Evolto(and friends)in.....honkai?! pt.3




Mei:.....so um...how did you two get those armor?

Evolto/me:....from my predecessor....

Himeko:oh so there a was a person who used the armor before you?

Tempest:yeah but he-

Evolto/me:the old man dead plain and simple

Mei:oh!...I'm sorry

Evolto/me:Nah don't be! The old man was a bit insane

Shifter/me:like your one to talk



Evolto/me:oh I didn't just hear you fish breath!

Kiana:fish breath?! Why i otta-

Himeko:enough you two love birds you can argue later!

Evolto/me,Kiana:love birds?!

Evolto/me:lady! I'm married!....."probably should not have said that"....


Everyone else:....WHAAAAAT?!

Kiana:like hell you are! Your too young!

Evolto/me:bitch I got a ring to prove it!(shows ring) better yet a picture! Tempest was there for the wedding!

Tempest:yeah he not lying....

Himeko:...how old are you?

"Can't tell her my real age"....

Himeko:HUH?!...(depressed anime style) he found a lover at such a young age!...and I still haven't!


Tempest:...so um how long till we get there?

Himeko:...hm? Oh in about 15 minutes

Shifter/blake:finally, I was getting a bit stiff now.

Evolto/me:eh same here my shoulders were beginning to get stiff as well (stretches)

Bronya:the bronya would like to as the subject tempest a question.

Tempest:mh? Yeah what is it?

Bronya:where did the bat come from?

Tempest:bat?...oh you mean kivat! Well my teach gave him to me and wanted me to be the next Kiva


Tempest:yup! As kamen rider kiva I have to protect people from harm and such.

Himeko:what exactly is a kamen rider?

Evolto/me:I'll answer that, kamen riders are masked fighters who protect people in Secret from all sort of manners, from your average day villain to terrorists organizations and much more.

Kiana:pshh like what? The power rangers?


Shifter/blake:oh shit

Tempest:uhh I wouldn't have said that if I were you(worried)

Kiana:why? You guys are just power rangers! Just less cool.....uh why does it look like he gonna strangle me?

Evolto/me:....ILL KILL YOU!

Tempest:shit!(Holds evolto/me back) chill man! Chill!

Kiana:nragh! What his problem?!

Shifter/me:you basically just insulted his past and such, kamen riders are much stronger then power rangers, and believe me, brandon like tempest is also inherent his powers from his predecessor.

Bronya:the idiotka doesn't know to keep her mouth shut.

Kiana:oh shut it bronya!

Bronya:the bronya is merely stating the facts.

Himeko:*sighs* let just keep him (point at evolto/me) away from Kiana.

(Le time skip)

(Location st.freya academy)

(Mubles, whispers,)

Random valkyrie#1:what are a bunch of males doing here?

R.valkyrie#2:I don't know but they shouldn't be here

R.valkyrie#3:I bet they are just a bunch of pervs

Mei:....I'm sorry if they are making you feel uncomfortable you three

Evolto/me:eh it whateves if anything that just proves they won't get that far

R.valkyrie#1:what you just say freak?


R.valkyrie#1:yeah you multi eye color freak! You said we wouldn't get far, what do you know? Your just a weak male!



Himeko:hey that was-!!

Tempest:(pat her shoulder) nah let him.


R.valkyrie#1:oh gone quite now? How about you get on the floor and beg for forgiveness, and maybe I'll le-!!

Evolto/me:now so talkative now with a blade on your throat are ya?...I may be a colored eye freak...but this freak and his other two friends are the ones who killed that giant houkai on the news....so pls...tell me who weak now? (smiles)...

???:that will be enough!


Evolto/me:...heh alright, alright....so who the one who interrupted us?

Theresa:that would be me principle Theresa of st.freya academy....(looks at the Valkyrie) you and I will have a talk with how you spoke

R.valkyrie#1:but!....(looks at evolto/me) this isn't over(leaves)

Theresa:shouldn't you all have somewhere to be?

(The rest of the valkyries leaves)

Shifter/blake:....this child is the principle of this place?


Theresa:...(angy mode active)...what did you say about me?

Shifter/blake:!uh! Uhh nothing! "Holy shit that arua is scary!"

Evolto/me:heh!...well thank goodness you arrived on time miss, otherwise things would have gone...bloody...

Kiana:ha! Good one!..right?

Tempest:....most of the time yes and thankfully right now yes...but I wouldn't exactly say he wouldn't be lying if you were his enemy...

