Chapter I | Imentet |Part I

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A brisk gust of wind flurried across the desert, picking the sand up alongside it. The target remained clear in the distance.

"Your elbow, higher."

The wind slightly escalated, rippling through their clothes and causing the instructor to look away briefly. A gloomy wall of dust and sand covered the horizon, spiraling in an uncontrolled tumble of chaos accompanied by the turbulent and speeding breeze. Time was of no immediate essence yet, but this lesson would need to be cut short soon.

"Breathe in the air around you."

For a moment, it seemed that time had come to a stop. Everything was immobilized, and everything became silent. Only the imminent sandstorm defied the stoppage of time.

"Do not think about it. Hesitation is dangerous, let go."

Her fingers strained against the string, forcing the young archer to flinch and release the arrow. The shot was powerful, whistling across the air with full force. However, it struck the sand, merely a foot away from the frightened vulture that immediately took off into the sky.

Many would agree it was close. Even the instructor wanted to congratulate her, but the look on the girl's eyes told a different story. Her frown showed it simply wasn't good enough, nor was it perfect. Rather, it was far from it.

Nine-year-old Aisha displayed great disappointment, but her movement suggested her excitement and commitment at trying again. She reached down to her waist to grab another arrow from her quiver, looking back up and brushing aside her hair that rustled against her face. The vulture had already flown away from her, but it wouldn't stop her from taking aim.

The rumbling storm ahead had meanwhile gotten closer, rapidly tearing apart the Sahara and accumulating in size and strength. Her mentor interrupted her, gently placing a hand over hers. "A sandstorm approaches, seni. Make like the vulture and flee, we can always train later."

Rather than running separately, he stayed close to her and led her back to their village. Her grip tightened around his hand, and he never let go of her touch as they escaped the clutches of Set, the God of storms.

Just as the orange haze of the sun had started to set beneath the dunes, they reached their home. Not too far from the training grounds, their shelter was located near the outskirts of their village and marketplace. Every structure was a cube-like home made of mud-bricks. 

Without a door, they settled for large draping palm leaves instead. They were hammered in place above the entrance. But with the sandstorm looming over them, the leaves wouldn't be enough to provide any cover. Once Aisha ran inside, he quickly reinforced the entrance with a large wooden panel he kept close by for this very recurring occasion.

"By Amun, another one?" A feminine voice belonging to an adult woman nearly startled him from behind. He turned to see Ada dressed in her casual kalasiris sheath dress as her long, black braided hair draped over her chest. In her hands was a bowl of what looked to be cooked mutton. "How many storms have battered against our walls this past week?"

He shrugged, taking a step towards his wife and reaching out for the bowl in her hands. "Ah, perfect timing, my beloved."

However, she turned around, denying him his meal. "No, Maalik. Not until Aisha has her share with us."

Maalik sighed, giving her a slight kiss on the cheek before heading further inside. Aisha had already leaned her bow against the wall and sat over a rug facing a campfire.

Ada walked over to her, placing the bowl beside the fire. "There's my future markswoman! Tell me, how was training?"

"Neith would be angry at me." The little girl responded, pouting and looking away.

Her father on the other hand sat beside her, resting an arm over her shoulders as he chuckled. "She's right, Neith is angry. Her title as Goddess of the hunt and archery will soon be overtaken by our little one here."

Maalik reached for a bowl of fresh water recently purified by the fire and cooled. He held it beneath his chin, taking a moment to look down and stare into his own reflection. His olive skin tone was slightly hidden underneath his stubble beard, his dark hazel eyes scanned the rest of his features like his black messy hair. Most importantly, his warm and faint smile echoed back to him.

Finally, he sipped the water and set the bowl down. His attention turned back to Aisha, who was still disappointed with her efforts. It seemed Ada had also noticed this, as she began to speak first. "You should have seen your father when he was your age. He couldn't hit a sleeping hyena even if it rested by his feet."

"That hyena was possessed, even Neith would have missed." Maalik didn't appreciate the topic of this conversation turning against him, but he played along.

"What about that lion resting by the Nile? You had every opportunity to score a feast for our village."

