3rd person POV.
Location: evernight Castle the land of Darkness
Y/n L/n was in the Netherworld between Consciousness and peaceful slumber for the first time in a very long time he actually had a good night's sleep he was amazed at how comfortable he was he slowly started to open his eyes and he noticed something immediately his head was lying on top of Salem's breast using them as pillows she looks down at him and smiled a seductive Sinister smile.
Salem: are you enjoying my pillows~
Y/n: uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh
Salem: how adorable it looks like I've broken him~
Soon enough Y/n L/n fainted Salem let out a small giggle at the innocence of her new son and future husband.
Salem: he's so innocent I love it I can't wait to corrupt him~
(Time skip later)
Location: evernight Castle the land of Darkness
After the events of this morning Salem got dressed and she took Y/n L/n into the conference room where the other two mistresses of Darkness were waiting eventually for them.
Missi: hello it's good to see my favorite little boy~
Ragyo: indeed I have a little present for you~
Y/n: a present? No one's ever given me a present before.
Ragyo: well that all changes today~
Ragyo presented Y/n L/n with a small black box with a silver ribbon on it Y/n L/n shut the box and he immediately opened it he looked inside and he noticed inside where beautiful handmade clothes more specifically a black tuxedo with black pants black shoes and a black bow tie.
Y/n: oh my God it's so beautiful are you sure I can have it?
Ragyo: absolutely I made it just for you~
Y/n: you made all this for me?!
Ragyo: absolutely now go put it on I want to see how handsome you look~
Y/n L/n immediately did as instructed putting on his new clothing it was absolutely wonderful the material was so beautiful soft and comfortable it was absolutely perfect.
Y/n: wow no one's ever given me something so wonderful before no one's ever given me anything before except a beating but that doesn't count.
Y/n L/n entered the conference room wearing his new black suit.
Y/n: so how do I look?
Salem: you look absolutely wonderful~
Missi: you look absolutely magnificent~
Ragyo: absolutely Splendid definitely some of my finest work~
Y/n: thank you so much no one's ever given me something so wonderful before!
Y/n L/n gave Ragyo a big hug as thanks for her generosity Ragyo returned the hug she gave a Sinister smile to the other two Mistresses Darkness realizing that this was part of her plan to win Y/n's heart.
Salem mind: a clever move I have a few more tricks up my sleeve~
Missi mind: how shrewd but I have a few ideas to overcome this little obstacle~
Ragyo: you know Y/n I want to introduce you to some very special people so why don't you come with me and I'll show you what I have.
Y/n: okay!
With that said the two of them left the conference room leaving Missi and Salem alone.
Salem: she is quite clever I will admit but it will take more than just fancy clothing to win his heart~
Missi: agreed~
Currently With Y/n L/n and Ragyo two of them are on Ragyo's private helicopter and they are making their way towards the Kiryuin estate in Japan as soon as they arrive there they are greeted by Legions of servants.
Maids & butlers: welcome home mistress Ragyo!
Ragyo: it's good to be home everyone I would like to introduce you to my new adopted son Y/n L/n but you will all refer to him as your new master~
Understanding their Mistresses demands and orders the maids and butlers welcomed to their new master home.
Maids & butlers: welcome home master Y/n!
Y/n: I can so get used to this~
Immediately the two of them made their way into the large mansion when they were inside the mansion they were greeted by a dark-skinned pink haired young woman she wore a completely white suit and a pair of sunglasses.
Rei: hello my mistress it's wonderful to see you again.
Ragyo: it's good to see you as well I'd like you to meet my new son and your new master Y/n L/n.
Rei looked upon the young dragon faunus never before had she seen something or someone so adorable before she felt as if her heart has been penetrated by Cupid's arrow she started blushing light pink but she quickly recomposed herself and spoke in a professional voice.
Rei: it's good to meet you my new master I am Rei Hououmaru if there is anything you desire from me I shall do my best to fulfill your desires.
Y/n: okay!
Rei mind: he's absolutely wonderful!
Ragyo: alright well let's meet the other person I wanted you to meet~
The two of them immediately made their way to another room there was a Pink Door that had the name Nui written on it Ragyo knock three times on the door and she spoke again.
Ragyo: Nui dear I have something wonderful to show you~
Nui: come in Mama!
Immediately the two of them entered the room and they were greeted by a girl around Y/n's age she had long blond hair she wore all pink and she had beautiful unblemished pale skin.
Ragyo: Nui dear I am proud to present my new adopted son Y/n L/n~
Ragyo proudly presented Y/n L/n to Nui as soon as she saw him she immediately took in every one of his details she could feel her heart racing at the site of the beautiful dragon faunus.