Himeko:..what?...(getting on edge)

Evolto/me:he right...(smirk) I'm not evil...but I'm sure as hell I'm not a good guy!

Kiana:wait wait but you said kamen riders are good guys!

Tempest:not all of them...most yes....some are more on neutral ground, while from time to time there have been....some unsavory ones....psychopaths...or as we call them...dark riders they are nothing more then people who their powers for thier own selfish gains....brandon predecessor was formerly a dark rider...and one of few strongest ones...

Evolto/me:his name was Evolto...or otherwise known as kamen rider evol....destroyer of worlds...but I'm not a dark rider if that what your wondering....

Mei:Tempest...was your teacher...also a dark rider?

Tempest:no he wasn't nor is a dark rider, he fought one who was called dark kiva....for obvious reason

Kiana:well what about you? Are you also a kamen rider...Mr?

Shifter/blake:names blake and no im not, I'm just a special case.

Himeko:huh....well we should go the principle Theresa office and talk more....by the way you said there were two more of you where are they?

Tempest:oh they should be here by tomorrow or so.

Theresa:I want an explanation of why you three where there and more importantly how were you able to face the houkai with ease

Evolto/me:fair enough...hey...what do you know about the multiversal theory?



???:...Ryan....please finish up

Ryan:in a sec, just finishing up collecting the data from these houkai...fascinating! Their energy is something to look at, you should look at it Crimson

Crimson:there nothing to really look at...they are just beasts who ruin people's lives...honestly I don't know why your even interested in them

Ryan:ah but it the energy they produced that fascinates me! And I can't miss on collecting this data!

Crimson:....they are annoying...and we need to meet up with the others

Ryan:*sigh* alright alright!...hey I got a question to ask

Crimson:hmm what is it?

Ryan:aren't you a servant? So shouldn't you need mana to stay in physical form?

Crimson:well you can thank evolto for that, he gave me a couple of...fullbottles was it? Yes he gave me a couple of fullbottles that are filled to the brim with mana....I should last...8 month if I use my noble phantasm like crazy...4 years if I use my np(noble phantasm) sparingly

Ryan:he made sure you came prepared.

Crimson:of course he had dealt with and tangled with servants before...I'm pretty sure he can deal with archer gilgamesh with ease if he wishes...though he wants me to keep Excalibur hidden for now

Ryan:danm...well I gotten my question answered

Crimson:now let move now, we only have a day left before the events start

Ryan:alright I got what I needed

(While walking)

Crimson:I've been meaning to ask....what with the bat?

Ryan:oh this? (twirls crystal bat) it my bat! It can deal alot of damage to these houkai!(grins)

Crimson:...that would explain the dents on them before they faded...



Tempest:....*sigh* I'm honestly surprised they believed us and didn't throw us in a padded cell with straight jackets


Evolto/me:hah! They were gonna find out sooner or later! Might as well come clean....mhh mostly "still haven't told them our real ages"



himeko:i-i honestly find that hard to believe that you three....are from different universes...

Theresa:you shouldn't! They are clearly mentally unstable!

Tempest:*sigh* I assure you we aren't insane miss Theresa, what brandon...I mean evo says here is the truth...and we have come here to help actually....evo...show them

Evolto/me:with pleasure...now allow me to show you...pandora box...and with it!...the multiverse!

(Pandora box's comes out of evolto/me chest glowing)

Himeko:did a box just?

Shifter/blake:yes it did...yes it did

Evotlo/me:now to show you the multiverse!

(Basically pandora box separate and show them the mapping image of the multiverse)

Theresa:!! It's...beautiful...

Himeko:you can say that again...

Tempest:and dangerous...

Himeko:what do you mean?

Evolto/me:it known that the multiverse is known for infinite possibilities...heros who fight for justice and peace...to world's that are paradise, to worlds that are the beacon of hope, to groups like yourself who hunt monsters or beast that are a threat to humanity survival....to monsters who walk disused as humans, monsters that have destroyed countless civilizations, to horrors unknownand to beings who treat those with out power like they are nothing but waste....and finally....(shows an image of killbus) beings who want nothing more then the of annihilation everything we know....

Theresa:that man...his driver is almost an exact replica of your 'driver" as you called it....but it all black and red...

Evolto/me:...that a dark rider....killbus...he is the older brother of my predecessor...he also an insane mad man who want nothing more but to destroy everything...and I mean everything....he even terrified the first evolto...

