raised my eyebrow.

'You've got your memory back!' Stiles yelled in frustration.

'You have?' Scott asked, staring at me with a disbelieving expression.

I frowned. 'You can't be that slow, Scott. Seriously.'

'You've got your memory back? When?' He asked.

I started to answer but Stiles beat me to it.

'This morning. At breakfast.'

I stared at him, a little surprised. 'Yeah. But I don't remember everything. Just bits and pieces. Nothing about me actually. Just you guys. You, Lydia, Malia, Allison, Ethan, Aiden, Derek, everyone that has ever been in your kitchen. Don't ask why or how because I don't know. It just happened. I don't know what triggered it.' I sighed.

'Well do you...'

'Stiles!' I glowered.

'Sorry.' He replied sheepishly.

'Scott, keys.' He tossed them to me.

'Do you even know how to ride a bike?' Scott asked.

My lips curved up in a smirk. 'See you at school.'

'Is that a yes or no?' He yelled.


School. I hate school. It's a hell hole. A madhouse full of the weirdest weirdos you'll ever meet. It also didn't help that I seemed to know almost everything about some people and next nothing about others. I also had Scott, Stiles and Malia hovering over me all day. It was infuriating.

But all that was still better than when I started to feel the beginnings of a headache and a pressing need to remember something. Something essential.

I was still able cope with all that till AP biology when the headache turned into a full fledged war inside my head. I felt like I playing tug of war with someone for my mind and it was not a experience I was enjoying or ever wanted to relive.

The scarier part was it felt like I losing. I was feeling less in control of my mind and body. I was also feeling a growing need to squeeze the life out of someone. Slowly and painfully. Literally. And that above all else frightened the hell out me.

I flexed my clenched fists and tried to breath. A new wave of pain hit me and I sucked in a breath. It was too much.

I stuffed my books into my back and stumbled out of the class. I could hear the teacher calling me back but she sounded too far away and everything looked blurry.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned. My eyes were still refusing to cooperate with me so I took a lucky guess. It has to be of them since they've been watching me like a hawk all day.


'Casey, what's wrong?' He replied.

'I don't know. I have no idea but you have to get me out of here. Now!' I grabbed him by his shirt to keep myself upright because my legs gave out under me.

'What? Why?'

I didn't reply because I wasn't sure if a reply was what was going to come out of my mouth if I opened it or a scream.

The pain was reaching unbearable levels.

I barely registered Scott running into the hallway.

'Help me.' I ground out before everything became too fuzzy and the pain was all I could focus on.

The entire ride to animal clinic in foggy and somewhat familiar. For the most part, I was writhing in agony that seems endless. Scott and Stiles had to carry me into the animal clinic since my legs refused to cooperate. Deaton made them lay me down on the steel table where he usually treats animals. If I wasn't in the most agonizing pain of my life, I'd feel insulted.

'What's wrong with her? What happened?' Deaton asked.

I could hear a voice in my head now. It had been a dull chant before but now I could hear each word clearly and with each word came a new wave of pain.

Let go.

Let me in.

Let go.

Let me in.

Let what in?

Just let me in.

Let go.

It will all go away.

Let go.

Let me in.

I wasn't aware I was mouthing the words till Stiles asked what I was saying.

'Huh?' My voice sounded weary and had a faraway quality to it. Kind of like I was dying. I couldn't even lift  a finger.

Let me in!
The voice snapped and I felt like my head was exploding. Drawing from some unknown source of strength and ignoring my protesting muscles, I sat up and clutched my head tight as if the would somehow lessen the pain.

'Help!' I yelled.

'Scott?' Deaton said.

'I have no idea what happened. We were in class and the next minute she was running out. I came out a few seconds later and I found her like that.' He said.

Stiles grabbed my bag and emptied it on the floor.

'These look like allergy shots. Do you think it'll help?' Stiles asked, holding up an epi-pen. Deaton and Scott exchanged a look.

'We could try it. It's not like it can do any damage.' Stiles suggested.

'Actually it can.' Deaton replied.

'Scott?' Stiles said.


'What's wrong?' Scott finally replied.

'What are we going to do about them?'

'Who?' Deaton and Scott turned to Stiles.

'Them.' Stiles pointed to two menacing guys outside with gleaming katanas.

'Them.' Scott echoed.

I wrapped my fingers around a small silver locket around my neck praying to God for an answer.

And then it hit me. The words flitted across my mind like a whisper.

Pain makes us human.

'Scott,' my voice came out in a strangled whisper. 'I need you to break my arm.'

The look on their faces was comical. I would've laughed if I wasn't in excruciating pain.


'Break my arm.' I ground out.

'Are you crazy? You know what, she's crazy.' Stiles said.

'Scott, now!' I screamed, my head throbbing.

'Why?' He asked.

'Pain makes us human.' I croaked.

'But you are human.'



'Just do it.'

He shrugged helplessly before taking my arm and bending it until we all heard the crack but it wasn't enough. I could barely feel the pain.

'Mistletoe. I need mistletoe.' I jerked my hand away and reset the bone. Immediately, the injury healed.

'Is there anything in my bag that can help?' I choked out.

'Nothing. Except for these epi-pens.' Stiles passed it to Scott so he could hand it to me.

Scott sniffed the air twice and then started choking. 'Is that wolfsbane?'

Deaton collected it from Scott and examined it.

'Yes, that looks like wolfsbane. A very rare, very potent specie. There looks to be mistletoe in there too.' Deaton said. 'What did you mix in here?'

'I don't know. I can't remember just... just hand it over.'  I was losing control. I could feel it winning. Whatever it was. I was being draw backwards.

At the last minute, Deaton passed it to me and I jabbed myself with it just before I lost all control.

That's when I saw her.

She was me. But a different me.

An evil me.

She smirked.

That was even easier than the last time. You're losing. Give up while you're still ahead and maybe I'll spare them. I'll give them a quick entrance into the afterlife rather than a long agonizing one.

The words floated around us and even though her mouth wasn't moving, I knew it was her.

'I'm not going to let you hurt them.'

You can't protect everyone sweetheart. It's just a matter time before I take over.

'I won't let you.'

A low mocking cackle filled the air and she was suddenly directly in front of me. She grabbed my chin between her thumb and index finger and a cold chill crept up my spine. I shivered involuntarily.

You're so cute. You actually believe you can stop me. This level of stupidity is priceless but I guess it's high time you wake up.

A wicked smirk floated across her face and she walked right through me. I screamed and pain tore through my body across every nerve ending.

And then I woke up.


I was feeling inspired so I wrote this chapter. I hope you guys like it. If you want to read more of any of the stories, just pm me or write it in your comments.





PS. If there's any of you who likes this story but hasn't watched teen wolf and so you don't really understand what's going on, just write about it in the comment section and I'll try to explain. Maybe even put up a chapter summarizing everything so you can have a better picture of what the story is all about.

Have a nice day!

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