Nui mind: oh my God he's absolutely beautiful in every sense of the word!!!
Nui immediately got out of bed and she walked over to her mother and her adopted brother she looked upon him and started examining every one of his details everything from his face to his wings all the way down to the clothes he wore.
Nui: wow and I thought all the dragon faunus were extinct?!
Y/n: well I'm the last of my kind or at least I think I am.
Nui: so you're one of a kind?~
Y/n: I guess you could say that yes.
Nui: well then it's settled I like you!!!
Nui immediately wrapped her arms around Y/n L/n in a big hug she was absolutely in love with her new adopted brother in more ways than one Y/n L/n was beginning to flush bright red at the fact that he was being hugged by a beautiful girl.
Ragyo: well I'm glad you like him so much because he is going to be staying with us for a very long time~
Nui: YAY!!!!!!!!
Ragyo: now why don't you two go play while I go attend to some work~
Nui: Okay Mama!!!
Immediately Ragyo left the room to go do some work leaving the children to play the two children had a fun-filled day of play until eventually they became so tired but they fell asleep in each other's arms Ragyo went to go check on her children when she found that adorable sight she found her two children fast asleep hugging each other.
Ragyo: oh how precious~
Immediately Ragyo left her two children immediately went to bed and she realized something.
Ragyo: it looks like I have even more competition oh well a little healthy competition never hurt anyone~
(Time skip the next day)
Location: Evernight Castle the land of Darkness
The next day Ragyo her assistant and her two children made their way to Evernight Castle when they arrived Salem decided that now would be the best time to introduce your child to her servants or in this case his servants right now Y/n L/n is sitting in Salem's lap wearing a duplicate of the same suit that Ragyo made for him Salem is gently running her fingers through his hair enjoying the silky smooth luxurious feeling of his hair.
Salem: all right now Y/n I want to introduce you to some very special people.
Salem immediately summoned her servants the first being a crazy scorpion faunus by the name of Tyrian Callows.
Next is the brilliant disgraced Atlas Scientist by the name of dr. Arthur Watts.
And finally there is the human tank with the ability to reject pain through the power of His semblance Hazel Reinhart.
Salem: now everyone I have summoned you all here today to introduce you to our most valuable asset and my new son Y/n L/n.
Salem's three servants looked upon the young dragon faunus they were absolutely astounded by the beauty of this young boy they instantly felt a compulsion to watch over him guard him and make sure that he was safe and happy.
(Time skip later)
Location: Evernight Castle the land of Darkness
Later that day Y/n L/n was with Salem she was looking out at the land of Darkness she was overseeing the production of more Grimm Y/n L/n was very nervous seeing all these grimm Salem noticed the nervousness of Y/n L/n immediately summoned a dragon grimm as soon as it presented itself to it's Queen Y/n L/n hid behind her but she immediately turned around and picked him up and presented him to the dragon grimm.
Salem: do not worry my ever so precious one as long as you stay by my side you will never need to fear the forces of grim for they shall be your allies and Guardians~
The dragon Grimm bowed to his new master Y/n L/n was amazed that such power and might was now at his disposal.
Salem: now are you still afraid of the Grimm?
Y/n: no way Jose!!!
Salem: excellent now let's go inside~
The two of them immediately went inside and they watched as Salem's minions were fighting against the forces of grimm Y/n L/n was absolutely Amazed by the three separate fighting styles doctor Watts was more elegant and he implored a long-range combat Hazel worked with hand to hand combat and finally Tyrian work with his weapons and he implored insanely complicated and advanced acrobatics.
Y/n: wow I wish I knew how to fight like that!
Salem: do you really wish to know how to fight?
Y/n: absolutely ever since I was young I wanted to learn how to fight but everyone always ganged up on me and then never gave me a chance to defend myself.
Salem: it actually does make sense that you would want to learn how to fight your people are known to be very powerful battle enthusiasts and once you're older you shall become a force to be reckoned with with the proper training of course~
Y/n: do you really think so?!
Salem: I don't think so I know so~
With that said Y/n L/n began his combat training.
(Time skip later)
Location: Evernight Castle the land of Darkness
After a long day of better work and exhausting training Y/n L/n took a nice bath with Salem after that they started relaxing in Salem's room Salem Read Y/n L/n the story of the Four Seasons a story made up by her hated enemy Ozpin suddenly Salem got a wonderful idea.
Salem: if you are to learn the art of combat you will need every weapon at your disposal so I shall unlock your aura.