Tempest:now do you believe us?

Himeko:.....I do....

Theresa:! Himeko?

Himeko:if what you said is true....then I am greatful you came to help us....

Theresa:...I do as well...I'm glad you will be working with us!

Tempest:...(smiles) Thank you...


Mei:(slightly laughing) well I'm glad i met you three

Bronya: the bronya is also happy to meet you three

Kiana:I'm happy as well....except for you! (Points at evolto/me) I'm watching you!

Evolto/me:whatever tuna breath (smirk)

Kiana:tuna breath?! Ok I challenge you to a fight odd eyes!

Evolto/me:odd eyes?....heh so this kitten does have her claws...alright I'm up for a good warmup!...hmm I should go easy on you, after all your just a kitten after all (Pats her head mockingly)

Kiana:(swat evolto/me hand) oh ho ho ho! Give me your best! You are about to be mopped the floor with!

Evolto/me:..you...want me? To give you my best?

Kiana:that right!...unless your scared? (Taunts)

(Taunt successful...your dead)

Evolto/me:heh...hahaha! Oh alright, I'll give you my best...pick from 1 to 5


Evolto/me:just pick -_-


Evolto/me:...heh alright then!...um where do we fight?

Himeko:*sighs* follow me...

(Time skip/Flashback over)

Kiana:you sure you don't want to back out? I mean, I'll only laugh at you being a Scaredy cat!

Evolto/me:...oh imma enjoy mopping the floor with you!



Mei:that different he using different bottles!

tempest:those are called fullbottles and yes they are different from the evolbottles he is using

Himeko:fullbottles? Evolbottles?

Tempest:fullbottles contain the full essence of either organic or inorganic Properties there are many fullbottles while the evolbottles while few are a much stronger version of the fullbottle and can only be used with the evol driver and a few weapons....the fullbottles can be used with the evol driver and thier powers are multiplied but so far the one your about to see is the only one that has been successful and been used

Theresa:so then why would the other fullbottles exist if only those two work with the evol driver?

Tempest:that were the build driver comes in.

Bronya:build driver?

Shifter/blake:the build drive uses two fullbottles one organic and one inorganic and if both of them corresponds they are called a best match, say like...the rabbit fullbottle and the tank fullbottle. If you put them in the build driver then they will form a best match, however if you try any other different organic fullbottle with the tank one then it won't form a best match and vice versa. There has been a few extra though but brandon or evo will give you the better details.

Mei:so can anyone use them?

Tempest:no other wise there will be nasty side effects and maybe even death

Himeko:then why is he using it?!

Tempest:that because he has a chemical called nebula or nebulan gas in his genetics that allows him to use it and also gives him what is called a hazard level it similar to how you become a valkyrie you need to have a resistance to the honkai energy correct?

Mei:yes we do

Tempest:it basically that, but with out the corruption, and each time you use either of the drivers and fight your hazard level goes up it also can go up based on your emotions, though rage is the mostly seen one that increases it

Himeko:so what his hazard level at?


Bronya:is the subject evo strong at that hazard level?

Tempest:...strong?...no he not just strong....he can level city's without the evol driver at that level...and that if he not taking things seriously....at his strongest....the houkai would be not but simple ants to him....no even less then ants....


Mei:....how strong are you?

Tempest:I'm slightly stronger then him...."however if he went evol galaxy.....then he might be even stronger then me....we still don't know the full capabilities of it....even omni y/n dark future self couldn't absorb it, it fucking harmed him when he tried to...the only downside we know is that he can only stay in that form for an hour before it begins to ravaged his body...."

Evolto/me:oy! Aren't you guys gonna start the timer?!

Theresa:!! Right!

[Countdown being in 10]



Kiana:I'll show you the power of the next s rank valkyrie!

Evolto/me:heh! Better back that claim up kid!







(Smoke covers the arena)

Kiana:what? You think a little smoke gonna scare me?

Evolto/me:oh it not the smoke...it what in it!








(a giant robot cat paw appears slamming where evolto/me is at)

Kiana:ha! That will show you for mocking me!

Evolto/me:...that it?

Kiana:wait what?!

(The smoke clears showing evolto/me in mad Rouge form holding the robotic cat paw with one arm and no signs of struggling)

Evolto/me:....heh! This is the best?...you got a lot to learn kid...that THERE ARE ALWAYS BIGGER FISHS AROUND! (punches the giant cat paw with out a single sweat as it soon disappears)

Mei:he just stopped Kiana ultimate like it was nothing!