He glared at his wife. "Don't."

That seemed to have finally gotten Aisha's attention, as she joined the conversation. "Baba, are you scared of the cats?"

"Lions are not cats, they are a cursed manifestation of Anubis himself that come from the deepest pits of the Duat." Just the thought of one of those wild beasts caused him to nearly lose his appetite. But it wasn't enough to stop him from biting into that juicy mutton.

"Yes, he is indeed terrified of those feline lions." Ada teased him, giggling along with her daughter.

He pretended to laugh, restraining his frustration from lashing out. How could anyone not fear those damn things? All it takes is one of them to wander in here and ruthlessly massacre half the village before someone brave enough decides to end its rampage.

Later that night, the storm's strength dwindled. The family slept together atop the center rug. But Maalik wasn't with them. He had gone up to the roof of their house with his own bow and quiver. Underneath the moonlight, he focused on aiming for a nearby palm tree.

Even in the dark, he took each shot and inspected every arrow. Some had missed, but most were on target. He snatched every arrow back and rested indoors. Sometimes, he too needed to train on his own in peace. Whether it be day or night, he had his reasons.

Come noon, Aisha was ready for another day of target practice. It was good to know she enjoyed archery as much as he did. It was easy to find their usual spot, as it was situated beside a nearby oasis. 

Though upon reaching it, Aisha had started running. "I want to find the arrow I lost!"

"Do not be so hasty, seni." Maalik followed her, sighing to himself. "The arrow is most likely gone, buried deep beneath the sand or carried away by the storm."

His breath was wasted however. Nothing could stop her from filling her heart's desire. Despite his own thoughts, he found it hard to say the word 'no' to her. Seeing her upset is a sight that haunts him. He never wants to hear her cry ever again.

Standing with his arms crossed, he looked away from her momentarily to take in the scenery around him. It was hard to miss the two colossal structures in the horizon north of them. The two great pyramids, belonging to the pharaohs Khafre and Khufu. Witnessing them felt holy, especially when viewing the gold-plated tips atop the center pyramid. Last he heard, rumors of a third pyramid being planned had spread around the marketplace.

He could still remember the day he helped in the construction of Khafre's pyramid. Maalik was a volunteer that worked for a salary and food that was far better than any of his past attempts at cooking. By that time, most of the pyramid was already built, leaving just the tip to be put in place. Using all the scaffolding and rope they had, everyone worked together to drag the polished limestone tip in chunks. 

Those were his glory days. He's since grown older and weaker. Thirty-one years of age, and he feels like he's on his last leg. Most of his thoughts nowadays are just of the afterlife anyways. There will come a day when Maalik must stand before his deities and confess everything in order to be granted entry into A'aru. A part of him feels excited for that day, but for now, he couldn't accept death until all his debts are paid.

No matter how many times he prayed to Amun-Ra or Sobek, the days progressed with nothing new. With his prayers falling on deaf ears, he must take the mantle to be the perfect father his family needs. Only he can secure that peaceful afterlife for him and his loved ones. 

"I found it, Baba!" Her shouting suddenly startled him back to reality. He rapidly blinked his eyes and turned his head, noticing Aisha running towards him with an arrow in her hand. He had no way to confirm it was the same one from yesterday, but he took her word for it.

"By the Gods, your eyes are as sharp as a falcon." All he did was smile and be proud of her.

That's all he could ever do.

Maalik sat atop the roof of his home, facing a fire he started to keep himself warm.

Either he takes his frustration out on the poor palm trees nearby with some well placed arrows, or he eases his mind and ponders. It was all he ever felt like doing, and tonight felt perfect for a peaceful meditation.

But the sound of footsteps hindered his plans, and he turned to see his daughter climb up to his level. "Aisha, you should be resting."

"I'm not tired enough to sleep." She responded, walking over and taking a seat close to him. Illuminated by the campfire, he now noticed the bow strapped to her back.

Ever since they began training, Maalik took it upon himself to help her craft her own unique bow. It consisted of the finest silk and most durable wood in the region. With a bit of iron and gold on the edges, it was truly an elegant bow fit for a queen; as his daughter was his queen.