Salem immediately began the process of unlocking Y/n's aura.
Salem: For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee.
Salem's black aura started to transfer over to Y/n L/n and soon enough he began to Glow as well but his aura was crimson red.
Salem: it is done
Y/n: I feel kind of funny
Salem: don't worry my oh so precious one that feeling will wear off in a little while.
After that the two of them went to bed once again Salem and Y/n cuddled each other enjoying each other's warmth.
(Time skip 12 years later)
Location: Evernight Castle the land of Darkness
Over the last 12 years Y/n L/n has grown up into a insane Power House tank of a warrior his weapon of choice was a double bladed sword that he had forged himself using his own dragon fire.
(A/n): this double bladed weapon is a creation of my own design tell me when you think of the comments.
Over the years more have come to join Salem's cause such as a Girl by the name of Cinder fall she has black hair Amber eyes she wears a red dress and she is extremely beautiful.
Cinder also gathered minions of her own such as the ever so beautiful emerald with the ability to create illusions with her semblance she has beautiful green hair wonderful red eyes and Luscious dark skin.
And finally there is Mercury Black the young man who murdered his father lost his legs and decided to replace them with cybernetic ones.
Over the years Nui also grew up into a beautiful young woman she wore all pink just like she did when she was a child unfortunately when she was on a mission to kill some guy is messing around with life fibers she lost her left eye and now she is forced to wear a purple eye patch.
Y/n L/n's fighting style became something to be reckoned with Y/n L/n used both advanced acrobatics along with powerful strikes the sword was nearly indestructible thanks to being tempered by his dragon fire over these last 12 years Y/n L/n has become a force to be reckoned with over the years his body when from frail and damaged to a power house of muscle and pure Dragon power right now Y/n L/n is practicing with his weapon training to become The Greatest Warrior the world has ever seen he is absolutely annihilating the forces of grimm his blade cut through them like they were made out of warm butter currently Y/n L/n is 18 years old eventually all of his opponents were dead eventually the three people whom raised him took care of him and saved him from death Missi, Salem, and Ragyo approached him all of them very proud at the man he had become.
Salem: I must say Y/n your training has most certainly paid off~
Ragyo: mmmm indeed you have grown into a fine young man~
Missi: I agree not only have you become a Powerhouse of a warrior but you have evolved past the scared little child you once were~
Y/n: thank you very much not only for taking me but for training me and helping me evolve past what I once was.
Salem: your training is almost complete and once your training is complete you will take your rightful place in this world.
Y/n: thank you your kind words cannot express my appreciation and loyalty towards you three for all you all have done for me.
Ragyo: now why don't you go relax while we discuss our next move~
Y/n: by your command I shall do as you wish.
Y/n L/n immediately left he immediately made his way to his private Chambers he put his sword in its rightful resting place he immediately started meditating trying to focus his power he had been doing this for years trying to reach Enlightenment and understand the greater Mysteries of the universe over the years he had experienced what many would call nightmarish visions of Madness but for him they were more like premonitions of the future where many would be driven mad by such powerful and horrifying visions he instead found strength and power in these visions as if they were for him and him alone.
Y/n: yes I can feel it the power of Darkness I can feel it coursing through my veins I can feel it radiating throughout every fiber of my being.
Once his meditation was complete he immediately sat down on his couch and turned on his TV to watch some good old-fashioned television a while ago he did discovered his semblance but unfortunately when it comes to combat it's absolutely useless he calls his semblance Symphony it gives him the ability to change his voice so that he can sing any song Perfectly his soul plays background music to match the song he's singing and it gives him the ability to be able to perfectly play any instrument he comes into contact with even though it had absolutely no practicality when it came to combat it was still a good means of entertainment.
Y/n: soon I will get out there and my enemies will crumble Before Me Like Toy Soldiers!
Salem POV.
Location: Evernight Castle the land of Darkness
Salem is currently with the other two mistresses of Darkness along with all of their servants.
Salem: I believe Y/n L/n is ready to take his final test.
Ragyo: I believe you are right Salem and I think I know just what he should do for his final test to prove that he is worthy.
Missi: are you both thinking what I'm thinking?~
Salem & Ragyo: indeed~
The three mistresses of Darkness smiled Salem immediately pulled out a small metal disc she pushed the button on the side and she put it on the table a holographic image was displayed of a secret base on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Salem: tomorrow the Inner Circle will be having a secret meeting on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean they believe that this meeting will be a secret but in reality one of their own has already sold them out and thanks to that act of treachery we will be able to Cripple the Inner Circle~
(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3099)
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