evolto(and friends) in......kill la kill(final part)

(Ok the reason for this being the final part is simple.....I lost motivation for this...yeah that the reason, now before yall get mad or something just let me explain, it has started to feel more like it mandatory then it is actually fun, at first it was, but as time went on it slowly became tedious and boring, at first I thought I need a break, so I took it, at first it worked but then after one chapter later it went right back to being tedious, so I took a break again but it didn't work, so after some time thinking....I'm deciding to end it early and gi straight into the next saga which is the dxd saga, I haven't lost motivation for the book in general, just this saga, I hope you can understand and thank you for your patience so for now enjoy)

Ignika:where is it?

Evolto/me:....*sigh* it in a dxd universe

(Evolto slouches on one of the kitchen seats)

Ignika:....is like the main one?...or is it one of 'those' ones?

Evolto/me:that the thing.....I haven't gotten the chance to find out....remember when you told me you fought another diend? Well....

(Evolto soon pulls out the tracker device showing an identical energy similar to the another riders was located at the dxd universe)

Ignika:I'll head there right now, when you arrive?

Evolto/me:well ill have to wake them up then pack up our shit which will take 30 minutes...it leaving a message for Ryuko that will be difficult....

Ignika:must I stay low in that universe as well?

Evolto/me:....I can't tell if your being sarcastic or not....

Iginka:that up to you

Evolto/me:(groans) If you aren't, then just until we arrive, then you can do what ever you deem necessary....*sigh* why is when I leave retirement this shit has to happen

Ignika:well I can't go into retirement unlike you so it seem fair

Evolto/me:oh screw you man, you think retirement was great? I got fucking ran over by a Walmart version of den-liner, got beamed by a orbital laser, was stuck in universe where all the men where dead and all the women there were yanderes....and I mean the worst mind of yanderes....for 2 month...was forced to become a heroic servant by a Gaia from a alternate fate universe....and that was 3 months ago....I can go on

Ignika:that seem like you problem

Evolto/me:.......just go....

Iginka:later....and learn to suck it up...

(Ignika soon leaves through his portal)

Evolto/me:this will be a pain....fuuuuck......

(Evolto looks at the clock as the screen fades)

Tempest:why did we have to leave man? Aren't we going to help Ryuko and stuff?

(Everyone is seen on the ship while heading towards the dxd universe)

Evolto/me:the reason we are leaving is because we just got the location of a core fragment....and I already left some stuff for ryuko to use and a video explaining why we left....as much as I want to tear the old hag that is ragyo....this is much more important....besides....we all are gonna have a headache...

Crimson:....I'm already getting one....

Evolto/me:I know your pissed because of the Excalibur of dxd universe, not to mention how pretty all the faction treat humans.....tch...they bring and convert humans who have power into either devils, angles or fallen angles just in hopes to solve problems they made on thier own...not to mention the danm church....which reminds me...yo jalter! You ready to burn that shit into the ground

Jalter:tch obviously!....and when do I get to kill the one called freed you said that he will try to rape a girl right?

Evolto/me:yup, one who pretty has suffered abit like you

(Jalter raises her brow at this)

Jalter:how so?

Evolto/me:pretty much she was young priestess who has a sacred gear called the twilight healing which can heal just about almost any wound, the church took her in cuz of it, they made sure to use her gift to heal thier own or people they deemed important, though she found a person who was near the verge of death and healed them, but she didn't know that said person was a devil and so when the church found out they called her a witch and casted her out, even though the twilight healing can heal everyone, not just humans and angles...this is why I don't like the danm people who says they do that shit in the name of god...at that point they are just using his name as an excuse....not to mention the danm Excalibur project....and in most likely case....the so called fragment of their Excalibur are most likely fakes....and by lore as well it shouldn't even be in the church's hands...it was left to the lady of the lake...not made by god.....plus the God in thier universe is pretty much dead...though that ain't really God if he just upped and died in a war...beside....I met God before....and there ain't no way he can just up and died...if he created everything....he can unmake it too

Jalter:ok when we get there....drop me off at the church.....

Evolto/me:not yet....we got deprive them of their hope first

(Evolto is seen with a smile that radiates of insanity as he says this)

Evolto/me:besides....we got to make sure a certin pervert doesn't die first

The group(except for jalter):awwww man

(The group groans while jalter is confused)

Jalter:I'm sorry who?

Evolto/me:eh you'll see soon....just try not to burn him....

(Jalter just looks at him before walking away)

Tempest:wait we are doing it right now?

Evolto/me:yup and imma have to try something out...

Ryan:well whatever you going to do, make it quick

Evolto/me:oh yeah tempest go to rider room...you can use the game driver....I also left the Kiva gashat there for you to use

Tempest:fuck yeah!

(Time skip)

Issei:could you say that again?

(Yuma get close to him and wispers)

Yuma:I want you to die for me

(Issei was shocked and falls to ground as he see Yuma transforms into a fallen angle who real name is raynare)

(Note:I'm not typing what he was thinking in the show cuz it is just cringe)

Raynare:well I'll have to admit I had some fun today, considering how naive and childish you are things could have been much much worse, thanks alot for the gift too, very sweet....but even so

(She hold out her hand as her light spear appears)

Issei:Yuma wait please!