Tempest:welp....she gonna lose

Himeko:how so?

Tempest:sure kiana has speed...but she lacks strength and so does evo....but his form has little special ability(twirls his finger) which you will see

Evolto/me:...phase 1...(a sudden burst of aura apear around evolto/me)

Kiana:urk!(stands her ground from the pressure waves)

Mei:....!! "The herrscher in me....is..."


Evolto/me:!..."so...the little spark is Afraid of me eh?....heh! Good"...so your standing eh? I though this would have sent you flying...I give you props kid! (Clenche hand into a fist) now...hit me with your best shot!

Kiana:imma gonna make you eat those words! (Unleashed a volley of bullets as some hit while evolto lazily tires dodged them as some eventually hit...to only not even leave a scratch)

Evolto/me:*yawns* so your just gonna shoot? Fine I'll come to you! (Blitzs towards Kiana)

Himeko:he's fast!

Shifter/blake:not just fast he alot stronger too.

Bronya:what does the blake subject mean?

Shifter/blake:remember when he said phase one bruh? Well he got four in that form and with each phase he get faster and stronger though phase 4 is a bit of a double edge sword due to the fact it will burn out and he will lose the buff shortly afterwards.

Evolto/me:phase 2! Let turn up the heat!

Kiana:gruk! "He gotten faster?!" T-this is nothing! Uhwaa!(got gut punched)

Himeko:wow he not letting up, and even hitting her hard, he should go easy on her, she just a girl

Tempest:actually this can be a good lesson for her, it will teach her not to assume the person capabilities based on their gender, and you should teach this to your students principle...those kids aren't gonna be valkyries with this kind of Attitude

Theresa:*sigh* I've been trying to do that for awhile....but even I can only do so much, and beside I'm pretty sure they will drop the attitude soon after this

Shifter/blake:eh...looks like evo is finishing up


Tempest:hey you alright Mei?

Mei:..huh?..oh! Yes sorry I just been seeing their fight

Tempest:oh well alright just checking..."I would be that way too if it was my first time seeing this as well I wouldn't blame her"

Kiana:*gasping for air*....

Evolto/me:looks like it over for you!

(Evolto/me cranks the lever on the driver)

[READY?! GO~! EVOLTIC attack!]



[Match over]

Evolto/me:*sigh* that was fun! (Detransforms)

Kiana:I lost......huh

Evolto/me:come on(hold hand out) you weren't that bad...and you actually lasted awhile against my mad Rouge from, most people don't even get at or even pass phase 1 be proud of that!

Kiana:...heh!(take evolto/me hand) thanks....you were great there...I barely got any hits in...

Evolto/me:don't feel down kid,you got potential....you just need to keep at it....though it seem you need to make an actual plan...beside just running and shoot at me, use your environment to your advantage, weigh your options, you can do it....

Kiana:thank you...you know your not bad

Evolto/me:heh you too....tuna breath

Kiana:urk!....I take it back...your trash odd eyes!


Himeko:huh...guess that over

Shifter/blake:can I sleep now....it getting late

Tempest:...you took a nap 10 minutes ago though...

Shifter/blake:what can I say, all this watching makes me tired *yawns*

Everyone:"that just being lazy"


Crimson:we are almost there they said to meet them at this location....and tomorrow is when they will meet Wendy

Ryan:man this is gonna be cool! We get to fight a giant robot!

Crimson:you do realize that the robot is powered from the gem that is in the kid after it is taken from her when she dies right?

Ryan:....my bad...hehe..eeh....

Crimson:*sigh* let just set up camp....

To be continued-

[WOW ok I just made this in one day after realizing I forgot to update this book! And wow over 3000 words too and just a quick update I'm increasing the honkai world chapters from 5 to 7 and no we won't do the whole saga we will most likely end it after saving wendy and and maybe himeko...(still trying to get this organized so it won't be a Shit show...also sorry if the fight was dragged out a bit, I had this all thought out but forgot to write it down so thank you for waiting for my dumbass and pls follow these guys that as I said in previous chapters they are my friends and I ask you to read their books and such including lightcero who was the first actual friend I made here he makes really good story's and I been in one which is his multiverse of y/n it great and I recommend you read it....till then..ciao~)

(Ps i may make a chapter that is just the intro to the book...it basically like an anime opening)

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