Maalik reached for another piece of driftwood to feed the fire. His other arm wrapped around his daughter's shoulders, drawing her closer. They both faced forward, seeing the towering pyramids and the recently built Great Sphinx in the distance, facing the east. 

"Baba?" She asked, continuing to stare at one of the greatest wonders of the world. "Can I have my own pyramid?"

Maalik chuckled at the thought but realized his mistake and became expressionless. "My dear seni, you must realize the complications behind having a pyramid built on your behalf."

"Why does King Khufu get a pyramid, but I can't?" Her disappointment was clear. It was the face she made that hurt Maalik the most, he could never say no to her. Yet he couldn't bear to kill her dreams.

"He was an important man, one worthy of a pyramid. It is difficult to construct one, but not impossible. For you, seni, it will never be impossible. How could I refuse my important daughter a pyramid worthy of her greatness?" An idea came to mind. When he sets his mind to anything, he doesn't stop until it becomes a reality. He'll get her exactly what she wants.

The next day wasn't spent on hunting, rather it was a day of collecting. One advantage of living so close to the market was having good relations and connections with the locals. With the help of some friends, he was able to collect a small chunk of sandstone, ready to be sculpted.

It was far from great, rather slightly disappointing, but it was still a pyramid. Using the sandstone he found and the help of friends, he managed to sculpt a miniature pyramid. Its edges were slightly smoothed out to avoid injury. The tip of it was even painted over with yellow paint, making it appear as if it was golden.

Small enough to carry in the palm of a hand, he brought it home and immediately had to show it to Aisha. Seeing her eyes widen and her mouth open to form a gasp awakened a shining sense of pride in him. All he wants is to keep his little girl happy, and he's succeeding.

She was quick to hug him tightly. He knelt to his knees and smiled, feeling his heart weigh heavier. Ada stood nearby, and he saw her watching the two of them with a joyful expression.

Aisha held the pyramid in her hands and ran outdoors. Maalik brushed against the draping leaves and watched her. Ada accompanied him. Although they both held their grins, he felt his wife's happiness diminish as she turned her head towards him, showcasing a neutral tone.

"I hope you have not forgotten about Inebu-Hedj." She brought up the name of the city he had recently overlooked.

He sighed at the topic, leaning back against the front of his home. "When the sun rises from beyond the ocean of sand once more, I will begin the journey."

"Do not be foolish enough to think you are going alone." Ada stared him down, and he couldn't manage to look back at her. As he remained in silence, she continued. "Have you any idea how much that girl loves you?"

"I know." His brows narrowed downwards, glaring at Aisha running further into the desert.

"Then don't do anything reckless."

He finally turned to face her, his expression darkening with bits of sorrow. Without saying a word, he walked after his daughter.

Maintaining his everlasting focus, he marched across the endless dunes with a heavy mind.

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Historical Notes:

Imentet is the ancient name for Giza. Furthermore, Kemet is also the ancient name for Egypt.

"Baba" in both Egyptian and Arabic is one of many ways to call your father.

"Seni" is an ancient Egyptian translation of the word "friend".

A kalasiris dress and its variant. They were sometimes worn under the breasts, thus leaving them exposed

Pharaoh Khufu was the first pharaoh to plan the construction of a pyramid. He had died presumably in 2566 BCE, but nobody knows how he died.

Despite popular belief, there were absolutely no slaves involved in the construction of the pyramids! Most of us, including myself, were taught otherwise. But that's simply not true! The majority of workers were volunteers that were happy to work and were well fed and kept in healthy conditions.

Amun-Ra (Ra) is the sun/creator God in Egyptian Mythology. He is also viewed as the Supreme God, one who shall not be defied and is considered a "Hidden One".

The Duat and the A'aru are both locations in the afterlife. While the Egyptians had several beliefs about the afterlife, both the Duat and the A'aru are considered the most important.

The Duat is the underworld, viewed as Hell and ruled by the God of Death, Anubis.

The Duat

The A'aru, also known as the Field of Reeds, is seen as paradise. To eternally live in peace is the ideal life the Egyptians sought for.

The A'aru

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