Raynare:it time to die!

(Just as she about to stab him)



(She was soon hit by a energy shot at the shoulder)

Evolto/me:tsk tsk! Playing with the young boy heart like that so you could kill him, how shameful~


evolto/me:oh alright but don't say I didn't warn you...miss raynare...

(Smoke soon apears right infront of issei as they both look in anticipation and as the smoke soon falls and fade evolto is seen in his bloodstalk form)

Evolto/me:you can call me bloodstalk....but right now.....I'm your executioner....

Raynare:....your no devil...your a human...(chuckles) I'll admit you got a shot on me...but you won't get anymore...and once I'm done with you...I'll kill him as well

(A sadistic smile is seen on raynare face)

Evolto/me:see....that where your wrong

Raynare:oh~? Do tell

Evolto/me:one....you will suffer tonight....two....you underestimate us humans...

(Evolto soon disappear in a instant and reapears behind her landing a kick to the head and as this happens)

Evolto/me:three....I'm not alone

(As soon as he says this two more energy shot hit raynare in the back as tempest is seen with bassha magnum in his hand while he is wearing a cloak)


(Raynare trys to swipe at evolto only for him to grab the spear and pull her in while he pulls out one of his steam blade and goes for a swiping though she move barely in time and only receive a cut on her arm before letting go of her spear as she fly into the air)

Raynare:tch this isn't over!

(She soon flys away as the two look on)

Evolto/me:....(smirks then speaks quietly) that right crow....fly away...you'll get what coming to you soon...

(Soon the two look at Issei who looks at them with shock and confusion)

Issei:what the hell is going on here?! And who are you two?!

Evolto/me:oh it ain't just the two of us kiddo....there is more, but they are doing their own things right now hey kid do you happen to have a card that says something about making a wish come true?

Issei:...um yeah?

Evolto/me:could you give it to Kiva here please?

(Tempest walks towards issei who pull out the card and hand it to him)

Tempest:give me your hand


Tempest:just do it, we did save your life after all


(As he gives his left hand to tempest "your welcome it isn't the right hand tempest")

Issei:! Ow! What heck?!

(Tempest pricks his hand as a small amount of blood is seen)

Tempest:I want you to wish to see a girl named Rias right now

Issei:why? You just poked my hand dude!

Evolto/me:that the reason why


(Tempest soon puts Issei hand onto the card getting the blood in contact with it and it soon glows as magic crest soon apears and rias is soon seen infront of the three)

Rias:so you wished to see me-! Who are you two?...! And why do I feel holy magic?

(She looks at the two with a serious look as her aura flares)

Evolto/me:mmh that cute~ you think you can boast your power around and order us.....doing things like that...

(Soon she feel the aura the two are releasing....and it is suffocating, though they soon lower thier aura as she breath normally)

Evolto/me:your not biggest fish here....gremory, so....wanna tell the boy why he was just almost killed by a fallen angle in your....territory?

(Evolto says that last word with disdained)

Rias:!....issei can you come to school tomorrow? I'll explain....

(She then looks at the two)

Rias:and you two....i want you to tell me who you are right now

Evolto/me:....hahahaha! Even in the presence of two people who are way stronger then you....you still demand us to tell you who we are?...heh you got guts kid...I'd give you that...sadly we don't have the time to tell you....though we did tell him...so you can ask him...

(Evolto walks toward issei and pulls him up and whisper)

Evolto/me:don't tell her that there more of us kiddo...that the only thing we ask...after all....we did save you

(Due to rias enhanced senses she trys to hear what he is saying but is unable to due to tempest whistling)

Evotlo/me:welp...see ya later tomato head! Ciao~!

(He flicks his hand at her then pulls out his transteam pistol and aims at her, she gets into a stance preparing for him to fire at her, only for when he pulls the trigger smoke comes out, surprising her and when the smoke disappears they are no where to be seen)


Tempest:you sure that was good idea to alert her of our presence?

Evolto:eh she didn't see our faces and besides...we can change the reading our aura remember? And besides the perv won't tell her how many of us there are

Tempest:so how long till everyone is done?

(As he says this we see each of the members in groups with lappland sitting on a pile of corpses of stray priests as jalter finish killing the last one with a sadistic smile, ryan and Crimson are seen finishing setting up with placing the furniture as shifter is seen looking in his void watch each of the faction leaders and the chaos brigade as they are unaware of him watching them)

Tempest:and if orphis decide to pay us a visit?

Evolto/me:oh please...let her come....I can kill her in a instant if I wanted to...now what about you with....Protestants?

Tempest:second verse Same as the first, now give me a blade so I can put them in hearse!

Evolto/me:....Alexander Anderson was training you again wasn't he?

Tempest:bet ya fucking right! If he were to ask me to go to church I'd say fuck yeah!

Evolto/me:...hmm...("I wounder if we can bring him and Alucard as heroic spirits....eh there already a Dracula there...so no....Anderson though....hmm...gonna have to get the one of the nails that was used on Jesus....no that might just summon Jesus instead...eh I'll figure something out)

(The screen fades to black)

(And done with this chapter.... Tempest68 remember when you ask me to do the saint boondocks?...well....you'll see)

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